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Chapter 3 seven rooms

ZOO 乙一 21991Words 2018-03-15
When I woke up in that room, I didn't know where I was and I was terrified.All I could see was a dim electric light, emitting a yellow, weak light, illuminating the darkness around me.Surrounded by gray walls of reinforced concrete.It was a small cubical room without even a window.I seem to have been imprisoned here and passed out. I supported my body with my hands and sat up. At this moment, the coldness and hardness of the concrete floor came from the palm of my hand on the ground.I turned my head and looked around, only to have a severe headache, as if it was about to burst. Suddenly there was a humming sound from behind me, and when I looked back, it turned out that my sister was lying next to me, pressing her head like me.

"Sister, are you okay?" I shook my sister's body, so my sister opened her eyes and looked at me, sat up, and looked around in the same posture as me. "Where is this?" have no idea.I shook my head. In this room there was nothing but a bare electric lamp hanging from the ceiling, which gave a rather dim light.I don't remember how we got to this room. All I can remember is that my sister and I were walking down a boulevard near a department store in the suburbs.My sister will take care of me until my mother finishes shopping.It was an unpleasant thing for both of us, because I was ten years old and didn't need anyone to look after me, just being on my own.As for my sister, she doesn't seem to want to control me, she wants to play by herself.But my mother doesn't allow the two of us to act separately.

My sister and I walked on the way for a walk in an unpleasant atmosphere.The road is paved with bricks, forming a certain pattern. On both sides of the road are trees with stretched branches, which bring shade to passers-by. "I wish you had stayed home." "What? How petty!" My sister and I often scold each other.She is almost a high school student, and she still fights like me.That's what makes it weird. When we were walking on the road, someone suddenly spoke in the bushes behind us.We turned our heads, but before we could see anything clearly, we felt a sharp pain in our head, and when we woke up, we were already lying in this room.

"It was as if someone attacked us from behind and we passed out..." My sister stood up and looked at her watch. "It's Saturday already...it's three o'clock at night I'm afraid." My sister's watch is digital. She likes this watch so much that she won't let me touch it.The dial is silver with a small window showing what day of the week it is. The height, width, and length of the room are about three meters, and they are exactly in the shape of a cube.The surface of the room was bare of any decoration, just gray, hard concrete, and the light from the electric lamp cast vague shadows on the walls.

There is only one iron door, but there is no door handle.It looks like a thick iron plate is directly embedded in the concrete wall. There is a gap of about five centimeters under the door, through which the light reflects to the ground, which may be the light from the lamp outside the door. I dropped my knees to the ground, trying to peek through the gap to see what was outside. "What did you see?" My sister asked me expectantly, but I just shook my head. The surrounding walls and floors are not too dirty, there is no dust accumulation, someone may have cleaned it recently.I felt as if we were locked in a gray, cold box.

The only lighting in the room—the electric lamp was hung in the center of the ceiling. When my sister and I walked around the room, the shadows of the two of us would walk around on the surrounding walls.The light from the electric lamp was too weak, and there was still lingering darkness in the corners of the room. This cubic room has only one characteristic. There is a fifty centimeter wide ditch in the ground.If the side of the door is regarded as the front, the ditch begins just below the wall on the left hand side and extends to the bottom of the wall on the right hand side, traversing the central part of the room.There was muddy water flowing in the ditch, and the water flowed from left to right.The water in the ditch gave off a strange smell, and the cement parts that had come into contact with the water had changed color to a horrible colour.

My sister knocked on the door and shouted loudly: "anyone there?" No one answered.The door is very thick, no matter how hard you beat it, it will not dent.The ruthless sound made when the iron block was slapped seemed to say that the door could not be opened by human strength.A dull voice echoed in the room. I became sad and stood there motionless.When can we get out of here?The bag on my sister is gone.Although my sister brought a mobile phone, she put it in her bag, so there is no way to contact her mother now. The sister pressed her face to the ground and yelled into the gap under the door.She exhausted all her strength and let out a cry for help from the depths of her body, sweating all over her body.

This time it sounded like someone was in the distance, so my sister and I looked at each other and realized that there were other people nearby besides us.But the voice was not very clear, and the content could not be heard clearly.That's it, I'm still a little relieved. We banged and kicked the door for a while, but it didn't help.Eventually we were all tired, fell asleep, and woke up at eight o'clock in the morning. While we were asleep, someone slipped a piece of bread and a plate of clean water through the gap under the door.My sister tore the bread in half and handed one half to me.

My sister is very concerned about the person who stuffed the bread in, because that person must have locked us here. The ditch that ran across the room continued to flow unhurriedly while we slept.The smell of rotting objects coming out of the ditch made me sick.The corpses and leftovers of bugs floated on the water, flowing across the room and into the distance. I wanted to go to the bathroom, so I told my sister.As a result, my sister glanced at the door, shook her head, and said to me: "It seems that no one will let us out, you just pee in this ditch." My sister and I were waiting to get out of this room, but after waiting and waiting, no one came to open the door.

"Who and for what purpose have we been locked up here?" My sister sat in the corner of the room and muttered to herself, while I sat on the other side of the ditch.The gray concrete walls had lights and shadows cast by electric lights.I looked at my sister's tired face and became sad. I wanted to leave this room early. My sister yelled again into the gap under the door, only to hear someone respond. "Sure enough, there are people." But because of the echo, I couldn't understand what the man was saying. And it seems that there is only breakfast in one day, and no one brings food after that day.I complained to my sister that I was hungry, but my sister scolded me and said, "I am hungry."

