Home Categories detective reasoning Elegy for "Lover"

Chapter 10 Chapter two

Elegy for "Lover" 西村京太郎 1599Words 2018-03-16
The air inside the express train was a little cloudy.Oda opened half of the car window, and the wet night air drifted in with the wind, which refreshed one's heart.Oda felt a little hungry, but this express train didn't have a dining car, and there wasn't even a hawker in the car, so he had to endure it.Thinking of the 5 hours before the car arrived in Nagano, he really regretted why he didn't buy something in advance to satisfy his hunger.His stomach was growling, and his drowsiness was naturally gone. When he was bored, his eyes scanned the scene in the car many times. The 6 men and women sitting nearby, although he was somewhat annoying, their figures always came into his eyes.They were still the same, sitting blankly one by one, no one spoke, but no one dozed off.Most of the men were wearing suits, only one of the youths was wearing casual clothes, and the other two women wore ordinary clothes without makeup.Oda thought to himself that these people were incredible, maybe they were some kind of religious group.But why they didn't talk, he couldn't figure it out. Moreover, their faces looked very nervous, why did they feel as if they were facing a big enemy when they went out for a trip?Oda smoked silently, his mind full of inexplicable guesses.

The train arrives at Karuizawa Station and stops here for 9 minutes.Oda got off the train with other passengers and walked around the station late at night. He picked up his camera and took a few more photos as usual. At this moment, he suddenly found that none of the six people got off the train. He looked in through the window glass, The six people were still like wood sculptures and clay sculptures. Out of curiosity, he instinctively raised his camera and took a few more pictures. A man sitting by the car window seemed to notice it, and he turned his face and gave Oda a hard look.The man was about 30 years old, with a solid build and a fierce look in his eyes.

At 3:05, the train girl set off.Oda didn't feel sleepy at all.Because in another 1 hour and 39 minutes, the train will arrive in Nagano.He thought silently, smoking one cigarette after another. At 4:44, the train finally arrived in Nagano.Although the night sky was dark, the lights in the station were brightly lit, as if it were daytime.Oda got out of the car, and the six men and women followed closely behind. They passed through the ticket gate and soon disappeared into the darkness.Oda looked at his watch, and found that it was still early, coupled with his unbearable hunger, he decided to find a place to fill his stomach first.After walking for a long time, I finally found a small restaurant that is open 24 hours a day.

When he entered the store, he couldn't help being stunned. The six men and women were also sitting in the restaurant to eat.He had a faint feeling of weirdness, but since he entered the store, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down.He ordered a large plate of curry fried rice, ate it with big mouthfuls, and it was swept away in a while.Oda burped contentedly, stood up, and found that the six people still didn't seem to leave. After leaving the store, Oda came to Nagano Station.At this time, the sky was already bright, and he took the subway from Nagano to Zenkoji. The subway was newly built in 1981.The stations and trains are very novel and unique, and Oda picked up the camera with great interest to take pictures of the stations and trains.He walked into the car and instinctively raised the camera to take pictures of the interior. Unexpectedly, those six people suddenly appeared in the lens. He was startled and pressed the shutter involuntarily.Those six people also seemed to be taken aback when they saw Xiao Tian, ​​with complicated expressions on their faces.There were only three stops from Nagano to Zenkoji, and Oda quickly got out of the car, followed by those six people.

It was still early at this time, there were few tourists in Zenkoji Temple, and the doors of the shops on both sides were closed.Oda liked the quiet environment, he stopped to take pictures from time to time, and the six people behind him rushed to him in front of him and walked into the temple. There is a famous precept altar in Zenko Temple.The Bodhisattva is placed underground in the main hall. There is a long wooden corridor leading to the underground temple. There is no light there, and it is pitch black. It is said that people can reach the state of bliss and longevity by groping through the corridor in the dark.

Xiaotian walked along the stairs into the long corridor, where he couldn't see his fingers. He let out a sigh of relief, and groped forward cautiously. Suddenly, he seemed to bump into someone in the dark, and before he could say "I'm sorry," he felt a punch in the back of the head.All of a sudden, his eyes were spinning, and he hurriedly hugged his head with both hands. In the darkness, he was punched again on the head. His right hand was numb from the pain, and the camera he was holding fell to the ground. After a while, his assailant seemed to have left. He touched the ground and found that the camera was gone. He searched the ground several times, but there was still no fruit, so he had to cover his head and walk slowly from the ground to the ground. come up.

A dazzling light on the ground made him have a splitting headache, and he staggered almost to the ground. "What's the matter with you?" A little monk hurriedly supported him and asked with concern. At this time, he found that his head was bleeding, and the palm of his right hand was bloody. "Please tell me if anyone came out just now?" He held back the pain and asked. "What happened?" "I was plotted against by someone down there just now, and my camera was also taken away." "Really?" "That's still fake! Tell me who came out just now, that guy must have taken my camera away."

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it. Come, follow me, and bandage it for you."
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