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gods note

gods note


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 61907

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Last Trap

gods note 西村京太郎 10254Words 2018-03-16
On the night of October 15th, a female college student was killed in the outskirts of Ome City.His name is Yumi Hiroike, a third-year student at S University. When the body was found in the morning, there was still a note on the body, just one line, which read: "The gods kill people, this is the beginning of the gods killing people." No signature. The rank name of the Japanese police in the Totsugawa Police Department. Its size is below the police department, and the police department is above it.He and the police officers stared at the corpse, and then their eyes fell on the note.Most of the words on the notes are printed by computers.

"God kills? Which kid is messing around!" Kamei murmured to himself. "Think of yourself as a god?" "Then we don't know, but we should pay attention to the following words. Isn't it the beginning of the gods killing people? If the criminal regards himself as a god, he will kill people without knowing where he is." To Jinchuan said. The body was stabbed in two places by a sharp knife.One of them reaches the heart, which may be fatal. The corpse was lying on the fallen leaves, and there was no blood on the fallen leaves.Criminals are afraid to commit crimes elsewhere and abandon them in other places.

The red sun is slowly rising, and it is somewhat warm.The body was immediately subjected to forensic analysis and transported to the University Hospital.Detectives were busy collecting clues around the scene. The identity of the corpse is roughly clear: Yumi Hiroike lives in Hino City.For a house, the monthly rent is 60,000 yen.From here she goes to S University on the Chuo Line Sendagaya. Two criminal policemen rushed to the high-end apartment in Hino City, and the other two criminal policemen rushed to S University in Sendagaya. The search headquarters was set up at the Ome Police Station, where Totsukawa listened to reports from detectives who had clues.First, Kusaka and Nishimoto, who returned from the high-end apartment in Hino City, reported to Totsukawa. "The victim, Yumi Hiroike, is currently a third-year student at S University. She lived in this high-end apartment in Hino City when she entered S University. Her parents now live in Shimane Prefecture, and their address and phone number have been checked." Nishimoto said.

"Let me inform her parents!" Totsukawa said afterwards. "It seems that her parents send her 120,000 yen for living expenses every month, and she also goes out to work." Kusaka added. "There won't be any problems with that high-end apartment and her part-time job, right?" Totsukawa asked. "There seems to be no problem in the high-end apartment. Ask the administrator, they say that the victim is very smart and polite, and he has never had any problems with other people who live with him. The part-time job unit is the coffee shop near the school. I have called and asked, and it seems that there is no problem. Nothing suspicious." Sun Xia said.

"There is a computer in the room, and no dangerous records were found on it. We also found some letters, which did not indicate the words of being killed." Xiben said. "Are there no men in and out of her room?" Kamei asked. "According to the administrator, the male and female students of their S University come here once a month on average, and they are noisy. But there are no such dubious people." Xiben said. "So you haven't found any problems so far?" Totsu-Chuan asked. "From what we have so far, the suspect has not yet surfaced," Kusaka said.

Mitamura and Hojo Sanae, who returned from S University in Sendagaya, reported the details of the victim in the university: "According to the people from the secretariat, her main course in the university was French literature, and her grades were average. There was no problem. We still have Several friends who asked her about it said they were very surprised and never thought that she would be killed." Sandamura said. "But are there any suspicious clues, and what's the situation?" Totsukawa asked Sanae Hojo. "We have learned a lot about this." Sanae said. "First of all, she has two boyfriends, but she doesn't have a deep relationship with any of them. Her girlfriend also said that she didn't find a man who was inseparable around her. But..."

"But what?" Totsukawa pressed. "According to her good friend, the victim seems to have joined some group. It is said that she can't tell anyone about that group." Sanae said. "Just talking about a group makes people ignorant, what kind of group is it?" "Well, the victim didn't seem to tell her good friend. That friend thought it might be some kind of mysterious group and was very worried. So now that she heard that she was killed, she was the first to think of it." Sanae said. Totsukawa thought about it.The note on the body reads that God kills.Did that mysterious group kill her?From this point of view, the case is very difficult.