Since there are no windows, I can't see the outside situation, but I know from the watch that it is around six o'clock in the evening.At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, and someone was coming. My sister sitting in the corner raised her head abruptly, while I kept a certain distance from the door. The footsteps were approaching, and I felt someone walking towards the room where we were locked up.This man will definitely explain to us why he treats us like this.My sister and I waited with bated breath for the door to open. But the result was not as expected, the sound of footsteps walked straight from the door.My sister's face relaxed, she leaned close to the door, and shouted to the gap under the door: "Wait a minute." But the person who made the footsteps ignored my sister's yelling and walked away. "He doesn't seem to have any intention of getting us out of here at all." I got scared and said that. "impossible." My sister retorted like this, but it was clear from her face that she was just saying that. It has been a whole day since I woke up in this room. During this period, we heard a lot of sounds, such as the sound of opening and closing iron doors, the sound of machines, sounds that sounded like people, and footsteps, etc.However, due to the echo, these voices all sounded like the roar of animals. It felt like the whole air was vibrating, and it was not clear at all. But the room my sister and I were in was never opened once, so we leaned together again and fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, there was bread again in the gap under the door, but there was no dish for water.The plate that was stuffed in yesterday is still in this room, so my sister guessed that maybe because we didn't pass the plate out, there was no water to drink. "It's really hateful!" My sister said regretfully, picking up the plate.She was about to throw the saucer on the floor, but refrained.If it breaks, you may never be able to drink water again.My sister may be out of such considerations. "We must find a way to get out of here." "But how do you get out?" I asked cautiously, but my sister glanced at me, and then shifted her gaze to the ditch that ran across the room. "This ditch must be used as a toilet for us." The ditch is fifty centimeters wide and thirty centimeters deep.It extends from the bottom of one wall to the bottom of the other wall. "This ditch is too small for me to climb." My sister means that if I climb, I can still pass. Looking at the watch on my sister's wrist, I knew it was noon. The result is that I have to climb out of the ditch as my sister said.If you can reach the outside of the building in this way, you can call for help.Even if you can't go outside, you can learn more about the surrounding situation, my sister thinks so. But I don't want to climb that ditch. In order to enter the ditch, I took off only my panties, and I still couldn't accept it.I had to go into that murky water and it was painful.My sister seemed to understand how I felt too. "Please, just bear with it." I hesitated and stuck my foot into the ditch.Very shallow, the soles of the feet immediately touched the bottom of the ditch.The bottom of the ditch is sticky and slippery.The water was only below my knees. The entrance to the ditch in the wall was square, forming a black hole.The hole is small, but I should be able to crawl through it.I am the smallest in the class. The ditch continued in the wall, forming a square tunnel.I put my face close to the water to see what was ahead, but the stench prevented me from seeing what was ahead of the tunnel.I had to dive in and see for myself. If my body gets stuck in the tunnel in the wall, it may be dangerous, so my sister tied my jacket, pants, and two people's belts together to make a rope.Then tie the rope to one of my feet with a shoelace, and if the situation seemed dangerous, she would pull back on the rope and pull me back. "Which way should I go?" I looked at the walls on the left and right, and asked my sister.The water in the ditch can be divided into upstream and downstream according to the direction of flow, forming two holes under the walls on both sides respectively. "Go whichever way you want, but if you think there are tunnels everywhere, come back here quickly." So I chose the upstream direction.If the wall with the door is regarded as the front, then I chose the opening in the direction on the left.I went to the wall and shrunk my body into the water.The dirty water gradually spread from my feet to my body until it surrounded my whole body.It felt like there were a lot of small bugs crawling up the surface of my body and eating away my skin. I held my breath, closed my eyes tightly, and stuffed my head into the square hole in the direction the water was coming from.The hole is so narrow and the top is so low that the back of my head hit the top of the tunnel as I crawled forward. I barely crawled through the square