Home Categories detective reasoning Forbidden Paradise

Chapter 4 Chapter Four

Forbidden Paradise 恩田陆 16827Words 2018-03-16
Today, because the class was late, I ate dinner at a restaurant near the university, and it was past nine o'clock when I got home. When Jie was about to enter the house, he found that the lights in the house were not on, and he was slightly surprised.But then he remembered that Kaori had told him that he would come back later for a company dinner tonight. A real feeling came to my heart: Kaori would be gone in the future, and I would have to go back to this dark room every night. Jie took out the evening paper and thought to himself, if the evening paper is stuck in the mailbox like this for a long time, it clearly shows that there is no one at home, and after my sister gets married, it is better to only subscribe to the morning paper.He groped in the letterbox and came across a hard envelope.

Huh? I took it out and saw that it was an A4-sized envelope, and the addressee said Jie.Open the back of the envelope and look, it says GOG (Shares). He had never heard the name. He turned his head puzzled, walked into the house and turned on the light. After reading all the other emails, he picked up the letter again.Maybe another sales letter.Like language courses, license acquisition, mail order and the like.I don't know where they got their personal information, since I started college, such letters have been pouring in like snowflakes. However, what is inside this thick envelope?

When I opened the envelope, I saw something like a CD wrapped in a PE plastic bag filled with air.He tore the plastic bag and took out the box inside. The cover appears to be a photograph of a forest.Dense dark green, almost black.The title is written in white letters in the middle. curtain.Why take such a title in this context? Thinking of this, Jie felt stiff all over. It's that person's creation. Jie has such an intuition. The man sent me his work. For some reason, I suddenly felt cold sweat under my armpit.Slippery cold sweat. Turning to the back of the box, I found a circular trademark pattern drawn on it, which looked like the appearance of the early stage of cell division.Ok?I seem to have had this idea somewhere recently...

He shook off the feeling that he had seen it before, looked carefully, and found that this was not a CD, but a set of DVD software.The word "sample" is clearly written in the corner. Jie felt hesitant for a moment. Should I watch this piece of software. Despite his hesitation, he walked slowly towards the computer in his room. As soon as she entered the workshop, she immediately felt something different. Huh? Ritsuko looked around in the dimly lit workshop.familiar scenery.The familiar silence of the body.Has anyone been here before? Ever since Wu Shanxiang appeared, she has become suspicious.To be more precise, it should be that she now understands better that this factory, where no one visits and allows her to devote herself to creation, is not safe at all for a young woman.

Just a minute ago, she bought juice from a nearby vending machine, so the door was closed.She cursed herself for being too careless. Why do you feel wrong at this moment? Ritsuko suddenly found an envelope on the wooden table in the corner of the room. There was no such thing just now. The recipient had Ritsuko's name written on it, but there was no postage stamp on it. Sure enough, someone came here and left this letter. Just a minute ago. She suddenly felt a chill down her spine, and turned the envelope anxiously, and the words GOGJAPAN (stock) came into view.Although she had never heard of it, she knew that Osan Kyōichi was related to promoting the DVD software promotion of the GOG project, which had sparked heated discussions in the art world, so she had already vaguely guessed 70% of it in her mind.

Sure enough, it was he, and someone may have been instructed by him to bring this letter to me here. She slowly opened the envelope and took out the DVD software sample she had expected. curtain.A mundane title.Why the name Curtain?Are there any profound implications? She no longer has the will to create.After looking around the empty room, Ritsuko started to pack up the scattered props and planned to return to her apartment. She closed the door softly and locked it.At this time, she was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized the reason why she felt something was wrong just now. There is no sound.

The sliding door, which should not be able to close properly, would make a creaking sound whenever someone touched it, but now it can slide smoothly. Ritsuko sensed the meaning of this, her whole body trembled, and she stood there dumbfounded. Somebody's been here, dripped lube here.In order to allow myself to enter and exit the workshop smoothly without being discovered. The streets at dusk wafted the scent of early summer, and that spring night in Shinjuku where I had a drink with Jun was already a distant past. The S station located along the private railway line can also take the Tokyo Metro here, so it is quite convenient to transfer.Although it is a bit crowded inside, there are a variety of small shops here, which is a very suitable place for single people to live.He tried to imagine Chun's figure in his mind, and at the same time he thought that Chun might get off the car here every day.

When Xia Hai, who was wearing a mint and green hemp suit, appeared at the ticket gate and smiled at him, He Fanyi wondered for a moment whether he was here to date her.He was at a loss for his self-centered delusion. "Go this way, please." Xia Hai, who was leading the way, showed a capable appearance, and the illusion of He Fan disappeared immediately. Go through the crowded street, come to the main road, and cross the zebra crossing.Although the main road is noisy with cars, walking into the alleys in the middle, the entire area is a residential area, which is quite quiet. It is hard to imagine that there is a main road only ten meters away.Old apartments and buildings are mixed in single-family houses, row upon row, and the eaves are connected.

Xia Hai's pace gradually slowed down.It must be two contradictory states of mind at war: on the one hand, I want to arrive earlier, on the other hand, I want to close my eyes and turn around. Soon, Xia Hai stopped in front of an ordinary-looking, quiet building.The neatly arranged balconies show that this is a building suitable for single living. The letterbox is simply a cover on top. Among them, only the mailbox marked "Kurose" is full of pizza delivery and real estate leaflets.Seems to have been through a lot of wind and rain, and the parts outside the letterbox are completely faded and hard.

"I'll go in first. Do you want to wait outside?" He Fan said in an encouraging tone, Xia Hai showed a weak smile and shook his head slightly. "No, let's go in together." Xia Hai made up his mind, took out the key from the handbag, and walked up the stairs. There is an elevator in the back of the five-story building, but it's closer here, so I usually take the stairs.No. 206 in the corner of the first floor is Chun's residence. The newspaper shelf by the gate is also filled with leaflets, faithfully showing that the owner has not been home for a long time.

