Home Categories detective reasoning frequency of loneliness

Chapter 12 third quarter

frequency of loneliness 乙一 4986Words 2018-03-15
... Teacher, are you okay?From just now, your expression seems to be a little strange... Why are your hands shaking? ... and sweating so much... Didn't you just say that the air conditioner was too strong? ...Okay, I see, then I will continue. So I took a leave of absence and went back to my hometown, where I might know the girl's life experience. When I thought of this, I couldn't calm down and attend the class.That was a month ago, that time I went home... as if it happened a long, long time ago... Sitting on the Shinkansen, I was getting closer and closer to my hometown in the north, and my mood gradually became uneasy.I am very scared... I really want to forget all this... because, how could it be so far away from my hometown, and so accidentally...

I used to think that my choice to leave home to study at the university I am now, and later to attend the film research society, was all out of my own will.However, that may not be the case... I may have been led by her since two years ago... This is terrible... Is there anything to prove that my previous choices were all of my own will? ...I feel as if I'm going to disappear, I'm terrified... When I arrived at the station in my hometown, I left the ticket gate with my luggage in one hand.The sky was overcast, and although it was early summer, I felt chilly.I ran back without first contacting the family, so my mother was very surprised to see me, but she was very happy to welcome me home...

However, they soon sensed that something was wrong with me and asked if something had happened to me in college.How could I make my parents worry about me, so I smiled and told them that nothing happened, and then I went to my old high school.From home, you can go to school in no time. The school that girl also went to... Two years later, I went back to the old school. As I walked through the school gate, I thought, the girl in the movie walked on this road like me!It was evening at that time, and there were many students returning home from school.The schoolgirls wore uniforms that I used to wear and that were worn by the teenage girls in the movie.

When I was still in this school two years ago, I might have been entangled by her... At that time, I gave up suicide and re-established my own way of life, maybe it was not out of my own will... think. On the one hand, I was deeply disturbed by myself, but on the other hand, for some reason, I always wanted to know about that girl.Don't you think it's incredible? ... I... Ever since I watched that movie, I have often had the same dream. I dreamed that I was killed by someone, thrown into the drain of the tunnel, and several large stones were pressed on it.I experienced what she had experienced in my dream.It's horrible... so cruel, why... the murderer doesn't seem to treat her as a person at all... I feel like she is me in the news reports...

She wants people to find her... I have such a strong feeling.She doesn't want to be just an unidentified corpse killed by the motorcycle race, but a person who was once alive... I want to find out who she is, make her an authentic person again, and let her be mourned by relatives and friends... … After entering the teaching building, I walked towards the office, thinking that it would be good if I made a phone call beforehand, and I was a little worried that the sudden visit would be rejected.At this time, a teacher who had taught me just passed by. It was Mr. H, an elderly male teacher.He seemed to remember me, and when I called him, he called out my name in surprise.

I belong to the kind of person who can't talk to the teacher very much.When the students greeted the teacher intimately, I just watched from afar... However, Teacher H is the only teacher with whom I have a good relationship so far.Although he doesn't like to talk and doesn't attract much attention, he is kind and always has a warm smile on his face.He was a history teacher, and he had been teaching at that high school for thirty-five years, and everyone nicknamed him the old man behind his back.But I like this teacher and I am often taken care of by him. Teacher H seemed to have just finished class, so he could talk to me, and we stood in the corner of the corridor and started chatting.I chatted briefly about the recent situation first, and then asked him if he knew about the disappearance of a girl from our school seven years ago.

The teacher was a little overwhelmed by my question, but he answered me anyway.He said that there are five male and female students who have disappeared suddenly in the past ten years, and these students are almost all children with problems in their daily life attitudes. However, there is one girl who is very rigorous and serious. Teacher H still has some impressions of that girl. Even if no one else is listening to the teacher in class, she will take notes seriously. The girl disappeared on July 7 seven years ago, and there was still one week before the school would be closed for summer vacation... That was the year when the girl's body was found in the tunnel.

I kept asking a lot of questions about that girl, what's her name... where does she live... The teacher was surprised by my reaction.Under normal circumstances, this information cannot be disclosed to outsiders casually, right?But Mr. H probably felt that I was doing something very important, so he told me the girl's name and address. The mystery of the identity of the girl in the movie was solved at that time... The girl's house is not far from my house. If you take the tram from the station near my house, you can get there in about 20 minutes.It was a single-family small western-style house.I hadn't thought about what to do if I knew the address of the girl's home, and I felt very uneasy about meeting her family.To be honest, I never expected to find out the identity of the girl so quickly, so I feel confused and at a loss...

