Home Categories detective reasoning frequency of loneliness

Chapter 15 first quarter

frequency of loneliness 乙一 3355Words 2018-03-15
Before marriage, his wife was a music teacher.She is very beautiful and very popular with students. After marriage, she also received New Year's cards from former female students and love letters from male students.She always cherishes these letters and carefully puts them on the shelf in the bedroom. Every time she cleans up the room, she will take out the letters and look at them with a happy smile on her face. My wife has been learning the piano since she was a child, and after graduating from a music university, she sounds like she can play at a professional level, but I don't know why she didn't become a pianist, which I find strange.Still, insiders seem to be able to hear flaws in her playing.After marriage, the wife occasionally still plays the piano at home.

I'm completely unmusician and can't even name three musicians.My wife would play a few tunes for me at home, but to be honest, I had no idea what classical music was all about.How to appreciate music without lyrics but melody?This is really a problem for me. Three years after we met, I gave her a ring.After we got married, we lived together in her parents' house.Both my own parents have passed away, and I haven't had anyone who can be called a "relative" for a long time, but after I got married, I suddenly had three more relatives, and then another one a year later.

Shortly after our daughter was born, arguments between my wife and I started to increase.We are both very talkative types. I don't know if it is because we are going to the bad side. We often disagree with each other and argue late into the night over some trivial matters. At first, this kind of debate can also bring us fun.Listening to each other's inner voices and expressing our own opinions at the same time, in the process of accepting and denying each other, we all feel that we have deepened our understanding of each other and brought our hearts closer.But later, we gradually became unwilling to overwhelm each other.

We started arguing, even when the mother-in-law was comforting her crying daughter.When falling in love, most people only look at the advantages of the other party, and even if they find the shortcomings of the other party, they will use love to tolerate them.But after getting married, they have been living closely with each other, and the shortcomings have always been lingering in their eyes, and they have turned into mutual dislike. In order to overwhelm the opponent and win, we began to use some words that hurt the opponent, and sometimes we even said some words against our will in order to show off our tongue.

But I don't really hate her.She also seems to like me, not really hate me, I can feel it whenever I see the ring on her left ring finger.But for some reason, we were always holding each other back, not even willing to take a step back. Only when she was playing the piano did she feel that the ring was in the way, so she took it off and put it aside.I didn't think about anything when I saw her doing this before, but since we often quarreled, I began to feel that the wordless action seemed to say, if you are not married, how good it is to continue to be a piano teacher! I was in a car accident the day after I had an argument with my wife.I opened the garage and prepared to drive to the company. The fresh green leaves on the trees were pleasing to the eye.It was a fine morning in May, and the dewdrops on the verdant green leaves shone with the sun's brilliance.I sat in the driver's seat, started the engine and stepped on the gas pedal.It takes about 20 minutes to drive to the company. On the way to the intersection, the red light came on. I stopped the car and was waiting for the green light when the window of the driver's seat suddenly went dark.Turning my head, I saw the front of a van, which not only blocked the sun, but was already in front of my eyes.

I don't know when I woke up, or if I was actually still asleep.It was dark all around, without a ray of light, and no sound could be heard.I don't know where I am.I tried to move, but found that I couldn't even turn my neck, I couldn't use any force in my whole body, and I didn't even have a sense of touch. Only the joints to the fingers of the right elbow felt numb, and the skin of the forearm, wrist, and fingertips seemed to be covered with static electricity.The side of my forearm seemed to be touching something, it felt like a sheet, and that was the only external stimulus I could get in the dark.Through that little sense of touch, I guess I might be lying on a sheet.

I didn't know what kind of situation I was in, and my heart was filled with panic and confusion, but I could neither scream nor move my body to escape.There was nothing but darkness that I had never seen before, boundless, utter darkness.I was looking forward to a ray of light breaking through the boundless darkness, but that moment never came. In the silence, not even the ticking of the second hand of the clock, so I couldn't be sure how long it had been, but the skin on my right arm was starting to feel warm, the same kind of warmth you feel when the sun shines on your arm.But if that's the case, why can't I see the world under the sun?I do not understand.

I wondered if I was locked somewhere. I tried to move my body, trying to escape from that place, but except for my right arm, the rest of my body didn’t move at all, as if they were all melted into the surrounding darkness. . I thought that my right hand might be able to move, so I exerted myself on my right arm.When I wanted to move other parts of my body, my body didn't feel it at all, but this time I felt my hands move.The muscles were stretching slightly, and I felt only my index finger moving, but in the dark, I couldn't confirm whether it was real or not.However, I felt the pad of my index finger touch the sheet, and my index finger should have moved up and down slightly.

