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swan shining

swan shining


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 127742

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

swan shining 恒殊 2594Words 2018-03-11
My name is Audelle Lotbar.I am a devil. The surname Lotbar comes from my father, who has been the most powerful devil (no one) in this land for three hundred years. He is highly regarded by the devil king, and my family has been the guardian of the eye of Hades for generations.I ended up ruining that honor, though—and if you've read my last book, you'll know why. All in all, I am Lotbar's only daughter.Dear reader, please ditch the red tape and just call me Audrey.Don't be afraid, I don't bite, and I don't suck blood.In most cases, I just like to drink tomato juice heated.

Of course, there is another situation here.If you happen to be a beautiful human teenager or girl, then you must be careful not to go out in the middle of the night.In particular, when you find a little owl with orange-red eyes outside the window, you must remember to close the doors and windows when you sleep.The price of being in love with the devil is very high, and I think you should know it even if I don't tell you. I was not born a devil.Maybe I should say I am, but the memory of that generation is hundreds of years past after all.In this life, like you, I am just an ordinary human girl.In a drizzle late at night, I woke up in the mysterious and ancient East.For eighteen years, I have parents who love me, a best friend Vera, and a boyfriend Xiao S.

It all happened on the plane I was traveling alone to study in London.I made the acquaintance of a stranger.He opened another door for me, reminding me of everything that has happened to us in the past six hundred years.Yes, us, three of us.He and I, and a vampire count. Vlad Dracula, I'll call him "D". It was a thrilling memory.No, I don't want to recall. After that incident, the earl moved to London from Romania.According to him, it was because the rural life was too boring and he wanted to experience the rhythm of a big city, but Sebastian said it was because of the financial crisis.They had sold Bran Castle (together with the splendor of the subterranean palace).Of course, these are just rumors, and I didn't ask any questions in consideration of the Earl's face.My own castle was destroyed in the fire anyway, and I was just as homeless as he was.If the Earl hadn't taken me in, I would have had no choice but to continue living in the student apartment with a very poor internet signal.

Sebastian was his butler, a figure of complete mystery.He is as much a vampire as the Earl.Generally speaking, vampires choose their favorite servants, and then transform each other.But Sebastian obviously wasn't.He has no "blood relationship" with the earl, and the number of years he has been a vampire will definitely not be younger than the earl. This has always puzzled me, because age is an important criterion for the demons.This obviously has nothing to do with human age, but as a vampire or a devil, all abilities increase with age.In other words, older vampires ruled younger vampires, and old devils ruled younger ones, for thousands of years without any exceptions.

Although on the surface, Sebastian is respectful to the count and me, without any inappropriate or transgressive behavior, but in private, his superb handling ability and extremely perfect appearance always make me feel palpitations.Although the tooth marks on my wrist have faded when I regained my memory, and my skin has returned to its original state, I still remember his hot and cold lips and the thorn of hot blood flowing through his wrist in the damp and cold underground palace. Pain. No, I don't hate him.I even liked him a little bit.Of course, this kind of liking cannot be compared with the love for the earl, but it seems to be an inexplicable affection.I heard that any powerful vampire will have a special toxin in their teeth, which will make the person who has been sucked blood attached to themselves.This is why vampires will choose their "direct line" as personal servants.

And this Mr. Sebastian is obviously a mystery. At the same time, during the relocation, the Earl also dismissed all the servants. He himself said that he hoped to establish a "private space" with me in his new life. Sebastian said that the root cause was financial The overdrawn earl was unable to pay the second servant's salary. He is correct.In fact, the salary issue is secondary, as long as you have Sebastian, you will never need a second servant. I have a different schedule than Earl (I have classes, and I'm not as sun-phobic as he is), and when I wake up, there's no one in the room, but a steaming hot breakfast is ready (usually a mug of warmed Afterwards tomato juice and sandwich platters and the like).I am the only one in the house who needs breakfast, and he and the count will have enough blood to drink.It's often said that vampires have no sense of taste, and if that's true, I can't imagine how Sebastian cooks up anything, because everything he cooks is delicious.

When I came home from get out of class, if it was already dark, I would sometimes see him coming out of the fancy dry cleaners in Knightsbridge with Earl's bags.He was as elegant and composed as the earl, and he loved perfection, and there was not a single wrinkle in his shirt.But the Earl had him at his service, and it was easy to keep it that way.But I never saw Sebastian iron any of his clothes, or clean his room with a dusty face.No matter how messy the room was, or even a splash of tomato juice on the expensive thick wool rug, when I woke up the next day everything would be back to normal.I know that many powerful vampires have magic like devils and can summon the power of gods (for example, I can summon Hades in the original), maybe Sebastian is one of them?

I just can't figure out why a vampire as powerful as he is, would submit to the earl and be willing to do all these chores of ironing clothes and cleaning the house for him (and me) every day.She clearly enjoyed it, at least to me. As for me and the count, everything remained the same.I mean, the same as it was three hundred years ago.When I was a human girl, I was fascinated by his poise and elegance. I thought he was a perfect dark angel, high above me. Carried away, completely drunk in his arms.But the reality is not like this. Facts are dull and brutal.To the devil Odile, he is an ordinary person, an ordinary vampire.The unusual thing is that he is very handsome. He used to be a noble prince of Romania with unlimited territory and wealth.But since he is now so poor that he sold the castle, the past family fortune is not worth mentioning.What's more, I'm not as superficial as Vera, and I can be tempted just by looking at the appearance.

So as my memory recovered bit by bit, our relationship seemed to be back to three hundred years ago.He is still my best friend, and I still love him, but he is not as blindly obedient and passionate as before.Especially when you see him accidentally scorched by the sun, scurrying around the room unkempt; or his shopping craving broke out, and he bought a house full of unnecessary garbage overnight; Said that you still have to put up with his occasional bad temper.By the way, although he generally doesn't drink alcohol and falsely claims to be allergic to alcohol, it's because he is afraid that he will be unconscious.At that time, he will lose all his manners, and he will be no different from a tramp on the street.After living with him, I have unfortunately seen this scene many times.

These are not the worst.I have six hundred years of devil memory, but my appearance is still just a human girl.Although I have gradually transformed into a devil, regaining my powerful magic and immortal body, I still have a half-human soul.That said, I get jealous when I see Earl with other girls.Although I know that in the vast majority of cases (almost 100% likely), it's just his meticulous pre-dinner etiquette. The girls would eventually disappear and I would live in his house with him day and night. He said he loves me. But I still get jealous.Even though it's not in my ingrained lexicon of pride, I know I'm jealous.

I hate this.
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