Home Categories detective reasoning Solomon's Perjury 1 Event

Chapter 20 Chapter Twenty

Solomon's Perjury 1 Event 宫部美雪 5457Words 2018-03-16
There are no outpatient clinics on Sunday, and the doors of the hospital are closed.After entering the hospital through the side door, Sasaki Reiko greeted a passing nurse, showed her police ID, and asked where the surgical emergency room was located. The nurse told her that all she had to do was follow the blue line under her feet.The aisle was empty, and Reiko started to run as she walked, taking off her coat while running, and then looked at her watch: it will be three o'clock soon. After turning three corners, she saw Zhuang Tian standing in the aisle.The blue line under the feet is still extending forward, and the sign of "rescue room" is hung on the side door.That's right, it's here.

"The child's mother is talking to the doctor," Zhuang Tian said. Zhuangtian is exactly 30 years old this year, two years younger than Reiko, but his qualifications in the juvenile class are comparable to that of Reiko, and Reiko has always regarded him as a colleague rather than a junior.Zhuangtian is enthusiastic and capable.He is much more reliable than the class leader who just wants to leave the thankless teenager's class and is always absent-minded at work. "How's it going?" Reiko asked.It was Zhuang Tian who called her, but she didn't ask about the victim's condition when she called back.On the phone, Zhuang Tian said this: Da Chu and the others did it.The victim was taken to hospital by ambulance.At the time, Reiko felt that knowing these things was enough.

"When it was first delivered, his face was covered in blood." Zhuang Tian wiped his oval face as he spoke, "There seems to be bleeding in the ear, and I have to ask the doctor for details, but at least the victim is still conscious. " "Were you sane when you were brought by the ambulance?" "Conscious, but a little dazed." The victim's name was Masui Nozomi, a male student at Chengdong No. 4 Middle School. "Have you questioned the victim?" "Not yet. Just asked his mother and the paramedics. The man who found the victim and called the ambulance was not only kind but also quite astute. He gave the paramedics a business card and said he might ask him later So I contacted him right away." Shota opened the notebook he had been holding in his hand, "His name is Tagawa Minoru, and he is an employee of Okaya Securities. He said that he found the victim on his way to work on a rest day. He didn't arrive until seven o'clock in the evening. After get off work, you can go to him later. He is a system engineer."

Okaya Securities is a large securities company that moved from Kudocho to the new building in Chengdong last year.That avant-garde office building is quite rare in this neighborhood, and it can be seen from afar. "It seems that they didn't call 110 to call the police." "No wonder. However, people have been sent to protect the scene, so don't worry." Reiko bit her lower lip and said, "This time, I won't treat it as a blackmail case of middle school students. Of course, the blackmail itself is already very bad." Zhuang Tian nodded: "This is an out-and-out robbery."

"Those guys," Reiko wanted to curse viciously, "how could they do such absurd things!" "You have to ask yourself to find out." Zhuangtian replied straightforwardly.Facing the delinquent and problematic teenagers who are "regulars" in the juvenile class, although Shota is not indifferent, he is much calmer than Reiko's grief. "How do you know it's Da Chuu who did it?" "Not sure. It is said that Masui told his mother who came over that he was beaten by a group of three students, one of whom was Oide. His mother thought the matter was serious, so she called the police station. So Strictly speaking, it cannot be concluded that they did it.”

Reiko felt that the possibility of not surpassing them was almost non-existent. "They knew each other before?" "Probably so. It may not be the first time Masui has been pestered by them." This was entirely possible, which made it all the more absurd and exasperating. The incident happened less than an hour ago.Minoru Tagawa, an employee of Okaya Securities Company, found a boy next to Aikawa Water Park, fifteen minutes' walk away from the district general hospital.The boy staggered out of the gate of the park, squatted down on the side of the road, his face and clothes were stained with blood, and he could tell at a glance that the situation was abnormal.Tagawa walked over to greet the boy, but the boy couldn't even raise his head.Tagawa was shocked, and hurried to a nearby house to call an ambulance on the phone, and stayed by the boy's side until the ambulance arrived, supporting his body.The boy was wearing a sweater but no coat, and one of his shoes was missing.The housewife of the house that lent Tagawa the phone brought a blanket and covered the boy.It took only five minutes to wait for the ambulance, but during this time, the teenager was vomiting.