In the silent darkness, I kept wiggling my index finger up and down, and that was all I could do.I don't know how long it's been like this, but I think the same movement has been repeated for several days. Suddenly, my index finger touched something, a cold hand that looked like it had just washed the dishes.I say it's a hand because I feel like the index finger is wrapped around slender fingers.I didn't hear the sound of that person walking, just like a hand appeared out of nowhere in the darkness.I was taken aback, but at the same time I was glad that there were other people besides myself.

The man seemed to hold my index finger in a panic, and at the same time, I also felt someone's palm against my wrist.I think, probably the person holding my index finger put the other hand on my wrist!In the slight pressure brought by this hand, I felt the skin of my right wrist touch something as hard and cold as metal. I figured it might be the ring on that person's finger touched my skin, and immediately thought of a person with a ring on his left hand.I realized that the person touching my wrist must be my wife.I couldn't hear her voice, footsteps, or even the sound of clothes rubbing, and I couldn't see her face in the dark. The only thing I could feel was her hand touching my right wrist again and again.

The touch from her hand faded from mine, and I was left alone in the dark again.Just the thought of her never coming back made me frantically wag my index finger up and down.I don't understand why there is darkness in front of my eyes, but she seems to be able to see around and walk back and forth freely. I think she should also be able to see my index finger swinging up and down. After a while, my right hand felt touched again, and I immediately realized that it wasn't my wife's hand, but a pair of hard, wrinkled old hands.That person seemed to be checking something, stroking my fingers and the heart of my right hand.The hand moved over my index finger as if massaging it.I tried my best to exert force on my index finger, but that hand seemed to be measuring my strength, pinching my index finger tightly. In this way, my finger was no match at all, and I couldn't move it immediately.At this moment, I realized that even if my fingers could move, they could only move up and down by a centimeter. As long as there was a slight external force to stop them, they would not be able to move at all. Then, something as sharp as a needle irritated the pulp of my index finger. Because of the pain, the index finger moved naturally. At this time, the pain on the finger disappeared immediately, but the needle point immediately pierced the palm of my hand again.In the silence and darkness, a sudden onslaught of pain caught me off guard: startled.I moved my finger up and down a few times in a half-protest, and then the pain of the needle prick disappeared again, as if by law, just move the index finger and the needle will be removed. My right hand was pricked several times by the needle, the thumb, middle finger, nail and wrist. Every time I pricked, I was very painful, and then I had to wiggle my fingers frequently.The acupuncture point slowly moved upwards from the wrist. Just when I was worried that the needle would slowly pierce my face, the pain suddenly disappeared at the elbow joint.At first I thought the man had finally stopped poking me, but then it dawned on me that I couldn't feel skin on my right elbow at all.Even though my shoulders, left hand, neck and feet were being pricked, I didn't feel it at all. I realized that the only place I could feel pain was in my right hand below the elbow.A static-like numbness covered my right hand, the only real feeling in a world without sound and light. After a while, someone held my right hand again, not the rough old hand just now, but a young hand.From the tactile sensation brought by those slender fingers, I knew immediately that it was my wife's hand. She kept stroking my right hand.In order to show that I can feel her touch, I frantically wiggle my index finger.I couldn't imagine what such a movement meant to her. Maybe it was just a spasm of the fingers to her.If I could make a sound, I would have done so, but I can't even feel that I am breathing with my own strength. After a while, I felt that my right hand seemed to be lifted up, and the tactile sensation of my hand against the sheet disappeared, and then something soft was attached to my palm.I knew immediately that it was my wife's cheek.I felt wet fingers and her cheeks were wet. My wrist was supported by her hand, and the inside of my forearm touched something hard that seemed to be my wife's nail. Her nails slide over my skin like a painting.At first I didn't know what she wanted to do, but as she repeated the same action over and over again, I gradually understood that she was writing on my hand with her nails.I concentrated on the skin of my right hand, wondering how her nails worked. "Finger YFS=1 NO=2" She wrote such a set of simple words with her nails.I understood what she meant and swung my index finger up and down.The touch of the nails that had been repeatedly writing the same words disappeared, and after a while, my wife began to write on my hands again with a tentative speed. "YES?" I wiggled my index finger up and down.And just like that, we started communicating in this clumsy way.
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