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Chapter 19 Chapter Nineteen

bad billet 马伊·舍瓦尔 2129Words 2018-03-16
Lean leaned against the door frame and giggled, and Martin Baker looked at him puzzled. "what are you laughing at?" "I just thought that you are looking for the police, and I am also looking for the police. Maybe we are looking for the same person." "the same person?" "No, probably not," Lehn said. "Eriksson is Eriksson, Huerth is Huerth." Martin Baker wondered if he should tell Lehn to go home, because under the new rules issued earlier this year, officers were limited to one hundred and fifty hours of overtime per year and fifty in any one season. hour.Le En is still here, I don't know if it is illegal.In theory, this means that police officers are paid and not allowed to work overtime, except in one case - a very urgent one.

Is this a serious emergency?It should count. Maybe he should arrest Le En, because this season has only passed four days, and Le En has reached the upper limit of overtime hours, and the title of overtime champion in police history is none other than him. Except for this incident, the reconnaissance was going on as normal, and Stenlengren had turned up a pile of old reports, and more documents were being dug up from time to time. The more Martin Baker watched, the more annoying he became, and more questions appeared in his mind that he wanted to ask Mrs. Nieman for advice. But when he picked up the receiver, he hesitated again. Would it disturb her too much to call again so soon?Can Lehn play?However, he still had to call her in the end anyway, which made it even more troublesome. Not only did he have to apologize, but he also had to apologize for Le En.

Thinking of this tragedy, Martin Becton took courage, raised the receiver, and called Nieman's widow for the fourth time. "Hello, Nieman's family." Every time he heard Mrs. Nieman's voice, Martin Baker felt that she was getting better again, and seemed to be slowly returning to normal.This proves that humans are indeed very resilient. Martin Baker pulled himself together. "Hey, it's me again, Baker." "Didn't we just talk ten minutes ago..." "I know, I'm really sorry, I know it must be very unpleasant for you to discuss this matter."

God, couldn't he think of a more euphemistic way of saying it? "I'm getting used to it," she said coldly, "What's the matter this time, Team Leader Baker?" This time, she knew Martin Baker's position very well. "I want to discuss that call again." "That call from Captain Hult?" "Yeah, that's right, you said that wasn't the first time you talked to him, did you?" "yes." "Do you recognize his voice?" "Of course not." "why?" "If I knew him, I wouldn't ask who he is."

God!It was as simple as that, he should have let Le En make this call. "Haven't you thought of that, Captain?" asked Mrs. Nieman. "No, to be honest, I really didn't think of it." Most people were probably too ashamed to find a crack in the ground, but Martin Baker didn't, he continued to ask without changing his face: "So it's possible that the call was from someone else?" "Isn't it strange that someone calls and says it's Palmer Harald Hoult?" "I mean, it's probably not Hult who made the call." "Who would that be?"

Good question, thought Martin Baker. "Can you tell the age of the caller?" "Can't hear it." "Can you describe his voice?" "Well, the voice is clear, a little rough." Hult's voice was exactly that, rough and clear, but that's how a lot of police officers talk, especially those with military backgrounds.Of course, it's not just limited to the police. "Wouldn't it be more convenient to ask Captain Hult directly?" asked Mrs. Nieman. Martin Baker didn't answer, but continued to ask questions. "When you're a police officer, you almost inevitably make enemies."

"Yes, you mentioned it in our second conversation. You know what, Captain, this is our fifth conversation in twelve hours." "I'm really sorry. You said you didn't know of any enemies your husband had during his lifetime." "yes." "But you should know that he has some problems at work?" It sounded like she was laughing. "I really don't understand what you mean." Yes, she was actually smiling. "I mean," said Martin Baker brutally, "is there a lot of people who think your husband is a bad cop and abusing his position?"

This trick really worked, Mrs. Nieman immediately said seriously: "Are you joking, Captain?" "No," said Martin Baker, softening his voice a little, "I'm not kidding. Many people have a lot of complaints about your husband." "What criticism?" "Say he oppresses the innocent." She gasped. "I don't know why," she said. "You must have confused him with someone else." "I do not think so." "Niman is the gentlest person I've ever met, for example, we've always had dogs, several of them, one after the other. We have four dogs and Neiman loves them and he's very patient Even when the dogs were not well trained, he would spend weeks on them and never lose his temper."

"real?" "And he never hit the kids, especially when they were young." Martin Baker used to beat kids a lot, especially when they were little. "So he never mentioned his problems at work?" "No. I've told you that he never talks about work, and I don't believe a word of it. You must be mistaken." "But he must have some opinions? I mean opinions in general." "Yes, he thinks that due to the government's relationship, the morality of the society has deteriorated." If the group has the opportunity to reform society, it will definitely get worse.

"Anything else?" asked Mrs. Nieman. "I really have a lot to do." "No, not yet. I'm really sorry for the trouble." "It doesn't matter." Her tone sounded concerned. "However, we may ask you to do voice recognition." "Captain Hult's?" "Yes, do you think you can hear it now?" "Possibly. Goodbye." "goodbye." Martin Baker pushed the phone away, Stenlengren walked in with more papers, and Lehn stood by the window looking out, glasses slid on his nose. "That's nice," he said quietly.

Another fifteen minutes passed. "Which department did Huert belong to before?" "Cavalry," Lehn said. Bully's paradise. "Where's Ericson?" "artillery." For fifteen seconds no one spoke. "Are you thinking about the bayonet?" said Lehn at last. "Ok." "I think so." "What do you mean by that?" "Anyone can go to an army store and buy something like that." Martin Baker was silent. He had never appreciated Le En very much, but it never occurred to him that Le En might think the same about him. Someone knocked lightly on the door. It was Melander. Maybe this guy is the only one in the world who knocks on the door of his room before giving a lecture.
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