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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven

bad billet 马伊·舍瓦尔 3893Words 2018-03-16
When Martin Baker and Lehn arrived at Sol Street, it was already half past one in the afternoon, and everything seemed to be ready. Malm was set up in the guardhouse at the west entrance of the hospital.He was not only surrounded by complete equipment, but also surrounded by important police officers involved in the investigation of the case, even Hult was present.Martin Baker walked straight up to him. "I've been looking for you." "Oh? Why are you looking for me?" "It doesn't matter now, it's just that Eriksson called Nyman on your name last night."

"Ericson?" "yes." "Oak Erikson?" "That's right." "Is he the one who killed Nieman?" "It seems so." "Is he sitting there now?" "Yes, it should be." Huerte didn't say any more, his face was expressionless, but he clenched his thick fists tightly, and the knuckles under the skin were faintly white.As far as they knew, the man on the roof hadn't done anything else since he'd targeted the patrol car an hour earlier. Although everyone was desperately studying the situation of the building with binoculars, no one knew whether the murderer was still alive, and the police had not opened fire so far.

"However, we are already collecting the net." Malm said with a proud face. This sentence is already old-fashioned, and everyone is tired of even snickering, but it really hits the current situation.Police had infiltrated the entire area where the apartment complex was located, and most officers had walkie-talkies that kept them in touch with each other and with radio controllers parked outside the gates of the old hospital.Tear gas experts have successively entered the nearest buildings, and snipers are also on standby at important positions. "Only two strongholds," Larson said, "the roof of the Bonia building and the turret of Gustav Vasa's church. Do you think the priest will let us send snipers to his steeple?"

No one was listening to him. The plans are out.First, they would give the man on the roof the chance to surrender, and if he failed, they would either storm him or shoot him dead.They can't risk any more police officers' lives, and they're going to attack from the outside of the building. There are ladder trucks waiting on Scenic Street and Odin Road, and they can take action at any time if necessary.There are firefighters on board because someone has to operate the machine, as well as police officers in firefighter uniforms. "Johansen automatic," Larson said. "Jesus, that gun weighs less than fifteen pounds, and it's super easy to handle, and it's as good as a machine gun, with very little recoil and a very fast spin."

The only one listening was Lehn, who grunted thoughtfully and then yawned as if it seemed only natural. "With a Mauser, he can shoot lice on a car six hundred meters away. With a good line of sight and a bit of luck, he can shoot people a kilometer away." Kollberg, who was looking at a map of Stockholm, nodded. "Guess he could have some fun with it," Larson said. Larson likes things with long range.The roof where Eriksson is located is 150 meters from the intersection of Odin Road and Hassing Road, 250 meters from Sabasberg Central Hospital, and 300 meters from Gustav Vasa Church. meters, 500 meters from the Polonia Tower, 1,000 meters from the first skyscraper of the Licorice Market, and 1,100 meters from the City Hall.

Hearing this, Malm waved haughtily and impatiently: "Yes, yes," he said, "forget about that now." The only one who didn't want to use tear gas, helicopters, water cannons and walkie-talkies was Martin Baker. He stood quietly in the corner, firstly because he usually hated crowds, and secondly because he was thinking about what drove Eriksson to such a situation.Eriksson's state of mind at this time may be that he has given up everything, and he cannot communicate or contact him at all, but this is not necessarily the case.Someone is responsible for all this, not Nieman, because he never understood the meaning of responsibility and has no concept of it.Malm was not to blame, of course, for him Eriksson was just a dangerous madman on the roof, and the police had nothing to do with him other than trying to subdue him.

Ten minutes later, the men on the roof shot a patrolman standing on the corner of Odin Road and Sol Street, five hundred meters from the window from which the shot was fired.The astonishing thing is not the distance, but his ability to race through the foliage of the park and hit the target with amazing precision. However, he only hit the patrolman on the shoulder after all.Fortunately, the patrolman was wearing a bulletproof vest, and his injuries were not serious, at least not serious. Eriksson just fired that shot—maybe it was a demonstration, maybe it was just a reflex action—to let everyone know that he would shoot whenever he saw a police officer.

"Is it possible for him to take his daughter with him?" asked Kolberg suddenly, "as a hostage?" Lehn shook his head. The child is taken care of and has long been out of danger. Stay away from a dangerous father?Has the girl ever been in danger around her father? After a while, everyone was ready to attack. Malm inspected the two special police officers who were carrying out the roundup. If necessary, they would kill Eriksson, and this possibility was extremely high.No one believed that the guy on the roof would surrender, but there was still a chance.There are many similar situations in the history of crime, and finally those thugs--the world calls people like Eriksson who are "thugs"--suddenly get tired of the whole thing and raise the white flag to the police.

The experts summoned to end the disaster were two young police officers trained in various types of fighting and raiding. Martin Baker walked out with them. Among them was the red-haired one named Lean Axelsson, who smiled with a lovable confidence.The other has blond hair and a more serious expression, but he is equally confident.Both of them came here voluntarily, and the special department they belonged to required the team members to act proactively and quickly even if they were faced with difficult tasks. The two officers seemed smart, friendly and confident in their abilities, they were good, dependable, top-notch trained, capable and brave.People who are smarter than average are rare in the police force.After theoretical and practical training, the two are well aware of their responsibilities.It seemed that the whole operation should be able to unfold smoothly and easily, and the two men knew their tasks well, and they were extremely sure.Axelson talked and laughed happily, and even broke the news that he had tried to show favor to Martin Baker when he was studying in the police academy, but he got frustrated.Martin Baker had no recollection of it at all, but he laughed perfunctorily, out of caution.