Before I knew it, my heartbeat started to speed up.Natsumi seems to be doing the same.With a pale face, she inserted the key into the hole and turned the lock.With a click, the door opened. Xia Hai pushed open the door. The result of keeping the suite airtight during the sweltering season of the year was a horrible musty smell. He Fan quickly checked to see if it was mixed with other smells.Maybe Jun's body will be found here... However, he could not feel the smell.Xia Hai may also see that there is nothing unusual, so she took off her lady shoes and walked quickly into the house.He Fan followed suit. The suite for a single male in his twenties is very ordinary. Bed, stereo, TV, computer, CDs, bookshelves, coats hanging on the wall, jackets, jeans, cotton shirts.There is still a sense of relaxation at the scene, between meticulous and loose, showing the atmosphere of someone living here. Xia Hai looked at the scene in front of him, quietly immersed in the memories of the past. He Fanchao looked at the bookshelf for a while, then walked to the computer desk.He turned on the power and tried to turn on the screen.However, a screen asking for an account password appears.The screen cannot be turned on except for the parties involved. "Do you know the account password?" He Fan asked, Xia Hai shook his head feebly. "In this case, let's put this aside first. I'm going to open the drawer and check." After He Fanxian announced the announcement, he opened the desk drawer.But it contains stationery and labor and health insurance related data, which are all insignificant things.He Fan crossed his arms and looked around the house. "Do you know where his personal records are kept? Such as photobooks, graduation albums and the like." Xia Hai pondered quietly for a while. "I haven't seen his photo album. I've only seen a few sporadic photos of him with him. I've only seen photos of his mother and his college reading club." "It's really kept secret." In the past, I had heard a certain film advertisement line, and now it came to He Fan's mind. Did your him let you see his childhood photos?If so, then you can rest assured. He remembered the infinite admiration in his heart when he heard this line.Indeed, when facing someone you like, you will want the other person to see your previous photos, so that the other person can understand yourself when you were a child. But Chun's photos are not even shown to his fiancée.Although it can't be said that he has bad intentions, there must be good reasons for him to protect himself so much and keep his past from being known. Xia Hai ignored He Fan, thinking about things by himself with a serious expression. "Someone has been in this room." "what?" Xia Hai said this suddenly, and He Fan turned to look at her. "You said someone...?" "I can only say that someone has been here. Besides Chun, there is someone else, and this person is not familiar with Chun." Her voice was full of affirmation. "On what grounds?" Xia Hai pointed to the bookshelf next to the computer desk. "For example, this one. Chunbai books have his own rules. He arranges the books according to the order in which they were purchased. He said that it is easier to find books this way. He does not classify them by field. However, books are arranged by different fields now. Maybe it is right After launching a carpet search here, we re-ranked it again." "Who will it be?" Knowing that there will be no answer, He Fan still can't help whispering like this. "I don't know. However, there is no sign that the door lock has been picked, which means that the other party has the key. Maybe someone asked the administrator to take the key to open this room for a legitimate reason. For example, his boss." "That makes sense. But what exactly are they looking for?" "Something that could show his whereabouts, or show his relationship with a client." Xia Hai responded in a calm tone.She seemed increasingly certain that Chun's boss was keeping a secret.He Fan thought, maybe it was true as she said, but she became more and more distrustful of her boss, which made He Fan a little worried for her. He Fanxin looked at the computer unwillingly.If I could turn on the computer screen, I might be able to find some clues, but I just got stuck here.However, Chun even set an account password for his own computer, and it is a computer that only he can touch, which shows that he is quite cautious. Although it is unclear who came here to start the search, He Fan always felt that the other party might not have obtained the information he wanted. So, what the other party is looking for is still in this room? He Fan carefully inspected the house again.Buildings like this are all the same, with only a small space for storage.The long and narrow dressing room and the drawer-style organizing box are full of summer clothes. There are no personal items in this room. He Fan had this wonderful feeling.Of course, furniture and suits are also Chun's personal belongings, but there is absolutely nothing that can be associated with his memory or past.This situation is really rare. "What are