concrete tunnel, feeling like I was threading a thread through the eye of a needle.Since the current is not fast, it is easier to go against the current. Fortunately, after I crawled for two meters in the tunnel with flowing water, I suddenly couldn't feel the top of my head and back that had been pressing against me before.The ditch seemed to lead into a spacious place. Someone screamed. Although I hated dirty water getting into my eyes, I barely opened them.For a moment I thought I was back in the original room.The situation is the same as before, here is also a small room surrounded by gray concrete.And the ditch went on, across the middle of the room.I thought I jumped into the upper reaches of the ditch, only to find myself back in the original room from the lower reaches. But not so.The sister is not in this room, but someone else is in her place.This person looked older than my sister, and was also a young woman, but I hadn't seen it. "Who are you?" She asked me, screaming, stepping back as if frightened. I entered the ditch in the room where my sister and I were, walked upstream for about two meters, and came to another room.This room has exactly the same structure as before, and people are locked inside.The two rooms are identical in everything, and the ditch continues.And it should be more than this one room. I explained the situation to this confused woman and told her that my sister and I were locked in the room downstream of the ditch.Next, I untied the rope on my feet and prepared to continue walking upstream.As a result, there were two more concrete rooms in front of me. That is to say, going upstream from the room where my sister and I are, there are three rooms in total in front. There is one person in each room. In the first room there is a young woman. In the next room was a woman with long hair. In the uppermost room was a woman with hair dyed red. Everyone was locked up here without knowing what was going on.The others are adults, only me and my sister are two children.I don't know what my sister is like, but my body is very small, so I might have been locked in as a sibling group.It seems that I am not counted as a person. If the room where the woman with dyed red hair is located goes further, there is an iron fence in the ditch, so it is impossible to go any further.I went back to my original room and told my sister everything. My body still stinks after drying and there is no water to shower.As a result, the room became more smelly, but my sister didn't complain about me. "In other words, the room we are in now is the fourth one from upstream, right?" My sister said to herself, as if she was thinking about something. There are many rooms connected together, and people are locked in each room.This surprised me, but I also had a bottom line in my heart.It seems to me that there are a lot of people in the same situation as us, which is a comfort to me. And everyone was confused when they first saw me, but soon they became happy.It seemed that they had been locked up for days, all by themselves.No one opened the door for them. They didn't know what kind of situation they were in now, what was on the other side of the wall.None of them were small enough to crawl in the ditch. When I was about to go into the ditch again and leave their room, everyone begged me to go back and tell them what I had seen. Everyone doesn't know who locked them here, so they really want to know where they are locked up and when they can get out. After I told my sister about the upstream situation, I went down to the ditch again, this time going downstream.There, too, was the same as before, with many connected dark concrete rooms. Climb downriver, and the first room is the same as the others. Inside was a girl who was about my sister's age.She was also taken aback when she first saw me, and immediately became excited after hearing my explanation.It seems that she, like everyone else, was brought here for some unknown reason. I continued walking downstream. We came to a square room again, but the situation in this room was a little different from before.Although the structure of the room is basically the same, there is no one in this room.In the empty room there was only one faint electric light shining.There were people in the previous rooms, so I found it strange to see that there was no one in this room. The ditch continues forward. I move from this empty room to the next.No one is pulling the rope around my foot, but I don't care.There must still be many small rooms downstream, so I put the rope in the room where my sister was, without bringing it. In the third room downstream from the room where my sister and I were, there was a woman about my mother's age. She didn't seem too surprised to see me rise from the ditch.I found her situation a bit strange. The woman looked haggard, squatting in the corner of the room, trembling all over.I thought she was about my mother's age, but I was wrong, she