Home Categories detective reasoning black and brown fantasy

Chapter 2 Chapter two

black and brown fantasy 恩田陆 353Words 2018-03-16
Although there are many clouds in the sky over the sea, the weather is still fine.The huge Sakurajima and the puff of smoke on the island, which were still clearly visible just now, have gradually blurred into a small dot. Although the ferry seems to be moving leisurely, it is actually accelerating slowly, and the sea breeze is gradually increasing. The grayish clouds look like old cotton wool hanging in the air, and the heavy feeling is very real.There are no other ships on the sea, no matter which side you look at, there is an endless sea. It is unbelievable that the world we usually see is only the size of a TV screen, but during the journey, it is enlarged like a movie screen.When the land disappeared from sight, a kind of panic that could never go back suddenly hit my chest.

"Perhaps it's because the ship is relatively large, and I don't feel that the ship is shaking." "Because we haven't left the inner sea yet." "Inland sea?" "We are still in Kagoshima Bay." "I didn't expect Kagoshima Bay to be so big." "go in!" "The sea breeze is getting stronger." There was no one on the wide deck, except for a middle-aged man who was taking pictures, and an excited young couple leaning on the railing on the deck, looking into the distance.
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