you looking for?" "I don't know either. But whoever broke in here must be looking for something too." He Fan answered Xia Hai's question casually, and walked towards the small bathroom.When I opened the sink cover of the toilet, I saw that there was nothing in it.There should be a lot of humidity in this kind of place. He closed the bathroom door and opened the door under the kitchen counter.The steamer, which is rarely used because of being single, is stored inside.With the mentality of giving it a try, He Fan opened the lid and found that it was full of small plates for entertaining guests, making it a perfect storage box.He Fan took out the plate to check, but still found nothing. Xia Hai squatted down, quietly watching He Fan's actions. Just as He Fan wanted to close the door under the counter, something suddenly caught his attention.He stared quietly behind the door.A plastic kitchen knife storage box is attached behind the door.Inside was a paring knife and a meat knife, with the handle facing up. He Fan reached out and touched under the kitchen knife storage box.The bottom of the box is empty, and as soon as you reach out, you can touch the tip of the knife.Then he reached into the small plastic bag taped inside the box. Xia Hai found that He Fan seemed to be searching for something, and held his breath to stare at it. With a snap, he tore off the tape and took it out. Inside a zippered plastic box was a passbook from a major bank.The account name is Kurose Jun.The two looked at each other, and He Fan carefully took out the passbook from the plastic box. You can tell at a glance that it is an account exclusively for remittances by specific groups.The pages of the passbook are covered with the name of the same group. That's the only name on it.A large amount of 300,000 or 400,000 will be remitted several times a year from time to time.Chun, however, appears to have no intention of withdrawing the money.The field where the amount is transferred is full of the name of that group.If you look carefully at the earliest remittance date, it was almost ten years ago.It seems that remittances began around the time Chun entered university.There are nearly 10 million yen in deposits in the account. He Fan glanced at Xia Hai. "This money is...?" "I don't know. Because we often discuss marriage funds, Chun has shown me his other paybook many times, but this one..." Xia Hai's face was covered with a layer of black mist.She also seemed to be seeing it for the first time.Knowing that her fiancé has a large amount of debt or knowing that her fiancé has an unknown deposit, I don't know which one she wants to know more.Logically speaking, it should be the former, but knowing the latter probably makes me feel very uncomfortable.I thought that Xia Hai's face was gloomy because of this, but He Fan found out that she was trying to find something from the memory. "OOTAGUROMINNGUREKISHIZAIDAN——Wait, I seem to have heard this name somewhere recently." "Which Chinese character should OOTAGURO be written in? Otaguro, right? Otaguro Folk History Foundation, such an elegant name." He Fan turned his head in confusion.Suddenly, he looked at the last page of the passbook.The first withdrawal record appeared above, a total of 700,000 yen was withdrawn.May 28th.Just before Chun's business trip. "It can be confirmed that he withdraws before the business trip. Why do you want to move this deposit at this time?" "It must be because his business trip is related to this group." Xia Hai whispered. "Judging from Chun's personality, getting involved with this group must be involuntary. That's why he hasn't moved the money until now. But in the end, he had to meet someone related to this group. Work. He didn't want to spend his own money, so he withdrew the money, shouldn't that be it?" "Well, that's pretty much his style." He Fan also nodded in agreement, and handed the passbook to Xia Hai. "This is best kept by you." "But, this is Chun's stuff." "Maybe someone will come here again to find out this thing. They will definitely take it away by then." Hearing what he said, Xia Hai reluctantly accepted the passbook. "Next, we have to find out where to put the seal." "No, if we do that, we will really become thieves. I haven't really married him yet, and we are not considered relatives." When He Fan started searching again, Xia Hai screamed. "Then, just remember where to put the seal. As long as it is separated from the passbook, other people are unlikely to withdraw the money. If you find Chun in the future, ask him to hand over the private money." Xia Hai suddenly became quiet.He Fan found that she was responding to the words "if you find Chun", and was worried that she would burst into tears. "That's right. Who told him to worry me so much?" Xia Hai whispered so, and He Fan breathed a sigh of relief. "Under this countertop, there seems to be something hidden." He Fan took out the steamer and kitchen bleach, and peeked under the dark countertop. "Pfft, it's dark. Don't have a flashlight?" "It's in the drawer of the counter." Xia Hai opened the drawer under