Home Categories detective reasoning ghost seat

Chapter 48 chapter eight

ghost seat 横沟正史 651Words 2018-03-16
The next day, because of my lack of money, I had no choice but to go to the publishing house in Ginza Lane to advance the manuscript fee.Since the publishing house paid the manuscript fee in full, I was happy, so I went directly to the bar I hadn't visited for a long time to get drunk. I didn't drink much, and I drank on an empty stomach, so I got drunk very quickly.Taking advantage of the wine, I glanced at the dinner that the customer sitting next to me was reading, and a striking news headline came into my eyes: I hurried out of the bar, bought a few newspapers from a newspaper boy selling them on the street, and read them as I walked:

After watching 拫道, the doubts in my heart were solved, but at the same time, there was an unsatisfied psychology. I really wanted to meet and talk with Kanako, so I hurriedly boarded the tram back to Kichijoji. It was time to commute to and from get off work, and the people in the carriage were so crowded that they almost overflowed; the door was open, and I climbed on the footboard outside the door, turned sideways, and tightly grasped the side of the door frame.Due to the weight of the whole body, I rely on my toes to step on the pedals. As long as I let go, I will fall backwards.Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol that made me perform this stunt that I had never performed before.

Not long after the tram left Kanda Station, it climbed up a very high iron bridge.At this time, I felt something sharp, piercing my fingers holding the door frame, and at the same time someone was pressing heavily on my body. "Ah, it hurts!...Who is it? Be careful!..." At first I thought it was the metal parts in the folding bag that had stabbed my hand, but then I felt something was wrong. Someone was stabbing me on purpose, and I was suddenly very surprised. "Who is it? ... Hey! ... Hey! ... What do you do? . . . " I want to turn my face to see who this guy is, but because the posture is too uncomfortable, I can't even turn my head halfway.

"Zhi Zhi Zhi", "Zhi Zhi Zhi"... It was piercing my fingernails with an awl. The pain made me break out in a cold sweat, and my weight became heavier and heavier.When the tram was about to reach the highest point of the iron bridge, my fingernail was pierced. "Ah!..." I couldn't help letting go of my hand, feeling dizzy, and then my whole body was violently impacted, and I passed out in an instant.
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