Home Categories detective reasoning Disintegration of causes

Chapter 8 Act One First Carcass

Disintegration of causes 西泽保彦 4842Words 2018-03-15
(Tuesday, March 10) Role Mizuta Hideki - Elementary School Teacher Mizuta Yasuaki - Hyun-kee's Husband Kang Yan Xiu - the father of Xianzhi Kang Yan's filial son - the female mayor of City A, the mother of Xianzhi police department Minister of Interpol Interpol Scenes A, the parking lot dedicated to the staff of the Municipal No. 1 National Elementary School, the time is just after nine o'clock in the evening. The curtain was raised, and the stage was dark, with only a circular light in the center: a woman in sportswear was lying on the ground, her head was covered with a black cloth, and that part merged into the darkness of the background, which looked like It is missing a head.

As the lights gradually brightened, the background of the parking lot and the elementary school building gradually became clear, and two men in suits appeared. Police Minister: (Shaking his head exaggeratedly and flicking his tongue) What a pity!What a pity! Police Department: What a pity?Old and long. Minister Interpol: What a pity?Of course it was the dead!Director, have you seen the photos of the deceased before his death?It's such a pity to let such a beautiful woman accompany elementary school students all day long.Sad!There are very few beauties in the world, and it is really heartbreaking to let those ugly girls who don't care about being killed swagger around such a beauty!Don't you think so?

Police Department: Boss! (lowering the volume) Can you keep your mouth clean, please?The family will be here soon. Minister Interpol: Oh? (without lowering the volume at all) Director doesn't like this kind of thing?Oh, right!The director likes people who are older than him!This cute girl is too tender—— Police Department: (roughly speaking) My hobbies are not important!Please clarify your position! Minister Detective Yes, yes, I got it! (Talking to himself) Well, this is the virtue of the elite who graduated from college—— At this time, the third criminal police trot came on stage.

Interpol: The family members of the victim have arrived, they are the husband and parents of the victim. Police Department: Really?I see. The policeman remained motionless. Minister Interpol: What are you still procrastinating about?idiot!Bring them here quickly! Interpol: Huh?Uh...Actually——(There seems to be something unspeakable, the end of the sentence is vague) Police Department: What's going on?make it clear! Interpol: Yes!The victim's mother was actually Ms. Tang Yan Xiaozi. Police Department: ... Tang Yan Xiaozi?Who?Artist?Will you sign for me?But I haven't heard of it!

Interpol: What are you talking about? (Unbelievable) She is the first female mayor in city A's history! Minister Interpol: What?what! (Voice becomes louder) Is that the old woman who looks like a dissatisfied fox? Police Department: Boss! (screams) Please, don't talk nonsense. Minister Detective: But Director, have you watched the program a while ago?She was interviewed by that unknown talk show, boasting with a wrinkled face and beaming eyebrows.Did the old woman talk about women's autonomy and women's rights?What is "the age of women" and "the city of women built by women".By the way, the former mayor was also an old man with a lot of problems when he treated city employees differently; but compared to that old woman, he was several times better.

Police Department: (grows for a moment, then changes his mind) Well, yes, (lowering the volume) She is always talking nonsense; these feminist fighters are all the same, just want to belittle men. Minister Interpol: That's right, that's right! (Showing an expression of "this statement won my heart") She is extremely stupid, probably because her husband didn't love her well!If the work at home is done seriously, how can the wife get nervous to take care of politics?It must be so! Interpol: (Looking at the two superiors alternately) Uh, I think it may not be appropriate to say such things during the interrogation time...

Minister Interpol: Huh?What, are you still here?Hurry up and call the old woman! Police Department: However, after her daughter was killed, I am afraid she will no longer be able to happily accept TV interviews! Minister Interpol: Just to teach her a lesson!I don't even weigh how many catties I weigh, and I still flaunt it around; look!The daughter died so badly. Interpol: (at a loss) Anyway... anyway, I'll call them. Minister Interpol: What were you dawdling about just now!Well, wait a minute, right!Call the husband of the deceased first. Police Department: Why?Old and long. Chief Interpol: Director, no matter how you think about it, the victim's husband is the most suspicious.After all, she is the daughter of the female mayor!He must be advocating women's rights all day long, not cooking, not doing laundry, misunderstood the meaning of rights, having an affair openly, doing his own way, not taking her husband seriously, and relying on his mother being the mayor Najo.Her good-for-nothing husband suffers from being useless every day, and under the years of grudges, he couldn't help but kill his wife!

Police Department: (Watching off the criminal police who went to summon him) So that's the case, there is such a possibility. Minister of Interpol: Definitely so!Cutting off the head and taking it away is evidence of hating the victim to the bone!Only a husband would do this! Minister Interpol: Oh!Finally here?You are Mr. Yasuaki Mizuta, right? Yasuaki Mizuta: Yes, yes. (At a loss) Is... is it true?The murder of my wife... Police Department: We are asking you to identify the body. (Pointing to the headless female corpse lying on the ground) Come here, please. Yasuaki Mizuta: Ah!Ah... (running towards the corpse) Xianzhi, Xianzhi!what!God!You died so badly!

