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Chapter 32 Chapter Eleven

ghost seat 横沟正史 2496Words 2018-03-16
Mr. Kindaichi, I thank you for giving me enough time to write this letter. It is said that you were amazed when you heard that the death time of Yuriko was 16 hours later than that of Tokiwa pine tree. This may be kind My condolences to my misfortune, sir.Therefore, my gratitude has the above two meanings.In fact, due to a trick of fate, I was accidentally pushed into the abyss of crime. Until that depressing Saturday morning, no one would have thought that I had killed Brother Pine Tree with my own hands!Even I couldn't believe it, it was like a nightmare. The pine tree is my brotherly friend, just like Matsuyan and Songzi. The three of them have been very close to me since childhood, and the pine tree is the most friendly and trustworthy to me.It was precisely because of this trust and friendship that I took an indulgent attitude towards many of his vices, capriciousness and misconduct, which resulted in such irreparable evil results.

At that time, if Song Shu hadn't escaped because of his trust in me, he would not have been killed, and Yuriko Aono would not have lost her life. In order not to waste your most precious time, I will briefly introduce the process of this case here: At 5 o'clock on Saturday morning, I was woken up by Pine's phone call.At the time, I was living in Tokiwa, Tokyo, with a telephone next door to the bedroom.I picked up the receiver and heard that it was from Pine Tree. This call surprised me. The pine tree said: I have something important to discuss with me, and I beg me to meet him immediately, and keep it absolutely confidential, so that no one can meet him.So I let him in through the back door, into my bedroom, and told him it was only 5 o'clock and people were still up.At that time, I didn't know what happened, but I only knew that he always caused troubles, and I blamed Matsuyan for it.For this reason, I was also very angry, and I always wanted to find an opportunity to correct his bad habit, but I never thought that he would actually kill someone!

At 5:20, the pine tree came, his face was livid, as ugly as if he had met a devil—in fact, he had encountered something more terrifying than a ghost: It took me a lot of effort to calm him down, and I was stunned when he finished his story. I've also heard vaguely about the woman in Senzhitaki's villa.To begin with, this is what grandma is going to entrust you to investigate.However, no one thought that the pine tree would kill people! Of course, Song Shu didn't plan to kill that woman. I said that, not to excuse him. He is not that kind of person. According to him, he often went to Qingye Villa to fool around with Yuriko, and every time he left it for Yuriko. some banknotes.After this time, the two of them were lying down to rest.Yuriko sat up suddenly, pointed a gun at him, and threatened him to reveal the situation to his grandmother and give her a large sum of money, otherwise he would sue the police and ruin his reputation.The pine tree was angry and hated, and jumped up and strangled her to death.I was very angry when I heard it, but I didn't expect it, and then I made this mistake too.

After the pine tree strangled the woman, he fled in a panic. He thought of me first, and hurriedly drove to consult with me. Because the speed of the car was too fast, he fell headlong into the swamp beside the road.He ran to the train station on foot and boarded the upbound train from Jiangjin. Two hours later, he encountered a thunderstorm and was delayed by a landslide. He didn't arrive in Tokyo until five o'clock in the morning. Song Shu is an extremely despicable egoist. He asked me to agree to pass the disaster on to Matsuhiko and help him think of a way.Of course, I strongly opposed it and persuaded him to surrender to the police, but he was very stubborn to frame Matsuyan.We went from quarreling to scuffling, and there was a fight. In anger, I strangled his neck. When I calmed down, I found that he had passed away.

Mr. Kindaichi, what I have written is the real situation, but maybe I am a little jealous. I will tell you the truth about this, even I love my cousin Miyoko deeply! I recalled how panicked I was when I found out that the pine tree was dead, and I still break out in a cold sweat.Just now I had been persuading Pine to surrender, but it was my turn, not to mention surrender, I also tried my best to create false appearances in order to escape the punishment of the law. It just so happened that the next day I should go to Karuizawa to visit my grandmother. I planned to put Song Shu's body in the trunk of the car and pull it back to put it with the woman's body, creating the illusion of "suicide for love".

I think this plan is a perfect plan, but there is a little unreliable, that is, it is Saturday, and I don't know if the woman's husband has returned.According to Pine, the woman's husband seldom went back in order to give her more opportunities for adultery.In the end, like a gambler, I risked it all. If her husband had gone back and found that Lily was dead, I would think of another way. In short, I made up my mind to transport Pine Tree's body to Karuizawa, where they created the illusion of "suicide for love". At 7:30 in the morning, my mother called from Karuizawa and asked me to pick you up in a car. I was shocked when I heard my grandmother's instructions, and I didn't know what to do.You can imagine my embarrassment at that time, and when I heard that you asked me to drive the car to the police station, the trick of fate made me tremble all over.However, until now, I have no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to work. I mentally prepared for the worst.So, I still secretly packed the body into the trunk of the car, pulled you and the police inspector waiting for power, and drove to Karuizawa together.Along the way, I comforted myself repeatedly: How can there be such a live pass in normal times!

However, Mr. Kindaichi, I did not relax my vigilance a little because of this. For me, the 5 hours on the way were 5 hours that frightened me. Chat up with the inspector police officer. Just when I was worried, I didn't expect that in Xiong Zhiping, I ran into Daiko Miaomei again.I was teased by fate again, making me shudder and fear, because I knew that Miyoko was no longer a virgin, and the father of the child in her belly was the stiff corpse in the trunk. I survived in fear for 5 hours, and finally did not show any flaws, and successfully transported you and Song Shu's body to Karuizawa.I started working on my project at 11pm, when I was wearing a lot of perfume.Its purpose is as you have seen through, sir. Various objects have their own specific smell. The corpse has been placed in the trunk of the car for more than 10 hours. The smell of gasoline and gas must have been contaminated on the corpse. This is My biggest worry.However, fortunately, the pine tree is the son of the "Perfume Kingdom", and there are plenty of perfumes around me. I have thought about this method with great pains, and it seems to be a perfect solution.

When I arrived at the villa, I found that the woman's husband hadn't come back, only she was still wearing pajamas and hiding on the bed.I thought she was dead.Unexpectedly, as you said, sir, she is playing dead, waiting for the arrival of her prey. That woman is also very stupid. If she still hides and pretends to be dead, she will not lose her life, and I will not kill for no reason... After I went in, she suddenly got up and threatened me with a pistol. In a state of extreme tension, seeing this scene, he rushed forward desperately and strangled her to death. This is my summary of what happened, and I have nothing to hide from you, sir.Yesterday in the mountains of Sennotaki, I found the body of Miyoko. She hid the hair of the pine tree in her arms, cut off her veins and died. Her face was very peaceful.

After writing this letter, I will go to Miyoko and cut my own veins like her.However, I have not forgotten that before I died, I also sprinkled perfume on Miyoko and me.Even if Miyoko’s heart was given to the pine tree, or this is the ensuing “suicide for love”—in fact, this time is the real “suicide for love”. Mr. Kindaichi, farewell!
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