the counter.There are two flashlights mixed in with the cupping device and the extra disposable chopsticks.She took out one of the new and beautiful flashlights. He Fan took it, and suddenly looked at another old flashlight. Why is this not discarded?Seeing two flashlights in front of them, anyone would reach for the newer one. He Fan unconsciously picked up the older one and shook it. It made a rattling sound, and it seemed to contain something.Something jiggling inside means it doesn't contain a battery. He opened the cover, and what fell out was not the battery, but the seal. "It's hidden in a place like this." Xia Hai exclaimed. "What should I do? I think it's better to take it away." He Fan handed the seal to Xia Hai and asked.Xia Hai smiled slightly. "Then, it's done. Mr. Hoshino, please keep this seal in your custody. If you keep it separately, you can avoid the danger of one of them stealing it. I don't want to keep it all by myself. After all, you are also an accomplice." "I see." Hefan put the flashlight together in his handbag. "That's it for today, go back. I think we've found a clue." The two stood up slowly and left the room without saying a word.It was dark all around, and the residential area at night was filled with the smell of dinner. Under the clear and melodious birdsong, the picture unfolds. early morning.It might be early morning in Europe.A cute blond boy sleeps on a bed in a dark room.The curtains are full of golden light. In such an early morning, people have a premonition that the weather outside the house will be sunny today.The boy moved slightly and sat up from the bed.Very cinematic. Jie crossed his arms, looking at the screen, thinking like this. I heard that he is also a video writer. The birdsong never stopped.A young man who firmly believes in this world begins his day here. The teenager finally stood by the bed, looking out the window sleepily. He pulled open the curtains— But it's not the sunny pastoral scenery outside the window. The boy watched with a surprised expression. In front of you is a deep and huge ancient forest.Covered by dark green moss, the huge forest with thick grass and thick trees is so thick that the sun cannot reach the ground at all. The boy quietly looked up at the sky with a puzzled expression, looking at the trees that filled the entire space. A dead dark green forest. The boy found a winding path in the forest outside the window. He held the edge of the window, opened the curtains, and stepped out of the window tremblingly.Bare feet on the soft moss and green grass of the forest. There was the slight rustling of young footsteps.The camera reflected the boy's feet and the back of the boy's head. Soon, the boy's field of vision changed to Jie's field of vision. Unknowingly, Jie had wandered in the forest. The whole body is covered by the dense smell of the forest, and the soles of the feet feel the touch of moss.A pungent smell of ozone came from the nose.Jie took a deep breath of that smell, sniffing the forest breath that stretched forward infinitely. What a huge forest.It's an ancient smell.A green space of high purity and density. It seems no one has been here yet.The word primeval forest came to his mind. Is this Japan?But is there such a place in Japan?I have never walked in such a forest where the sun does not reach the ground. No birdsong could be heard.There was silence all around.However, although he couldn't hear the sound, he felt a strong feeling that there was something "existing" nearby, so Jie began to look around. strangeness.Where did that boy go?I clearly watched that boy walking in the forest.By the way, I should have been in my room a few minutes ago.I opened the envelope, took out the DVD, and watched the contents on my computer... There is such a huge forest in the computer, who would believe it? Smelling the aroma of the trees, Jie slowly moved deeper into the road. He turned his head and looked back from time to time, but in front of him there was only the dark forest stretching on and on, boundless and endless.Can't turn back, can only move on. There is absolutely no animal presence here.It is the most incredible thing not to hear the birdsong. Suddenly, something flew past the corner of his eye. Huh? Jay turned sharply, looking for what had disappeared from his eyes.However, the forest is still quiet, without any moving objects. Is it an illusion?No, there was indeed a white object flashing past. Jie tilted his head, feeling puzzled, and stepped forward again. After walking for a while, a soft laughter came from my ears this time.It is the laughter of children. Look, there are people. Jie pretended not to notice, and quietly turned his head to look in the direction of the voice. He caught sight of children running among the trees.There seemed to be more than one, and like echoes, children's laughter came from all directions. A lot of people. Jie stopped, waiting for the sound to approach. A little boy about five years old suddenly rushed out in front of him.The boy seemed to be enjoying himself very much, his face was flushed, and his