At around 6:00 that evening, the victim's parents arrived from Shimane.They have been running souvenir shops along the approach to Izumo Taisha Shrine since early on. "I will never believe that my daughter was killed." The parents said to Tojinchuan in unison. Indeed, it seemed unbelievable to both parents.But Yumi Hirochi was stabbed twice to death in the woods on the outskirts of Ome City.The parents offered to see their daughter's body.The police officers brought them into the university hospital, and then asked them about the situation. Therefore, the conversation with the parents did not start until late that night.What is rare is that the two parents appear calm and calm.After offering tea to the two of them, Totsukawa first stated: "Due to work reasons, I will ask some sharp questions."

"Any question is fine, as long as the criminal who killed my daughter can be caught." The mother said. "Of course, the criminal must be caught, so I have to ask about some situations." Totsukawa said. "Please, you can ask anything." Father said. "It seems that your daughter has joined some group. Haven't you heard about it?" Totsukawa asked.The parents looked at each other in blank dismay, "What is the group you mentioned?" asked the mother. "People who are religious or mysterious. We want to know about this group. In this way, it is possible to get clues about criminals. Does your daughter go home often?" Totsukawa asked.

"I will definitely come back during the New Year and summer vacation." Mother said. "At that time, didn't she tell you all the troubles she encountered in the relationship? For example, if there were some troubles, she took part in some religious talk." Totsukawa said. "Never heard of anything like that," asserted the father. "So, you live near Izumo Taisha Shrine?" Totsukawa asked. "I have been running a souvenir shop next to the shrine path for three generations," said my mother. "That is to say, both of you are believers of Izumo Taisha, right?" Kamei asked.

