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Chapter 42 chapter eight

dark season 横山秀夫 2490Words 2018-03-15
Amidst Zhezhi's restlessness and restlessness, the regular session of the county council opened.Tomorrow is general questioning, and the time for Ukai questioning is in the afternoon. For three days, Zhe Zhi went to Yukai's house every day, but what he gained was only remembering the appearance and voice of Yukai's nanny, and he didn't even know whether Yukai was pretending to be away or really not at home. On this day, Tuozhi and Banting had several secret talks in the small suite. "Have you told the director?" Zhe Zhi asked worriedly. "Not yet, I didn't say anything." Sakaba replied in a low voice.

The matter has come to this point, and we have to give up adopting a soft policy towards Ukai.The best way at present is to get the content of Ukai's question. No matter how destructive his "bomb" is, as long as he can understand the specific content of the "bomb" in advance, he can at least prepare a decent statement of defense for the director.Even if it is a question that makes the director unable to come to the stage, the director can respond calmly, leaving a good impression on the congressmen.However, if the chief is suddenly attacked and stands speechless and sweating on the defense bench, the prestige of the county police station will be discredited.

Zhe Zhi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.But even in this situation, the piles of documents on his desk piled up.The director used a red pen to revise Zhe Zhi's defense letter beyond recognition, but it can be seen that the director is trying to delete those bureaucratic expressions and deliberate circles, which can be described as well-intentioned.But how did the chief know that what awaits him tomorrow is not a question of conscience, but a "bomb terrorist attack" that will blow up the county police station. In the evening, Zhe Zhi and Ban Ting met again. "You go here to see if you can stop him." Ban Ting said and handed Zhe Zhi a small note with the name and address of the hostess Oba Jue on it.It turned out that Ban Ting was also running around based on the information provided by Zhe Zhi.

"Is it Kinue Oba's home?" "No, the house is nominally owned by Ukai, but Kinue Oba often goes there, so it can be said that it is a place where the two of them meet. This is the last chance, and we must get the content of the question no matter what!" Sakaniwa said. It sounded like the words of a man who was cornered and wanted to hang himself. It cannot be said that Ban Ting is helping Zhe Zhi, because his situation is the same as that of Zhe Zhi.If this battle is defeated by Ukai, Ban Ting and Zhe Zhi will die together. "Mr. Zhe Zhi, please! Win or lose depends on one action!" Sakating said, stuffing a paper bag containing high-end foreign wine into Zhe Zhi's arms.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Zhe Zhi carried the paper bag and rang the doorbell of the address provided by Ban Ting.If Dachang Juanjiang was here, it would be difficult to get in, so Tuozhi chose such a time.If Dachang Xiaojiang comes, it must be after 10 o'clock. Zhe Zhi's fingers trembled when he rang the doorbell.After a while, the door opened, and Ukai in a yukata showed his face. "It's you?" Ukai seemed confused and embarrassed.Even though they haven't done anything harmful, there are probably not many people who can keep calm when they are trapped in a love nest where they have a tryst with a hostess.

If Yukai closes the door immediately, all plans will come to nothing, Zhe Zhi begged desperately: "Mr. Yukai, I will only delay you for a few minutes, I will definitely leave here before Juanjiang comes over!" Yukai stared round his small eyes, took off his glasses, and looked at Zhe Zhi fiercely: "Just say what you want to say here!" "Just ten minutes, please!" Pelican fell silent. "Mr. Ukai!" Tuo Zhi continued to plead. "come in." Zhezhi bowed deeply to Yukai, then followed him into the living room. After taking his seat, Yukai said unceremoniously: "Ten minutes, if you keep pestering me, I will call the governor. Do you understand?" Suddenly it rang.He smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, and said to the phone, "Hey, ah, it's me... what?"