eyes were bright.It was different from the blond boy just now.He is Japanese. The boy glanced at Jie, then rushed into the forest again. In that split second, Jay finally understood what was wrong. no hands.The teenager's hands have no palms. How could such a thing happen.Am I wrong? Jie denied his own findings.But, it did look like this just now... Hahahaha, loud laughter overlapped each other and came continuously, Jie was startled and stopped all movements.Because the sound sounds close to me. Several children swarmed out, rushing in front of Jie.They all smiled happily and wanted to grab Jie's hand. Let's play together. Jay looked at the arms of the children and saw that none of them had palms. Let's play together, let's play together. But they still managed to hook Jay's arm, trying to drag him into the forest.Jack panicked. The warm hands of children touched his arm, exuding a sweet and sour smell unique to children with high body temperature, like the smell of porridge cooking. Before he knew it, the severed palm was stroking Jie's cheek.Something warm and sticky stuck to his face. It seems that it has just been cut off not long ago.Blood dripping from his palm dripped onto his shirt. Let's play together, let's play together. stop, don't touch me.It's not my fault.I just happened to find that man, you have found the wrong man, you shouldn't be pestering me! The children kept putting their faces towards Jie.A sweet, comforting smell.No, the smell is mixed with the smell of blood... Jay screamed. Suddenly, nothing touched his body anymore. Suddenly regaining his senses, Jie found himself sitting in front of the computer in the room. Maybe the stop button was pressed unconsciously, and the screen returned to the still start screen. He was in a cold sweat. Involuntarily checking the shirt on his body.Of course there wasn't any blood on it. What happened? Jie's whole body was stiff, his eyes were blank, and he stared blankly at the computer screen. Under the clear and melodious birdsong, the picture unfolds. early morning.A cute blond boy sleeps on a bed in a dark room.The curtains are full of golden light. In such an early morning, people have a premonition that the weather outside the house will be sunny today.The boy moved slightly and sat up from the bed. The calm beginning made Ritsuko slightly relieved. Those people in the school turned into temporary commentators, put on a confident look, and predicted that Hibiki Oyama's new work this time is aimed at selling globally, so those cruel descriptions and abstract scenes should be Just reduce it a lot. If it is not easy to understand, how can it sell well?It must use popular images, let many musicians or celebrities play supporting roles, and let consumers find them.It must be done deliberately so that it can easily become a topic for everyone to discuss who is in it.This kind of content, which seems to be a bonus, is the most irresistible for consumers today.Consumers will feel that even such a big name is involved, and it is really profitable. Is that true?Wushan Zhuanyi, who has always been unwilling to cater to the tastes of the public, will accept this temptation?He had already enjoyed the reputation of being able to suffice for the ego of an artist.Such a man, why did he return to Japanese universities and interact with these naive and immature college students? The birdsong never stopped.A young man who firmly believes in this world begins his day here. The teenager finally stood outside the bed, looking out the window sleepily. The boy forcefully opened the curtain—— But it's not the sunny pastoral scenery outside the window. snow white.White darkness. Huh? Ritsuko was surprised.Why?Where did that boy go? Suddenly regaining consciousness, she was already standing in the snow-white darkness. where is this Ritsuko looked around and realized that she had turned into an elementary school student.The familiar pair of gloves, with the decorative buttons installed in the right place, made a doll out of the gloves, which looked very much like a little bear, so Ritsuko couldn't put it down. Wow, that's a lot of snow.You have to go home quickly. As if to paint everything white, large snow flakes keep emerging. By the way, the Meteorological Bureau issued a heavy snow warning, and the sixth class was suspended.A thick layer of snow has accumulated on the playground, almost as high as an adult, and the classroom on the first floor, although it is broad daylight, can only see a snow wall, and the classroom is dim. Everyone has to go home quickly, and don't stay on the way back.The school will contact your family members through the contact network to inform you of the early dismissal, and you must return home within 30 minutes. The teacher said with a serious expression. It was indeed a record-breaking snowfall this year.The road to school is almost two meters high due to the snow piled up on the driveway after snow removal. It usually takes five minutes to reach the school, but now it takes a full twenty minutes. Everyone seemed to be rushing home, and while Ritsuko was