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Chapter 7 white house in the icy forest

ZOO 乙一 6224Words 2018-03-15
I live in a stable without a home.There are three horses in the stable, and a never-ending pile of dung. "If you don't have you, you can raise another one. You will only raise horses." Aunt always said so. The lower part of the walls of the stable is built of stone, and the upper part is made of wood.The stones used to make the walls are not square, but round stones that have not been polished by hand.Put mortar in the middle of the stone to hold it in place.I have been looking at these stones to sleep all the time.In the corner of the house, if you don't curl up to sleep, you are in danger of being trampled to death by a horse's hoof.I always fall asleep counting the stones in front of me that are used to make walls.Stones come in various shapes, like human faces.Sometimes I can still see hands and feet.Sometimes it can be seen that it looks like a human neck or a stone on the chest.

The stench of horse manure is always in my nostrils.But I have no home, nowhere else to go.Winter nights are very cold.I could only wrap my body in straw, but I couldn't help trembling all over. My job is to dispose of manure in the stables.There is a big horse dung mountain on the back side of the stable, and the horse dung there is picked up by hand and transported to the field.I work according to my uncle's orders, and my uncle will never approach me. He always pinches his nose and gives me orders. There are two boys and one girl living in my aunt's house.Boys often come to the stables to play.My elder brother beat me with a stick, while my younger brother watched and smiled, and then my blood flowed out.

The worst time they tied me to the horse, the horse was frightened and stepped on me.My face sunk.The two brothers fled in a panic.Then he pretended not to know anything. Something fell off my face, I picked up the red object and went to my aunt's house.I want my aunt to save me.It was bright outside and the wind was blowing without the smell of horse manure.The green grass was growing all over the place, and I walked towards my aunt's house with blood dripping on my face. My aunt's house has a courtyard dedicated to feeding chickens and dogs.I just knocked on the door without calling out, and tightly held the thing that fell from my face in my hand.

Aunt came out, screaming.I was not allowed into the house. Now that there are guests at home, don't come out of the stable.Guests will be disgusted if they see you. My aunt drove me back to the stable.The night was darker then.I wash the wound with water from the horses.I am not allowed to use the clean water from the well.Several times I passed out. After that, the two brothers never came to the stable again.I satiate my hunger with horse feed.The aunt who was holding the leftovers looked at me in surprise. "You are still alive, your body is really strong." That month passed without anyone coming to beat me.The pain lasted for half a year.The flesh that fell off the face had rotted, blackened and stinky.I carry it with me all the time.The walls of the stables are made of stone.The stones looked like faces, and I sometimes attached fallen flesh to one of the stones, my imagination swelled.My face is so solidified that it won't ooze juice anymore.

The red-haired girl from my aunt's family sometimes came to the stable.We speak in the stables.She won't hit me like my aunt and two brothers did.Sometimes she would bring books and put them in the stable.She taught me to read and I was able to read right away. she says. "How can you learn all the lies so quickly?" To prove that I was not lying, I read the book aloud in front of her.The red-haired girl was astonished.I will recite all the books I have read.There are no lights in the stables at night.During the day, I secretly read through the sunlight shining through the walls of the stable.She said that it cannot be known by others.I can remember most of the books as long as I read them once.

She also taught me numbers.I memorized the calculation method.Also read math books.I learned more and more difficult calculations than her. "You're really smart." she says. My aunt came in while I was studying in the stable.It was too late to hide the book in the straw, and the aunt confiscated it.Tell me this is a precious book not to be touched.Then hit me with a stick.My aunt finds it incredible why the book is here. "Don't do that, Mom!" She rushed into the stable. "This kid is very smart, much smarter than his brothers." Aunt doesn't believe it.Then she told me to recite a verse from the holy book.Completely correct.

"so what!" My aunt screamed and pushed me into the horse manure. When I grow up.Neither brother came to the stable much.Only come to the stables when hunting.The red-haired girl went to a boarding school far away.My aunt finally stopped sending leftovers to the stable.Uncle also sold the field. I was forgotten in the corner of the stable.Lived in the straw for an unknown number of years.Then I thought about running out of the stable.I always dispose of horse manure at night.I hide if anyone comes to the stable.I can still see human faces, feet and hands on the stone walls of the stable.Always fall asleep looking at these stones.

