Home Categories detective reasoning Elegy for "Lover"
Elegy for "Lover"

Elegy for "Lover"


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 142922

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Chapter 1 The perfect combination of surprise and logic

Elegy for "Lover" 西村京太郎 1597Words 2018-03-16
With the rise of mass media, popular culture has gradually become the mainstream culture of today's era, and Japanese detective novels with puzzles, leisure and entertainment as their main cultural functions have also attracted more and more attention from Chinese readers. Nishimura Kyotaro, a master of high-quality and prestigious mystery novels, and his works are increasingly becoming the search target of Chinese readers. Nishimura Kyotaro, formerly known as Yajima Kihachiro, was born in Tokyo on September 6, 1930, and graduated from the Metropolitan Electric Industrial School.He has worked in various occupations, such as truck driver, security guard, insurance company employee, private detective, etc. His rich social experience has given him the opportunity to get in touch with people from all walks of life, to observe the lives and mentality of various people, and to prepare for his future. Creation lays the groundwork. In 1961, he published his debut novel "Black Memory" in order to participate in the essay competition of the mystery magazine "Gems"; in 1963, his work "Twisted Morning" won the third Newcomer Award for mystery fiction; "Scars of Angels" won the 11th "Edogawa Ranpo Award"; in 1981, his creation "Terminal Murder" won the 30th Japan Mystery Writers Association Award.

Nishimura Kyotaro's works have twists and turns, twists and turns, novel and unique layouts, reasonable and reasonable characters, vivid and remarkable characters, high artistic taste, and often make people think again and again after the book is covered.The main features of his works are as follows: First, there are serial murders and there are cases in the case.In Nishimura Kyotaro's detective novels, the murders are serialized. After one murder, there is a second and a third soon... There are cases in the case, and there is an inevitable connection between the cases. The novel is full of suspense, and the case is intricate and complicated, readers are dazzled as if they are in a mountain vagina. In the book "Lover's Elegy", murders have occurred one after another since tourists found the victim's body on the way to the four countries for pilgrimage to Buddha.The deaths of several people were all caused by the killing of one person. In order to kill one person, they had to die, and they had to die.

Second, means of transportation are often repeatedly and carefully described.Nishimura Kyotaro is full of creative energy and has published nearly a hundred detective novels, most of which involve trains, planes and other means of transportation.The transportation in Japan is very smooth and developed. Trains, planes and other means of transportation are extremely punctual and rarely delayed, so criminals often take advantage of this, accurately calculate the time to commit crimes, and skillfully create evidence of their own alibi.Therefore, in Nishimura Kyotaro's novels, transportation is not only the condition for criminals to commit crimes, but also the key for police to solve crimes. Works such as "Lover's Elegy" and "Heroes" and "Heroes" all have detailed descriptions of the train timetable, and the crimes committed by criminals and the police's detection of crimes are closely related to it.

Third, bold reasoning and careful evidence collection.The characteristic or finishing touch of reasoning detective novels lies in reasoning, that is, using the analysis method of logical reasoning to make a seemingly complicated and doubtful problem or a confusing and unverifiable case scientifically analyzed through logical reasoning. , layer by layer peeling off the cocoon, solving doubts and solving problems, and finally making the case clear to the world.In the works, in the face of suspicious murder cases, Detective Totsugawa often grasps the clues of the criminal's negligence, boldly assumes that someone is the murderer, and then takes the trouble to investigate on the spot, collect evidence repeatedly, reason carefully, and push aside layer by layer. Suspicious and foggy, the criminals were brought to justice, showing a high degree of surprise and logic.It describes that Takahashi Risa received a call from her college friend Rie Honda, inviting her and Miyako Kamiki to travel.On the way, Risa was knocked unconscious and became a suspect.Detective Totsukawa found clues in the intricate puzzle and pointed out the criminal. After reading it, people are stunned and have endless aftertaste.

Fourth, criticize social ills and express human nature.Nishimura Kyotaro's novels are not just about ordinary murder cases, but to reveal the dark side of contemporary Japanese real life, pointing directly at the corruption and social malpractice of the upper class.Through Takata's lawyer's retaliation for the murder, the bribery and election scandal in the Japanese political circles was exposed. In "The Journey to Fate", because of the usury and exploitation of shameless politicians, the weak were forced to hijack and blackmail, resulting in a murder case, revealing sharp social contradictions.In the novel, Junzi Ibuki and Goro Nanjo colluded in order to obtain a huge inheritance, framed and murdered each other, and then killed each other, depicting the ugly side of human nature.The Sakaguchi mother and daughter in the novel, in order to climb to the upper class of society, carefully designed traps and murdered several people in a row, reflecting the corruption of good human nature by the money society.As a literary work, Nishimura Kyotaro has an astonishing pen at the beginning of the novel, and he pays attention to the ups and downs of the plot and the reasonableness of the events in the narration, and he can better grasp the relationship between the literary value and the public's reading interest, so that In the suspenseful stories and entertaining reasoning novels, the profundity and social significance of the theme are deepened, and the unique style of his own works is formed.He is well deserved to be one of the most prestigious contemporary mystery novelists in Japan.

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