dawdling, everyone left. white world.All white. Traffic lights and sidewalks are useless.The moving vehicles slowly splashed the snow, and the traffic lights also wore snow caps, covering the color.It looked like a monster with a huge white face, with several small icicles hanging from it. But it's so beautiful, so beautiful. Ritsuko cheered while walking.Umbrellas are completely useless.This road to school is now uneven, and I have to rely on my hands to support my body to walk. Quiet and silent.It was snowing heavily, but there was no sound at all. Ritsuko is obsessed with her discovery. The snowy streets were eerily quiet.Everyone walked with their bodies bowed, and they didn't even have the strength to talk.Whether it was vehicles or bicycles, they all slowed down, only the sound of snow chains installed on the tires was heard from time to time, and they gradually moved away. Ritsuko. At this time, someone called out to stop her. It was a familiar, nostalgic voice.Who is the one? Ritsuko thought for a while, then turned to look in the direction of the voice. Standing in front of her was a girl with braided hair and an umbrella. It's ball painting. Ritsuko was startled. ball painted.I remember the ball drawing her... Ritsuko, let me watch Diamond Snow. Kumee looked at Ritsuko with intelligent eyes. We can't do it today, didn't the teacher tell us to go home quickly?The school has already contacted my family. If I don't go home quickly, my mother will be very nervous. It was rare for Ritsuko to say that to her in an adult tone. But aren't you on your way home now?Yuko is not here today, isn't it just right? I didn't expect Qiu Hui to be so entangled. Diamond Snow, this is Ritsuko and Yuko's name. Actually nothing.Successive severe winter days, coupled with continuous snowfall, the accumulated white snow at the bottom is under pressure and will turn into slush, and soon it will become solid ice.They found that, perhaps due to the temperature difference, the shattered pieces of ice looked like diamond shards.And they often boast to their classmates that there is snow as beautiful as diamonds outside. Qiue is a transfer student from Tokyo.Not only is he smart, but he is also cute. Standing with other students, he looks very different.She seemed to think that snow was rare, and she didn't think the snow was so serious this time. Kumee walks the same way as Ritsuko to and from school, but Ritsuko always chats with Yuko, who grew up with her, so it looks like Kumee is following behind both of them.In fact, when Ritsuko is chatting, she always tries her best to achieve a balance between the three of them, but Yuko is very possessive and doesn't like the newly joined Kumue to talk to Ritsuko. Qiu Hui is a very quiet girl, but in fact she has a strong personality.Ritsuko and Yuko boasted about the beauty of "Diamond Snow" before, and Kumue seems to have been thinking about it. Take me to see it, okay?please. Ball painting is really sticky.She had already seen through Ritsuko's personality of not being able to bear the begging of others. Ritsuko hesitated.Although we are now on our way home, the heavy snow from early morning to now must have buried that place long ago.It is precisely because it is located at the bottom of the snow that it becomes like a diamond.To find the place again and start digging, I feel tired just thinking about it. Let's go there and see.However, with such a heavy snowfall now, I don't know if I can dig it. Ritsuko proposed this compromise method. Qiu Hui's eyes lit up, and she nodded vigorously. The two children walked briskly, keeping their feet from sinking into the snow. The snow-white world stretches as far as the eye can see.If you don't pay attention to your feet, you will step into the snowdrift and it will be difficult to pull out. I don't know when, the two of them stopped talking, and just walked forward with full attention. The blizzard is getting stronger.It's not so much wind and snow as it is swimming in snow. Why did I walk here with Qiuhui? Ritsuko suddenly had this thought. strangeness.I should be a student at the University of Fine Arts now, so I should live in Tokyo.Why go back to my hometown now, and walk with Qiuhui on the way home from school? rustle.Only the sound of stepping on the snow drowns the whole world. Before I knew it, there was only one person's footsteps left.The person behind the ball painting, the footsteps that should have overlapped with her suddenly disappeared. Ball painting? Ritsuko yelled loudly. Frantically, the snow fell continuously from the sky.Even his own hands were almost covered by snowflakes. Ritsuko turned back into a college student.Running around in the snow in a creative tan shirt, muddy apron, jeans, and sneakers. Ball painting!Where are you? Ritsuko put her hands to her mouth and screamed hoarsely.What should have been a loud cry was immediately swallowed up by the thick snow wall, and no answer could be heard. What are you talking about, Ritsuko. Exhausted from running and out of breath, Ritsuko listened to a cold voice from the corner of her