At night, I was seen by my aunt when I was picking up leftovers to eat. "You're still here." Aunt left a little money.Then ordered me to pick up the money and get out. I'm in the city.There are tall buildings in the city and many people.People were amazed to see my sunken face.There are people who look at me straight, and there are people who don't look at me. I took my aunt's money.When walking on the road at night.A group of men gathered around and did something outrageous.I don't think I'll be able to get any closer to the city anymore.So I chose the way out of the city, walking, walking, I don't know how many years I walked like this.

I finally survived in the forest.Live away from humans.Because if I meet someone again, they will definitely do something very unreasonable to me again.Can't live without a home.I thought again of the stone walls of the stables.Thinking about doing the house the same way.Find some stones like heads and hands.I wandered in the forest.This is a forest away from the city.No rocks were found at all.In the forest there are only trees.The ground was a thick layer of rotting leaves. While looking for stones, I met a young man walking on the mountain path.People are scary, and I was afraid that he would do something horrible to me again, so I killed him.What is the portrait of this young man?Like the stones of the stable walls!I carried the youth's body deep into the forest.I think I've found the material for a house.

Collect corpses to make houses.Stack the dead bodies to make walls.I left the forest to collect the corpses. The woman walking on the road is a woman holding a bag.Lurking in the bushes beside the road, I saw this material for making a house.She walked past my eyes.I got up from the bushes and walked behind her.Hearing footsteps, the woman turned her head.screamed.Anyone who sees my face will scream.I strangled the woman's neck.The bag fell to the ground.The contents fell out.Vegetables scattered all over the place.The taro rolls to my toes. The neck bone snapped.At that moment the woman's screams also disappeared.There was only one pair of eyes looking at me, just looking straight at me with my sunken face.I dragged the woman's body into the bushes, picking up the stray things.Later, the woman's body became the foundation of the house.Lying on the humus of the icy forest.Supporting the walls made of corpses.