might actually be younger. I looked at the front of the ditch. There was an iron fence at the square opening under the wall, and I couldn't go any further.It looks like I've reached the end of the downstream. "Are you OK?" I was a little worried about this woman, so I asked.Her shoulders trembled, and she looked at me, who was dripping with water, with fearful eyes. "Who are you?" Her voice was very weak, and it seemed that she had no strength left. Her condition was obviously different from that of other people in the room: her hair was disheveled, a lot of it was scattered on the concrete floor, her face and hands were stained with sweat, her eyes and cheeks were sunken, and she looked like a skeleton. I told her who I was and what I was doing.I felt a gleam of light flash in her gray pupils. "That is to say, there are still people alive in the upper reaches of this ditch?" living people?I don't quite understand what she means. "You should have seen it too? It's impossible not to see it! Every night at six o'clock, there are corpses floating in this ditch..." I went back to the room where my sister was, and first told her about the situation downstream of the ditch. "Then there are seven rooms connected together, right?" After my sister finished speaking, in order to make it easier for me to explain a lot of things, I assigned a number to each room.Counting from the upstream, mark the number one by one, the room where my sister and I are in is the fourth, and the room where the woman I saw last is the seventh. After that I hesitated to tell my sister what the woman in the seventh room said.If I just believed that woman and told my sister, she might think I was a fool.Just when I was hesitating, my sister found out about my situation. "Is there anything else going on?" So I carefully told my sister what I had heard from the woman in the seventh room. According to the woman, every night at a fixed time, there will be corpses floating in the ditch.The corpse floated from upstream to downstream, slowly drifting through each room. I was puzzled when I heard what the woman said about the situation. Why can such a narrow ditch hold human corpses?And there is an iron fence behind the seventh room, so you can't go any further.If there are corpses floating there, they should be blocked. But this was the answer of the haggard woman. The corpses that floated over were divided into small pieces that could pass through the gaps in the iron fence.So only the very occasional ones are kept out of the iron fence, and the rest can float through each room and finally float outside.I heard from the woman that since she was locked in that room, she saw pieces of corpses passing through the room every night. When my sister heard what I said, her eyes widened and she stared at me. "Did she see it last night?" "Ok……" We didn't notice any bodies floating through the ditch yesterday.No, it's impossible not to notice that we were awake at six o'clock last night.No matter where we stay in the room, we can see the ditch in the middle. If there is something suspicious floating in the ditch, we will definitely feel strange at the time. "Did those three people upstream say the same?" I shake my head.The only one who mentioned the body was the emaciated woman in the seventh room. Was she the only one who saw those things because of hallucinations? But I can't forget her face, her sunken cheeks, and the dark circles around her eyes, her eyes were so dull that she looked like a dead person.She looked like she was afraid of something.There was a stark difference between the people in the other rooms and the woman, who must have had a bad experience. "Do you think what she said is true?" I asked my sister like this, but my sister just shook her head, indicating that she didn't know too well.I feel extremely disturbed. "At that time we will know whether it is true or false." My sister and I sat by the wall, leaned against the wall, and waited for the watch on her wrist to indicate six o'clock in the evening. The minute and hour hands of the watch finally formed a straight line, pointing to "12" and "6" respectively.The silver hands of the watch reflect the light of the lamp, announcing the arrival of this moment.My sister and I stared at the ditch in the room holding our breath. There seemed to be people walking around outside the room, which made my sister and I uneasy.Does the footsteps heard have anything to do with the hour of six o'clock?But my sister didn't yell at the people outside the door, maybe she thought it was useless to yell. There seemed to be the sound of machinery operating in the distance.However, there were no corpses floating in the ditch at all, only the corpses of countless mosquitoes floating on the turbid water. It was seven in the morning when we woke up.Edible bread was stuffed through the gap under the door.Yesterday we pushed the water dish that had been sitting in the house since breakfast the