Home Categories detective reasoning Elegy for "Lover"

Chapter 9 Chapter One

Elegy for "Lover" 西村京太郎 813Words 2018-03-16
As the saying goes: "If you don't go to Zenko-ji Temple, it's rare to find bliss." Although Zenko-ji Temple in Nagano Prefecture is not as famous as the famous temples and treasure temples in Nara, Kyoto, it does not have religious sects, and it always embraces compassion and saves all living beings. purpose.The Bodhisattvas in the temple are extremely effective, and the monks in the temple are willing to give. Therefore, the incense in the temple has been flourishing recently, and devotees flock to it. It was night, photographer Oda was drinking at a bar in Shinjuku, Tokyo.When the wine was half drunk, the idea of ​​going to Zenko Temple suddenly sprouted in my mind.Oda is impatient and always keeps his camera close to him. His sudden thought is not to pay homage to his ancestors and Buddha, but because he wants to capture the scene at random in that very interesting place, and maybe he can accidentally get a wonderful masterpiece.

As soon as he said it, he drank the last sip of the remaining wine, immediately got up and walked out of the store.Although it was already 11 o'clock in the evening, he remembered that there was the last train to Zenkoji Temple in Nagano Prefecture around 12 o'clock.So he immediately boarded the train from Shinjuku Station and rushed to Ueno along the Yamanote Line. It was already 11:30, and he quickly ran to the central ticket gate to see that there was still a train leaving for Nagano Prefecture at 11:58. The last limited express "Myoko".Oda hurriedly bought a ticket and got on the train.

The "Myoko" express train consists of 9 carriages in total. There are no high-end soft sleeper cars. The terminal station of No. 1 to No. 6 cars is Naoetsu on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, while the terminus of No. 7 to No. 9 cars is Nagano.Among them, cars 1 to 3 have designated seats, and the remaining 6 cars are free seats.Oda got on the No. 6 car. After he got on the car, he realized that it was a non-smoking car, so he, a drug addict, had to go to the No. 5 car. Now is the tourist season, the car is full of sightseeing tourists.Oda found a seat, sat down and lit a cigarette comfortably.

At this time, the pre-driving bell rang, and suddenly five or six men and women squeezed in from outside the car door. Based on his professional habits, Xiaotian glanced at him, and he clearly knew that there were four men and two women who came, and they were very different in age. Oda always felt that the relationship between this group of guests was a bit weird.After a while, he became more firm in his opinion, because he found that this group of people was obviously a partner who came together, but after sitting down, each of them was silent and did not speak to each other, and everyone had serious expressions, as if they were strangers. He thought it was funny, so he quietly took out his camera to take a picture of this group of wonderful shots. He covered the fuselage with his body and took 5 pictures in one breath.

At this time, he suddenly found that someone on the other side had noticed his actions, so he hurriedly put down the camera.At this moment, the train has left Ueno Station and is rushing towards the open field.
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