A man crosses the bridge.He wears a hat and pulls a cart.It was a small wooden bridge.The banks of the small river are covered with weeds.The river reflects the wooden bridge.I hid under the bridge.Wait until the moment when the man pulls the car and walks by.Jumped in the car.At first the man didn't notice it.But the sudden weight of the car made him feel weird, so he glanced back, and at this time I cut off the man's head with the stone I was holding.The man died before he could cry out. The car was loaded with the body of the man who appeared to be a porter of fruit to a neighboring city.There are many wooden boxes on the car.The words "Contains Fruit" were printed on the box.I pulled the car and walked deep into the forest.He and the other corpses became the wall.The dead bodies of men were turned into building materials. I collect materials from all over the place.Leaving the forest to get materials in the city did not cause much commotion.Kill and put in one place.When there are a lot of them, they are transported to the forest by handcart.Cover the corpse with straw and transport it back to the forest by car at night. "please wait." At night, when the corpse was being carried, someone called me from behind.It's a man.So, I immediately covered my sunken face.It will be troublesome if it is seen. It's better not to walk at night.Recently, I heard that there are criminals haunting the neighborhood. Man holds flashlight.It's an old man.The man came and put his hands on the edge of the cart.Looking at the straw on the car, he said. "It seems to have haunted neighboring villages and villages farther away. The kidnapped people don't know what happened now. My grandson said, maybe they might be eaten." The man's gaze rested on the woman's white ankle protruding from the straw.Confused, he stretched out his hand, and when he touched the cold skin, the man was startled.I strangle him.Then pulled him into the car. It was surprisingly quiet in the forest.It is composed of countless woods as hard as ore.Because it was too cold, the leaves lost their original color and almost all fell off.I lined up the people one by one on the fallen leaves.Place where the house is intended to be built. I just made a simple box-like house with four corners.Just try not to have gaps and pile them up one by one to make a wall.There are men and women, travelers and villagers.I took off their clothes after transporting them to the forest.The corpses that become nude are all white. Make these into walls, some lying flat, some sitting, some with their hands on their knees, and some with their hands on someone else's head.The walls are not very thin.Because I was afraid that one layer would not be strong enough, I made the thickness of several people.I also used wood for support.My home is nearing completion and I'll look for it again if the materials aren't enough.The walls get taller.Because the materials are all white, the house is also white. The cold days continued day by day.I sleep in made walls.There is also food in the things they take, and they rely on these to satisfy their hunger.Finished the walls made of corpses, next is the roof.Use a large tree trunk to put on the wall and then lay corpses on it, so that it can prevent snow. My home is finished.White cottage in the silent forest.The corpse's skin was white, and under the moonlight, it seemed to be covered with a film made of light, shining with light.The body that made the foundation sank into the leaf mold due to its weight. This is a walk in home.Simple structure with only one entrance and roof.This will protect against the wind.Enter the house.hug your knees.Look at the faces of people around you.The bodies of people turned into walls are intricately entangled and overlapped.They all opened their eyes and looked at me.Much like the walls of a stable.The long hair of the woman in the wall fell down.Covering the faces of those below. I live at home.Live quietly.There are not even birds in the forest.Only this white home.There are countless eyes that are open. walls made of people.The man's crooked arm is holding the hand of the person next to him.The body twisted.There is also an upright boy supporting the men and women above with his head.The human hands and feet are intertwined, as if a large number of snakes are crowded in a small place.I sleep with my knees in it.The cold night continued. I often think of those days at my aunt's house.Just close your eyes and it still feels like being in that stable.Sometimes I think of red-haired girls.I also often think about living in a home with my parents.Not a very wealthy home.In winter, my father hoeed the frozen fields with a hoe.Mother helped father with his work with frozen red hands.The day the parents had the accident was a rainy day.The carriage overturned, implicating the parents.This is what my aunt told me. Moved out of my aunt's house and into the stables.Never go to my aunt's house.The stables are full of horse manure and it stinks.I looked at the lower half of the wall made of stones, as if I saw the faces of many people. After living for a while, the maiden came. I was thinking about something at home, and then I heard the sound of fallen leaves being trampled.Who came to the house deep in the forest?The faint sunlight in the gray sky shines into the house from the entrance.I looked up at the small figure who came to the entrance. The girl was standing with one hand on the edge of the entrance. Still only a very small child.Wearing blue clothes similar to black with a frightened expression.The skin appears unhealthy white, and the lips are blue.I saw that it was not the cold but the uneasiness. do you live here I heard the trembling voice of a girl.She folded her hands on her chest and shrank her neck. "A house made of people." Walking around the hut while looking at the pile of white corpses.I followed behind the girl.The girl turned her head and said in a surprised voice. Look carefully at you... there is a hole in your face... The girl leaned over and looked at me worriedly. "There is a hole on the face the size of a bird's nest...it's very dark inside, so I can't see clearly." The girl seemed to be interested in my sunken face. "You took everyone away?" Now the girl became nervous again as if she was about to suffocate. "The person I want to take my brother is deep in the forest. Can you give me back my brother? I came here to find my brother." The girl seemed about to cry.She looked at the walls made of people.It was a wall made of white corpses.In the icy forest, phosphorescence flickered in the dim sunlight. "I think there must be my brother in it. My brother is a lovely boy with a very clever