After the ambulance arrived, Tagawa explained that it was time for the company to change shifts, and he was going to work, so he gave the ambulanceman a business card and left.The paramedics helped the boy into the ambulance and asked his name.The boy said his name was Nozomi Masui, and he also reported his home address and phone number. The ambulanceman asked him, "How did you get hurt?" Masui replied: "I was beaten." He asked to call his mother. Since Masui claimed he had a terrible headache, the paramedics asked no further questions. After Masui was put on a stretcher and pushed into the emergency room, his mother rushed to the hospital.Seeing his mother's face, Masui seemed relieved, and described what happened while crying.It turned out that when he was walking alone in Aikawa Water Park, he was stalked by Oide, a second-year student from Joto No. 3 Middle School, and his companions. He was beaten and robbed of money.Since it was three beating one, he was stunned and lost consciousness for a while.When he woke up, he felt chills all over, unbearable pain, dizziness, and very uncomfortable.He wanted to go home first, but when he got to the gate of the park, he couldn't move his legs, so he had to squat down.I don't know where the coat and shoes went.

After hearing what he said, his mother immediately called the Chengdong Police Station to report to the police.So Reiko and the others came here. "I heard from his mother that Masui had an accident when he came back from the library." Shoda said, "His home is only two blocks away from the entrance of the park where he was found. The route through the park is the shortest way to the library." The Aikawa Water Park was built after filling up the canal that was originally located there, so it was named "Mizukami".There are verdant trees, and the original canal is used to build the scenery of small bridges and flowing water, which is very suitable for leisurely walking.However, due to the complex structure and many shady places, there have been many cases of extortion, robbery and molestation of women.Children and women are generally afraid to go in after the sun has set.

Masui was attacked in broad daylight, but since it was winter, there were few people in the park.Reiko thought it might be difficult to find witnesses.If anyone saw the scene of the incident, they should call the police on the spot.But it's hard to say, some people will choose to turn a blind eye because they are afraid of being implicated.Even if passers-by knew that both parties involved were teenagers, they might not call the police.It is said that these little ghosts are the scariest things these days. "Two officers." Zhuangtian and Lizi looked back when they heard someone calling them.A doctor in a light green surgical suit stood at the door of the emergency room. "Please. Talk to the patient if it's not too long. Don't get him too excited, though."

Reiko approached the tall doctor and asked, "How is the patient doing?" "There is no abnormality in the brain wave, and the CT scan is normal. It is estimated that there will be no serious sequelae. However, the impact of the concussion will last for a while. There is also fundus hemorrhage, especially in the right eye," the doctor replied.For some reason, he looked at Shotian's face instead of facing Reiko and answered. After hearing the doctor's answer, Reiko's heart suddenly trembled. "Effect on vision..." "Well, that remains to be seen. I don't think there is a risk of blindness, but vision loss is likely."