"Of course, we are all believers in Izumo Taisha." Mother said. "My daughter who is no longer here, how is she? Does she believe in the gods of Izumo Taisha?" Kamei asked. "I often visit Izumo Taisha with my daughter, but I have never heard of her views on Izumo Taisha," said the mother.Totsukawa asked the parents to read the note on the victim's chest. "This note is placed on your daughter's body. Can you find any problems?" Totsukawa asked.The parents paused for a moment, reading the words on the note intently. "I have no impression at all." The father said, and the mother nodded in agreement. "The so-called god written on it may not be from Izumo Taisha, what do you think?" Totsukawa asked. "I think this is nonsense," said the father. "The gods of the Izumo Taisha Shrine absolutely don't do things like murder!" "Of course, gods don't do things like murder!" Totsukawa said with a wry smile. "So, maybe the criminal regarded himself as a god. This kind of person with confused beliefs killed your daughter." Totsukawa said. "So my daughter was murdered by a crazy person?" asked the mother. "No, it's not clear yet, it's just that this note is puzzling." Totsukawa said. The report on the results of the forensic analysis has arrived. The presumed time of death was between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on October 15.The cause of death was hemorrhagic shock. They investigated the whereabouts of the victim on October 15: at 10:00 am that day, she went to S University in Sendagaya to attend classes until 2:00 pm.After that, I had tea with four friends at a cafe near the school.However, after a brief meal there, at 4:00 p.m., they parted ways with the four of them at Sendagaya Station, and then disappeared.That is to say, nothing is known about the period from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm when he was killed. The administrator of the high-end apartment in Hino City also confirmed that he did not see her back on the night of the 15th.In this way, the victim was at Sendagaya Station at 4:00 in the afternoon. After breaking up with his friends, he did not return to his place of residence. Where did he go to get involved in this case?Totsukawa fixed the note on the blackboard with a magnetic block on the blackboard of the search headquarters, and said to Kamei and other police officers: "The problem is on this note. It is undoubtedly written by the criminal. But why should it be kept?" What about this note? Generally speaking, it’s common sense not to leave any clues.” "Could it be that the criminal made his own claim? He wanted to justify his murder, so he left a note." Xiben said. "Nevertheless, isn't this nonsense? What did you say God killed people?" Kamei asked Totsukawa the same question again. "Kamei-kun, do you think it's a joke?" Totsukawa asked. "I think it's too nonsense. Anyway, it's October now. Isn't October the month of Godless? Isn't it a month when God is absent? But the criminal left a note that God killed people. This is not completely nonsense and What is it?" Kamei said. "Ah, that's right. It's October, a godless month." Nishimoto praised Kamei's analysis. Totsukawa remembered a story, which was Shisheng's traditional humorous story. "The so-called October is the month without gods, that is, the gods are absent. So, where did the absent gods go? They all went to Izumo to gather. The gods in Izumo were noisy and cheering, which was quite spectacular. In charge of rituals and music Goddesses of wealth, wisdom, etc. found the God of Wealth, and said, "Oh! God of Wealth, long time no see!" This is such a traditional humorous story. For the whole of Japan, it is the month of no gods; for Izumo, it is a gathering of gods. It can also be called the divine moon. "The victim's parents are running a souvenir shop next to the approach to the Izumo Taisha Shrine?" Totsukawa said. "All the gods gather in Izumo, so Izumo in October has a god month. Someone was killed in Izumo, and a note was placed there. If it is said that the god killed a person, it is reasonable, but the gods When he was away, he killed people, and he insisted that it was a god who killed people, this guy is pure nonsense!" Kamei said. "I know that October is a godless month, so there is a god month in Izumo, right?" Kusaka Criminal Police also praised at this time. "Yes, because all the gods in Japan gather in Izumo." Kamei said.Totsukawa fell into deep thought, what is the connection between this case and these things?Tokyo is now in October of the godless month, and the gods are concentrated in Izumo.In addition, the victim's parents both run souvenir shops along the roadside of Izumo Taisha Shrine. How does this have anything to do with the murder?If there was one, it was the eye-catching note. The next day, one more thing was found out—that eye-catching note paper.This is obviously the handwriting left on the washi paper, and the watermark on the washi paper is visible. According to the watermark investigation, it is the factory logo of the washi paper factory in Izumo City.Of course, this kind of Japanese paper is also sold in Tokyo.However, Totsukawa focused on the Japanese paper produced in Izumo City. According to the wishes of the parents who came to Tokyo, Yumi Hiroike's body was cremated in Tokyo, and they returned to Shimane Prefecture with the ashes. The body was stabbed twice.First of all, it was analyzed whether she had offended anyone, but after searching around the victim, no one was found to be against her.For this reason, those very common passing crimes are also brought into view.Because recently in Tokyo, there have been several cases of following young women and then suddenly attacking them with knives.But this is the first time a death has occurred. The three injured so far have all been rescued with minor injuries, and people have seen the backs of those