Home Categories detective reasoning The Eagle's Nest Tragedy

Chapter 2 Chapter One Getting Involved

The Eagle's Nest Tragedy 横沟正史 3285Words 2018-03-16
clang!clang!clang…… At three o'clock in the middle of the night, a rapid bell rang in Xiajintian Town. At this time, the storm was getting stronger and stronger, and there was a frightening sound of wind and rain from time to time outside the window. Bangxiong jumped off the bed and ran to open the window facing the sea. On the pitch-black sea, a steamboat was gradually sinking into the sea at a 30-degree angle. (Ah! Shipwreck!) Bangxiong wanted to scream, but found that the Eagle's Nest Lighthouse, which was always on, was completely dark. (On a stormy night like this, the lights of lighthouses are extremely important for ships traveling at sea, why now...)

Thinking of this, Bangxiong couldn't help feeling uneasy. The figures of the two suspicious characters he met on the way home at night suddenly flashed through his mind. (Did something happen to the uncle who kept the lighthouse?) As the bell continued to ring, the townspeople were awakened by the bell and rushed to the beach. Bangxiong also quickly turned on the light switch, planning to change his clothes and go out to have a look.However, there was probably a power outage, and the lights were not on. Bangxiong had no choice but to change his clothes in the dark. At this time, there was a sudden noise downstairs.

(It seems that uncle and aunt are also up.) Bangxiong speeded up to put on his raincoat and rain hat, and when he went downstairs, he happened to see that his uncle had also changed his clothes by candlelight. "Uncle, there is a shipwreck, and the light in the lighthouse has gone out!" "What? The lights in the lighthouse went out?" When Bangxiong's uncle heard this, he couldn't help looking out the window in surprise. "Ah! It's true! Something must have happened. I have to go and see." "Uncle, take me there!" "No, you still stay at home. If you are injured, how will uncle explain to your mother?"

"Don't worry! I'm not a child anymore, and I'm also very worried about the uncle who keeps the lighthouse." While the two were talking, there was another hasty knock on the door. "Mr. Mikoshiba, get up quickly! There's a shipwreck!" Bangxiong's uncle is named Miko Chai Chusuke, and he is the mayor of this small town, so in this case, the townspeople can only come to him. "Okay, I'm going now!" "Uncle, take me with you!" "Ok!" Facing the increasingly strong wind and rain, Bangxiong and his uncle finally walked to the beach, only to see that everyone was already busy there.

"Hey, throw the rope over here!" "Yes, I'll throw the rope over!" "What happened to the boat? Why did it turn back?" "No way, the storm is so strong, there is no way for the boat to approach that ship." "Ah! Someone has been washed ashore!" Conversations sounded broken under the strong wind. At this time, the bell had stopped, but the wrecked ship was tilting more and more, and the atmosphere on the shore became more and more tense. The rescue boats had sailed out several times, but the storm was so strong that the rescuers were all washed up on the shore by the waves. Everyone could only worry and couldn't get close to the steamboat.

As for the eight lifeboats that were lowered from the steamboat, half of them capsized midway, so the people who managed to get back to the shore alive were very lucky. Go to a nearby house to rest. Looking at the people coming and going in front of him, Bangxiong suddenly remembered something—— "Uncle, uncle!" "Bangxiong, what's the matter?" Yu Zichai was busy instructing the townspeople to rescue those who were in trouble, when he heard Bangxiong's call, he couldn't help frowning, and asked back. "I'm worried about my uncle who keeps the lighthouse."

"Oh, so..." Miko Chai tilted his head and said after a while: "Then, you can go to the lighthouse and have a look, but be careful! By the way, Bangxiong!" "Is there a problem?" "On the road, you may meet some people washed ashore by the waves, so be careful!" "Yes, I know. I'm going, then." So Bangxiong braved the storm and walked towards the cape of Eagle's Nest with a weak flashlight. Little did he know that this was the first step in his own adventure. The gusts of strong wind with showers blocked Bangxiong's way several times.

Bangxiong finally arrived at the Cape of Eagle's Nest. At this moment, he suddenly heard a faint groan not far away. Bangxiong stood in the storm and listened carefully. After a while, he finally found that the moan was coming from near a towering rock. Bangxiong quickly trotted to the edge of the rock, but found a man fainted on the ground. Judging from his wet body, he should have been washed ashore from a wrecked steamboat. Bangxiong hurried to the man's side. "Hey! Take heart!" "Ah! I'm afraid my life won't last long... So I want to ask you one thing... The accent you spoke just now doesn't look like people from this area..."

