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Chapter 4 Return (2)

depend on 西泽保彦 4527Words 2018-03-15
"That's what happened before and after I entered junior high school from elementary school." Jiang Zai explained to Gao Qian. ——A middle-aged man lived near my hometown.The man was still very famous among the neighbourhood.What kind of famous law?That can be said to be very famous in every sense. Well, let's assume his name is Mr. Suzuki, even though it's not his real name.As for the real name, I think it must be the first time I have heard of it even if it is Gao Qian. It is a very rare surname. Yes, the reason to avoid mentioning his real name is because what I'm about to say next is very bad for him.Of course, for me, and for my family, that wasn't good either.

Anyway, it's about this Mr. Suzuki.As I said just now, he is a very well-known figure in the neighborhood. Everyone doesn't call him by his real name, but asks him to write. Sounds like he writes for a living, possibly a writer.But what exactly he wrote, I don't know very well.Whether it's a novel or an essay, I don't know at all.No, having said that, it is not certain whether he really makes a living writing articles.Or maybe he was actually doing something else.In short, he was known in the neighborhood as a writer. Mr. Suzuki was, well... I think he was just over forty years old.It is also a strange sight for a man who is about the same age as my father to hang around the street in broad daylight instead of going to work.Of course, since this is just a rumor I heard when I was in school, I haven't seen it directly, but when it comes to summer or winter vacation, I can often see him, in bookstores, supermarkets or coffee shops. Don't do anything, just hang around there.It seems that he looks like this all year round.Not only me, neighbors in the neighborhood think this is a strange uncle.

At that time, Mr. Suzuki was single and living with his mother.His mother must have been about eighty years old at the time.Although she looks like an old lady who maintains a childlike innocence and has a sense of fashion, but according to the adults around her, this old lady is very rich.I think this means that she is very deep in every sense of the word. Mr. Suzuki’s hometown used to be a business that made and sold soy sauce, and I don’t know what else it is. The house is an earthen house with a warehouse. In the eyes of people like us who rent a house, it is really a very big house. .Looking back now, it was closer to a factory than a house.Only the old lady and her son Mr. Suzuki lived there.There used to be a few apprentices living with the helpers, but as far as I can remember, there were only the mother and son left there.

The old lady Suzuki is just like what I said just now, she is a very fashionable person who refuses to accept the old.It is said that there is still the blood of the nobles in the past, but no one knows the specifics, but it seems to have a very proud temperament.How could such a person who can be said to be a young lady marry a mere businessman? No one will know the twists and turns. Perhaps because of the disparity in family status, I heard that the old lady suffered a lot when she was young.It is said that her husband has many sisters, all of whom live with them and help with the family business by the way, that is to say, she is surrounded by aunts and aunts.Coupled with the fact that the parents-in-law are still alive, daily life is like acupuncture.As the wife of the eldest son who inherits the family business, she not only has to do some housework, but also helps with the family business.But because I'm not used to it, I can't always do well.Every day is busy and dizzy.No one sympathizes when he collapses from overwork.Instead, the family members disliked and accused her: She deserves to be the eldest lady of the former aristocrat, she can't suffer at all, so how can we trust you to entrust the future of the Suzuki family to you.Of course, all these are just rumors, and I don't know the details. In short, it's like being bullied by the whole family.

The old lady suffered from neurasthenia when she was young, and once wandered around the seaside with Mr. Suzuki, who was still breastfeeding, and planned to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea together.Perhaps it was the seeds of resentment planted at this time that created her later personality. Speaking of which, Mrs. Suzuki should have high hopes from her husband's family.From the point of view of her husband's family, it is impossible to accuse her maliciously.After all, she is the eldest son's wife.One day I will be gone, and I hope my daughter-in-law can manage the family business well, so I must be very strict with her.There is also this possibility.No, maybe there is also the possibility of simply doing bad things and bullying others. It is impossible for us outsiders to know about it.Maybe even they themselves can't judge their sincerity.

However, for Mrs. Suzuki herself, it is this excessive harshness that can truly feel the scars on her spirit.Things should be like this, she will never think that her mother-in-law and elder aunts and sisters-in-law are deliberately injecting love into being strict and cold to herself because they have expectations of her. Aunts and sisters-in-law don't seem to have any malicious intentions, but for the happiness of their own daughter-in-law, they still put their family business first. The enduring nature of the family business is due to making this a top priority, so that people can practice such cruel training on women married from other families who have no blood relationship at all, and can deceive themselves that this is also love. a deep form of expression.

For the old lady, the Suzuki family can be said to be a cursed family.In fact, she once publicly declared that one day she would destroy the house with her own hands, and as long as her son—that is, Mr. Suzuki grew up, she would dispose of all the house and land, and then move to other places.Although being angrily scolded by the people of your husband's family, what are you doing to the land handed down by your ancestors!But he always retorted openly, if you want to take care of it, you just wait and see the good show!The old Mrs. Suzuki in her youth would say these words to people she knew well whenever she had the opportunity.

However…… "However, after this..." Carpenter Zai's voice was extremely bitter when he said this. Human beings are creatures who, if they encounter misfortune themselves, will not stop until they bring the same misfortune to others. It really is. It is enough that there is such an unfortunate person like me in this world, and no one else can experience the same misfortune as me - this kind of thinking, human beings will never have it.Instead, I would think this way: Why am I the only one who is so unlucky?Others must also taste this pain of mine. Even between mother and child is no exception.

Parents generally say that they don't want their children to encounter their own misfortune.Is this true or not?I often have this question.No, maybe it should be sincere.When saying this, the parents should really think so, without any hypocrisy.At least that's what they think subjectively. But I think it's all lies.If you think the word lie is not a good word, then say it is clever self-deception.It must be so.If this is not the case, then the reason why the sigh of "the recent young man—" has not changed since ancient times is unclear. You know what the phrase "the nearest young man—" is usually followed by?It's "I can't suffer at all", if I add another sentence, it would be "It's different from my time."