who committed the crime and fled.If the Yumi Hiroike murder is a continuation of these series of attacks, it can be determined that the same criminal was responsible. "Impossible." Totsukawa said to Kamei. "I also think something is wrong." Kamei said. "The three injured women were all young. They were only poked, and all of them were slightly injured. The criminal fled in a hurry. In contrast, the criminal in this case stabbed her chest twice successively, and it was very deep despite everything. So I think this case is different from the other three." "Kamei-kun thinks that way too? I also think that criminals are of a different kind. The criminals in this case are not everyone. They are targeting specific female college students like Yumi Hiroike, stabbing them from the front, and wanting to put them to death. Yes." Totsukawa said. "In addition, the other three cases do not have the issue of the note." Kamei said. "I think this is the biggest difference. The case where the criminal left a message is very different from the case where the criminal did not leave a message." Kamei said again. "I agree with your point of view." Totsukawa said. On the evening of October 20, another homicide occurred.The location is in Yuedao Linhai Park.In one corner of the park lay the dead body of a young woman.This was discovered the next morning. The corpse was the same as the previous case, the chest was pierced, and a note was placed on the corpse, with words such as "a person who was killed by God" written on it.And the following words are different from the previous case: "Gods kill people, the gods are hungry." Because it was related to the previous case, the Tojinchuan case team rushed to the scene. The scene is in a spacious park built on artificial land, where you can see a large tour bus turning, and there are various meeting places and a rainbow bridge nearby.Totsukawa and the others stared at the lying corpse and the note on it. "There are still notes? What a nonsense!" Kamei said again.It was indeed nonsense, and Totsukawa also felt righteous indignation.I'm afraid who is this challenging?Maybe challenge the police.There was a satchel near the body, and the victim's driver's license was found in it, which showed that the victim's name was Mitsui Keiko, 28 years old, and an employee of the Tokyo Metropolitan Electric Company.It also contained the person's ID card.But this time it wasn't a female college student.The address is a luxury apartment in Yotsuya.Totsukawa and Kamei went to the high-end apartment where the victim lived, and asked Nishimoto and Kusaka to go to the headquarters of N Denki where the victim worked. Walk from the subway Yotsuya Sanchome, seven or eight minutes to the high-end apartment.After Totsukawa and Kamei found out that Room 506 of the high-end apartment was the residence of Mitsui Keiko, they asked the administrator about the situation.The administrator was about sixty years old, and after hearing what Totsukawa said about the case, he showed an expression of disbelief: "Is Miss Mitsui really dead? I don't believe it." "Anyway, let's take a look at her room first," Totsukawa said. The administrator opened the room with two bedrooms and one living room, and Totsukawa and Kamei walked in.Although it is a two-bedroom, one-living room, it only covers a narrow space of about 50 square meters. The room is full of TV sets, wardrobes, three-way mirrors, tables and other items.According to the administrator, the victim was born in Aomori County in the northeast. He was admitted to a junior college in Tokyo after graduating from high school in his hometown. After graduation, he worked for the current N Denki Company. "This time, he was not born in Izumo City!" Kamei said. "But it seems to have something to do with Izumo." Totsukawa pointed to the photo frame hanging on the wall of the room. The victim was taken with another woman, and the background was Izumo Taisha. "Oh, so the victim visited Izumo Taisha Shrine!" Kamei said. Of course, it cannot be concluded that the victim has any relationship with Izumo Taisha. It may be that he just likes to travel and occasionally goes to Izumo Taisha.But judging by the fact that she deliberately framed the photo, it’s safe to say she has a soft spot for the photo, to say the least.Nishimoto and Kusaka, who went to N Denki to investigate, reported to Totsugawa on their mobile phones: "The victim worked in the financial department of N Denki. Seven years ago, after graduating from a junior college, she worked for the current N Denki. Since then I have been doing financial work all the time, very dedicated, and never seem to cause trouble to my boss." Said Nishimoto. "Does she not have a boyfriend?" Totsukawa asked. "There is a boyfriend who is believed to be her. That man works with the victim in this electric company and is engaged in marketing. He is 31 years old this year and his surname is Inoue. He also admitted his relationship with the victim." "So, what is the evidence collection situation about whether this man surnamed Inoue was at the scene of the incident?" Kamei asked. "According to Inoue's testimony, on the day of the accident, after the company got off work, the two of them went to the restaurant for dinner together. The two separated at around nine o'clock in the evening, and the situation after that is unclear," said Nisseka. "Where does Inoue live?" Totsukawa asked. "A high-end apartment near Sugamo Station. According to him, after eating in Shinjuku, he went straight back to the high-end apartment in Sugamo. He arrived at the residence at around 9:40, and he didn't go anywhere after that." Assuming he lived there alone, there seems to be no alibi." Totsukawa said. "Yes. He himself said that after 9:40 no one can prove that he was alone in his apartment." Sun Xia said. "Let's find out more about this boyfriend named