Home Categories detective reasoning disturbed fairy tale
disturbed fairy tale

disturbed fairy tale


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 93416

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Chapter 1 Prologue

disturbed fairy tale 恩田陆 1710Words 2018-03-16
The windows were wide open, but the room was still hot and windless.But if you concentrate, you can still feel the faint smell of sea tide from the slightly flowing air. Listen carefully, and you'll hear an impatient sound in the distance.It turned out that the muffled sound was the sound of the waves.However, the sound of the waves did not reach the ears of the homeowner at all. There was a fast-paced "rustling" sound, and the sound of brushes brushing on the canvas was uninterrupted, and her emotions were completely integrated into it. The woman was sweating profusely, and the sweat was sticking to the yellow dress with spaghetti straps, but she didn't care, waving the arm holding the pen forgetfully.

Her body is thin and her arms are unusually white, but the way she sways the canvas with a powerful rhythm is completely different from the impression given by her appearance.The violent and frenzied movements dyed the canvas with different colors in a blink of an eye. Dark circles are clearly visible under the eyes staring intently at the canvas.From this, it can be guessed that she has been here for a long time, repeating the same homework over and over again. Yet she was still a beautiful woman. The sunset has already appeared on the dark gray sea outside the window, and the afterglow of the setting sun is like egg yolk flowing out, floating thickly on the sea.

The late summer sunset shone into the house, and everything it reflected looked listless. The large bronze vase in the corner is full of yellow roses, the unattended flowers have long since dried up, and the withered and discolored petals are scattered all over the ground. Next to the vase is a child who is sleeping soundly with a cushion as a pillow. Perhaps this child likes the cold touch of the wooden floor. His little face slipped off the pillow and pressed against the floor, turning over from time to time while talking in his sleep. The work is being created at a very fast speed and is about to be completed.

Never before had she painted with such astonishing momentum. In the past, suffocating distracting thoughts always broke into her mind for no reason, leaving vivid pictures, which bothered her all the time. Countless white paper airplanes danced in the house. The grinning old hag, the wildly laughing dwarf. I really want to knock open my own skull, take out all the things inside, throw it into the bucket and wash it well.In the past, she always tried her best to restrain herself, calm down such impulses, and continued to paint calmly.Such inner battles exhausted her physically and mentally, and every time she drew a picture, her delicate nerves were severely damaged.She then takes her frustrations out on the surroundings, throwing a tantrum at family members or possessions, and later regrets what she did.Nevertheless, she still picked up the brush and faced the next work.

And now, now it is so satisfying to enjoy! It was the first time in her life that she felt so refreshed. The anxiety and hatred that had nowhere to vent in the past burned her all the time.Now those emotions seem to have never existed, and she is like a bird flying with wings, soaring high above the summer sea.Such high spirits have been going on for several days. However, this unusual sense of refreshment made her feel that the end was near. She trembled, fearing the day when this exaltation would end.When this emotion fades away, the power of rebound will be more profound and powerful.You must draw as much as you can while now, and now!

In the past few days, her head has always been exceptionally clear, and at night she is still too excited to close her eyes.However, exhaustion came suddenly from time to time, like sludge emerging from the depths of her body, and she had no choice but to take a nap for a while under the overwhelming pressure.When she woke up again, she had unconsciously waved the paintbrush. A woman lying on the beach.The woman lay on the sand like a rag. She no longer felt the coldness of the waves and the wetness and roughness of the sand. ...that's me...it's me.I'm going to be like that.

Thinking of this, my heart went cold, and bitter liquid welled up in my throat.But in the next instant, a sense of joy that made her whole body tremble replaced the fear. Unable to suppress the excitement, the woman got up and walked to the window.Perhaps because of the low pressure approaching, the air was filled with humidity, and the waves brought an air of uneasiness. Soon, soon.The woman's eyes shone like those of a fever patient. Why, this scene seems familiar?Where have you seen this sea? In a different time and space, I once stood by the window with the same mood. The child murmured illogical dreams.

The woman glanced at the child on the ground.my Gretel. —Mom, where did everyone go after they died? Perhaps feeling the mother's abnormally excited state, the child asked the mother questions during the day.Maybe the child has reached the age where he can vaguely realize the existence of death. ——It will be reincarnated and become something else. —another thing? --Yes indeed.You look at the sky, look at the sea.The clouds in the sky are changed by water, and the clouds will become raindrops, and the raindrops will become the sea, and the water keeps circling around the world like this.The same is true of people.All living things will change their shapes and appearances, and they will keep turning around in the world.

- Keep turning, keep turning? --Yes indeed. me too.During the day she swallowed the words without saying them.Now, however, she has a new resolution. I will definitely be back.Even if I die, I will definitely reincarnate and return to this world.Her eyes were full of fighting spirit.Next time, I want to meet that person again. She took a deep breath.Turn around and go back into the room, standing in front of the canvas again. She stared at the painting with piercing eyes, and grasped a corner of the canvas. bring it on!Everyone, look forward to it happily!This is my last gift!It is a gift that I have exhausted my life and infused with love!

The woman smiled sweetly.Although the beautiful smile was breathtaking, it also vaguely revealed an ominous atmosphere.
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