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Chapter 20 Chapter Nineteen

Swan Afterglow 恒殊 2546Words 2018-03-11
I slept very well.Maybe because I let go of the suspicion and confusion deep in my heart, I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, and I didn't have any nightmares (I stopped dreaming after Murphys left).I opened my eyes, and a ray of sunlight penetrated the cool morning air, and the tiny particles swirled in the golden beam of light.As the morning bell rang, a flock of pigeons huffed across Piazza San Marco, their gray feathers raising light in pale iridescent colors, leaving a series of echoes of flapping wings in the slightly salty sea breeze in Venice. Such a wonderful morning.If D is by my side at this moment, then everything will be perfect, and our honeymoon trip will no longer have any regrets.But since that's not possible, let's take a step back, if he can just fall asleep with me every night like he did yesterday, open up and tell me everything I need to know, then I don't mind waking up every morning alone, alone Go upstairs for breakfast.

Last night, D told me many things.In other words, he reminded me of many things, many things that I knew but didn't remember at all.Like, I didn't live here before.Odell in her previous life was a devil, she came from the "devil world", the so-called "another dimension".Because I have forgotten the concept of space, D can only explain to me in detail that our world is composed of different spaces one after another.Humans occupy one, while demons, elves, fairies, and other magical creatures occupy another (or several).The positions of these spaces are not fixed, they may sometimes completely overlap, but do not interfere with each other.Because they exist in different "dimensions".

The concept of dimensions is even more esoteric. Although D took great efforts to explain it to me, I still don't quite understand it.He said that the visible world before us is three-dimensional because we cannot see more.But the actual cosmic space is much higher than this dimension (I asked him, since he couldn’t see it, how could he be sure, and he said he didn’t know, it’s just the common sense of demons).In higher dimensions, anything can happen. He also mentioned Vera.The name I've been trying to avoid.He said that under the protection of Grandma Sophie's spiritual power, there can only be one explanation for Vera's sudden appearance and disappearance, that is, Vera is in a higher-dimensional space that is invisible to the naked eye, and she may have been with us all the time. around, but we can't see her.And when she wants us to see her, she jumps from the "invisible dimension" where she is to the "three-dimensional space" where we are.It's like opening any door.

In order to facilitate my understanding, D also gave an example. Imagine we are flat people in a two-dimensional world.Draw a circle on a piece of white paper to symbolize Grandma Sophie's spiritual circle.And I and D are two small pieces of paper lying flat in the ring.Our flat vision can only see what is happening on the front, back, left, and right sides of this paper, and we cannot see anything beyond the horizon, happening "above" or "below" this white paper.So, Vera, another piece of paper, if it falls from "above", we won't be able to see her.She seems to have fallen from the sky, suddenly appearing in our flat world.In the same way, when she leaves "below", we can't see her movements, as if she evaporated directly in the air.

Of course we are not two-dimensional flat people, we are three-dimensional.But again, the world we live in doesn't exactly fit our dimensions as seen by the naked eye.It's horrific to imagine that Vera could re-enter our visible field of vision from any super, unknown direction. So we're going to find her.And the only way is to go to her world. This is what D told me, and it sounds reasonable, but I always feel that he seems to be hiding something from me.For example, tonight, he asked me to stay here and wait for him to come back after taking back the other mask, and then go upstairs together to listen to Xiao S's story.

I've had enough of sitting at the same round table at the same time every day, listening to these unrelated strangers telling me pillow stories.The story is interesting, yes, but is it really that important compared to the top priority ahead of us (we have to travel to another place and find Vera)?Let us waste three more nights in a row?I really do not understand. The mask was locked in the safe in the room.I'm going to the mask shop to pick up another one today.The role of these masks is to protect us from reaching another dimension safely.Because space and space are not seamlessly connected (this is easy to understand, because although spaces have no boundaries, they are not infinitely expanding).There are gaps between the space and the surroundings of the space, and in some places the gap is quite large.If you accidentally fall into it, you will be in big trouble.

In ancient times, "Pay attention to the gap" was a very popular greeting for travelers traveling through space.Because the phrase is so popular that, more than a hundred years ago, when Londoners hollowed out the earth to build the world's first subway line—some people thought it would reach another world—they Put this slogan directly on the platform. Today, if you have the opportunity to go to London to take the subway, you will hear the announcer repeating with a strong London accent on each platform: "Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. (Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. void)"

This sentence has been recited by Londoners for more than a hundred years, and it is well known in the UK and even the world.But what people don't know is that the so-called "gap" is not originally between the train and the platform, but refers to the "nothingness" in different dimensional spaces. I asked D what "nothingness" is. D shook his head, and I saw that his clear gray eyes had lost his usual calm and composure, and instead revealed a kind of erratic and uncertain expression that I had never seen before, which made me uneasy. "I don't know," he said. "If I had known, I wouldn't be here."

In order to ease the atmosphere, I jokingly asked him: "Is there sunshine in 'nothingness'?" "On the contrary." D didn't laugh, he told me solemnly, "There is darkness in the 'Nothing'. Different from the darkness we are used to, because in our world, the color of night is not absolute for us .You tried it too, as long as you concentrate, you can still see everything clearly. But in the 'nothingness' is eternal night. There is no sight, no sound, no smell, just absolute blackness." "So there's nothing in 'the void'?"

"I didn't say it has nothing. It's just that we can't see it." D sighed, "The Void is not a stagnant pool, it is full of living creatures. It's just that these creatures are as dark as the Void—some people say , the entire Void is made of them. These creatures dwell in the crevices of space and space, and feed on the careless passerby. No one has ever seen their true colors, only know that they exist. Their speed and The power is beyond our imagination." "Then can these masks really protect our safety?" I frowned, looking over and over at the mask in my hand, hoping to see something special and reassure myself.But no matter how I look at it, it's just an ordinary mask, nothing special about it.

"We'll find out when we go through the 'nothing'." D gave me a smile and patted my head like a comforting little girl, but it didn't do anything to relax me. But at least one thing he did, that is, after last night, he has won back my trust.I know we are still together.No matter what dangers and difficulties lie ahead, I know he will face them hand in hand with me.And that's all I've ever hoped for.Not a romantic relationship, not a certain status, not even money and a comfortable life, I just want him to be by my side, to face the whole world with me. that is it.
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