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Chapter 8 Chapter 8: The Man in the Rain

devil's darling 横沟正史 3904Words 2018-03-16
It's quite late this year, it's already July 10th, and it's still raining continuously every day. At this time in previous years, the bathing beaches in the south were already crowded with tourists playing in the water. However, due to the continuous rain this year, the bathing beaches in various places seemed empty. The effect became very abnormal. On the evening of July 13th, it was also cloudy and rainy. A man appeared in the drizzle. The man was wearing a raincoat and a rain hat, and covered the part below the nose with a neck protector attached to the rain hat. He also wore a large ink mask on his face. .

Next to the Mochizuki Wax Museum in Ueno Uguisudani, there is a wax figure studio of Kuroda Kamekichi (also known as Sarumaru Sarutao), a celebrity who made figures and wax figures. The wax studio is about a dozen stacks full of tools for making wax figures.Since the house is facing north, even in good weather, the indoor light is still not very bright. If it encounters a rainy day, it will be darker and more humid. In this dark studio, there is a freshly made wax figure of a woman with disheveled hair. The hands and feet of the wax figure are still hanging from the ceiling, and the head of the wax figure has rolled on the floor.

A man in a Hawaiian shirt with the build and face of a chimpanzee does seem a little weird in such a dark and eerie working environment, using a piece of cloth to play with a naked wax figure of a woman. Kuroda Kamekichi's previous wax studio was located in Asakusa Bamichi, and he was surrounded by four or five apprentices, and he was also working very hard. But since he had an unusual relationship with Mochizuki Seeds, he became easily irritable, and finally abandoned his wife and children, and his apprentices also left him one after another. In this way, he moved his studio to the Wax Museum of Mochizuki. Live in solitude ever since.

For him, spending time with Mochizuki Seed every night has become the only pleasure in his life.Usually, he is not interested in anything other than making wax figures. In the past, Yasuke’s studio in Asakusa Bado had good lighting, and even if it rained, there would be no problem of insufficient light. In contrast, in his current studio, the lighting equipment on the ceiling is just a random wire, and then a light bulb is added to the front end of the wire. , the surroundings looked dim. I don't know if the work is not going well, Kuroda Kamekichi has been chanting words since just now.

The fleshy sound of the inner thighs of the naked wax figure lying in front of him seemed to be the cause of his displeasure. He was very close to the wax figure, as if he was licking the wax figure's private parts, and then used a small roller to repair the place, although it was only a wax figure, it still gave people a weird feeling, and it was about four o'clock in the afternoon. Summer is the longest day of the year and the light should be very bright.However, due to the constant rain and the fact that Kamekichi Heide does not like being peeped at work, he only left a small window, and a few trees were planted outside the window, making the indoor light even darker.

Now the light in the room is dimmer than before, so Kuroda Kamekichi turned to look at the window, and saw a man standing outside the window. Kuroda Kamekichi hated people watching when he was working, so he made the window small and high, and now he can only see the part above the shoulders of the man. The face of the man in a rain hat, a neckerchief, and a pair of large dark glasses was looking out the window into the house, and the rain was dripping from his rain hat. Kuroda Kameyoshi glared at the man fiercely, cursed a few times, then turned around and continued with his work. The place where the man is standing now is a small path leading to Uguisudani Station from Ueno Park. Usually, few people pass by here, but the police in charge of this area know that there is such a shortcut, so Kuroda Kamekichi thinks that the man is a criminal policeman.

The patrolmen in this area are very curious about the relationship between him and Mochizuki Seeds, and come here from time to time to spy on the situation of the two having sex, which makes Kuroda Kamekichi very angry. At this time, he suddenly thought of an idea, and secretly laughed in his heart. Kuroda Kamekichi happened to have a life-sized wax figure of a nude woman at hand, and he planned to play tricks on the young policeman. I saw him gently hugging the wax figure on his knees, holding the waist of the wax figure with his left hand, and then sticking his cheek on the wax figure's cheek, his right hand started to walk on the wax figure like a caterpillar.