Inoue, whether he and the victim have been to Izumo Taisha Shrine together before their lives." Totsukawa said. After answering the phone, Totsukawa and Kamei checked the room carefully again, trying to find something related to the case, but to no avail. The results of the forensic analysis of Mitsui Keiko's body came out after nightfall.The presumed time of death was between 10:00 and 11:00 pm the previous day.Moreover, the cause of death was the same as the previous case, which was shock death after being stabbed with a knife.It was also stabbed twice. "The cases are completely similar," Totsukawa said. "The method of murder and even the time of murder are very similar." "Yeah, the time of death is estimated to be between ten and eleven o'clock in the evening after being stabbed twice in a row. It's too similar." Kamei said. "The most similar thing is that note, this time it has the words hunger of the gods written on it. In this way, it means that he still has to commit crimes?" Tojinchuan said. The paper of the note is the same as the previous case, and the paper used is printed with a cross pattern. It is the product of a Japanese paper manufacturer called Cross House in Izumo City. The shop with the same name can be seen beside the approach to Izumo Taisha Shrine. .Did criminals use this kind of washi occasionally, or did they use it for something?If it is the latter, there is a connection with the case.The search headquarters decided to continue the search from two aspects.On the one hand, it is to search for clues around the scene; on the other hand, it is to investigate the relationship between the victim of the previous case and the victim of this case.If the two have something in common, then the criminal can almost surface, but it is really impossible to find the common ground between the two. The first is age. The victim in the previous case was 20 years old, and the victim in the second case was 28 years old.One is a female college student, the other is a professional woman, and their social classes are completely different.In addition, the female college student is originally from Izumo, and the other woman is originally from Aomori in the northeast, and graduated from different high schools.Could it be that the two met before and talked together?As a result, the criminal police went to S University and N Electric Company separately according to the frontal photos of the two to learn about the situation from their friends and colleagues. The criminal police who went to S University and N Electric Company separately asked their friends, colleagues and superiors whether they found that the first victim and the second victim had been together.Of course, it also includes learning about this situation from the high-end apartment where Yumi Hiroike lives and the high-end apartment in Yotsuya 3-chome where Keiko Mitsui lives.However, repeated investigations and evidence collection have not yet obtained the testimony of the two being together, nor have they found evidence that the two knew each other.At the special case meeting, of course, this question must be touched upon, "Is it true that the two victims have nothing to do with each other?" Minister of Criminal Police Mikami asked the criminal police. "It hasn't been found yet," said Totsukawa. "We have all known the classmates and colleagues of Yumi Hiroike and Keiko Mitsui, but there is really no evidence that the two knew each other." "But why did the criminal choose these two people? If anyone can, do they just want to kill young women?" Mikami asked. "As the minister said, I don't think it's just random encounters. If that's the case, I wouldn't choose to commit murders in the remote suburbs of Ome and Tsukishima's Linhai Park. I think it's just random encounters. To commit the crime, he will choose a very nearby area." Totsukawa said. "In that case, which places should have something in common?" Mikami said. "I've investigated everything, but I haven't found anything in common between the two." "But, you can't be so sure?" Mikami seemed to have guessed everyone's thoughts. "Yes, it would be strange if there is no contact at all!" Totsukawa said. "It's the washi paper on which the memo is written. It's all made by a washi manufacturer called Shishiya in Izumo," Mikami said. "Yes, it has been found out that it is indeed a product of the factory in Izumo City, but department stores in Tokyo also sell this kind of washi." Totsukawa said. "So you think the criminal bought it at a Tokyo department store?" "Not sure, I'm afraid he bought it in Tokyo. However, what do you think about the use of specific washi paper? Are you optimistic about this kind of washi paper? What other meaning?" Sanshang said. "It's hard to say, maybe I use that kind of washi because I like it. Maybe I use the washi of Shishiya for some other purpose." Totsukawa said. "Based on what you said, it seems to be plausible." Mikami said sarcastically. "I'm sorry, that's right." Totsukawa said frankly. The next morning, Mitsui Keiko's parents rushed from Aomori to Tokyo early in the morning.After seeing his parents, the most difficult job was to explain the case, and Totsukawa couldn't adapt at any time.Mitsui Keiko's parents, like Hiroike Yumi's parents in the previous case, wept next to the body and said in unison: "I can't believe that my daughter was killed." Moreover, they also wanted to cremate the body in Tokyo and wanted to bring the ashes back.During this period, Ten Jinchuan asked his parents about the victim's situation. Keiko Mitsui is different from Yumi Hiroike in the previous case. It is said that she does not return to her hometown in summer, but only returns to her hometown for two or three days during the New Year.What is life like for a twenty-eight-year-old? "When she went home for the New Year, what did she talk to you about?" Totsukawa asked the