Home Categories detective reasoning Red Abyss in March

Chapter 44 Section 16

Red Abyss in March 恩田陆 1042Words 2018-03-16
The room was filled with the aroma of coffee, and it turned into a daytime room. Zhu Yin had already changed her clothes and put on her makeup, and was looking at the map and travel guide book. This kind of mobility, I should study hard.Although I thought so in my heart, it took a lot of effort just to sit on the sofa for the unsteady Takako. Zhu Yin handed her the coffee. After drinking the hot coffee, I finally felt like returning to the human world. "Where is her home?" "exist ①Izumo Taisha, the most famous temple in Izumo. "Then what should we do next? It's early in the morning—but it should be eleven o'clock when we arrive at Izumo. In this way, we will arrive at her house at noon. Even if it's a surprise attack, it's a bit wrong to pick such a time." Be polite!"

"And it's Saturday, they might go out in the afternoon." "We've all come here a long way, and even if no one's home, we can go back every hour and maybe meet her neighbors. Or just write a letter and slip it through her door Crack." Zhu Yin quickly took out the envelope and letter paper from the plastic sleeve, "Come on, write a letter first, if they are not at home, this will come in handy. When we get there, it will be very difficult to find a table." Difficult! The business card should also be put in." "Should we let her know that we are from the publishing house at this time?"

"It's even worse not to reveal your identity! For people like us who have neither money nor power, if we want the other party to tell the truth, the best way is of course to show our sincerity." Zhu Yin calmly opened the lid of the bento and began to eat in big mouthfuls.Long Zi felt sick just looking at this scene. "What does your expression mean? It looks like you're about to throw up." Long Zi, who was glared at by Zhu Yin, hiccupped involuntarily. "Cheer up! The biggest secret of this century is about to be revealed! We are going to knock on the heart wall of a stubborn, vigilant woman who has kept the secret for twenty years! Hurry up and eat something first."

"Well, but wait a little longer." Longzi weakly pushed his bento to the side of the table, took a sip of coffee, and subconsciously cast his gaze out of the window. "Ah! It's the sea!" Zhu Yin also turned his head when he heard these words. A gray horizontal line can be seen across the early summer woods. "Really! Yes ① Zhonghai, a lagoon located in the northeast of Shimane Prefecture, Japan. "Hey, isn't it the Sea of ​​Japan?" "Really? Nakahibi ① Yonago, a city in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. The two began to consult the map. The sea outside the window makes the feeling of traveling more intense.

The few hours between having breakfast and arriving at Izumo was a leisurely time. The two did not talk, just sat on the chair blankly, and occasionally went to the train aisle to look at the green fields outside the window, or would watch I took out the half-finished manuscript and continued to read it, as if I was in the car on the return journey. Longzi, who usually lives irregularly and often "sleep" like mud on weekends until noon, was shocked to realize that the time before noon was so long.If you can make good use of this time, you can not only tidy up your home, but also read a new book!A very different morning than usual.Longzi was packing her luggage, and even yawned involuntarily because she was too leisurely, as if she had just finished a job.Just as Long Zi fell asleep again unknowingly, the announcement in the car announced the arrival of the end.

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