While speeding up his fingers, Kuroda Kamekichi peeked at the face of the man by the window. Although Kuroda Kamekichi didn't know the expression on the face of the man wearing a rain hat and big sunglasses outside the window at this moment, he knew that the man was still standing in the rain, watching him "acting" intently. Kuroda Kamekichi's breathing became more and more rapid. He originally wanted to play tricks on the young policeman who was standing by the window peeping at his work, so he deliberately performed this hot scene, but unexpectedly, a sense of pleasure surged from his body.

Regardless of whether he had this eccentricity before, but at this moment, he turned into a man with the eccentricity of raping wax figures. Kuroda Kamekichi took off his Hawaiian shirt and only wore a piece of underwear, revealing thick fine hair, which is why others call him a "chimpanzee". His arms, chest, and back were all covered with thick hair, so under the dim light, the scars from the whipping by the Moon Moon Seed could not be seen at all. Kuroda Kamekichi lay on his back, holding the wax figure on his stomach. The stiff limbs and cold touch of the wax figure did not make Kuroda Kamekichi feel bitter, and the hairy body of him picked up the wax figure and had sex in the dark studio intensified.

In the end, Kamekichi Kuroda had reached a state of excitement where he didn't know what shame was, and he untied the belt with slightly trembling fingers. When he was about to take off his pants, a gloomy voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Hey! You have had enough trouble!" The gloomy voice and the wet raindrops formed a wonderful combination. "What did you say?" Kuroda Kamekichi had no expression on his face, and was about to turn around and have a big fight with that man. The reason why he was immersed in perverted joy was to arouse the other party's sexual desire, but the man's voice was cold, and there was no trace of excitement.