first day through the crack and out the door.So we have water to drink today, it seems that our approach is wise.Perhaps the man who kept us here brought a teapot of water with him every morning when he distributed bread.He distributed a slice of bread to each room, and poured water into the saucers passed out the door.I imagined that someone I didn't know walked to the seven doors one by one to distribute bread and water. My sister tore the bread in half and handed the larger half to me. "I have something to ask of you." My sister asked me to crawl around in the ditch again to ask other people about the situation.I didn't want to go down into the ditch again, but my sister said I'd give her the bread back if I didn't, so I had to obey her. "There are two things you need to ask them. One is that they were imprisoned here a few days ago, and the other is whether they have seen the body floating through the ditch. You go and ask them about these two things. " I did what my sister said. First go to the three rooms upstream. They were relieved when they saw me.I asked them the two things my sister asked me to ask. I thought it would be difficult to calculate how long I was in here being locked up in a windowless space, but they all knew exactly how many days they were locked up here.Although some people did not bring a clock, but because meals were only delivered once a day, they could tell how many days they had been locked up just by counting the meals. Go downstream next.But a strange thing happened. The fifth room was just like yesterday, with a young woman in it. But there was also a woman in the empty sixth room yesterday, and this was the first time I saw this woman.She screamed and cried when she saw me coming out of the ditch.She seemed to think of me as a monster, and it took me a long time to explain it to her.I told her that I was imprisoned here just like her, only because I was smaller and able to move in the ditch, so I appeared in front of her.After explaining for a long time, she finally understood what was going on. This woman seemed to find herself in this room when she woke up yesterday.She was running on a river bank when she was hit in the head as she ran past a parked white van and passed out.She pressed her head with her hands, and it seemed that the place where she was attacked was still hurting. Now I'm going to the seventh room.Then another unexpected thing happened. There was a haggard woman in this room yesterday, and she told me about a dead body floating in the ditch, but now there is no such woman anywhere in the room.She disappeared from this room, leaving only the space formed by the cold reinforced concrete surface.The lamp glowed hollowly. But the strange thing is that this room seems to be cleaner than when I came here yesterday, and it can't be seen that anyone has been locked up here.There was not a speck of stain on the walls or floors, only electric lights casting light and shadows on the gray concrete plane. Was the woman I saw here yesterday a hallucination?Or did I get the wrong room? I went back to the fourth room and told my sister what I saw and heard. My sister asked me to ask the first question, and everyone gave different answers. The dyed-haired woman locked in the first room is already the sixth day today, because someone delivered meals six times, so it should be correct. The woman in the second room is the fifth day today, and the woman in the third room is the fourth day. My sister and I, who were locked in the fourth room, stayed in this room today after waking up. third day. The woman in the fifth room downstream from us is the second day today, and the woman who woke up in the sixth room last night is the first day because today's breakfast is the first. How many days had the woman in the seventh room been locked up here?Before I could ask her, she disappeared. "Did she go out?" I asked my sister like this, but my sister just answered "I don't know". As for the second question - "Did anyone see the corpse floating past", everyone answered in the negative.No one saw a body floating through the ditch.Not only that, but they all seemed disturbed when they heard my question. "Why do you ask that?" Every woman in the room asked me that.They thought I had special information, so they asked them that.In fact, it is true, because none of them can know the information of other rooms like me.So they can only imagine, imagining that the next door might be a TV station or an amusement park, and pass the time with these random thoughts. "I'll tell you later." I asked them as many questions as I could, and ended the conversation briefly. "No, I won't let you pass. Are you an accomplice of the person who imprisoned me here? You are lying when you say that other rooms are also imprisoned, right?" When I wanted to leave the first room, the person in that room said this to me, and then went into the ditch and stood with my back to the wall going downstream.Her