Home Categories detective reasoning The Eagle's Nest Tragedy
The Eagle's Nest Tragedy

The Eagle's Nest Tragedy


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 60247

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Chapter 1 Prologue story origin

The Eagle's Nest Tragedy 横沟正史 1344Words 2018-03-16
Looking at the map of Japan, it is not difficult to see that in the south of Okayama Prefecture, there is a place protruding from the Seto Inland Sea called the Kojima Peninsula. There is a small town called Shimotsuda at the tip of the Kojima Peninsula, and at the end of Shimotsuda Town is a cape stretching out to the sea. This cape was originally called Eagle's Nest Cape, but because of the hidden reefs around the cape, passing ships often suffer shipwrecks, so it is also called "shipwrecked cape". Cape Shipwreck is about one kilometer long, and the terrain is very steep, so there are no houses on the cape, only a lighthouse stands high facing the sea, this lighthouse is the so-called "Eagle's Nest Lighthouse".

The person guarding the Eagle's Nest Lighthouse is Kenzo Furukawa, who is about forty years old.Because he is funny and likes children, Kunio Nomura has become good friends with the uncle who guards the lighthouse without knowing it. In fact, Kunio is not a local. He was born in Tokyo, studied in Tokyo, and will enter the third grade of middle school this year. This summer, he came to play at his uncle's house in Shimotsuda alone. Sometimes when Kunio was tired from studying, he would go to the lighthouse to play. Not only would Kenzo Furukawa, who was guarding the lighthouse, let him visit the lighthouse, but he would also be told stories to him.

Before guarding this lighthouse, Kenzo Furukawa had worked as a watchman for lighthouses in various places. Naturally, he knew a lot of strange things and encountered many unimaginable dangerous situations. For Kunio who was born and grew up in Tokyo, all the things Kenzo Furukawa told were stories that can only be seen in adventure novels, so whenever Kunio heard these stories from Kenzo Furukawa, who is good at storytelling, Sometimes, I always feel excited and inexplicable. However, Bangxiong never expected that he would be involved in a horror event that was even more bizarre and bizarre than the story told by Kenzo Furukawa not long after.

It was a few days before the end of the summer vacation, that is, August 25th. On that day, Kunio visited Eagle's Nest Lighthouse again, stayed there for dinner at the invitation of Kenzo Furukawa, and didn't go home until around eight o'clock. At that time, the sky was already very dark, and black clouds like ink kept drifting from east to west. As night falls, the wind here becomes stronger and stronger, especially at Eagle's Nest Cape, where there is no barrier. If you don't pay attention, you may be blown away from the cliff by strong wind; and the sound of the waves below the cliff is also quite frightening In addition, the weather report that Bangxiong just received at the Eagle's Nest Lighthouse pointed out that a strong storm will hit the local area from midnight tonight, so his journey home is bound to be extremely difficult.

Bangxiong could only walk slowly with the help of the weak light of the flashlight while facing the strong oncoming wind. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way. "Hey, wait a minute!" Bangxiong was startled, stopped quickly, and instinctively shined a flashlight on the person who came. It turned out that there were two people on the other side, one was a very tall man, and the other was a very petite man with a white complexion like a woman.Both wore long waterproof coats over their suits, and each wore a wide-brimmed rain hat. Because they turned up the collars of their coats, Bangxiong could only see their gazes, but couldn't see each other's faces at all.

"Eh? It's just a child!" The big man shone a flashlight on Bangxiong's face and let out a low, disappointed sigh. "Little devil! Where did you come from? Where are you going now?" "I'm here to play at Eagle's Nest Lighthouse, and now I'm preparing to go back to Tsuta." Because the tone of the other party was not friendly, Bangxiong felt uncomfortable in his heart, but he still tried to maintain a polite tone. "What? Are you going to the lighthouse?" After the big man and the small man looked at each other, they turned to look at Bangxiong.

"Is there anyone else at the lighthouse besides the keepers?" "No, only uncle was there today, because my aunt went to a relative's house two or three days ago." After Bangxiong finished speaking, he suddenly found a sharp light in the big man's eyes, and he couldn't help being surprised. "That's it... okay! I'm really sorry for calling you suddenly." The big man made way out of the way as he spoke. When Bangxiong saw this, he fled immediately. For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. At this time, a heavy rain fell from the sky, and the lights of the Eagle's Nest Lighthouse flickered in the heavy rain.

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