"Is there any fracture?" Zhuang Tian asked. "The three ribs on the right side are fractured." The doctor tapped on his flank. "From the position, it doesn't look like they were broken when they fell to the ground. I heard that they were blackmailed, right?" The doctor raised an eyebrow.The question still went to Zhuangtian. "seems like it." "It was probably kicked..." the doctor said to himself, "There are marks of beatings on the face and body, especially around the eyes, and the shape of a fist can almost be seen. Oh, yes. If you want to take photos for proof, please say hello to the nurse." The doctor seems to be used to this kind of thing, "There are a lot of bruises and swelling, it must be very painful. He has been injected with analgesics, if The patient wants to sleep, please don't force it. He is frightened and must rest quietly." "Are there any abnormalities in the internal organs?" "There is a small amount of hematuria. No more serious abnormalities have been detected for the time being, but further observation is needed." At this time, the pager that Reiko kept in her coat pocket rang.She hastily removed it. "Please turn off the power!" After a stern warning, the doctor left.Reiko said to Zhuang Tian, ​​"It's from the office", and went to the lobby to find a phone number. The department informed her that a coat was found in the greenery of Aichuan Water Park, which was suspected to be Masui's lost property.The coat was filthy and scratched.The missing shoes have not yet been found. "Oide Shunji, Hashida Yutaro, and Iguchi Mitsuru," Reiko announced the names of the three, with a tone full of disgust, "Can you find these three people?" The other party replied that they had informed the police to go to the commercial street to look for it.All three were not in their homes, and their parents did not know where they had gone.The police did not tell the parents the specific circumstances and felt that they should be treated with caution. After hanging up the phone, Reiko thought to herself: Alright, now it's up to that tyrannical President Oide to deal with his son's indiscretion. "Irregularity"?Yes, it is estimated that Dachusheng will use such a vocabulary.Or is it "naughty and mischievous"?However, this time the situation is far from simple.It's a crime!They even moved the knife. Just about to leave the phone, Reiko changed her mind, picked up the receiver again, and dialed the number of Chengdong No. 3 Middle School.The bell rang for a while, and a male clerk answered the phone.Reiko told him that there was something urgent, and asked him for the phone number of Principal Tsuzaki's home. The bell rang only twice before Principal Tsuzaki answered the phone. "I'm sorry to bother you on your day off." Although Reiko greeted her like this, she could still feel that Principal Tsuzaki on the other end of the phone was quite nervous. "What's the matter?" asked the principal. Reiko recounted the incident. The principal was silent for about two seconds, and then said bluntly: "I will go to school right away and stay in the office. Please contact me at any time if there is any situation. I will ask the grade director, Mr. Takagi, to go with me." "please." Teachers don't have to take it easy either.Reiko muttered inwardly.
There are three beds in the emergency room, separated by curtains. Nozomi Masui was lying on the innermost hospital bed, and a middle-aged woman in a light green cardigan was standing at the foot of the bed, who should be Nozomi Masui's mother.She soon noticed Reiko's arrival and stepped forward. "We are Shoda and Sasaki from the Juvenile Section of the Joto Police Station." Masui's mother bowed her head several times as she showed her police ID and greeted her. "How's Masui doing? Can you say a few words to him?" "Ah, ah." Mother agreed hoarsely.After the treatment was over and the results of the examination were known, knowing that my son had avoided the worst situation came along with a bit of peace of mind, probably due to extreme fatigue. "He's a little sleepy, but should be able to talk." "Ma'am, are you okay?" Reiko put her hand lightly on Masui's mother's arm, "Would you like to sit here for a while, or go to the waiting room to rest?" "I'll just stay here. I'll be with him." "Have you contacted other family members?" Zhuangtian asked. "My husband went golfing today. Accompanied by clients." "Ah, that's it. Then we won't be able to contact you. Ma'am, you are really troubled by yourself." Zhuang Tian nodded, as if to comfort her. "His sister has club activities at school, and she hasn't been notified yet. At present, I am the only one who can come." "Masui has a sister?" "Well, it's called Nianzi." "Are you also a student at No. 4 Middle School?" "Yes." Masui's mother clenched her fists against her mouth, her eyes filled with hatred, "I thought there was nothing serious about No. 4 Middle School, so it wouldn't make people worry. But who knows, he would be killed by students from other schools?" Bully……" Reiko approached the hospital bed where Nozomi Masui was lying.The quilt hardly bulges, which shows that the child's body is quite thin.His eyes were closed, and his nasal cavity trembled slightly when he breathed. Masui Nozomi's face was swollen, his right eye was covered with an eye patch, and the bridge of his nose was strangled by