two parents. "My daughter is twenty-eight years old, and I don't want to talk about my personal affairs. As a mother, I asked her about everything: how is life in Tokyo? Does she have a boyfriend? I asked a lot, but she Almost never said anything to me." Mother sighed softly. "And father?" Totsukawa turned his gaze to his father. "My daughter treats me more than her mother, and doesn't say anything to me. Even so, I think it's good that she can live peacefully in Tokyo, that's it." The father pressed the corner of his eye. "Didn't my daughter talk to you about any terrible things that happened? For example, someone wanted to attack her?" Kamei asked. "She didn't talk about such things. We are most afraid of bad people approaching her, but my daughter said that there are no such people around me." The mother said. "Didn't my daughter tell you about Izumo Taisha?" Totsukawa asked. "Izumo Taisha?" The mother repeated, and then asked: "My daughter didn't believe in gods and Buddhas before, did she really visit Izumo Taisha?" "Look at this photo, it will be clear .” Totsukawa showed the photos taken from Mitsui Keiko’s high-end apartment to his parents. "That's true." The mother said to herself and the father looked at the framed photos. "What does my daughter believe in?" Totsukawa asked.My father was puzzled by this question: "I believe in Soto sect of Buddhism, so the tombs of my ancestors are all in the Soto sect temple in Aomori City. Of course, both of us and our daughter will also enter this temple if they die. "I'm sorry, hasn't your daughter joined any mysterious group?" Ten Tsukawa asked. "Is the so-called mystery a kind of special religious group?" Mother asked. "Yes, even a small group." Totsukawa said. "Such a topic, my daughter has never talked about it." The father said. Young women were killed one after another, and the criminals left unbelievable notes. Totsukawa and the detectives predicted that the news media would hype it up. As expected, in addition to newspaper and TV reports, weekly magazines also rushed to report on the case.In particular, the weekly magazines have played up these two cases with amazing imagination and exaggerated them.A well-known psychologist made the following speculations about the criminal who committed the crime according to the report of the weekly magazine: "The criminal may be a middle-aged man, well-educated, and at first glance he is not the kind of rough guy. This has something to do with the deep heart of the criminal. It is conceivable that from this sentence, the criminal may not seem to believe in God, but in fact he is a person with a strong belief mentality. However, at a certain time, due to Had some horrible experience made him think that God was dead? Despite this, the man still believed in God, and in such a complicated state of mind, God sent him to kill people, and let him leave a murder note. Some people see this note as a challenge to the police. I think it is better to think of it as a note to ask the criminal himself. Therefore, I think that criminals may still use the same method to commit crimes. The first note of the criminal reads: "Start", the second note has the words "God Hunger". If understood in this way, it indicates that there will be the possibility of committing crimes. Perhaps the criminal feels great indignation at the current decadent social situation, and he represents God. To punish people. That is, if you look at it this way, the criminals will definitely continue to commit crimes." The conversation of Totsukawa's senior, the former head of the First Investigation Section, who is now known as the first person in crime research is also published as follows: "The criminal is probably smart. If he is in a company, he belongs to the level of giving orders. Therefore, he appears arrogant, representing God himself, no, comparing himself to God, and insisting on severely punishing the corruption of people today. His arrogance This strange note is enough to illustrate this problem. Although it says that God kills, he actually wants to write that he kills and punishes others. Generally speaking, the murderer’s Crimes can be frightening too. But this criminal, convinced that he is a god, will not feel any terror. I am afraid he must have had a kind of pleasure when he attacked young women. All criminals target young women, criminals He is a middle-aged or fifty-year-old man. He insists that one of the reasons for the corruption of today's society lies in the uninhibited lifestyle or attitude of these women, and has no doubt that killing these young women can save this decadent society. .This is my view on the case itself. As for when the criminal will be apprehended, as written in this memo, the criminal is convinced that he is right, so it seems that he will not hide his behavior too much. Too far, and I'm optimistic about that." In addition, the TV news program detailed the relationship between the case and God from the notes left by the criminals.However, the show is not too serious because they have scholars who have books on religion to attend.Artists in humorous performances were also invited to attend.The host of the show apparently directed the case to an entertainment show. "Are there still people who believe in God?" the host said with a smile, taking the whole program as a story.Totsukawa imagined this. "Let them do their best." Kamei said with a wry smile. "They are writing that if the third and fourth homicides reappear, it will be interesting. They are looking at this case with a recreational attitude." "That's how people are." Totsukawa said soberly. "People only get serious when they are in danger or their family members are killed. When it has little to do with them, even if someone is killed, it looks sad on the surface, but it feels very novel inside." Totsukawa said. Due to the excessive hype of