face." The boy with the clever face seems to be the one in the inner wall inside the hut.Standing upright supports the head of the corpse above.I took the girl into the house.She saw the boy's face and called her brother's name.Her voice echoed in the silent forest.The girl grabbed my brother by the shoulders and tried to pull him out, but I stopped her.If that child is pulled out, the house of the corpse will definitely be dumped. "However, I want my brother to come home no matter what." The girl cried out. "Dad likes my younger brother more than Jiao. Because my father has always been very fierce to me and beat me. So, if my younger brother is gone, I must be very sad. Dad, mother and younger brother are very happy when eating together. Mom Now I went to a foreign country because of work. I want to take my brother home before my mother comes back, please, give me back my brother." The girl knelt on the dead leaves and begged me.The house would collapse if the boy was taken out, so I rejected the girl.The girl said with tears in her eyes. "Then I will replace my brother." When the boy was taken out, there was nothing to support it.At that moment, the girl took the boy's place and stepped in.The body of the boy who became the material of the wall fell upright like this.The girl stood at the same place in the same posture as her younger brother.Because it is still wearing clothes, it is the only color among the white corpses. "Please, please take my brother home." The girl spoke painfully about the way home, and I remembered it right away. "It's really quick to remember." The girl in the corpse wall said in surprise.I moved the boy's body out of the hut.Pretending to take him home.Put him not far from the hut. Then, I sat in front of the house with my knees folded and watched.If I send him home, the girl might run away.So I didn't send the boy home. After waiting for a while, the girl did not come out.A day passed.It takes about a day to go to the girl's house and come back.I went back to the hut as if I had already sent the boy home.The girl remained motionless inside the wall. "Ah~~ Thank you so much for helping me send my brother home. My father must be very happy. My mother who came back from a foreign country will not be sad either." The girl said happily and shed tears.The girl standing inside the wall made of white corpse supported the weight of the corpse above with her head. Life with a girl begins.The girl is talking.The hut was filled with girlish voices.The face of the corpse in the wall still had its eyes open.The corpses beneath the walls were decomposing day by day. At the beginning, the girl was still very scared to talk to me.But finally one day she smiled.In a cold white hut in a silent forest.Blooming girl's smiling face. "Hey, how did you get the hole in your face?" the girl asked.I told her about my aunt's house. "poor thing……" The girl cried sympathetically.The girl was also often beaten by her father, and then fled to the stable, remembering the stench of horse dung in the stable.The girl frowned. "This house stinks, but so does the stable." I tell stories to young girls, and I still haven't forgotten the books I read at my aunt's house. What an incredible day.Before this I was just clinging to my knees every day in a corpse with open eyes.The horror I felt back then is slowly fading now.A silent peace filled my heart. The girl sleeps standing up.The conversation with the girl gradually decreased.Her face slowly turned white, the same color as the surrounding corpses.I think it may be because of hunger and cold that she died. "Can you say something?" Because the girl said so, I recited the book in my memory to her. Finally one day the girl couldn't blink anymore, and kept her eyes open all the time.With a gentle smile. The weight of the corpse on her head pushed the girl down.I know the house will crumble bit by bit.Because the girl is not as big as her brother.The girl's blue clothes are the only color in this white cabin.I was silent in the hut.There is no one to talk to.There is no need to speak out.The house made of dead bodies has returned to its former tranquility.But it feels a bit pity. I stood up and decided to go to the girl's house.I haven't fulfilled my promise with her.It would be impossible not to send his brother home. The boy next to the hut was rotting because it was in the sun.I wanted to hug him but couldn't.I also want the girl to come home.Because she loves her parents deeply. I pulled the girl out of the wall without hesitation.I grabbed her small shoulders and pulled her out. The moment I came out of the exit with the girl's body in my arms, the white house collapsed.The walls made of corpses and the roofs of corpses became mountains together.Because of the impact, it couldn't be seen that it was a human body, and it turned into a huge piece of meat. Just a quiet mountain of meat in an infinite icy forest of countless tree trunks.In the luggage of tourists who have become walls, there are wooden boxes that can be hugged with both hands.It's for fruit.The words "Fruit Contains" are printed on the lid of the wooden box.I found the wooden box and put the girl's body in it.Then put the rotting boy's body with the girl's.The younger brother's body flowed between the bent girl and the box.I closed the lid and headed to the girl's house. The girl's home is only half a day away.Passed the little village.When I got to the house on the hill, I knocked on the door, but no one was there.I put the box containing the siblings in the porch, and prepared to leave. As I was about to leave their house, I noticed a woman.Woman holding big bag.Go to the girl's house.I think she is the mother of a girl who went to a foreign country. I stood at the door waiting for her to come.Finally the woman came to the door.There was a smile on her face. "Ah~ God. Thank you" She gave me a hug. "You are still alive. This face is still the same as that time. When the family said you were missing. I was very worried." The woman's hair is red. "By the way, you should work for my family. I just came back too. I'm so happy to see the children." The woman saw the wooden box in front of the door.When I tried to open it, the movement stopped. "It stinks. This fruit seems to be spoiled~ Can you throw it over to the fertilizer mountain for me?" The woman said, pointing to the box, and then entered the house.I carried the box to the manure mountain in the stable.It's still the same fertilizer mountain as when I was a child.I buried boys and girls in horse manure.Into the stable.It's still the same as before.Beside the wall, I curled up and fell asleep.
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