heart. Didn't Qiuhui die that winter? Huh? Thinking stops instantly. Qiu Hui died long ago, don't you remember? Ball painted dead? When Ritsuko uttered this exclamation, she was sweating profusely facing a laptop computer placed on a Japanese room table in a corner of the stuffy apartment. Distant din came into the house through the open windows. Perhaps the stop button was pressed unknowingly, and the screen has returned to the initial screen. The touch of ice and snow before has not disappeared.The soft, horrible smell of ice and snow, the coldness of snowflakes on the lips. But Ritsuko was like sashimi thawing, the ice and snow all over her body began to melt slowly.I felt the sticky and uncomfortable sweat in early summer dripping down from my whole body. She had no time to analyze in detail what happened just now. Why did I never remember this before? This sentence keeps popping up in my mind. That winter, Qiu Hui died—frozen to death in the ice and snow. Ritsuko covered his face with his hands. I—I killed her. Three days have passed since I went to the building where Jun lives with Natsumi. He Fan was investigating at home, and he stretched himself.The passbook found in Chun's house had the name of the Ota Black Folk History Foundation written on it, and Xia Hai said she would investigate it.As for myself, there are still many trivial matters to be busy, and I can't spare time to deal with this matter right now. When the phone rang, He Fan had a premonition that it was an unlucky call.This is the call that brings bad news. He resisted the cold premonition in his chest and pressed the call button. "Hey." "Mr. Hoshino? Is it Mr. Hoshino?" Xia Hai's voice seemed flustered.It seems to be dialing from outside, and there is a lot of noise. "What's wrong?" He Fan felt that the situation was unusual, so he couldn't help but stand up and put his ear to the phone. "Chun... The house that Chun rented in that building has been withdrawn." "what?" He Fan clenched the hand of the phone, and the strength increased a little. "I wanted to go to Chun's residence to try the computer again. I guess the password should not be complicated, such as part of my phone number, maybe he used this as the password. As a result, I went to the factory today. Ben stopped by on his way home, but the key I was carrying wouldn't open. I put the key in the keyhole several times before I realized the lock had been changed." Xia Hai's voice was quite agitated, and he was confused, but He Fan couldn't think of what to say to comfort her for a while. "So I contacted the security company, and they told me that the house had been rented out yesterday. They also said that a person who claimed to be Chun's agent had moved all his luggage away. However, the security company said The phone number left by the agent was found to be an empty number after calling." He Fan felt that the whole house was suddenly skewed and twisted. It's not over—maybe it hasn't even begun. What kind of turmoil are we involved in? "Hello? Hey, can you hear me?" Xia Hai's almost screaming voice gradually faded away. "Curtains" hit record-breaking sales on a sweltering end-June weekend when it hit the market. Originally, it was just quietly spreading the trademark symbol, but soon people learned that it was the "Curtain" activity, and spread it to ten or ten, and when various media also exposed it on a large scale, the market was already full of expectations for it. They spend huge sums of money on publicity.Co-advertised by a world-class Italian casualwear brand and a French perfume brand, this innovative move became a topic of conversation and the product became a hit. During this rainy season, "curtains" sweep across Japan. A closed society that emphasizes all equality, especially the pursuit of heroic charm.With the use of such a huge amount of funds, Osan Koichi's name became famous in one fell swoop and became a household name.但他本身却鲜少露面,仅只有事先录制的影片,对外发表简短的访谈。这样更加深人们对他的崇拜。 “窗帘”的销售在世界各地都相当成功。据业者发表,它在欧洲和美国也颇为畅销,全球创下超过八百万套的惊人纪录。 但同时也有相关的奇妙传闻和抱怨四处流传。起初只是人们窃窃私语,但不久便成了喧哗杂音。 这些传闻和抱怨,说起来几乎全都一样,虽然有多种不同的模式,但大致谈的都是同一件事。 人们都说——在“窗帘”中出现的,是那些已不在人世的死者。 外头正下着滂沱大雨。 已过七月中旬,东京的梅雨季也已来到尾声。这几天接连下着粗暴的豪雨,走在新宿的地下街,一阵难闻的气味直扑鼻端。在空气中已处饱和状态的水分与人类活动散发的气味混杂在一起,就像久未清洗的水槽般,有一股腥臭——犹如活着的生物却散发腐烂的臭味,弥漫整个都市。 香织坐在饭店的咖啡厅里,心不在焉地望着高大的玻璃窗上,一波一波犹如浪潮的雨水。绿意渐浓的行道树,在打向玻璃的雨水对面婆娑摇曳。 她蓦然朝店内瞄了一眼,恰巧看到成濑信一匆忙地走进店内。他一见香织便举手示意。香织也举手回应,信一搔着头,在对面的座位坐下。 “抱歉,要出门时来了一通电话,讲很久。” “没关系,我也有点晚到。” 他们最近几乎每周都会碰面讨论。 婚礼于十月初举行,但信一在八、九月这段时间得长期在国外出差,所以都在工作的两人,希望能在这个月内将一切琐碎事项都决定好。 今天要与婚礼的饭店负责人讨论。在和负责人见面之前,他们两人之间有些事得先确认过才行,所以才先约在这间宽敞的咖啡厅里。 两人迅速确认完毕后,喝着咖啡,稍歇口气。 “捷他自己一个人出门旅行去了。” 香织说了这么一句。 “嗯,去哪里?其它亚洲国家吗?” “不。听说是去和歌山。说他要去朋友的老家玩几天。” “哦,那很好啊。你在替他担心啊?” “还好啦。那孩子不想告诉我对方的名字和联络电话。” “捷不是有带手机吗?” “可是,如果要去别人家叨扰的话,告诉我一声又有什么关系?对方也有父母在,我又不会做什么不得体的事。” “应该是那档子事才对吧?” 信一以有点拐弯抹角的口吻说道。香织原本低头看着咖啡杯,这时猛然抬头,紧盯着信一的脸。 “哪档子事?” “简言之,应该是和女朋友去旅行吧?这种事总是不好明说。” "Not at all." 香织斩钉截铁地说。 “他现在应该没和人交往。如果是和女朋友一起旅行,我一看就知道。他应该会显得有点歉疚,而又满怀期待。” “这么说来,难道是卷入什么麻烦事件中?” "Ok." 香织一时显得吞吞吐吐。信一似乎觉得此事不太对劲,以严肃的口吻说道: “他该不会是涉足直销或是什么新兴宗教吧?最近这些业者都包装得很漂亮,骗术极为高明,现在的年轻人对这种可疑的诈骗手法几乎没有任何免疫力。最近网络上好像又开始流行老鼠会了,说什么暑期研习、网络创业,尽说些好听话骗人入会。” “是这样啊。