The man not only speaks in a very low voice, but also breathes very regularly. He seems to have no interest in Kuroda Kamekichi's sexual performance. "What did you say?" Kuroda Kamekichi sat up from the slightly dirty thin cushion, holding the wax figure in his arms and roaring at the man outside the window, his mouth still drooling. "Hey! Why do you tell me to stop! If you don't want to watch it, you can get out!" Kuroda Kamekichi spit on the ground and lay down with the wax figure again. "Hey! Master, haven't you had enough trouble?" The man still did not change his gloomy tone of voice. "What are you talking about? How dare you meddle in my business! Get out of here quickly. If your bureau chief finds out that you are not doing your job here, be careful not to lose your job. Hmph! You'd better not meddle in my uncle's business." "Director?" Only then did the man realize that Kamekichi Kuroda had identified the wrong person. "Master, who do you think I am?" "It's just a little patrolman, isn't it a police officer?" "Hahaha!" The man let out a piercing laugh from deep in his throat, "No, I'm nothing." "What? So who are you?" "I... I am 'Rain Man'." "rain Man?" When Kuroda Kamekichi heard this, he couldn't help asking in surprise: "What is Yu Nan?" "I only come out for a walk on continuous rainy days and nights, so I am called Rain Man." The man's voice was always gloomy, and he said some uncomfortable words, which made Kuroda Kamekichi even more unhappy. "Why are you spying on my studio?" "Oh, because I have something to ask you for." "Can I ask you something?" "Yes, I would like to ask you to make a wax figure." Kuroda Kamekichi said nonchalantly, "Hmph! So, you are my client!" "Yes, you are right." "Since you are my client, why don't you come in." "I want to dry the rain on my raincoat before I go in, so I will stand outside the window for a while. I didn't expect to see you doing that kind of thing when I stand here. I was stunned for a while, ha..." Yu Nan's laughter sounded very deep, but Kuroda Kamekichi prefers people with gloomy personalities recently. "Haha! I thought you were a young patrolman, so I planned to play tricks on you, so I made such a strange move. Alright. Don't worry about this, come in and talk about it!" The wax figures in Mochizuki Wax Museum are all made by Kuroda Kamekichi, but Kuroda Kamekichi is not the exclusive master of this wax museum, he also takes orders from outside the wax museum. Mochizuki Seed is a petty, stingy person who never pays Kuroda Kamekichi. If he doesn't try to find a way to make money, he can't survive at all. So Kamekichi Kuroda has a reception room attached to his humble studio, where he can take orders and talk to clients. "Hey! Why don't you take off that turban-like thing?" Like a puppy, Yu Nan walked into the reception room while shaking his body, his hands still in his pockets. "No, I'm better off like this." "Hmph! What kind of wax figure do you want me to make?" Kuroda Kamekichi snorted coldly with disdain, looked suspiciously at the man's eyes under the sunglasses and asked, "I have a model, I hope you can make it exactly like this model." "No problem, your model is..." "Well, here are five or six photos, and the height and other information are written on the back of the photos." When Kuroda Kamekichi saw the man's right hand protruding from his pocket, he was taken aback, but he quickly grinned again. The weather was so hot, and this man named Yu Nan was still wearing black leather gloves. "This is it." Amane threw a white envelope on the table, and Kamekichi Kuroda stood up to get the envelope. "Can I see what's inside?" "certainly." Kuroda Kamekichi tore open the envelope and saw that there were six postcard-sized photos inside. The protagonist in these photos is the same woman, two of which are close-ups of the face, and the remaining four are full-body nude photos, two of which are standing frontally, and the other two are standing from the back. Judging from the fact that the people in the photos are not particularly posed, it is presumed that these photos were taken secretly. Kamekichi Kuroda scoffed at the nude photos, but when he saw the close-up photos of the faces, he couldn't help but look at Yu Nan with bated breath. "This, this woman..." "Why, do you know this woman?" Yu Nan's voice still sounded lifeless. "No, how could I know the woman in the photo. You want to use this woman as a model to make a wax figure that is exactly the same?" "If I don't explain it, you may not be able to make the wax figure I want!" Kuroda Kamekichi looked at Yu Nan without saying a word. "You mean...even the posture and clothes are within the specified?" "Well, let's just lie on your back! You don't need clothes, but every part of your body must be exactly the same as the model in the photo. By the way, it's better to spread your legs a little bit." "Stand upright on your knees, hee hee... How about putting your hands like this?" Kamekichi Kuroda posed while speaking. Amane, wearing sunglasses, stared at Kamekichi Kuroda. "Well, that's a good idea. All right! Just do as you say, but I'm in a rush." "When do you want it?" "I'll come to pick up the goods around the 20th." "one week……" Kuroda Kamekichi tilted his head and thought for a while before answering: "Okay! But you can pay by express delivery." "How much?" Kuroda Kamekichi deliberately raised the price to test the other party's reaction, but Yu Nan thought for a while and said, "This is simply a scam! Forget it, how much deposit do I have to pay you?" "Forty percent of the total price." Yu Nan nodded silently, then took out several brand new 5,000-yen bills and placed them on the rough table. "There is no need to issue a receipt, I will pick up the goods in person around the 20th." After Yu Nan finished speaking lifelessly, he turned and walked outside into the rain. Facing this man's straightforward style, Kuroda Kamekichi felt uncomfortable. He looked blankly at the five thousand-yen bills and six photos on the table, and suddenly his whole body trembled. "brute!" After Kuroda Kamekichi yelled, he rushed into the rain. But what appeared before his eyes was only a misty rain, and there was no sign of Yu Nan at all. The black man Kamekichi stood in the rain and muttered to himself for about five minutes before returning to the studio.Although he had just talked with Yu Nan for fifteen minutes, he didn't know how old the other party was. As soon as he thought about it, he felt very annoyed. Nevertheless, he picked up the six photos on the table again and looked at them carefully. In fact, he recognized the woman in the photo. She was one of Kingo Kazama's mistresses—Hosaka Junyo, the proprietress of Love's Bouquet. Kuroda Kamekichi decided not to tell Mochizuki Seed about it.
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