But I also felt that I had to go to her house no matter what... Deep down in my heart, I felt that it was my mission... So after saying goodbye to Teacher H, I decided to go to her house immediately. Before the visit, I got in touch with her family through the phone number Ms. H gave me.Someone who might be the teenage mother answered the phone, and I was very nervous talking to her. Can I visit now?I want to talk to you about your daughter's disappearance.I told the purpose of the visit without any concealment, and I thought it was likely to be rejected, but the girl's mother was silent for a while, and very politely agreed to my request.

After ringing the doorbell, while waiting for the door to open, I looked up at the second-floor balcony.The weather was gloomy, as if it was about to rain, and the curtains of the second-story windows were drawn tightly under the gray clouds.The curtains were made of sakura-colored gingham, which indicated that it was a girl's room, and I thought it was a girl's room. The porch door opened, and it was a beautiful woman who opened the door. She was the girl's mother.With makeup on her face and well-dressed clothes, she gave the image of a woman working for a top-notch company. And it is true.She divorced her husband and now works in a friend's small company. She currently lives with her son, who is the younger brother of the girl.I went into the house and talked with her while drinking tea.

It's strange!For me, a stranger who Qin didn't know, she suddenly offered to visit, not only did she not refuse, but she even let me into the house... I thought it was very strange, so I asked her why she was willing to talk to someone she had never met. The girl's mother said that on the morning I called, she dreamed of her daughter... She heard the phone ringing in her dream, picked up the receiver, and heard the voice of her daughter who disappeared seven years ago, saying that she would be here soon. Will be back…… However, it was not the missing daughter who appeared in reality, but me who had never met, so the girl's mother asked me a lot of questions.who am I?Where do you live?Why do you care about her daughter's affairs? ...As for my own questions, I tried my best to answer them. As for how I knew about the girl and why I conducted an investigation, I didn't elaborate... I didn't mention anything about the movie or about the unidentified buttocks.I didn't bring the roll of 8mm movie film, I left it in the room of the seminar.If I had brought the film with me at that time, maybe I would have asked her to confirm whether the girl in the movie was her daughter... In short, I always avoid the girl's mother... At that time, I also felt very embarrassed... Seeing me like that, the girl's mother said with an uneasy face, if I know the whereabouts of the child, I must tell her... I also think it's very unfair... I don't want to say anything myself, but I just keep asking the other party to answer... I asked her if she noticed anything unusual about her daughter on Qixi Festival seven years ago—the day the girl disappeared.The girl's mother stared at her hand on the table, recalling the situation back then. At that time seven years ago, the girl's parents were divorcing.They met when they were in high school, and they had a child soon after dating, so they got married with a child, but later, various problems began to emerge... At that time, the girl felt very uncomfortable about who she would live with after her parents divorced. trouble…… If I follow my father, I have to move back to my father's hometown, and I have to change schools.The mother thought it would be a burden on her daughter, so she advocated that her daughter live with her. I heard from the girl's mother that her father is a serious and strict person. He is also very strict with himself and can control his words and deeds. He has never quarreled with his wife at home, especially when the child is around. It has a bad influence on the children, so it pretends to have a good relationship with his wife. However, the girl can still feel it!She was troubled by it...it was the age of sentimentality...it's not unusual for her to be full of conflicts and insecurities... Qixi Festival seven years ago was a Sunday. The girl and her friends played until close to noon. They went to the department store, the botanical garden, and when they arrived in front of the station, she said that there was still something to do, so she separated from her friends... From then on, she It was never seen again. That night, the mother was alone at home waiting for the girl to come back.The girl's father returned to his hometown a few days ago and is scheduled to come back after Monday.The mother said that he was very worried about his daughter. He drove home on Monday morning, and the first thing he said when he entered the door was to ask her if she found it... At that time, my younger brother who was in elementary school also went to a friend's house to play and stayed at a friend's house at night.Since it was Qixi Festival on July 7th, he set off fireworks at a friend's house and hung small notes on the bamboo.For the next week, he didn't know why he didn't see his sister... About a month later, in mid-August, an unidentified body was found in the tunnel, but because the identity could not be identified, no one connected it with the disappearance of the girl...Her mother didn't even seem to know There is this case. Although there was a month between the disappearance and the discovery of the body in the tunnel, the