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Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

bad billet 马伊·舍瓦尔 3186Words 2018-03-16
The city is waking up lazily. The same goes for Gunvald Larsson, who woke up, yawned and stretched, pressed his hairy hands on the alarm clock, threw back the blanket, and swung his hairy legs out of the bed. Larson put on his bathrobe and slippers, and went to the window to check the weather.The weather is dry and sunny, the temperature is thirty-seven degrees.The suburb where he lived was called Pomora, and there were several tall apartment buildings in the woods. Larson looked in the mirror.In the mirror was a stocky blond man, still six feet three and a half inches tall, but now two hundred and thirty pounds fatter.He was gaining weight every year, and under the white silk robe was no longer a lean muscle, but his figure was not out of shape, and he felt stronger than before.Larson stared at the beautiful blue eyes under the bushy eyebrows for a few seconds, then brushed his blond hair back with his fingers, and opened his mouth to examine his strong teeth.

He pulled out the morning paper from the mail slot of the mailbox and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.He made tea—Irish breakfast tea called Twinging—and toasted bread and boiled two eggs.Larson produced cream, some cheese, and three different flavors of Scotch jam. He was flipping through the newspaper while eating breakfast. Sweden's performance in the World Hockey Champions Cup was a mess, with managers, coaches and players blatantly blaming each other and sportsmanship gone.The Swedish TV industry is also constantly struggling, and the central management has used all means to interfere with the news channels.

Larson thought to himself, in a capitalist society that regulates everything, this kind of film censorship is the favorite thing to do. The biggest piece of news in the newspaper was: "Readers have a chance to name three Skansen baby bears".A military study found that forty-year-old reservists were in better physical condition than eighteen-year-old recruits, but this information was kept in a very obscure place.In the culture column that no one wants to read, there is an article about Rhodesia in Africa. Larson read the newspaper, drank tea, ate eggs, and bit into six slices of toast.

Larson had never been to Rhodesia, but he had been to South Africa, Sierra Leone, Angola and Mozambique many times, and he knew what he wanted to do when he was a crew member. He finished his meal, washed the dishes, and threw the newspaper in the trash.Since today is Saturday, he will change the sheets before making the bed, then carefully choose the clothes to wear today, arrange them neatly on the bed, take off his pajamas, and take a shower. Larson keeps his bachelor pad tastefully maintained.Furniture, carpets, drapes, from white Italian leather slippers to swivel Normandy color televisions, are of the highest quality.

Larsson was an investigator with the Stockholm Riot Squad, and he couldn't have climbed any higher.Honestly, it's a miracle he didn't get fired.Colleagues thought he was weird, and almost no one liked him.He himself hates not only the colleagues around him, but also his own family and his upper-class family background.Larson's siblings consider him a family shame because he's a naysayer and, more importantly, he's a cop. As Larson took a shower, he wondered if he would make it through the day. It's no big deal, and Larson has thought about the same thing since he was eight years old, as he brushed his teeth every morning to prepare for reluctantly leaving for school.

Kohlberg lay in bed dreaming.This is not a good dream, he has had it before, when he wakes up from the nightmare drenched in sweat, he will say to Gunn: "Hold me, I had a terrible dream." Gunn, his wife of five years, would wrap his arms around him and make him forget everything immediately. In the dream, his daughter, Bodi, was by the window of the five-story building. He wanted to run to her, but the Shuangfa refused to obey him. He could only watch his daughter slowly fall from the window in slow motion. Shouting and waving at him.Kolberg tried desperately to grab his daughter, but his muscles were completely useless. He could only watch her screaming and falling.

He woke up with a start, the screams from his nightmare turned to the sound of an alarm clock, and when he looked up, he saw Boddy straddling his lap. The little girl is watching "Cat's Travels".In fact, she is only three and a half years old and can't read books yet, but Gunn and Kohlberg have read this story to her countless times, and the three of them can already recite it backwards.Kollberg heard her daughter mutter to herself: "There is a little old man with a big blue nose, and he is dressed in white cotton clothes." Kohlberg turned off the alarm clock, Boddy stopped immediately, and shouted in a childish voice: "Hi!"

Kohlberg turned to Gunn.Gunn hadn't woken up yet, the quilt covered her nose, and the black hair around her temples was slightly damp.Kohlberg touched his wife's lips with his fingers. "Shh," he whispered, "don't wake Mommy, and you can't sit on Dad's lap, it hurts. Come and lie down." He made room for the kid to get between him and his mother, and Boddy handed him the book, resting his head in the crook of his armpit. "Read!" she ordered. Kohlberg put the book aside. "No, not now," he said. "Did you get the paper?"