Minister Interpol: (Suspicious look) Hey! Yasuaki Mizuta: Who did it?Such a ruthless attack...Mr. Interpol, who is it?Who is the murderer?Can't find it yet? Minister Interpol: I said you, why did you immediately know that this is your wife? Yasuaki Mizuta: Huh?What's the meaning? Minister Interpol: Is there still a need to ask?This corpse has no head!The head had been cut off and was nowhere to be found. Yasuaki Mizuta: Huh?how come?Haven't found the head yet?what!so poor!Mr. Interpol, please find her quickly!At least let my wife leave a whole body in the coffin! Minister Interpol: Did you listen to me again?I hear you clearly, why when you saw this headless female corpse, which one was sure to be your wife?How strange!Didn't you know she was killed?

Yasuaki Mizuta: (Looking at the police department and criminal police for help) What... what does this mean? Minister Interpol: What else can it mean?You pretended to be sad, but you are actually a wife murderer, right?is not it? Yasuaki Mizuta: Don't...don't be kidding, why did I kill my wife?Stop talking nonsense, what basis do you have? Minister Detective: So I have been asking since just now!Did you listen to what I said?Obviously there is no head, why do you know that this corpse is your wife?Because you already knew she died here long before the police notified you!Why can you know in advance?The answer is simple, because you killed people.Right?am I right?