foot just blocked the hole, so I couldn't get out of here. I had no choice but to tell her what I heard in the seventh room yesterday and what my sister asked me to ask them this question.She turned pale, and said "stupid, how is this possible", and stepped aside for me. After asking around, no one saw a corpse floating through the ditch. It seemed that the person in the seventh room saw it in a dream.That would be great, I thought. The emaciated woman in the seventh room said she saw dead bodies floating by at the same time every day, but the people upstream who had been locked here for a few days said they didn't see dead bodies. I really don't understand how it happened thing. I sighed and wiped my dirty body in the ditch with the rope I made earlier.Both my top and pants were made into rope, so I was only wearing my underwear the whole time.But even so, I didn't catch a cold due to the warmth in the room.That rope is of no use at ordinary times, it is placed in the corner of the room, and occasionally I use it as a towel to wipe my body. I slept on the ground with my knees hugged.The exposed concrete floor, if you lie directly on the hard ground and sleep, your ribs will hurt, but there is no way, it can only be like this. I think I should tell other people this kind of uncertain and unclear information, because they can only understand the situation within the scope of what they can see, and they will feel scared. But if they listened to me, they might be even more confused. So, thinking of this, I began to feel confused, whether to tell them or not. My sister was sitting in the corner of the room now, gazing at the intersection of the wall and the floor.Then grab something with your hands. "I lost my hair." The elder sister held her drooping long hair with her fingertips, and seemed surprised when she said that.Why did she mention this so solemnly?I don't understand. "Look at this, the length of your hair." The elder sister stood up, as if she wanted to double-check the length of the hair she picked up. She pinched the ends of the hair and straightened it.That hair is about fifty centimeters long. I finally understood what my sister was trying to say.Neither my sister nor I have that long hair, which means this is the hair of other people besides me and my sister. "Did someone use this room before we came?" My sister's face was livid, and she said to herself. "It must be..., no, it may be... my speculation may be nonsense... But you should also notice that the people upstream have been locked up for a longer period of time, and each room is more than the next room One day. That is to say, those of us were locked in one by one, starting from the room at the other end." The sister re-notices the difference in the number of days the people in each room are locked up. "Then what was the room like before they were locked in?" "Before they were locked in? Wasn't it empty?" "Yeah, it's empty. How about going further?" "It was empty before it was empty." My sister walked up and down the room while shaking her head. "Think about yesterday. At yesterday's stage, we counted as the second day since we woke up in this room. The person in the fifth room downstream from us was the first day, and the person in the sixth room It can be considered as day zero, so it is empty. But what about the seventh room? If you consider the order of arrangement, it should be negative first day, right? You learned about negative numbers in elementary school, right?" "Of course I learned that." But things are so complicated that I still don't quite get it. "Do you know? No one is locked up here at all. It's a negative day. According to my own guess, it's been the sixth day since this person was locked up here yesterday. That person was locked up in the first room." It was locked in the day before." "Then where is she now?" My sister stopped walking around, she stopped, looked at me, and couldn't speak.After hesitating for a while, he told me that that person might not be in this world anymore. People who were there yesterday, disappeared today, and then someone came in again.I compared the differences in each room with what my sister said and thought about it. "Every day, the unoccupied room will advance one downstream. If it reaches the most downstream, it will start from the upstream again. Seven rooms represent a week." Every day one person was killed in the room and thrown into a ditch.Another person will be imprisoned in the next empty room. Kill them one by one in order, and then replenish them again. There was no one in the sixth room yesterday, and there is today.Someone has been kidnapped here to fill the empty rooms. There was someone in the seventh room yesterday, but not today.She had been killed and thrown into a ditch. My sister was biting the nail of her right thumb and muttering, as if reciting a terrible spell.Her eyes were empty and unfocused. "That's why the seventh person can see the corpses