a white rubber band over his ear. Just looking at it hurts.He was covered with a thin quilt, and he couldn't be seen below the neck, but a catheter protruded from under the quilt.For a boy who is in a sensitive period, this will embarrass him very much.Urine in a plastic bag hanging at the foot of the bed, at least to the layman's eye, looks normal.Reiko was relieved. The right arm is being infused, and the liquid is dripping rhythmically. Reiko can see the name of the medicine, but she doesn't understand the effect of the medicine. "Masui-san," Reiko called softly, "I'm a policeman from the Joto Police Station. Can you talk now?" Nozomi Masui's eyeballs moved under his half-open eyelids, and his mouth, surrounded by deep purple bruises, trembled and opened slightly. "Is it the police?" The voice was very low, almost covered by the sound of breathing. "Yes. You've suffered. Are you frightened? But it doesn't matter now." The boy closed his eyes, his eyelids twitching.He seemed to be fighting the effects of the sedative, trying to keep his eyes open. "You don't have to force yourself to speak. That's what the doctor said. The police are looking for the three people who beat you and took your money. Don't worry." A little bit of pupil appeared in the gap between Masui Nozomi's eyelids.He is looking at Lizi.Reiko nodded at him. "Big out," said the boy. Just as Reiko was about to say the name "Oide Toshiji" directly, she hesitated for a moment and changed her words. "It's Shunji Oide, a second-year student from No. 3 Middle School, right?" "Ok." "Is he alone?" "And his companions. Those two who were always with him." "Masui-san, do you know them?" The boy's nasal cavity swelled suddenly, and he let out a puff of breath. "I heard about it in school." "Fourth?" "yes." "Before you, were there any people in the Fourth Middle School who were blackmailed by Daide?" "yes." "So, they are also very famous in No. 4 High School?" Chengdong No. 3 Middle School and No. 4 Middle School have students who graduated from the same elementary school.And Shunji Oide was a problem child in elementary school, so if something happened, everyone would know it quickly. "So Masui-san knows their names too?" "They also call each other's names." "While threatening you and violence against you?" "yes." Fool.The word popped into Reiko's mind suddenly.The big gang of three is both a group of bad guys and a group of idiots.Thinking of this, Reiko was furious. She took out her notebook, which contained copies of the three guys' student handbooks, and showed Masui Kanko one by one.Nozomi Masui confirmed the face photo on the copy. "It's these three people." "How did they threaten you?" The boy's head moved on the pillow, and the corners of his mouth trembled. "Your coat was found in Aikawa Park, and it was cut by a knife. Was that also done by them?" "Ok." "They threatened you with a knife and told you to hand over the money, didn't they?" "yes." "Where is the exact location?" "On the promenade, next to the bridge. Kamei Bridge." It was a small bridge near the exit of Aikawa Water Park. "What did you do after being threatened?" "Run away." "But didn't run away?" "Yes. They just hit me and kicked me." "How much money do you have with you?" "Around a thousand yen." "Have they all been robbed?" "It's gone anyway." "Didn't you see them snatch it?" "I fainted." "So, do you remember what happened after that? Walked out of the park and onto the road until someone called an ambulance." "When I woke up, I found myself lying in the greenery." "Walking on the path when you were attacked, only to wake up in the greenery?" "yes." Nozomi Masui moved his head slightly again, and his nasal cavity swelled with a "hum".Breathing is also trembling.The slightly opened eye closed.He is very tired. Those three guys saw Masui Wang walking alone, so they surrounded him and drew a knife to threaten him, and cut his coat with a knife; when he wanted to escape, the three of them rushed up, punched and kicked him; after he fell to the ground and fainted , and robbed him of valuables, perhaps his coat was taken off at that time.As for the shoes, maybe he lost them while escaping. Then, those three guys hid the unconscious Masui Nozomi in the greenery and slipped away... Savage, vicious.Reiko felt her throat burning. Someone from behind tapped her on the shoulder.Turning around, Zhuang Tian whispered in her ear: "The police found Toshiji Oide, and brought him to the police station together with his parents." Reiko nodded, "What about the other two?" "Followers, follow along." "Where were they?" "Game Center. In 'Libra'." It turned out that they were still playing, thinking that they would not be caught, right? Reiko turned her gaze back to the hospital bed.Masui Nozomi was breathing calmly.Reiko softly called "Masui", but there was no answer.Just let him sleep. Leaving the hospital bed, she returned to the corridor outside the emergency room, where Zhuang Tian was already waiting for her. "Go back to the office." I thought I could restrain myself, but when I opened my mouth, Reiko still found that the voice she made was very sharp and full of gunpowder.Those bastards, the hopeless gang of three.Let's see, this time you won't be allowed to pass the test after a word of mouth.
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