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Chapter 4 Chapter Four

bad billet 马伊·舍瓦尔 2020Words 2018-03-16
Einar Lehn was so exhausted that he was about to collapse. He had been on the job for at least seventeen hours straight, and he was standing in the Criminal Division office of the Kings Island Street Police Department, watching as a man wailed as he shot and wounded a friend. Maybe the word "man" is a bit of an exaggeration, because this eighteen-year-old boy with blond hair and shoulders is basically just a big kid.He wears bright red Levi's jeans and a brown suede jacket with the letters LOVE embossed on the back surrounded by pink, dark purple and light blue flowers.There are also flowers and words on the boy's boots, and if you look more closely, it says "Peace"

and "Maggie".The cuffs of the jacket were delicately stitched with long, real hair. It makes people wonder if the human scalp was cut off and sewed on. Lehn wanted to cry too, he was really tired, but mostly he felt sorry for the prisoner (not the victim). This has happened to him a lot lately. A young man with a lock of hair tried unsuccessfully to kill a drug dealer, but the police have listed him as a major suspect in second-degree intentional wounding. Lehn has been tracking this man since five o'clock in the afternoon, that is to say, he has to travel all over the beautiful districts of Stockholm to search at least eighteen places where drug dealers hang out one by one.

And all because a bag was tapped on the head of some bastard who sold drugs to high school students in Marie Square... well, the "bag" was knocked out by an iron pipe, and the iron pipe It's broken, but it's just a bag after all, Lehn thought. The bastard had cost him nine hours of overtime, and by the time he got back to his flat in Faringby it was ten hours. But things are always mixed, and the good thing today is that you can make extra money. Einar Lehn was a Laplander, born in Ayepoulo, and married a Laplander girl.He didn't particularly like Faringby, but he liked the name of the street where he lived: Lapland Street.

Le En watched the young colleague on duty sign for the receipt of the transfer to the prisoner, and then handed the long-haired youth to the two guards. The guard escorted the prisoner into the elevator and took him to the registration office on the third floor. The referral slip bears the prisoner's name and an appropriate description is usually written on the back of the slip by the officer on duty.For example, "Being violent, hitting the wall again and again, and was injured", or "Unable to control, hitting the door and hurting", or even simply "falling and hurting".

and so on. The door opened and an older man with a gray beard walked in, escorted by two patrol officers. As the three walked through the entrance, one of the patrol officers punched the prisoner in the stomach.The prisoner bent over and whined, sounding like a dog barking.The two police officers on duty were still unmoved and slowly flipped through the official documents. Lehn gave the patrolman a disgusted look, but said nothing. Then he yawned and looked at his watch. Twenty-seven past two. The phone rang and one of the officers picked it up: "Yes, Criminal Division, I'm Gustafsson."

Lehn put on his fur hat and walked towards the door. Just as his hand touched the doorknob, the man named Gustafsson called him to stop him. "What? Wait a minute, hey, Lehn!" "What for?" "There is something." "what happened again?" "Something happened to Sabasberry. Someone was killed. The guy on the phone couldn't figure it out." Lehn sighed and turned around, and Gustafsson took his hand away from the receiver. "There is a colleague from the riot control team here, who is our main fighter, is this okay?" There was a brief pause.

"Yes, yes, I can hear you talking. Terrible, yes. Where the hell are you now?" Gustafsson, a thin, stoic man in his thirties, listened to the phone and then covered the receiver with his hand. "He's the main population in the central building of Sabasberry Hospital, obviously needs help, will you go?" "Okay," Lehn said, "I'll go." "Do you want someone to take you there? That police car seems to be free." Le En looked at the two patrolmen sympathetically, then shook his head.These two were tall and strong, with guns on their bodies and batons in their holsters, and the prisoner was slumped at their feet.The two looked at Le En with envious and stupid eyes, expecting to be reused.

"No, I'll drive my own car." Le En turned around and left after speaking. Le En is not the chief general of the police station. At this moment, he feels that he is not even a soldier.Some people think he is capable, others think he is mediocre.But even so, after years of hard work, Le En became a member of the violence control team after all.In tabloid parlance, this is a real policeman.He has a gentle and modest face, with a red wine-stained nose, he is in the middle of his life, and he is a little fat because of sitting at a desk for a long time - just based on this virtue, no one will think otherwise.

Le En drove for four minutes and twelve seconds, and arrived at the designated place. Sabasberry Hospital is located on a large rectangular slope. The main building is adjacent to Vasa Park in the north, Dara Street in the east, and Sol Street in the west. The bottom of the building is extended by the reformatory bay. The new bridge was cut off.The red-brick building of a gasworks sprawls out from Sol Street and takes up a spot on the corner. The hospital takes its name from hotelier Valente Sabas.At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Sabas owned two hotels in the old city, Rostock and Lion. He bought land here and kept crocodiles in the pond. Later, after the pond dried up or was filled, Sabas opened his house here. The restaurant was in operation for a total of three years before his death in 1720.

Ten years after Sabas passed away, mineral water was dug out of the ground, and the two-hundred-year-old mineral spring hotel was gradually turned into a hospital and an asylum. Today, the building is squatting in the shadow of an eight-story nursing home. The original hospital was built on the stone ground beside Dala Street more than a hundred years ago, including many sheds connected by covered passages. Some of the old sheds are still in use today, and many of them were recently demolished and replaced. Some channel systems are now also underground. At the end of the park there are many old buildings used as nursing homes, there is a small church, and there is a summer house between the lawn hedges and gravel paths in the garden.The villa was painted white and had a peak on its domed roof, and in front of it a row of trees stretched from the church to the old guardhouse by the road.The terrain behind the church is higher, but it stops climbing above Sol Street, and the ground bends between the hanging rock and the opposite Bonia Building.This is the quietest and least crowded place in the campus.

The main entrance of the hospital is located on the century-old Dara Street, which was built a hundred years ago, and the new central building is located next to the entrance.
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