floating in the ditch. If people are locked in in this order, even if a corpse is thrown in the ditch, the person upstream of that room will not be able to see it. If you think about it this way, the seventh What the woman in this room said was not a dream or hallucination at all, and the corpses she saw were those who were imprisoned here before her." Only the woman in the seventh room saw the body yesterday, my sister explained to me this way.I feel that the matter is very complicated and I don't quite understand it, but I think what my sister said is right. "We were brought here on Friday when the fifth room was killed and thrown into a ditch. One night later, on Saturday, the sixth room was killed and then The fifth room was re-enclosed. You see the empty room after the people who were there were killed. Then came Sunday, the day the seventh room was killed. Naturally, no corpses could be seen because there were no corpses floating upriver. Today is Monday..." The people in the first room are going to be killed. I hurried to the first room. I explained the situation to the woman with the dyed hair.But she didn't believe it, raised her head and said disdainfully: "How could such a thing happen!" "But if it's true, it's too bad, you'd better find a way to escape." But no one knew how to escape. "I don't believe it!" she yelled at me, looking annoyed. "What's the matter with this room?" I dived back to my sister from the ditch.I had to go through two rooms on the way, and the people in those two rooms asked me if something happened.But I didn't know if I should tell them, so I told them I'd be right back, and then I went back to my sister. My sister was sitting with her knees in the corner of the room.As soon as I came up from the ditch, she waved to me. Regardless of my dirty body, she hugged me tightly. My sister's watch shows that it is six o'clock in the evening. There is something red in the water flowing through the ditch.My sister and I didn't talk, just stared at the water in the ditch.At this time, a white slippery thing floated from the upper reaches of the ditch.刚开始我们还不知道那是什么,不过那个东西在水面上转了半圈,于是我们发现上面有一排牙齿,知道那是人的上颚。那个东西时浮时沉,漂过了我们所在的房间,最后被吸进了下游的洞里面了。接下来是耳朵、手指、小块的肌肉和骨头,纷纷漂过。被切断的手指上还戴着金色的戒指。 接着是一块染了色的头发漂过来,仔细一看,发现不仅是一团头发,连头皮都在。 我觉得这是第一个房间里的那个人。顺着混浊的水漂过去的、身体的无数个部分根本让人无法联想到这时人,这让我感到非常不可思议。 姐姐捂着嘴呻吟着。她在角落里已经吐过了,但吐出来的基本都是胃液。我跟她说话她也不理我,只是精神恍惚地发着呆。 这些昏暗、阴森的方形房间把我们一个一个地隔了开来,在我们品足了孤独之后,又来取我们的性命。 “这个房间到底是怎么回事呀?” 第一个房间里的人曾这样控诉过,这声控诉在我的大脑里久久不曾离去。而且我感到这些牢固、封闭的房间不仅把我们的身体关到了这里,还有深层的含义。似乎把比身体自由更重要的东西关了进来,例如人生,例如灵魂,把我们一个个孤立开来,剥夺了我们的光和热。这些房间就像一座灵魂的牢房。它们让我们体会到了未曾看过、未曾体验过的真正的孤独,还告诉我们我们已经没有未来,活着已经没有任何意义。 姐姐抱着膝盖蜷缩着身体躲在角落里抽抽嗒嗒地哭着,或许在我们出生以前很早的时候、在人类历史诞生以前,人类最原始的样子可能就是这样吧。在阴暗、潮湿的箱子里哭泣着,就像姐姐现在这样。 我扳着指头算了算,我跟姐姐被杀应该是关到这里之后的第六天,也就是星期四的下午六点。 好几个小时过去了,沟里的红色终于消失了。在那之前水面上浮着肥皂泡,从我们的面前漂了过去。可能有人在打扫上游的房间吧,杀人则肯定会流血,那个人肯定在清理杀人后的现场。 姐姐的手表指针显示现在已经过了深夜十二点,我们被关到这里的第四天——星期二到来了。 我潜入沟里,准备去上游的第一个房间。 中途经过的两个房间里的人都让我解释沟里流过去的东西,不过我只是回答了句“以后再解释”就急忙赶往第一个房间了。 直到昨天一直都在房间里的那个女人果然消失了,房间里好像被冲洗了一遍,显得特别干净。跟我想的一样,肯定有人打扫过了。我不知道这个人是谁,但肯定是把我们关到这里的人。 姐姐在房间里发现的长发果然是在我们被关到这里之前、在那个房间里被杀的女人的头发。在那个人打扫房间的时候,碰巧有一根掉在了角落里,所以才没被肥皂水冲走。 把我们带到这里再杀掉的究竟是什么样的人啊?没有人看过他到底长什么样。偶尔会在门外边响起的脚步声应该就是那个人发出的。 那个人每天都会在一个房间里杀一个人,他似乎很享受把一个人关六天,然后再杀掉、肢解。 我们都没看过那个人,连他的声音都没听到过。但那个人确实存在,并在我们的门外走来走去。他每天都给我们送来面包、水还有死亡。是这个人设计了这七个房间、然后依次把里面的人杀掉的规则吗? 可能是由于没看到那个人的样子吧,我感到没来由地恶心。我和姐姐会被那个人杀死吗?只有在被杀之前才能清楚地看到他的样子。 从这一点上讲,那个人就是死神。我和姐姐,还有其他人,都被关进了他设计的绝对规则里,注定要被判处死刑。 我到了第二个房间,把姐姐昨天的想法告诉了那个正在这个房间里度过自己的第六天的长发女人。这个女人并没有说姐姐的猜测是胡说八道,因为她已经看到了从上游漂过来的尸体了,也就是第一个房间里的女人的尸体。而且似乎她已经隐约感觉到自己再也出不去了,听到我的话之后,她只是沉默不语,跟姐姐一样。 “待会我再回来。” 我说完这个就去了第三个房间,在那里说了同样的话。 第三个房间里的女人明天将被杀掉。在这之前她一直不知道自己将在这里关多久、自己以后会怎么样,但现在这一切都变得明确了,自己已经注定明天被杀死。 第三个房间里的女人捂着嘴,簌簌地掉着眼泪。 我不知道究竟是知道自己被杀的时间好、还是不知道的好,或许什么都不知道的情况下看着眼前漂过的尸体,然后在不安中度过时光,在某一天突然一个不认识的人打开门、然后把自己杀死,这样可能更好。 看着眼前哭泣的女人,我想到了第七个房间里那个憔悴不堪的女人。大家的表情都会变得跟她一样。 绝望。已经被关在这个混凝土房间好几天了,没有人会认为这是某个人玩的游戏,所有人都意识到死亡即将到来,即使不愿意接受,也无法改变这个事实。 第七个房间里的那个女人肯定是每天看着不认识的人的尸体碎片从自己面前漂过,然后想着下一次可能就轮到自己了。我想到她那胆怯的表情,心开始痛起来。 我又到第二个、第三个房间说了一遍情况,然后是第五、第六个房间。 然后到了第七个房间。这个房间里新来了一个人,她看到我从沟里上来时发出了尖叫声。 然后我回到第四个房间,也就是姐姐现在所在的房间。 我很担心姐姐,她一直坐在角落里,动也不动。我走近看了看她的手表,现在是早上六点。 这时门外响起了脚步声。有一片面包从门下面的缝隙塞进来,然后是往外面的碟子里倒水的声音。 一直有光从门下面的缝隙漏进来,所以只有缝隙附近的水泥地面是一种惨白。现在那里有一个影子,而且影子在动。有人站在门外。 门外站着那个已经杀了好多人、现在还把我们关在这里的恶魔。想到这里,我感到那个人身上发出一种黑色的、可怕的压力,穿过这扇门,直压得我胸闷。 姐姐忽然像弹簧一样蹦了起来。 "Wait a moment." 姐姐整个身体都趴到门下方的缝隙,嘴贴着缝隙向外面喊道。她拼命地想把手伸出去,但只伸到了手腕的地方,其他地方都被卡住了。 “求求你,听我说!你是谁?” 姐姐拼命地喊道,但是门外面的人听而不闻,就当姐姐不存在,然后照直走了过去。脚步声也渐渐远了。 “混蛋……混蛋……” 姐姐低声重复着,后背靠在门旁边的那面墙上。 铁门上没有把手,考虑到外面有铰链,门似乎只能向里打开。下一次打开的时候估计是我们将被杀死的时候吧。 我就要被人杀死了,我这样思索道。当初被关到这里、回不了家的时候,我感到害怕,曾经哭过几次,但还没有因为自己要被杀死而哭过。 被杀究竟是怎么一回事呢?我根本没有一点真实感。 我会被谁杀死呢? 肯定会痛吧,还有,死后会怎么样呢?I'm so scared.但是我现在最害怕的是姐姐比我还慌乱,她身体蜷缩在角落里,时不时地把视线投向房间的四个角落。看到姐姐这样,我不知道该怎么办才好,心里好乱。 "elder sister……" 我害怕起来,就这样站着喊了声“姐姐”。姐姐仍然抱着膝,目光空洞地看了看我。 “你把这七个房间的规则告诉她们了吗?” 我不明白姐姐为什么这么问,只是点了点头。 “你做了件很残忍的事,知道吗?” 我解释说我不知道不可以这样做,但是姐姐好像并没有在听我的话。 我去了第二个房间。 第二个房间里的女人看到我后,脸上露出了微笑。 “我还以为你不来了,正不知道怎么办才好呢。” 虽然她的微笑不太明显,但我还是感到心里温暖了少许。在这些混凝土的房间里已经很久没看到人的笑脸了,因此我从她温柔的表情中读出了光明和温暖。 