The two officers were fully equipped, wearing bulletproof vests and trousers, steel helmets with resin visors, gas masks, and what are known in Sweden as automatic pistols - light automatic firearms of extremely high potency.They also carried tear gas canisters just in case.If unarmed combat is required, only one of them can easily defeat an opponent like Eriksson based on the physical training they have received. The attack plan is very simple and straightforward.First, a large number of tear gas bombs were used to curb Eriksson's offensive, and then the helicopters flying at low altitude dropped them on the left and right sides of the mob respectively, taking down the mob trapped in the tear gas smoke from two directions in one fell swoop.Eriksson had little chance of escape.

Larson seemed to be the only one who opposed the plan, but he was unable or unwilling to explain why, which meant that he would rather enter the building and capture Eriksson. "Just do what I say," Malm said. "I don't want any high-risk practices, and I don't want to see heroic individualism. These two guys have been specially trained, and the success rate is as high as ninety-nine." And there's a 100% chance that at least one of them will get out unscathed. So you amateurs aren't allowed to be naysayers, understand?" "Understood," Larsson said, "Heil Hitler!" Malm jumped up, as if he had been poked with a red-hot poker. "Remember," he said, "we'll see." Everyone who heard this stared at Larson reproachfully, even Le En who was standing beside him. "How could you say such stupid things?" Le En whispered. "Whatever you say." Larson said coldly. Thus, the attack plan was finally launched calmly and systematically.A radio van drove into the compound and stopped where the roof could almost be seen, but not yet within Eriksson's line of sight.The loudspeaker was pointed in the direction, and Malm's voice blasted towards the top of the surrounded building, but what he said was dull and everyone could guess. "Attention! I'm Inspector Malm. I don't know you, Mr. Eriksson, and you don't know me, but I'm telling you professionally that you're really dead. You're surrounded, police The resources are inexhaustible, but we don't want to waste manpower, especially considering the innocent women, children and people who are still in the danger zone. We don't want to make a fuss, you have caused too much damage, Eriksson, I give you ten Surrender in a few minutes, for your own good, please act like a man, don't be indifferent, please accept our proposal." It still sounds human. But the other party ignored it at all, and didn't even fire a bullet. "I think he's probably waiting for us to make a move," Malm said to Martin Baker. Ten minutes later, two helicopters took off. The plane quickly circled in a big arc, flew quite high at first, and then flew towards the small balcony on the roof and the two residents on the top floor from two directions. At the same time, tear gas bombs began to fall from both sides. Several of them broke windows and exploded in the house, but most of them fell on the roof and balcony. Larson is probably in the best position to see what's going on at this stage.He climbed to the roof of the Bonia building and crouched behind the railing.When the tear gas bomb exploded and smoke began to fill the roof, Larson stood up and put the binoculars in front of his eyes. The helicopters moved in a precise pincer, the one from the south arriving a little earlier than the other, but that too was flying as planned. The plane circled south of the roof, the cabin opened and the crew began lowering the red-haired Axelson with a rope.The commando in body armor appeared to be invulnerable, with a machine gun clutched in both hands and several tear gas canisters pinned to his belt. Axelsson lifted his visor two feet off the ground and began donning the gas mask.He was getting closer to the roof, the machine gun in the crook of his right arm. If the mob had been Eriksson, he would have staggered out of the smoke, dropped his weapons and surrendered. But as the lovely redhead Axelson descended to within six inches of the roof, there was a sudden gunshot.Although the body armor is invulnerable, it can't cover Axelson's face. Although Larson was far away, he could still see various details.He saw Axelsson tremble and then go limp, and Larson could see the bullet hole between his eyebrows clearly. The helicopter darted forward, paused for a few seconds, and flew over the roof of the building, returning to the compound with the commando's body dangling from a rope.The machine gun was still hanging from the sling, and the dead man's limbs swayed in the wind. Axelsson's gas mask is only half worn. At this moment, Larson saw the man on the roof clearly for the first time.The man was slender and agile, not far from the chimney.Larson couldn't see any weapons, but he clearly saw the man wearing a gas mask. The second helicopter had broken free from the pincers and cut people from the north.The plane came to a fixed stop a few yards above the roof, the cabin door opened, and Commando Two prepared to descend. A barrage of shots followed, and the man on the roof picked up the Johansen automatic again, firing at least a hundred rounds in a minute.Larson couldn't see the bullets, but because of the short range, Larson believed that no one would be spared. The helicopter wobbled in the direction of Vassar Park, wobbled a few times, lost control and fell, narrowly missing the Eastman Dental Center.The pilot desperately wanted to pull up the rumbling plane, but the fuselage hit straight and landed in the middle of the park with a "boom", lying on its side in the park like a crow shot by a gun. The first helicopter had returned to its take-off point, and Axelsson's dead body was hanging between the plane's landing gear.The plane landed in the open space of the gasworks, Axelson bounced on the ground, and was dragged several yards. The plane's spin axis stalled. Then everyone took revenge with one mind, and hundreds of guns of all kinds shot blindly at the building on Dala Street from all directions, but none of them had any effect. The police fire did not help, but it may have boosted morale.Larson saw all kinds of bullets fired from all kinds of impossible angles and far and near distances. None of the bullets were fired from the Bonia Building or the Gustave Church. After a few minutes, the firepower gradually stopped. The hope that someone would happen to shoot Eriksson (assuming it was him) seemed out of the question.
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