The little girl crawled over from his stomach and picked up the newspaper on the floor beside the bed. Kolberg picked her up and put her back between him and his wife with a sigh while sighing, and then opened the newspaper to read.He read the international news on the twelfth page in one go, when Bodi interrupted. "dad?" "Ok." "Joachim is too bad." "Ok." "He took Boob off and wiped the wall, the whole wall." Kohlberg put down the newspaper and sighed again.He got out of bed and walked into the nursery, where Joachim, who was almost a year old, was standing in the crib. When he saw his father, he let go of the rail and sat down on the pillows.Boddy wasn't exaggerating at all.

Kolberg held his son under his arms, took him to the bathroom and washed him thoroughly with the shower head, then wrapped him up in a towel, walked back to the room and put him next to Gunn who was still asleep.He washed the sheets and pajamas, cleared the crib and wallpaper, and brought in a clean diaper and waterproof pants.During this period, Bodi was next to him, and she was very happy that her father was angry with her brother this time, not her, so she played the side drum from time to time to criticize her brother.After Kohlberg finished cleaning up, it was already half past seven, and there was no point in going back to sleep.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Kohlberg's mood began to improve.Gunn woke up and was teasing Joachim.She got down on her knees and took her son in her arms, letting him ride the roller coaster on her lap.Gunn was a charming, beautiful woman with both intelligence and humor, the dream girl that Kohlberg wanted.Although Kohlberg had had many girlfriends in his life, he was still a bachelor in 411, when he had no hope of marriage. Gunn was fourteen years younger than him, but all the waiting was worth it.Their relationship is innocent, intimate and direct from the start. Gunn smiled at him and picked up his giggling son. "Hey," she said, "have you given him a bath?" Kohlberg recounted the tragic experience just now. "Come and lie down, poor fellow," she said, and glanced at the clock. "There is still time." In fact, Kohlberg was running out of time, but he was easily persuaded by his wife, so he lay down and put his arms under Gunn's neck.But after a while he got up again and put Joachim on the mattress.The mattress was almost dry, so he wrapped his son's diapers, put on a fleece jumpsuit, threw a few toys into the crib, and returned to Gunn.Boddy was still sitting on the living room rug playing with her toys. After a while, Bodi ran in and looked at the couple. "Horse riding," she said happily. "Daddy's a horse." She tried to climb on her father's back, but her father chased her away, and he closed the door.After that, the two children didn't come to quarrel with them for a long time.After the two made out, Kohlberg fell asleep again in his wife's arms. When Kollberg crossed the street to pick up his car, the clock at the Skamarbring metro station said twenty-three past eight.Before getting into the car, Kohlberg turned and waved goodbye to Gunn and his daughter, who were standing at the kitchen window. He didn't have to drive into town to get to Wassberga Avenue, and if he detoured through Worcester and Juniper Ridge, he could avoid the most congested areas. Colberry was whistling Irish folk songs loudly as he drove. The sun was shining, there was spring in the air, the crocuses and evergreens were in bloom in the garden, and Kohlberg was in a good mood.If you're lucky, you can finish work early today and sneak home in the afternoon.Gunn is going to buy some nice things at the luxury hotel, and after the kids go to bed, they will have dinner together.After five years of marriage, they still feel that cooking a good meal at home together, sitting down to eat, drink and chat slowly is the best way to spend the night. Kohlberg loves food and wine, and after a few years, he has gained a small circle of fat in his stomach, but he likes to call it "middle section".If you think that being fat will make his skills dull, you are very wrong.Kohlberg's movements are still vigorous and agile, and he has not forgotten any of the skills and skills he learned in the paratroopers. He stopped whistling and began to ponder a question that had been on his mind for the past few years.He disliked his job more and more and wanted to quit.This problem is not easy to solve, and last year he was promoted to deputy team leader and his salary was raised, making the problem even more troublesome.It is very difficult for a forty-six-year-old deputy chief of the police department to change the track and find a career with the same high salary.Gunn has been telling him not to think about money, anyway, the child is getting older, and she can go back to work.And when she was a housewife for the past four years, she has been studying and has learned two more languages, so her salary will definitely be much higher than before. Before Boddy was born, Gunn worked as an executive secretary in a company, so she could always find a well-paying job if she wanted to.But Kohlberg doesn't want his wife to work for a living unless she really wants to work herself. Moreover, he couldn't imagine himself as a "househusband" at all. Kohlberg was a bit lazy by nature, but he needed something to do, life had to change. As the car pulled into the police station, Kohlberg remembered that Martin Baker was not at work today. It means I'll be at the Bureau all day, Kolberg thought, and it means I won't find anyone with a brain to talk to.His mood immediately fell to the bottom. To boost morale, Kohlberg whistled again while waiting for the elevator.
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