暑期研习是吧。就是把人带进某个乡间旅馆,像在进行催眠似的,把人留在那里,对吧?” “不过,听你说他的那种口气,又不像是这样。你真的对他的去处没半点线索?” 香织并未回答。信一一直静静望着她。因为他知道,香织一旦决定不讲,就绝不会开口。信一也只能静静等候。 香织感到踌躇。那个男人的事该说吗?该告诉信一她对那个男人的感觉吗?从今年春天起,她便一直有预感的那件事。 香织想起那天晚上的事—— 时值六月底。 那天晚上一样是雨天。因为梅雨季只过了一半,仍是下着绵绵细雨,梅雨天寒这句话再贴切不过了。香织拉开窗帘,披上短外罩,整理家中的衣物。捷说他与许久未见的高中朋友聚餐,会比平时还晚回家。 蓦地,玄关的门铃声响起。 香织一惊。反射性地望向时钟,已经快要九点。这不是一般人会来访的时间,就算是推销员,应该也不会这么晚才来。 香织先静候不动,不久,门铃再度响起。对方按门铃的方式,看不出有任何神经质的举动。 香织接起对讲机的话筒。 "Hey?" 经过一阵沉默(这段时间,香织耳中听到的是沙沙的夜雨声),传来一个沉稳的男子声音: “喂,抱歉,这么晚还打搅您。我是捷的大学朋友,敝姓乌山,请问捷在家吗?” 初闻这个声音时,香织并未发现是那名男子,光听对方的姓,她也没去细想。当时她只觉得,哗,虽然还是个大学生,但声音可真沉稳。不过,她并未因此而解除戒心。如今的大学生,像这样突然到朋友家拜访,实在很奇怪。若对方独自一人住在公寓里倒还另当别论,但这样直接拜访朋友家的行径,令她难以理解。没有哪个年轻人会想和朋友的家人聊天。一般来说,都会先联络对方的手机,如果对方在家中,便约到外头见面。 “抱歉,很不巧,捷现在不在家,不知道他今天几点才会回来。等他一回到家,我就请他和您联络,可以吗?” 香织如此回答后,男子陷入沉思。 “那么,我有个东西想交给捷,可否请您代收呢?” 香织一时感到犹豫。 最近时局不太稳定。不法份子会千方百计要人开门。 都这么晚了,我该相信这名自称是弟弟朋友的男人吗?家里的门牌上只写着爸爸的名字,所以应该无法从住家周遭得知弟弟的名字才对。但只要调查邮件,便可得知捷的名字。不过,又是从何得知他是名大学生呢?或许只要定期调查邮件,再对我家进行监视,也许就能猜出捷是名大学生吧。这时,香织立刻想到个点子,就是请对方将东西放进信箱里。但如果对方真是弟弟的朋友呢?被人这样提防,应该很不是滋味吧。不,归究起来,对方这么晚才来拜访,是他自己不对。 "coming." 尽管有各种可能在心中纠结,但香织已在不知不觉间如此应道,朝玄关的大门走去。 这也许是命运的分界点。或许在开门的那一刹那,她会被某个素昧平生的男子一刀刺进胸口。 她走在走廊上,心不在焉地如此幻想着。 真不敢相信,香织竟然会死在疯狂杀人魔手中。香织是个谨慎小心的人,怎么会发生那种事?为什么她会搭理一名夜里来访的陌生男子?其实那不是疯狂杀人魔,是她的昔日男友吧?可能是婚期近了,出了什么状况吧? 要是我死在这里,一定会惹来这样的闲言闲语。这么晚了还开门,是女人自己不对。一定是个品行不端的女人。想必会被添油加醋地乱写一通,波及家人、信一,以及公司同事。特别是女轻女子,一旦成为受害者,死后还是会遭世人鄙夷,只要平日翻开报章杂志,便可明白这个道理。光是“年轻女子”这样的记号,便常是大众侮辱和好奇的对象。人人都在心底找机会攻击“年轻女子”。在电影和漫画里,常是年轻女子遭到杀害。 正当她不断思考这件事时(但事实上只有很短的时间),已打开玄关的大门。 但只听见融入黑暗中的哗啦雨声,眼前不见半个人影。 香织四处张望。 蓦地,她发现门外有个撑着白伞的高大人影。 香织暗暗一惊,那道人影向她微微行了一礼,这才伸手搭在门把上。 “抱歉,这么晚前来打扰,请原谅我的冒昧。因为我一面工作,一面上学,所以白天一直抽不出时间。” 充满智慧的声音。 他静静地走进屋内,悄悄取出一个褐色信封。 上头的收信人写着捷的名字,还用红色印章印上“亲启”两个字。 “这是很重要的东西,麻烦您转交。请转告捷一声,说我等他和我联络。” "Okay, I see." 香织接过信封,望了对方一眼。 刹那间,她就像被某道强光照中般,无法动弹。 就是他吗? 那是沉重黑暗的光。 从男子眼窝深处射出的黑光,照遍香织心底每个角落。 男子文风不动,紧盯着香织,视线未有片刻转移。 “您是捷的姐姐吗?” 男子露出很感兴趣的模样,如此问道。 “啊……是的。捷平时受您照顾了。” 香织反射性地如此回答,她已被男子表现出的好奇心所震慑。 “你们两人很像。” 他的声音听来似乎相当开心,令香织感到纳闷。仿佛听得见他在说“太好了”。是什么事令他这般开心? “抱歉这么晚来打扰。请代我向捷问候一声。” 刚才男子展现出的兴趣仿佛从来没发生过似的,只见他突然低头行礼,快步走出屋外。 香织感觉自己就像被抛下般,呆立原地。 男子旋即消失在黑暗的雨中。 香织宛如从梦中醒来,茫然呆立于玄关前。 她低头望向手中的信封。 里头放着什么呢? 有股想要打开信封的冲动。但她翻开信封背面一看,封口以浆糊牢牢封好,并以钢笔写上了“ㄨ”的记号,上头还贴上胶带。看来,“亲启”这两个字不是写好看的。 不过,给大学朋友的信写着“亲启”,里头到底是什么样的内容? 香织同时感受到不祥的预感和好奇。 她直觉这名男子想干预捷的人生,多少也会影响到她。虽然不清楚他的目的何在,但那名男子绝不会轻易放过捷—— 高大的玻璃窗外,绿意盎然的行道树随风婆娑。 香织猛然一惊,望着信一的脸。 信一耐性十足,一直在等她接着说下去。 “抱歉,我发起呆来了。可能是我自己想多了,应该是没什么事才对。或许是我过去一直支配着捷,今后也想支配他吧。” 香织莞尔一笑,如此说道。 可以确定的是,信一假装接受香织的说法,但心里可不这么想。 “那么,我们去婚纱店吧。” 两人在尴尬的气氛中起身。 捷站在装好行囊的背包前,感到迷惘。 暑假到来,已没有任何事可以阻止他这趟旅程。 但他现在仍对这趟旅程感到踌躇。他不断反问自己,我真的要去吗? 他再次取出那封已看过很多遍的信。 那天晚上回到家后,早已等在家中的一只信封。 当他看到“亲启”两个字,随手翻到信封背面,看见那个男人的名字时,心中一阵冲搫。 他是搭末班电车返家,当时香织已经就寝,信封旁留有她的字条,写着“这是刚才你朋友送来家里的信”。 那个男人亲自送到家里来?捷一面思索这当中的含意,一面拆信。有别于信封的谨慎,里头只有一张用计算机打字而成的邀请函,看起来平凡无奇。 内容极为单纯。 乌山彩城在故乡和歌山建造了一座个人展览馆。为了庆祝这座展览馆的设立,将私下举办一场家庭派对。想好好款待你,希望七月XX日下午三点,你能前来JR纪势本线的S车站。乌山响一将前往车站迎接—— 好奇特的邀请函,显得有些唐突。光是看这张邀请函,根本分不清谁是招待人。犹如是旁观者——某个第三者所写的信。 不过,邀请函的最后还特别叮嘱了一件事: 这是私人派对,谢绝一切媒体相关人员入场。也希望你别对外提起派对的事。本邀请函仅能由收件者一人入场。参加派对时,请携带本邀请函和信封。 捷开始多方揣测。 难道这是“窗帘”的一种宣传手法?为了补强那最近疯狂在世界各地流传的都市传说,所举办的宣传活动? 这种派对要保密不让人知道,根本就不可能。如今这世界,何种程度算宣传,何种程度算意外,根本就无从分辨。就算看报章杂志,也只是愈来愈多巧妙的广告罢了。原本只想逛街看看橱窗,但猛然回神,却已被引进试衣间进行试穿。如果是报纸,至少还会写明是“整版广告”,但杂志却是分界不明。既然如此,又有谁能断言这不是精心策划的宣传手法呢? 起初只有少数人说“窗帘”的影像中会出现死者的身影,但不久就像失火一样,散播至全国,媒体也一起跟着煽风点火。 据说不只是日本全国,来自全球各地的电话和邮件也都涌入“窗帘”的经销处。“这到底是怎么一回事”、“你们是怎么拍摄的”、“那个人在哪里”、“请告诉我那个人的联络方法”,诸如此类,几乎都是因恐惧而方寸大乱。 然而,经销商和乌山响一的回答,却都是一派轻松。 那是顾客自己心理作祟。我们确实有收到部分顾客反映类似的抱怨和感想,但经我们确认后,完全没这回事。在此,我们也希望媒体朋友能在仔细确认后再写相关的报导。我们可以视情况而定,以妨碍营业的名义采取法律行动。不过,换个角度来看,这也表示我们软件的层次很广,得以唤起顾客的各种记忆和画面—— 八卦节目和周刊杂志也广为报导此事,名为“我看到死者出现在我面前”的投稿网站,记录了大量访客的联机和留言。这项“窗帘”症候群,不久连社会学者和精神科医生也被卷进里头,舞台延伸到全国性的报纸及评论媒体上。 有形形色色“被人目击的死者”。像是“在我小时候便过世的奶奶,笑眯眯地从画面角落走过”、最近自杀的摇滚歌手,歌声混在合唱当中、意外死亡的政治家茫然站在群众当中、被疯狂杀人魔袭击身亡的被害人,浑身是血地站在窗外看人等等,不胜枚举,人们亲眼目睹了各种不同的死者。 随着传言的扩大散播,媒体当然开始紧追乌山响一不放,但响一还是一样,只是冷冷地留下简短的发言,一切仍处在迷雾当中。事实上,响一似乎有一阵子不在日本。他在欧洲和美国都有许多好友,所以不愁没地方藏身。 不论是八卦节目还是周刊杂志,都只能发表完全近乎臆测的言论。因为那些人“亲眼目睹”的死者,尽管重新播放“窗帘”中的影像,也还是只有当事人才看得见。如果有像灵异照片那样的东西存在,倒还另当别论;但既然没有图片,也莫可奈何。渐渐地,媒体将矛头指向响一,批评他打这种带有潜意识效果的广告作为“窗帘”的销售策略,也将箭头指向播放广告的电视台。讨论焦点甚至因此转移,指称这套软件当中也运用了类似的某种技术。 但“窗帘”的宣传活动,与世界知名品牌和赞助的大企业息息相关。尽管有些周刊杂志和学者想提出影像伦理的观点,但过没多久,当中旋即有人开始噤声,这个论调最后只能改为无声收场。而另一方面,也有不少人想谈论乌山响一本身的经历,但也在类似的理由下,最后不得不保持缄默。 到最后,“窗帘”赢得胜利。骇人听闻的都市传说,就此转为对软件的好奇心。在电视上反复播放的“窗帘”更加热卖。每当电视屏幕上播放“窗帘”的影像,便又会有很多类似“我去年在河里溺死的朋友,刚才出现在电视播放的影像中”这样的电话涌进电视台。 捷初闻这项传闻时,心中颇为惊讶。 他想起自己第一次播放那套软件时看到的景象。 然而,在听过传言后,他拿出那套软件重新又看过几遍,但同样的体验却未曾再出现过。他原本认为当时自己是在迷迷糊糊中做了场噩梦,但如果有很多人也和他拥有同样的体验…… 他刻意不让自己继续往下想。本能告诉他这样做比较好。 不过,他对“窗帘”症候群很感兴趣,所以很认真地查看报章杂志和留言网站。 不久,传言由大火改为小火,后来就像残火余烬般,成了人们悄悄流传的街谈巷议。 “窗帘”的拍摄地点。 据说封面那座蓊郁的森林,是在乌山响一母亲的故乡——纪伊半岛的某地,挑选日本数一数二的秀峰灵地当舞台,将土地呼唤死者的力量注入影像中。因此,只要找出作为“窗帘”舞台的场所,在该地播放“窗帘”,便能见到死者—— 这是个幼稚的传闻。但就在他得知那个传闻时,正巧送来这份邀请函。当然会被激起好奇心。 话说回来,为什么会邀我去参加这场“私人”的家庭派对? 捷重新冷静思考这件事。 在他的老毛病驱使下,内心又悄悄暗自得意了起来。捷心想,我和乌山响一之间果然有着看不见的关联。我和教室里的那群跟班不一样,乌山响一从我身上看出了些什么。 然而,像他这种平凡无奇的学生会受邀,令他感到难以置信,这也是事实。毕竟,彩城和响一都是世界级的艺术家,堪称是“当红炸子鸡”。他们的“私人”朋友中,应该有不少重要人物。一个平凡的学生,就算只是不小心误闯这样的地方,还是会感到洋洋得意,这点捷自己也很清楚。 这是你朋友送来家里的信。 香织的字深深烙印在脑中。事后他向香织确认过容貌,得知确实是乌山响一亲自带来这份邀请函。尽管现在仍有些踌躇,但若当时自己直接从他手中收信,可能会二话不说就答应前往和歌山吧。 没错,到头来,我还是决定去了。虽然心里不想去,觉得不该去,但自己还是去了。 捷半带绝望地如此思索着。 我果然是被那个男人给迷了心窍。想再次和他交谈,再次站在他面前,让他的目光将我射穿。捷比谁都还要清楚
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