但是她今天就要死了呀,为什么还会笑呢?我感到很不理解。 “刚才在喊什么的是你姐姐吧?” “嗯,是的,你听到了?” “我听不清喊的内容,不过我猜应该是你的姐姐。” 在那之后她跟我说起她的故乡,说到我的脸很像她的外甥。她还跟我说到她被关进来之前做办公事务,以及假日经常去看电影等等。 “你出去以后,能不能把这个交给我的家人?” 她把脖子上戴的项链解了下来,然后戴到了我的脖子上。那是条银色的项链,上面缀着一个小十字架。听她说这是她的护身符,在被关到这里之后她每天都捏着十字架向上帝祈祷。 这一天我花了一天的时间跟这个女人成为了好朋友。我和她并排坐在墙角里,后背抵着墙,脚随意地伸着。有时候我会站起来,一边打着手势一边说话,这时从天花板垂下来的电灯就会在墙上投下一个庞大的影子。 房间里有水流的声音。我看到沟,想到自己最近一直在脏水里游来游去,身体肯定臭得让人皱起眉头。于是我稍微离她远了一点,然后重新坐下。 “为什么要坐远呢?我也好几天没洗澡了呀。鼻子早就麻痹了……要是能从这里出去的话,我最想做的事就是好好洗个澡。” 她嘴角浮起微笑,这样说道。 她在说话的时候也常常露出微笑,我感到很不可思议。 “为什么你知道自己要被杀了却不哭不喊呢?” 我脸上肯定暴露出了我的困惑。她想了想,然后回答说“我已经接受了这个事实”。她的脸有寂寞,有温馨,就像教堂里雕刻的女神一般。 分别的时候她紧紧地握住我的手,握了好长时间。 “好暖和。” 她这样说道。 在六点之前我回到了第四个房间。 我跟姐姐提起我脖子上戴的项链后,姐姐紧紧地抱住了我。 不久沟里的水就变红了,接着我刚刚在那个房间看到的眼睛、头发都从沟里漂了过去。 我走近沟,默默地用双手把漂在脏水里的那个女人的手指捧了起来。这些手指最后曾紧紧地握过我的手,现在已经失去了温度,变成了碎块。 我的心好痛,我的大脑里也像沟里的水一样被染成了红色。似乎整个世界都变成了鲜红、变得炽热,我的大脑已经没法思考了。 等我醒来的时候我发现自己正躺在姐姐的怀里,而且一直在哭。姐姐在抚摸我贴在额头上的头发。我的头发被脏水弄湿了,干了之后就会变成一撮一撮的。 “好想回家呀。” 姐姐嗫嚅着,声音很小很温柔,跟被灰色的混凝土包围的房间很不协调。 我作为回应点了点头。 有杀人的,也有被杀的。这七个房间的规则是绝对的,不容改变的。本来应该只有杀人者知道这个规则的,被杀的我们没法了解到这些。 但是发生了例外。 把我们带到这里并关起来的人,把身体很小的我和姐姐放在了同一个屋,可能是认为我还是个孩子吧,没把我当作一个人来计算。也可能是觉得姐姐还未成年,这样姐弟两人当作一组,作为一个成年人来看待。 由于我的身体很小,能够在沟里移动,所以可以到其它的房间,了解到其它的情况。然后据此推算出了杀人者定的规则。但杀人者并不知道我们被杀的人已经知道了他们的规则。 杀人者和被杀的人,两者之间决无可能发生逆转。这个情况在这七个房间里是不容改变的,就像上帝定下的法则一样。 不过我跟姐姐开始思考活下去的方法。 这七个房间的规则是反复发生的。我们不知道这是从多久之前开始的,也不知道这条沟里已经漂过多少人的尸体。 我在沟里来来去去,跟大家商量办法。当然所有人都显得无精打采,但当我要离开房间的时候她们都流露出希望我再来的表情。每个人都被单独扔在一个房间里,不得不品味孤独。这个肯定很难熬吧。 “恐怕只有你这样在各个房间里来来去去的,能逃过那个罪犯,不被杀掉。” 当我准备跳进沟里的时候,姐姐这样说道。 “因为把我们关到这里的那个家伙应该不知道你这样在各个房间之间来来往往的,所以即使明天我被杀死了,你也可以逃到别的房间。你这样一直逃的话,就可以不被杀死了。” “但是我还会长大呀,身体也会变大,那时候就没法在沟里爬来爬去了。而且那个罪犯肯定记得这个房间关的是两个人。要是我不在这里的话,他肯定会到处找的。” “就是这样也可以多活一点时间呀。” 姐姐很固执,劝我明天按照她说的这样做。但我觉得这只是苟延残喘罢了,或许姐姐认为我以后说不定能瞅空逃出去。 可是我觉得根本没有这样的机会,不可能有办法离开这里的。 第三个房间里的女人在死之前一直跟我说着话。她的名字比较奇怪,我只知道发音,不知道怎么写。于是她从口袋里掏出记事本,在微弱的电灯下把她的名字写给我看。这个记事本带着一小截铅笔,不知道怎么回事,那个把我们关到这里的人并没有把记事本没收,所以记事本一直装在她的口袋里。 铅笔的一头有很多牙印,歪歪扭扭地露出笔芯,看来她为了让笔芯露出来,曾经用牙咬掉了木质部分。 “我的爸妈经常给一个人住在城市的我送吃的,因为他们就我一个女儿,老是担心我。送快递的人把装着白薯呀黄瓜的纸箱送到我家,不过我一直在公司,收不到。” 她担心送快递的人会不会现在正站在她家门前、抱着父母送给她的东西在那等她回家。她说到这些,然后把视线转移到了沟里漂着成群的蛆的水。 “我小时候经常到我家旁边的那条小河玩。” 她嘴里的那条小河很清澈,可以看到河底的小石子。听到她说到这些,我开始想象那条河的样子,在我的心目中那条河就是一个梦幻的世界。河面反射着太阳光,微波粼粼,闪闪烁烁,真是一个明亮的世界。头顶上蓝天异常开阔,让人觉得自己的身体挣脱了地球引力一直往上飘往上飘,不知要飘到哪里。 此刻我们被关在一个阴森、狭小的混凝土房间里,从沟里发出腐臭,电灯的亮光反而使黑暗更加突出,不过我们似乎已经习惯了这一切。来这里之前的普通世界我们快要忘记了,此刻我想起外面吹着风的世界,觉得好伤心。 好想看看天,我从没有这样强烈地想做一件事。为什么我在关进来之前不好好地看看天、看看云呢? 现在我和这个房间的人并排坐在角落里聊着天,昨天我跟第二个房间里的女人也曾这样做过。 她今天也没有哭、没有喊、没有为这样的不公而愤怒。只是很平常地、就像坐在傍晚公园的长椅上那样随意地聊着天。我暂时忘记了自己正置身于一个狭小的房间,四周被灰色坚硬的墙壁包围着。 我们两人一起唱着歌,我忽然感到疑惑起来,这个人真的要被杀死了吗?我又想起我自己也将被杀死的事。 我考虑了一下我们被杀的原因,但最后只能归结到把我们带到这里的人想杀人这个结论上,真是岂有此理。 她拿出刚才的记事本,把它放在我的手里。 “如果你能出去,希望你到时候把这个记事本交给我爸妈,求求你了。” 我真的能从这里出去吗?昨天第二个房间里的人也期盼着我能出去,所以把缀着十字架的项链交给了我。但我根本不能保证自己能出去。 我刚想这么跟她说,这时好像有人站在门外。 "Oops!" 她表情僵住了。 我们明白过来已经到时间了,已经到了傍晚六点。我本来应该在六点之前离开这个房间的,但是聊着聊着就忘了时间。她没戴手表,而我们又聊得很愉快,所以我麻痹大意了。 “你快点逃出去!” 我马上站起来,跳进沟里,然后蹿进往上游去的方形隧道。如果去下游的话,能够回到姐姐在的那个房间,但是上游那边的洞口更近一点。 在我蹿进隧道的同时,身后响起铁门打开的声音。瞬间我的头脑开始发热。 把我们关到这里的那个人出现了。我已经认定了在死之前才能见到这个人,所以不敢去想象现在在这里看到他的情形。他对我来说是死的象征,我很惧怕他,感到只是靠近他就足以让我灰飞烟灭。 心跳加快了。 我穿过隧道,到了没有人的第二个房间,在沟里站了起来。我站在沟里深呼吸了一下,然后把刚才那个女人给我的记事本放到地上。 从现在起那个把我们关到这里的人就要杀那个女人了。这时我有了一个想法,我的身体因为恐惧而颤抖,我知道这是一项冒险的行动,但我还得去做。 我和姐姐要从这里逃出去。我仍然在思考怎么逃出去,不过还没想清楚。什么样的线索都可以,姐姐需要知道更多的信息。为了从这里爬出去、再次看到蓝天,我正在寻找办法。 为此我必须像之前所做的那样,自己去看那充满谜团、充满黑暗的部分,然后告诉给姐姐。 谜团。我所说的谜团是指把我们关到这里的人的模样,以及他是如何杀人的、动手的顺序如何。 我想重新返回第三个房间,去偷偷看看事情的经过。当然如果我进入那个房间,则很有可能马上被发现,然后连我也被一起杀掉。我要极其小心地、从沟里偷看情况。即使这样我还是很紧张,头都要发晕了。如果偷窥时被发现的话,那恐怕等不到明天我就要被杀死了。 沟的下游一侧、隔开第二个房间和第三个房间的墙壁里有一个四方形、横向的洞。我刚从那边出来,现在又回到那里,让膝盖跪在地上。水正好能没到我的大腿里侧,不断地被吸进眼前的正方形洞里。 我深吸了一口气,然后小心地爬进那个洞里,尽量不发出声音。水流很缓,只要稍微注意一下就不会被冲走。手脚用力往后推的话,还可以逆着水流前进。这是我根据以往的经验了解到的,但是水泥墙上覆盖着一层光滑的膜,可能是脏水的缘故吧,特别容易打滑。必须小心点。 方形的隧道里,顶部和水面之间基本没什么空隙,要想看清楚第三个房间里发生的情况,必须潜到隧道里,然后在水里睁开眼睛。 在脏水里睁开眼睛是件很痛苦的事,但我还是这么做了。 我手脚用力,使身体固定在隧道里,然后保持在快要进入第三个房间的地方。水拍打着我身上的皮肤,然后往前流去。我透过混浊的水,可以看到一块昏暗的方形亮光,那是第三个房间里的电灯发出的光。 在流水的声音中夹杂着机器的声音。 由于水比较混浊,看不太清楚,不过我能够看到一个黑色的人影在动。 有一群蛆虫流过我的脸旁,可能是粘在某种腐烂的东西上吧。 为了看得更清楚,我想再向前移一移,离隧道的出口再近一点。 手和脚下都打滑了,我马上指尖用力扒住。墙上附着的那层容易打滑的膜,只有我手指抓的地方脱落了,于是墙上被划出了一条线。我的身体被水冲走了一段距离,最后终于停下来了,这时我的脑袋露到了隧道的外面。 I saw. 刚才还跟我聊天的那个女人现在已经变成了一座血肉堆成的小山。 一直关着的铁门现在也敞开着。铁门的里面是平的,不过外面却有门闩。这个门闩让所有人被隔离开来,直到死的那一刻。 还有一个男人。他站在不能称为人的尸体的一推肉块前,背对着我这边。如果他面朝着我这个方向的话,可能我马上就会被他发现。 我看不到这个男人的脸,但能看见他手里拿着一个电动锯子,正发出很大的响声。我终于明白有时候会听到门外有机器的声音,原来就是这把电动锯子发出的。男人站得笔直,丝毫看不出任何感情,只是好几次把锯子刺进肉堆里,让肉块分割得更小一点。就在这一瞬间,红色的东西一下子飞溅开来,落得满屋子都是。 整个房间都变成血红。 不经意间电动锯子的声音已经从房间消失了,我和那个男人之间只剩下沟里的水流声。 那个男人准备回头。 我赶紧用指甲抓紧打滑的隧道内壁,急忙后退。我估计那个男人没看到我,不过要是迟一点的话就糟了。 我回到第二个房间,那里没有人。不过这里也难保很安全,因为要关进来新的人,铁门随时可能被打开。我捡起地上的记事本,去了第一个房间。我现在没办法越过第三个房间,回到姐姐所在的房间。 我坐到第一个房间里的女人的旁边。 "What do you see?" 可能我的脸色太差了吧,所以她才会这么问。她是昨天晚上被关进来的,在所有人中是最晚的一个。我已经跟我说明了这七个房间的规则,不过我没法告诉她我刚刚看到的情况。 我打开第三个房间里的女人给我的记事本,开始读里面的内容。由于刚刚浸在了水里,纸张都粘在了一起,费半天劲才翻开。纸张都皱了,不过字迹还能读懂。 记事本里写的是给父母的一封长信,信里有好多个“对不起”。 我害怕见到那个男人,所以现在没办法回到第四个房间了。我在第一个房间度过了一个晚上,这个房间的女人真诚地欢迎我的到来,还多分给了我一些面包。我一面吃着面包,一面想着姐姐肯定在担心我。 我终于下定决心要回到姐姐所在的第四个房间了,不过在沟里匍匐前进的时候,发现第二个房间里又关进来一个人。每个人第一次见到我都会吃惊,这个女人也不例外。 第三个房间现在是空的,血迹也被打扫干净了。我努力想找到昨天跟我一起聊天的女人存在过的痕迹,但一无所获,这个房间现在只剩下空洞的混凝土了。 回到第四个房间之后,姐姐马上抱紧
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