Yukai glanced at Zhe Zhi, stood up from the sofa, and continued to talk to the phone: "Wait, I'll change places." Yukai seemed unwilling to let Zhe Zhi hear the content of the phone, so he covered the receiver with his hand and said to Zhe Zhi, "If you want to go back, go back, and you don't need to say hello to me." After speaking, he walked into the bedroom and shut himself inside . Zhe Zhi was the only one left in the living room, and he looked at the bedroom door distractedly: How did it take so long?Come out!However, the more anxious he was, the more he chatted on the phone in the bedroom endlessly.

Suddenly, Zhe Zhi caught sight of Yukai's briefcase next to the sofa.His heart beat wildly: there must be a "bomb" that Yukai wanted to throw at the county police station! Zhe Zhi looked at the bedroom door, his eyes quickly returned to the briefcase, and then carefully looked at the bedroom door. The speed of action exceeds the speed of resolution.Zhe Zhi Mao quickly moved to the side of the briefcase with his waist down, and then pricked up his ears to listen to the movement in the bedroom.You can vaguely hear the voice of Yukai on the phone, as if talking with someone very happily.

Zhe Zhi knelt on one knee, staring at the bedroom door, while reaching for the briefcase, he touched the puller of the metal zipper.The cold feeling spread to the brain through the fingers, and Tuo Zhi gently opened the zipper. The documents inside were exposed, Zhe Zhi's heart beat even harder, he couldn't even breathe, and his hands were sweating. Zhe Zhi pulled out the documents in the briefcase with his sweaty fingers and looked at them from the beginning.Information about environmental hormones, data about the bankruptcy of small and medium-sized enterprises, life insurance brochures, materials, notebooks, lists of support clubs, materials, lists of alumni associations, materials, materials, materials...

There are all kinds of material, there is no "bomb", not even a word about the police. damn it! Zhe Zhi cursed secretly in his heart, put the materials into the briefcase, and zipped it up. Just then, there was movement in the bedroom.Zhe Zhi rolled and scrambled back to the place where he was originally sitting. The bedroom door opened, Yukai walked into the living room, and found that Zhe Zhi looked a little strange, so he asked, "What's wrong with you?" "No...it's nothing..." Zhe Zhi stammered and replied, his back was dripping with cold sweat.

"Ten minutes have passed, right? You should go!" Ukai unceremoniously gave the order to evict the guest. "You haven't told me the specific content of the question, I can't go back." As if to drive away the guilt in his heart, Zhe Zhi said in a strong tone, "Please tell me, even if it's just a summary!" "You'll find out tomorrow." "I want to know now, please tell me anyway!" "That's your own business, it has nothing to do with me!" Zhe Zhi bit his lip tightly, wishing he could rush up and drag the pelican off the sofa, beat him up, and even wanted to kill him.This is probably how people feel when they have the intention to kill. As it turned out, it wasn't Yukai who got off the sofa, but Tsuge.Zhe Zhi propped his hands on the ground, knelt down on his knees and kowtowed to the pelican.Although I kept telling myself in my heart that this was not genuine kneeling but acting, I was still trembling with anger. "Mr. Ukai! Tell Wansheng! Please! Wansheng please!" Zhe Zhi's forehead almost touched the carpet, his cheeks seemed to be on fire, and the blood vessels near his temples throbbed violently, as if they were about to burst.The distance between the forehead and the carpet is only a few millimeters, which can be said to be the dignity of Zhezhi.In the end, he even abandoned these few millimeters of dignity.The smell of the chemical fiber carpet made him feel suffocated, and his heart escaped, leaving only a shell left there.The heart that ran away saw the snake-eyed boy who had been bullying him since he was a child, and also saw the pitiful face of his son Shoufu, so his heart continued to run away, wanting to see the blue sky, he thought of the ambitious The blue sky I saw when I stood on the "Wangxiang Terrace"... "If you like to kneel, how about running for the election?" Ukai sarcastically said. Zhe Zhi raised his head in embarrassment. Yukai stuffed the paper bag containing high-end foreign wine into Zuozhi's arms: "See you at the venue tomorrow!"
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