Yasuaki Mizuta: Nonsense! (in disbelief) Are you serious?I recognized it from the figure! Minister Interpol: Body? Yasuaki Mizuta: That's right, this petite but perfect proportion, small but firm breasts, can't be wrong, it must be Hyun-kee.Having said that, how did Mr. Detective know that this is Akira Mizuta? Police Department: I learned from the driver's license on her body. Yasuaki Mizuta: I see.But Mr. Interpol has never seen my wife, has he?In other words, you are guessing that she is Mizuta Akike from the name on the driver's license, and you are making judgments based on negative grounds. Minister Interpol: What?Then the figure you mentioned is a positive basis? Yasuaki Mizuta: Of course!I love this body so much every night, it's impossible to admit I was wrong. Interpol: (Tremblingly) Since he is so confident, you should be able to trust him, right? Minister Interpol: (coldly) Long-winded!you shut up! Police Department: Forget it, let’s skip this matter for now, and ask other questions instead! Minister Interpol: (very simply) That's right.Does anyone hold a grudge against your wife? Yasuaki Mizuta: Will there be?My wife is so beautiful and cheerful, everyone likes her. Minister Interpol: But she is killed now!The cash in the wallet is still there, it will not be robbery and murder.Has she ever mentioned problems at work? Yasuaki Mizuta: Not at all. Minister Interpol: Does your wife have another man? Yasuaki Mizuta: You mean she is having an affair?No way, I love her so much every night! Police Department: Got it, got it!You are amazing, amazing!Even if your wife doesn't mean that at all, there might be a man who loves her unrequitedly!How about it?Have you ever heard such rumors? Yasuaki Mizuta: Will there be?At least I haven't heard of it. Minister Interpol: What about yourself? Yasuaki Mizuta: Huh?What's the meaning? Minister Interpol: I'm asking if you have another woman!Maybe it was the jealous partner of your affair who killed your wife. Yasuaki Mizuta: I didn't have an affair, there was absolutely no need for that.Because my wife is a beautiful woman, although she is petite, she is curvy! Minister Detective: You want to say that you love her every night, right? Yasuaki Mizuta: That's right, and the enthusiasm is like fire. Minister Interpol: Enough!If you remember anything, please contact us immediately.what!By the way, where are you between four and seven this afternoon?What to do? Yasuaki Mizuta: Huh?what does this mean? Minister Interpol: Still asking?Where are you between four and seven in the afternoon?What to do?Can anyone prove it? Yasuaki Mizuta: Ah!Are you still doubting me?It's too much, I've stressed over and over again how much I love my wife! Police Department: Don't be angry, don't be angry!Just a formal question. Yasuaki Mizuta: After get off work at five o'clock, my colleagues and I went to have a drink or two; it should be eight o'clock when we got home. Chief Interpol: Well... I will know after the investigation.Director, do you have any questions? Police Department: Does your wife have any physical characteristics?Like having dentures or something. Yasuaki Mizuta: No, my wife's teeth are as beautiful as pearls, so I can stop being afraid of toothbrush advertisements. When the police department nodded, Interpol Bian led Yasuo Mizuta away. Minister Interpol: Oh!As expected of the director, very sharp!Is it the smuggling case? Police Department: Yes, (somewhat smug) I just asked about that case.Of course, the smuggling case and this murder case should not be directly related, but maybe there are similarities in the methods. Minister Detective: Speaking of which, that case is really like a cartoon!Pretending to be a refugee from Cambodia, drifting to... where?Somewhere in Kyushu!Then they escaped collectively on the way to the asylum; later, after one of them was caught and investigated, there were rough diamonds buried in the dentures.Wow ha ha ha ha!It's so funny, it's almost like a cartoon! Police Department: Do you know that the smugglers who escaped together were originally hiding in City A? Minister Interpol: No, this is the first time I have heard of it.is that true? Police Department: Yes.However, when the person was caught, the diamond seemed to have been disposed of; it was said that it was handed over to members of the "Gutian Gang" who used City A as their territory. Minister Interpol: Oh!That Zuo Gutian gang?In other words, they use smuggled diamonds as a source of funds? Police Department: It should be.However, the person who investigated the joint couldn't find the key diamond; when asked where he hid it, the person—that kid's name was Hatori— insisted that a gangster named Yokoi stole it. Detective Minister: Who is that Yokoi guy? Police Department: He claims to be a detective. He should be a "know-it-all" who can do everything with money. I heard that he also takes some dirty jobs. Detective Minister: Did that Yokoi also investigate? Police Department: Well, but not even a diamond slag was found. Under the leadership of the criminal police, a half-old man and woman appeared; because they were blocked by the police department and the minister of criminal police, the bodies could not be seen from the positions of the half-old men and women. Minister Interpol: Oh!Isn't this the mayor?Thank you for your time in your busy schedule.I have listened to your speech on TV a few days ago, I was really moved!Especially the part where you said "Women should also work hard to contribute to society in the future" deeply moved me. Xiaozi Tang Yan: (pushing away his hand impatiently) Mr. Interpol, is it true that my daughter was killed?Really right? Minister Interpol: Yes, unfortunately, her husband has confirmed the body just now. Tang Yan Xiaozi: Really? (shrugs proudly) So how did my daughter die? Interpol Minister: That’s it. When the workers came to lock the gate of the parking lot, they found Lingmei’s body, which seemed to have been strangled to death; it should be... Police Department: He was attacked when he was about to get into the car.After killing Ling Ai, the murderer cut off Ling Ai's head for unknown reasons. Xiaozi Tang Yan: What (eyes wide open) Minister Interpol: What is even more incomprehensible is that the murderer took the head away. Tang Yan Xiaozi: It's too scary! (Leaning towards her husband beside her) What a dreadful thing this is!This heinous thing... actually happened in my city, and it even happened to my daughter! (angry) What the hell are the police doing? Minister Interpol: This case is not caused by us. Tang Yan Xiaozi: You rice bugs! (Pointing to the tip of the policeman's nose) Tax thief! Minister Interpol: Oh?How could you speak so harshly? !Mayor, that's what you said, but rice bugs and tax thieves should be each other. Police Department: (Interrupting the Minister of Criminal Police) I'm sorry, we will do our best to investigate, and we will definitely show you the results.In addition, I would like to ask Mayor Tang Yan, where are you between 4:00 and 7:00 this afternoon?What to do? Tang Yan Xiaozi: What? (upper body leans back) You... what are you talking about!Just being incompetent is already unforgivable, how dare you conceive one on my head! (Pushing towards the police department) How dare you doubt me! Interpol: (supporting Xiaozi from behind) This is just a formal question, please calm down!Mayor, please calm down! Minister Interpol: (You can raise your voice and say) Cut!Seriously, who voted for such a hysterical woman?Compared with the position of mayor, the cage is more suitable for her! Tang Yanxiu: (Originally at a loss, but suddenly said angrily) You... what did you just say?What did you say?No, it's rude!How can you say that about my precious wife!Speak with respect! Minister Interpol: (non-concerned) Oh!It turns out that Mr. Tang Yan is here!It should be because your sense of existence is too weak, I thought it was a ghost!Please train this beast well.Just in time, I'm here to ask about your alibi too.Where were you between four and seven this afternoon?What to do? (Glanced at the filial son who was struggling in the arms of the criminal policeman, baring his teeth and claws and kicking the chief criminal policeman) I said before, don't tell me that you are with your wife, the testimony of relatives is invalid, let alone This kind of testimony without the slightest discernment effect. Tang Yanzhuo: (indignantly) I don't need to answer such rude questions!Xiaozi, let's go back! Tang Yan Xiaozi: (breaks free from the policeman's arms, grabs her husband's arm) Husband, I'm not reconciled! (Crying) Bullied by this incompetent, ignorant idiot! Tang Yanxiu: (While leaving the stage with his arms around his wife, he said) You will regret it!As I said earlier, the director of Police Station A is the neighbor of my uncle's cousin's father-in-law's former staff!Dutiful son, let's go! Minister Interpol: If you don’t give your alibi clearly, you will be the ones who will regret it then!what!Gone, these people really have no sense of humor, do they, Director? Police Department: (patting the criminal policeman on the shoulder) You can ask them for their alibi later. Interpol: Huh? (confused) Uh, "they" mean... Minister Interpol: Of course the mayor and her husband! Detective: I (Xuanran is about to cry)... Shall I ask? Police Department: Leave it to you! The police department and the head of the criminal police quickly exited the scene. The dazed criminal police looked around with eyes asking for help, and their eyes moved to the headless female corpse lying on the ground—— Quickly end--
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