girl must not be imprisoned somewhere!I think it's just that the body was hidden in the tunnel and has never been found, so it is very likely that the girl was killed shortly after she separated from her friend and was dumped in the tunnel. ... I, I don't want to think about such things, what kind of corpses, abandoned corpses... It seems that the girl is not a person, but a symbol... I feel very uncomfortable... I also looked at the room on the second floor where the girl lived... I wanted to see her room no matter what, so I asked her mother to let me go in and have a look... Teacher... maybe you will think that what I said is not true... I... After entering her house, I have always had a strong feeling, wanting to go to her room on the second floor... Why?I don't know myself... It's as if someone invisible is grabbing my wrist and pulling it in that direction... no, of course it's not really feeling someone grabbing my hand... sorry, just pretend I didn't say anything... Her room is an ordinary girl's room.Little dog decorations by the window, novels, CDs lined up on the bookshelves...it looks like it's been the same since seven years ago. I feel sad because she didn't lose her life from the beginning, she was alive in hiding in the movie... It's a matter of course, but when I saw that room, I really felt it. There was a picture of her in her high school uniform in the room.Yes, that's right, that was the first time I saw the girl's face, she looked very much like her mother, very beautiful... There were various other photos in the room, I didn't look carefully, and there were some pictures with Family portraits taken by the family... There are also photos of her childhood, she and a child put their shoulders together, smiling happily, that should be her good friend... Yes, yes, yes... Among them, she is with her father I took a photo...but the face is too small to see clearly... While caressing the things in the room one by one, the girl's mother told me what happened on the night of Qixi Festival.Since her daughter never came back, the anxious mother called her classmate.Once a long time ago, my daughter temporarily decided to live with a classmate, but forgot to call her mother to tell her. After returning home, she was severely reprimanded by her father.But that night, the girl was not at her classmate's house... The mother gradually felt that things were not good, and she began to wonder if her daughter had gone to her father's hometown, or if she wanted to live with her father but didn't dare to tell herself... So, she called the girl's father's hometown to confirm.At that time, there were grandfathers and grandmothers in my father's hometown, and it was my grandmother who answered the phone, but she told the girl's mother that her granddaughter hadn't been there... While listening to the description of the girl's mother, I looked at the girl's bookshelf.At first I just looked at it casually... Then I found something... It was a brochure for the movie... After asking the teenage mother's permission, I pulled it out of the shelf, it was a French film I liked The movie's brochure... Tears came to my eyes suddenly, and I started to cry... I also have the same promotional materials at home, and I put them on the bookshelf like this... It turns out that she also likes this movie. When I think about it, I feel the friendship between us... I felt sorry for her death from the bottom of my heart for a while, and her mother looked at me in a daze... I borrowed the bathroom and washed my face.When I decided to say goodbye and leave her house, I suddenly heard someone calling me from behind——sister...a boy's voice came from the gate.I turned my head and saw a boy who looked a few years younger than me standing at the door. I immediately realized that he was the girl's younger brother.He is very tall and is said to have gone to college. When he realized that he had identified the wrong person, he scratched his head in embarrassment.He said that he saw that the shoes at the door were very similar to those worn by his sister before, and thought it was her sister who had come back. After bowing my head at the gate, I left the girl's house.I am farther and farther away from the girl's yearning home, and I pray in my heart, hoping that the mother and son can live happily in the future... Immediately after that, I took the Shinkansen and returned to my apartment at night.Just like when I went, when I came back, my mind was always thinking about the girl.This is what happened when I went back to my hometown a month ago. Yes... Now I have basically finished what I can say... Sorry, teacher, I have talked too long, the outer part is already dark... ... What do you plan to do after that roll of film?I plan to find time to hand it over to the police... Teacher, why are you in such a hurry? ...Is that so, because you are a writer, so you can't maintain a calm attitude, right?Yes, I can understand your mood. That's okay.Yes, if you go to the school's film research club now, you should be able to see... well, since the teacher said so... And to be honest, I originally planned to ask the teacher to take a look, because I haven't finished talking about this matter. ...Yes, basically it's all over, but there's still a little bit left.When I got back to the apartment that day, I noticed a very strange thing.Alright, let's wait until the office of the Film Research Association... What I haven't finished talking about is who killed the girl...
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