Home Categories detective reasoning The Strange Legend of Fukagawa

Chapter 21 fourth quarter

Afterwards, Ah Ji stopped talking, and Ah Nian silently stood side by side with her to look at the water on the river.People who passed behind them would probably think that they were two very friendly girls, each lost in thought. The color of the water is gradually darkening, and it seems to be very cool.Looking up, the sky is also stained with a light ink-like color, and the water basin reflecting that color has become dull. The sunset glow has risen high into the sky, turning into a cloud like a goddess flicking her sleeves.The number of pedestrians also decreased suddenly. Ah Nian suddenly remembered that tonight is a full moon.

(Cut face...) The moon, like a thinly sliced ​​white radish, floated in the hazy evening sky.No, no, my uncle told me to be careful, and I don't have a lantern in my hand, so I can't go home quickly. Why on earth did I cross the Shuchuan Bridge and come here, Ah Nian thought about it, and pulled Aji's sleeve. "Aji, go home. If you go back too late, everyone will worry." Ajiwen didn't move.Ah Nian patiently persuaded him again and again, and when Ah Ji finally got him to look at him, the bridge was completely dark. "Go, let's go home." Ah Nian wanted to hold Ah Ji's hand with a smile.

at this time-- There was a thin whirring sound; it came from behind.The sound sounded like a paper snake crawling forward in the darkness. It was the sound of clothes rubbing against each other.A man approached behind Ah Nian, and when Ah Nian realized that he had turned his head, Ah Ji made a cry similar to "drink". Ah Nian felt someone roughly grabbing her shoulder, and that man was pulling her to turn her back.She saw a flash of metal like a slender silver fish jumping in the water.Ah Nian screamed. Aji turned his strong body and swooped over.She didn't run away.She knocked Ah Nian aside, and threw herself at the man.

"It's all fooling the accompaniment, I know it all!" Aggie yelled so.The man who fell to the ground, holding a sharp razor in his hand, stared up at Aji dumbfounded. At this time, there was a whistle.Ah Nian was dizzy and covered his face with his hands. "A Nian, Aji! Are you injured?" It was Moshichi's voice; it was the voice I thought I would never hear again.Ah Nian grabbed the hand of his uncle who ran over and struggled to stand up. Moshichi is not alone.There were three men—although they were faces that Ah Nian didn't recognize, they must be Mao Qi's young subordinates.They were tying up the man who attacked Ah Nian with a razor.

"What an unlucky guy. He just chose Miss Anian and wanted to cut off her face." "Cut face?" Ah Nian couldn't help covering his cheeks. "What's going on? Uncle. Is this the guy who cut his face?" Mao Qi knelt down beside Ah Nian who was sitting on the ground.Aji, on the other hand, seemed to fly into the distance with one heart, looking at the other end of the bridge without seeing or hearing anyone. Mao Qi turned to look at Ah Nian, took her hand and got up. "Yes. This guy is really a sinner." Moshichi looked down at the man who was tied up with rope.

"This bastard started doing this kind of thing half a year ago. The original place of crime was Azabu." The man who dropped the razor had his thin chin curled up against his thin chest. "However, during the second full moon, the crime site was in Yotsuya, and then Suruga Terrace. He gradually moved eastward. During this period, because the murdered girl shouted, he would miss, but that site is also counted. Go in, if the whole series is connected, the route is very obvious." Really, he was honest and he was honest. Ah Nian looked into the man's small eyes.They were very pale eyes with wandering eyes.Ah Nian thought to himself, this man might be the same as Ah Ji, and similar to the situation where Ah Ji was crazy and justified, this man might have his own reasons.

Thinking of this, it feels even more terrifying. "As a result, at the last full moon, I finally crossed Okawa and killed a person in the two countries. In this way, I guessed that he would definitely go to the Fukagawa area of ​​our office at the next full moon, so I am lying in ambush near here. But, I was afraid that if I said it, it would cause anxiety, so I kept it secret." "This guy really showed up with a cheeky face. But even if he escaped the pursuit of other arresters, he still couldn't escape our leader." The young subordinate opened his nose and said.Ah Nian finally calmed down the pounding in his chest.

At this time, Ah Nian saw a woman standing alone not far from the crowd. She covered her face with a handkerchief, revealing only her lips painted with bright red rouge and her straight nose.She puts the end of the handkerchief between her lips. Ah Nian felt that this woman looked familiar.Women are dressed in fine clothes.Maybe it's newly made to order.The light red pattern matches the fair face very well. However, her shoulders seem to be strong, and her neck seems to be a bit thick-yes, it is true for a woman. Mao Qi followed Ah Nian's gaze, and confessed that she said mischievously:

"In order to trap this face-cutting guy, there must be a trap. But, Ah Nian, we can't really find young girls. Then again, if my men pretend to be women, it will only make people Thinking. So, I finally decided to leave that boy alone. Let him put on women's clothes and put on some makeup, which is enough to pass off as a young woman, and that boy is a man with quick movements and as light as a swallow. If he is in danger , and can protect myself. Therefore, during the period when the moon is getting fuller, I take him around every night." Moshichi scratched her head in embarrassment and continued:

"I'm really sorry. When I hear your jealousy, I feel sorry for you. Every time I put my hands together in my heart." Although Mao Qi said so, there was a smile on his face. "And that kid is really honest. He said that it's not enough to look good, and you have to behave like a young woman... so that you can't take your eyes off the girls who pass by. Ah Nian, please forgive him." The "woman" let go of the handkerchief in her mouth in front of the dumbfounded Ah Nian. "Ah Nian, I'm sorry." Zongji said. "I look like this."

No wonder he smelled of white powder—A Nian passed out.
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