the news media, at the press conference, the reporters asked the criminal police one after another: "When will the murderer be caught?" "What is the image of the criminal?" If there is a third homicide, the police will be held accountable.In this regard, the most sensitive is the criminal police chief Mikami. He said emotionally to Totsukawa at the search meeting: "No matter what, another murder case cannot happen again. We must try to arrest the criminal before the crime occurs. And , When I met with reporters, I was always asked what kind of criminals I was, which made me very passive. A scholar of criminal psychology believes that criminals are middle-aged men who are full of hatred for modern society and represent God to punish fallen human beings. .What do you think? Totsukawa-kun, what do you think of criminals?" "If I were a scholar, I would dare to say anything. It would be easy for everyone not to arrest criminals, but just to discuss who the criminals might be. But we criminal police should actually arrest criminals. A middle-aged man , to punish modern people on behalf of God. A child can say this because of the existence of that note. However, if you make a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous. It may be a woman committing a crime, or it may be a middle-aged man, or it may be a Young man, there are various possibilities. Therefore, as me, I think it is still impossible to come up with a specific criminal portrait, and I plan to take all possibilities into account to investigate the case." Totsukawa said to Mikami. "However, as I said earlier, when the press conference is held, they will definitely ask me what kind of criminal I am. Two people have been killed, and they are both young women. They have shown great concern for the case. Do you think At this time, can you say that you don’t know what a criminal looks like? You also said that children can answer. The scholars disclosed in weekly magazines and news media are experts in criminal psychology. Experts believe that the criminal is a middle-aged man. Negate God, and still believe in God, and punish modern people on behalf of God. According to the news media, experts in criminal psychology can clearly explain the image of a criminal, but why can’t our police have a specific image of a criminal? This must be unbelievable. Can't even find a clue about the criminal?" Mikami said to Totsukawa very anxiously.Then Mikami said: "If you say that the criminal's situation is not clear at all, can they understand? It's not a big problem if you say that you are not sure, but no matter what, you have to create a picture of the criminal." "So, can I say it?" Totsukawa said after getting permission, "I think the criminal is a hypnotist, or a magician." Mikami showed a look of surprise on his face: "What? What about a mesmerist or a magician?" Say?" Mikami stared at Totsukawa closely. "It was two young women who were killed. We haven't found any connection between them and the case. That is to say, I don't think the criminal knew the two women. Maybe the criminal and the two women had never met before. But However, the criminal stabbed the woman's chest with a knife from the front, and also approached to kill her." "How do you look at it?" Mikami asked. "That is to say, the woman is not at all vigilant in the face of the criminal. As far as the first case is concerned, there has never been such a terrible case in the past. It is not surprising that the victim lacks vigilance. As for the second victim , I should have heard about this case, but Mitsui Keiko faced the criminal, I think she is still not alert. What I said, just like what I just said, the criminal is a hypnotist or a magician. Generally speaking, when When a man you don't know approaches you, you should be vigilant. It is because of the lack of vigilance, although somewhat unnatural, that the criminal came up." Totsukawa said. "This time I feel that you are not joking, you are taking it seriously." Sanshang said. "Yes, I think that's what criminals are." "If this is the case, can I say that when I hold a press conference, is the criminal a magician or a hypnotist? If I say this, I will make people laugh. Is there no other way to express it?" Mikami said. "Then, how about saying that the criminal is a man without a face?" Totsukawa asked.Mikami said with a stern expression, "Aren't you mocking me?" "No, you're totally mistaken, how can I mock the minister." "Then what do you mean by a man without a face?" Mikami still had a stern expression. "The situation is like this," Totsukawa said. "The murdered woman faced the criminal head-on. At that time, I never dreamed that I would be assassinated by the other party. It can even be said that she was not alert at all. Can you imagine what the criminal's face was at that time? No matter what, I can't recall it. Look up his face. He can use a knife to stab deep into the opponent's heart, so I imagine he is a man of considerable strength. If the criminal is a thinner person, he also belongs to that kind of muscular body, and he must be an athlete. But the face is not clear, and the two victims lack vigilance in the face of the approacher. Thinking of this, I conclude that the man probably has a very kind face, at least not a hideous one. He has a kind, gentle face that must be liked by women. Face. But if you want me to specifically name his face, I can’t tell. I can’t think that a criminal is a beautiful man, and a beautiful man is sometimes terrifying. So, at present, I can only describe it as having no face. We What needs to be done now is: on that face, draw the eyes, nose, and mouth, so as to create the criminal's face as soon as possible." said Totsukawa. "When will it come out?" Mikami asked. "If possible, do it before the third murder occurs." Totsukawa said.
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