Home Categories detective reasoning ghost man
ghost man

ghost man


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 41369

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Chapter 1 1. Transaction

ghost man 横沟正史 2230Words 2018-03-16
"Kyoei Art Club" is located in the alley of Jimbocho, Kanda. It is an intermediary company that provides models to painters or amateur nude photographers.With the popularity of nude photography, the "Gongrong Art Club", which has only been in business for two or three years, has done better than other modeling agencies. However, most people have a bad opinion of the "Gongrong Art Club". There are even rumors in the industry that "Gongrong Art Club" forces the models belonging to the company to take some shady business, and requires the models to take nude photos that are offensive and so on.

This world is so strange, some people know that this modeling agency has a bad reputation, but prefer to visit it instead. On a certain day at the end of January, it was after four o'clock in the afternoon. It was too early to turn on the lights at this time, but it felt a bit dark without turning on the lights... In short, the sky was dark at that time, and the light in the room was dim, which made people feel depressed . Just when the sun was about to set, a strange man pushed open the frosted glass door with the words "Gongrong Art Club" printed in gold, and walked into the office lightly and soundlessly.

Keizo Hirota, the person in charge of the Kyoei Art Club, is sitting with his legs stretched apart in a cramped office. He is facing a room with six stacks of tatami mats. In the room is a middle-aged gentleman wearing gold-rimmed glasses. He hugged three models from left to right, and said some obscene words in his mouth. Hirota Keizumi is the person in charge of this club in name, but in fact there are only three clerks here, and the other two were not present at the time. According to Keizo Hirota's confession, his first impression of that strange man was like a gust of cold wind blowing in his face, which instantly made people shudder.

The man had an indescribably gloomy look on his face, a cap on his dirty and messy long hair, a pair of sunglasses on his face, his chin tucked into a scarf, and a heel-length dress Great coat. Although this kind of person occasionally comes and goes in and out of the club, his back bulges, making people think he is a hunchback; and he appears silently, sliding to the front of the counter like a ghost, no wonder Hirota Keizo felt chills at first sight upright. "this……" The strange man leaned against the counter and said nervously: "I want a model." The strange man's lips trembled slightly, and he muttered reluctantly. Keizo Hirota had to listen carefully to hear what he said clearly.

"it is good……" After Hirota Keizo responded, he stopped talking. Next, he gently moved away from the chair and stared at the face of the strange man seriously. Hirota Keizo recalled afterwards that the strange man had a tall hooked nose, and the shape looked a bit exaggerated, which made people wonder if it was a fake nose. His lips were thin and dry, and they were always tightly shut when he was silent; his complexion was more gloomy than dark. Judging from his appearance, his age could only be guessed to be between thirty and fifty. "that……" The strange man thought that Keizo Hirota didn't hear what he said clearly, and repeated in a strange way:

"I want to rent a model." "Yes, but..." Hirota Keizo paused for a moment, and finally pulled himself together and said: "I wonder if you have a letter of introduction?" Since he is not doing legitimate business, he is very careful with first-time guests. "Yes, it was written by Dr. Garner." As the strange man spoke, he took out a business card with trembling hands and put it on the counter. At this moment, Keizo Hirota saw that the strange man was still wearing black gloves. Hirota Keizo picked up the business card and looked at it. The name "Ghana Sansaku" was printed on it, and there was a line of words written in pen next to it:

"You, ghost man?" Keizo Hirota widened his eyes and blurted out in surprise. The three models in the Japanese room and the middle-aged gentleman wearing gold-rimmed glasses couldn't help but look in the direction of the counter. "Is this your pseudonym?" "yes." The ghost man grinned after he finished speaking. In an instant, Hirota Keizo shrank his shoulders in fright. It turned out that there were only three teeth in the ghost man's mouth. Except for the upper front tooth, only the lower two front teeth were still there. This mouth with almost no teeth was like a dark bottomless cave.

The ghost man noticed Keizo Hirota's expression, and hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with a scarf. "Actually, my real name is 'Sagawa Yurao', and I'll become a 'Ghost Man' sooner, hehehe..." The ghost man's appearance and tone of voice are disgusting, but he is a guest after all, Hirota Keizo had to bite the bullet and deal with him. He asked in a gentle tone: "Excuse me, do you want to rent a model for painting? Or for photography?" "To do oil painting." "Since when?" "I have to start tomorrow, two hours a day, and it is estimated that I will draw for ten days."

"Where is your studio?" "Nishi Diwa." "Okay. Our club's rules and regulations are written here, you can take a look first, if these conditions are all right..." "Doctor Garner has given me the contract, so..." The ghost man took out a crumpled contract from his pocket and handed it to Keizo Hirota, saying that he already knew the conditions stipulated by the club very well. "By the way, what is your relationship with Dr. Garner?" Dr. Garner, a surgeon at a large hospital in Ochanomizu, has recently become obsessed with nude photography and is a frequent visitor to this club.

"I'm his patient, I... By the way, if there is a model I like, I can pay ten days in advance." The ghost man's straightforward attitude made Keizo Hirota forget his bad impression, and he gradually developed a good impression of him, so he said politely: "There are three people out of work now, do you want to pick one of these three?" "Well... let me take a look first." "Please, just wear your shoes and go in." Hirota Keizo opened the waist-high wooden door.The ghost man walked in, but there was still no sound of footsteps. At this time, the three models in the Japanese room and the middle-aged gentleman wearing gold-rimmed glasses couldn't help trembling when they saw him.

"Is that the three?" The ghost man looked through the sunglasses, staring at the three models like a sharp knife. The three models shrank back in fright, while the middle-aged gentleman wearing gold-rimmed glasses stood up and asked as if he wanted to protect them: "You said you had a letter of introduction from Dr. Garner, but as far as I know, Dr. Garner is currently traveling." The ghost man didn't care at all, bowed his head respectfully and said: "He has gone to Kyushu and is scheduled to return to Tokyo tomorrow night." "That's it..." The middle-aged gentleman let go of the model in his arms with a look of surprise, and turned his head. He seemed to be intimidated by the ghost man's vicious gaze. The ghost man held the scarf on his nose with his hands, stared at the three models intently, and said after a while: "That one on the far left... I want to see her naked." "Okay. Keiko, please come to the next room." The model named Keiko was the ugliest, the thinnest, and the most ragged of the three. She glanced blankly at the ghost man, then got up silently, and walked into the room surrounded by curtains. locker room. "Here, please take off your shoes." There is a room in the office where the models are naked. Hirota Keizan opened the door for the ghost man and walked in first, and the ghost man then entered the room.
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