That is to say, people always think that they are the hardest people in the world.In fact, this has nothing to do with the age directly. Whether we are old or young, we human beings always think that other people live happier and easier lives than us.To be precise, it should be human beings who always think that other people's lives are happier and easier than their own.Also, if the object is someone younger than yourself, it is only natural to feel a little bit more jealous.In the eyes of the previous generation, young people can enjoy things that they could not enjoy in the past without any gratitude, and discard them without any pity after enjoying them.

This kind of thinking does not only exist between unrelated strangers, even between mother and child.No, since the mother and child can see each other more clearly, this kind of thinking will be stronger on the contrary. If parents really don't want their children to be unhappy, then the words "the nearest young people—" can never be said.Their original intention is actually "I had a very hard time when I was young, so you should also live a little bit harder." No matter what you think subjectively, it is actually the same. At least old lady Suzuki is like that.When she was young, she must have vowed sincerely that at least her son would not suffer from her own hardships.I also once thought that if I had the opportunity, I must leave this kind of family.At this time, the idea of ​​the old lady is definitely not a lie, but a genuine thought from the heart. However, after this... The Suzuki family business eventually failed.Mrs. Suzuki's husband changed jobs and became an ordinary office worker.Then the father-in-law, mother-in-law, aunt and sister-in-law died one after another, and there was no reason for the old lady to stay at Suzuki's house anymore.Mrs. Suzuki can leave the house at any time to start a new life of her own. but. However, once in this situation, the old lady's own attachment to the Suzuki family began to explode.This is my home, so it must be inherited by my son.Of course, the son's daughter-in-law must also live with us here.She began to have this idea. Why did Mrs. Suzuki inherit not only this ancient family business, but even the sinister psychology of this family?All this is so that her son can continue to inherit.The son had to inherit the family.You have to ask why, because she herself has experienced such hardships.No, it should be said that he was forced to go through such hardships.When I was young, I was bullied and abused by my parents-in-law, aunts and sisters-in-law, and my entire youth was sacrificed. On the plus side, it's like she can't stand the consequences of her sacrifice being completely pointless.Maybe her mood can be understood by the public, although no one will admit it.However, it is impossible for Mrs. Suzuki, who has sacrificed so much like this, to feel that she is happy, and she must think that she is very unfortunate. However, until now, she herself has continued the persistence of the Suzuki family, and let her son repeat the unfortunate experience she had when she was young.If you think about it this way, it would be better to get rid of this kind of family and start a new life.Right, even if you have to live with the old lady as a last resort, but this is old and old, and there is no function in the big house that is still in operation except for the big house, no woman is willing to marry here.Just cleaning is very hard. Even if you work hard to clean, it is very troublesome to distinguish where you have already been swept and where you have not been. There is no sense of accomplishment in cleaning.And as long as they hear that they live in a big house with their mother-in-law, most women will show embarrassment.For this alone, the old lady Suzuki should know the most clearly.But even so, he deliberately dragged his own son into this unfortunate chain of roads. Why is this? Because I can't allow my son to not know the bitterness she has experienced, that is to say, I want my son to experience the same misfortune as herself.No, from a subjective point of view, Mrs. Suzuki still hopes that her son can be happy. I think this feeling should be very real.But judging from what she actually did, compared to her son's happiness, the old lady probably valued alleviating her own resentment. Other than doing this, don't he think about it? So, Mr. Suzuki has always been single.Although I have done various jobs, no matter what job or where I work, I am semi-mandatory to go back to my hometown to live with my mother, so I don’t have much freedom in choosing a career.The reason why he finally decided to write an article is said to be because as long as he moves out to live alone due to work, his mother will definitely come to his residence without permission every day with a change of clothes and ingredients. Later, Suzuki couldn’t bear the curious eyes of people around him. Mr. Suzuki could only move back to his hometown. Mr. Suzuki gradually became tired of this endless cycle, so he decided to engage in a job that can be done at home.Because of living in such an environment, Mr. Suzuki would never bring up the topic of marriage even if he has a romantic partner, and no one has ever brought up the topic of blind dates. Eh?You ask my impression of Mr. Suzuki? That's it. It might be a little bad to say that, judging from the aura around him, he is a somewhat melancholy person.Of course, I can't peek into his inner world, but at least he always gives people a worrying feeling when we meet on the road and say hello.Even for children, he is respectful, nodding and bending like a dwarf.Maybe it's because he has been directly taken care of by his mother, Mrs. Suzuki. He always wears neat clothes and has short-shaved hair. It's quite interesting to talk to him.He also lent me books.Ah, yes, speaking of which, the first time I read Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, I borrowed it from Mr. Suzuki. Huh?You don't know this book?That's the one Shirai-sensei keeps talking about when he's drunk.Yes, the controversial original of the movie starring Elizabeth Taylor.The first time I read it was when I was in elementary school, no, at that time I should just read it, and I didn't understand the meaning of it at all. In short, because of this, I still have a good impression of Suzuki.Because I'm a child, I don't think it's different for such a grown-up person to be single like other adults.Of course, even now I don't find this surprising. but. But, sure enough, Mr. Suzuki is finally getting a wife too.When I first heard the news, I was still a little surprised. "Mr. Suzuki's wife is actually..." Jiang Zai's voice gradually became hoarse and indistinct. "Mr. Suzuki's wife is actually... actually Mrs. Miyako." For a second I didn't know who he was talking about. "Mrs. Mei Yezi?" Gao Qian also felt puzzled, touched Carpenter's hand and stared at his face, "Is that your mother?"
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