"Yes, my family lives in Tokyo. I will come here this year during the summer vacation. In two or three years, I will go back." The young man opened his eyes wide when he heard Bangxiong say that. "You... what you said is true?" "of course it's true." "Great! Then please... put this... this..." The young man suppressed the sharp pain in his chest, and handed the black box under his arm to Bangxiong. "Please go back to Tokyo...give the box to a man named Kosuke Kindaichi...his address is written in the box..." "This kind of thing, I..."

"Please don't refuse me... I have no choice but to please... Please, if you don't do what I say... you will endanger the life of a lovely girl. And ... You have to be careful yourself, because there are countless people who covet this box. Like this night... the person who turned off the light in the lighthouse and wrecked the ship is one of them..." "You, what did you say?" Bangxiong was startled, and then looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. "This is just my guess...but I believe...someone must be trying to shipwreck the ship so that I can go to the bottom of the sea with this black box. So...promise me, don't let anyone know that you have This box, especially...be careful with the man who wears the prosthetic limb; also, remember to give it to Kindaichi Kosuke...be sure to hand this box over to Kindaichi Kosuke..."

When the young man said this, he lowered his head weakly. At this time, the strong wind has weakened, and only the heavy rain still falls from the sky from time to time. Bangxiong looked at the things the young man gave him, and found that it was a black box about 20 centimeters in length, 20 centimeters in width, and 40 centimeters in height. He didn't know what was inside, and it was heavy. Holding the black box like this, he stood blankly in the rain. After a while, Bangxiong called out to the young man as if waking up from a dream. Although he kept shaking the young man, the man still had his eyes closed and did not respond. (Is he dead?) Bangxiong quickly reached out to press the young man's chest. Fortunately, his heart was still beating and the wound was no longer bleeding, so Bangxiong stood up immediately. (I have to find someone to help quickly. If he is rescued in time, maybe he still has a chance of survival. Ah! There should be doctors and nurses in the town.) Bangxiong walked five or six steps around the rock, and suddenly remembered the black box. (Is it okay to leave that box there? No, what if someone comes here and takes the box? What's more, that person has already passed out. If someone really took the box and he doesn't know who did it, then wouldn't I be blamed? ) Thinking of this, Bangxiong hurried back to the young man and picked up the black box. But that box was really heavy, and it was too strenuous to carry it around.Besides, the young man just explained that no one should see the box, so Bangxiong thought about it and finally came up with a good idea. Bangxiong remembered that near the rock where the young man passed out, there was a cave that no one knew about. He had discovered it by accident when he was chasing crabs. Since the cave is just below the rock, and the seaweed that clings to the rock hangs down like a curtain, no one has ever noticed that there is a cave here. Bangxiong quickly pushed the black box into the cave, and covered the outside of the cave with seaweed. (In this way, no one should find out!) Only then did Bangxiong leave the scene in peace, but he didn't notice that at this moment, he dropped a very important thing. It was the handkerchief in his pocket. Bangxiong just used that handkerchief to draw water for the young man to drink, and not only Bangxiong's name was written on the handkerchief, but even the name of the school he attended. Unaware, Bangxiong ran forward against the heavy rain. When he ran about 500 meters away—— "Hey, little brother, little brother!" A black shadow seemed to appear not far away calling him to stop. "Is there a problem?" Bangxiong stopped in surprise, and shone a flashlight at him, only to see that the man was wearing a fur hat, a leather sports jacket, and was leaning on a thick crutch in his hand, and one of his eyes was still open. Covering it with a black cloth gives people a very uncomfortable feeling. "Little brother, I have something to ask you." "Oh? What's the matter?" "You seem to be coming from there. I wonder if someone was washed ashore by the waves?" Bangxiong hesitated for a while, wondering if he should tell the story of the young man he met just now. "In fact, one of my companions is currently missing. I have been looking for him since just now. If he is washed ashore by the waves, I hope you can tell me that even if he has passed away, I would like to bury him with my own hands. .” When Bangxiong saw the anxious look on the man's face in front of him, he couldn't help feeling sympathetic. "What does uncle's companion look like?" "He's a young man of four or five and twenty." The one-eyed man paused for a moment before saying: "Because he was injured by bad guys and was seriously injured, so I'm really worried..." "Ah! Uncle, the person you mentioned is over there. Here, do you see that big rock not far away? It's that..." "Oh, there! Thank you very much, then I must hurry to my companion." The one-eyed man said as he walked towards Bangxiong. Seeing this, Bangxiong couldn't help but stand there in shock. Because the man stood still just now, Bangxiong didn't realize that his left foot was actually equipped with a prosthetic limb. (Young men have repeatedly warned me about men with prosthetics, and now I'm...) Thinking of this, Bangxiong couldn't help but feel a sense of tremor all over his body. The man with the prosthetic leg squinted at Bangxiong, then leaned on crutches and walked towards the big rock step by step. Seeing this situation, Bangxiong had no choice but to quicken his pace and run towards his uncle.
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