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Chapter 40 19. Talk to Tokyo

Elegy for "Lover" 西村京太郎 2497Words 2018-03-16
Totsukawa asked excitedly, "Is that person also a policeman?" "No, not the police. But he was really unlucky. He went to Fukushima Juku the next day, and I heard that he was killed that night." "Killed? The person you mentioned is Ryosuke Inoue, right?" "That's right, it's called Ryosuke Inoue." The female boss hurriedly fetched the registration book, opened it and checked, and it was indeed Ryosuke Inoue's name. Totsukawa and Kamei were startled involuntarily, guessing right? "How did Ryosuke Inoue ask you about that matter?" Totsukawa took out his notebook and asked habitually.

"He asked about the same as you two, what did the woman and the boy look like, and what was their relationship like. Oh, by the way, he also asked if anyone called them from outside .” "Call? Who's calling?" "I'm not sure about this. We have a public phone in the corridor here. I did see the woman call, but I don't know who she called." After dinner, Totsukawa spoke with Nishimoto in Tokyo again. "How is your investigation going?" "As for the restaurant in Shirokanedai, I have investigated it with Kusaka. Since the murder in April, this restaurant has been sold to someone else, and now even the name of the restaurant has been changed."

"Then, have you investigated clearly about that Asami Miko and Sakita Isao?" "Oh, I really don't know about this matter. I was shocked when I heard it." "why?" "The old guys in the store unanimously praised Sakita Isao, saying that he is young and promising, he is upright, and he will never do bad things. They think that the 500 million yen corruption case must be framed by bad people." "Oh?" "Does he have a girlfriend?" "He's engaged, but I don't know where the fiancée is now." Totsukawa raised his voice and said, "Will he give the 500 million yen stolen money to that woman?"

"I don't think it's possible," Nishimoto replied confidently. "why?" "According to our investigation, his fiancée's name is Hiraki Eiko, a small employee of a company. When Kota Isao died, she lived in a small apartment and had neither her own car nor savings." "So, Isao Sakita must have bought other things, such as stocks, bonds, etc., are you right?" "That's impossible." Nishimoto still denied it. "But he embezzled 500 million yen, so he won't throw it away for nothing, right?" "After repeated investigations, we found no trace of him embezzling a huge sum of 500 million yen."

"Can you guarantee it?" "I can guarantee it!" Totsukawa asked again: "What's the local people's impression of Asami Miko?" "The evaluation of her is average. It is said that she fell in love with a bad man a year ago." "Bad man?" "Yes, according to people who are familiar with Miko Miko, this man has a weird temper and a vicious appearance, and Miko Miko has completely changed since following that man." "According to this, it is possible that Asami Miko gave 500 million yen to her lover?" "A lot of people said the same thing."

"Asami Miko is the boss of the restaurant, can she use this huge sum of money casually?" Totsukawa just raised this question, but immediately denied it, "It's impossible, and according to the regulations, the boss can't use the company's huge sum of money casually." "You're right, Police Department." "Maybe, the truth of the matter is exactly the opposite of the judgment of the case." Totsukawa hung up the phone with a sigh, he turned his face to Kamei and said: "It is true that Miko Asami and Isaki Sakita had a quarrel in this hotel, but the content is different. completely opposite."

"Completely the opposite?" Kamei looked puzzled. "The female owner of the hotel once told us that she heard with her own eyes that the finance manager Isao Sakita embezzled 500 million yen of the company's huge sum of money, and was scolded after being found out by the boss Asami Miko. In fact, she completely listened to the words. Yes. The one who actually embezzled huge sums of money was Miko Asami, after Isao Sakita discovered the problem from the accounts, he pursued the matter with Miko Asami in this hotel." "You mean Asami Miko embezzled this huge sum of money and gave it to her lover?" Kamei glanced at Totsukawa.

"It's entirely possible." "In this case, why did Isao Sakita kill Asami Miko? Did he have no reason or motive for the murder?" "Because of this, I don't think it was Isao Sakita who killed Asami Miko." "Could it be Asakami Miko's lover?" "Most likely." "So what does this have to do with Okuda's case now?" "I think Asami Miko's lover is Taichiro Oseki." "Oh……" "Kamei, you can think about this matter again, isn't the reason behind it very clear?" Kamei pondered for a moment, finally nodded in conviction and said, "It is indeed possible. If Taichiro Oseki is really that man, the two cases can be completely connected."

After Kamei finished speaking, the two fell silent for a moment, falling into an unspeakable silence. Although Ozeki has already quit his job as a police detective, he is suspected of committing a crime today. This is emotionally unacceptable for Totsukawa and Kamei, who are proud of their profession and cherish the reputation of the police. Kamei finally broke the silence and said, "If it was Ozeki instead of Isao Sakita who killed Asami Miko in April, it would be a big disaster." "Yes." Totsukawa replied sullenly. "Do you want to see Ozeki?" "What's the use of seeing him now? You can only go to him after you figure things out."

"Then where are we going tomorrow?" "Let's go to Fukushima!" "Ryosuke Inoue also rushed to Fukushima the next day. What do you think he went for?" "Maybe he found some important clues there, thinking that the opportunity to blackmail and make a fortune has come, but who knows that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole, and a life is lost in vain." Ten Jinchuan said. Early the next morning, Totsukawa and Kamei drove to Fukushima-juku. Totsukawa believes that Fukushima Suku has an inseparable connection with the case.First, Okuda has been to Fukushima-juku and took pictures.Among them was a photograph of a strange middle-aged man and woman, and it fell into the hands of Tomoko Tachikawa's lover, Ryosuke Inoue, through an unknown means.Second, Ryosuke Inoue was suddenly killed in Fukushima.Third, Miko Asami was killed in Magome-juku on April 5, and Isao Sakita who was with her was inexplicably hanged in the woods near Fukushima-juku a week after she was killed. It is still unclear whether it was suicide or homicide. .

As soon as the two arrived in Fukushima, they immediately went to the "partner" hotel.Because Ryosuke Inoue died near the hotel. After hearing Totsukawa's explanation of his purpose, the owner of the hotel replied with some horror: "That kind of thing is really scary. This guest who lives in the hotel would never expect to be killed at the back door." Kamei asked, "What did he do during the two days he lived?" "He went out early in the morning, came back in the evening, and then talked to Tokyo on the phone." "Is it true that you are on the phone with Tokyo?" "Yes, he personally said that he asked me to change the 1,000-yen banknotes into 10 hundred-yen coins in order to make a long-distance connection with Tokyo." "Did he say anything to you after the phone call?" "I didn't say anything, I just smiled and looked very happy." Totsukawa asked, "Why is he so happy, do you know?" "I don't know. Oh, by the way, he once told me that he was going to be rich. Does that have anything to do with the case?" "Did he call on the first day or the second day?" "The next day, or rather the next afternoon." "Did he get killed that very night?" "Probably so. But when his body was found on the third morning, I thought he was going out as usual, so I didn't notice what was going to happen at all. Unexpectedly, he died for no reason. I remember he was eating He left happily after dinner. By the way, he kept looking at his watch while eating. At that time, the waitress in our store even jokingly asked him if he was going on a date with his lover. " "Then how will Inoue answer?" "He laughed and said that there is a happy event waiting for him than seeing his lover." "A happy event that is happier than seeing a lover?" Totsukawa asked.
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