Home Categories detective reasoning dark season

Chapter 6 Chapter Six

dark season 横山秀夫 2191Words 2018-03-15
"That kind of thing" about Megumi, the youngest daughter of Michio Osakabe, became clear very quickly. Early the next morning, Erdu came to the detention center administrator's office in the basement of the North Building.Sasaki Shengli in the office is writing on the blackboard the number of detainees reported by various police stations. This is a job he must do every morning.Littered on the table was a letter from a human rights group questioning whether the meals in the detention facility had sufficient nutritional value.Sasaki seemed to be in charge of handling the letter.

Erdu called Sasaki to the logistics store, found a place inside and sat down. When he asked in circles about Megumi Osakabe's youngest daughter, Sasaki said loudly without hesitation, "It's penetration!" Er Du was stunned.Although he is a member of the police department, he also knows the meaning of this cryptic phrase. Five years ago, Xiaohui was raped when she was camping with her boyfriend at the time in the mountainous area of ​​the northern part of the county.It was late at that time, and Xiaohui, who was going to collect firewood in the forest, was attacked by a man covering his head with stockings.After the incident, Megumi's boyfriend, who was already engaged, left her—this is what Maejima called "that kind of thing".

Erdu sighed deeply.Regarding "that kind of thing", he thought of several things, including being raped of course, but when he heard that he was really raped, his heart was still as heavy as lead. "Has the criminal been caught?" Erdu asked after sorting out his confused thoughts. "The murderer covered his head with stockings and couldn't see his face clearly. All we know is that the criminal is not too young, and he didn't leave any physical evidence, and he didn't ejaculate." Hearing what Sasaki said, Er Du's mood got even worse.Without leaving body fluids, it is impossible to know the blood type of the criminal, and it is impossible to make an identification.Criminals understand how the police solve crimes. In order not to be caught by the police, they even control themselves not to climax when raping women, and complete the criminal process without ejaculating.

"How was the Minister?" Sasaki didn't speak, just tilted his head and snorted, which meant: Who knows! Sasaki turned out to be a member of the Interpol.In the huge organization of the police, the criminal police are the most proud.However, four years ago, shortly after Keiko was raped, he was suddenly transferred from the criminal police team to work as an administrator in the detention center.He always thought that he was kicked out of the criminal police team by Michio Osakabe. Sasaki drank his coffee silently, looking like a broken jar.There are people like this in every department. They no longer have any hope for the organization. In the gloomy season of personnel transfer every year, they are not impetuous at all, and it doesn't matter where they are transferred anyway.

A burst of laughter came from outside the canteen, and Erdu looked out the window, only to see several traffic inspectors walking by trembling with laughter. Erdu couldn't control his thoughts, so he began to analyze Osakabe Michio's mental activities at that time.The most beloved little daughter was raped, but the criminal could not be caught, and he was the supreme commander in charge of catching criminals! Nidu suddenly remembered the file records of Michio Osakabe.Moro Osakabe became the head of the criminal department five years ago, that is to say, the year his youngest daughter was raped!Also, one of the two unsolved cases that Michio Osakabe handled was the rape and murder case that he was in charge of solving after he became the Minister of Criminal Affairs!

Sasaki felt that he had nothing to say, so he stood up and wanted to leave. Erdu waved his hand to let him sit down: "The series of rape cases and rape-murder cases happened five years ago, right?" "Yes, Maejima was in charge of solving those cases at the time." "The minister's youngest daughter's case also happened that year?" "Seven similar cases happened that year." "Similar?" "Yes, the characteristics are all without ejaculation. The first six are rapes, and the seventh is rape and homicide." "So the murderer is the same person?"

"I don't know, but at least the first six victims all confirmed that the criminals covered their heads with stockings, but unfortunately no physical evidence was left." "If the seventh and last case is rape and homicide, can it be inferred that the murderer killed the victim because his face was seen, etc., and then stopped committing the crime because of fear?" "Solving such a big case is not as easy as you imagined!" Er Du and Sasaki broke up at the gate of the North Building. Sasaki wandered off to the basement.Talking about the past cases, you can also see his alertness when he was a criminal policeman.But as a criminal policeman, the first reaction should be why Erdu asked these questions.However, judging from Sasaki's expression, he didn't want to know why Erdu asked these questions.

Erdu was thinking hard as he went upstairs.He walked slowly, as if he was coming to a conclusion soon. The murderer of the rape and murder case that Michio Osakabe failed to solve is very likely the criminal who raped his beloved daughter!However, before the murderer was caught, he had to retire from active service and end his more than 40 years of criminal police career! What does Osakabe Michio want to do most before retiring from active duty? There is no doubt that what he wants to do most is to catch the murderer! It is certain that Michio Osakabe is still looking for the murderer, and he wants to catch the murderer before Xiaohui gets married!

Er Du finally found the reason why Osakabe Michio insisted on not resigning, that is: using the special position of a full-time director to catch the criminal who once raped his beloved daughter! Osakabe Michio doesn't have a parking lot, and he doesn't drive at all. This old detective from the old days has always used bicycles or motorcycles. Maybe he doesn't even have a car driver's license.Therefore, he could not give up the special car with a driver.With this special car, he can track down the criminal who slipped through wherever he wants! Er Du remembered the huge map on the wall of the association.

The capillary-like red line is not a record showing the workload of the association, but the footprints of Michio Osakabe following the criminal!wrong! When Erdu reached the platform between the two floors, he stood down.So, what exactly is Michio Osakabe doing?Regarding this point, Erdu, who had never been a criminal policeman, would have been hard to imagine.Pretend to inspect the scene and go to the scene of the crime? Erdu has heard the famous saying "on the scene a hundred times", which means that the more times he goes to the scene, the more likely he is to find clues.However, it has been five years since the case of serial rape and finally rape and murder, and it is impossible to get any new clues.Or is it just to take advantage of the inspection and go back to the association to visit everywhere?

Further visits are futile.After the incident, hundreds of police officers were mobilized, and they searched around day and night without finding any clues, and the commander in chief to solve the case at that time was Michio Osakabe himself!Five years ago, he directed a case that more than a hundred people failed to solve. What can he do now? The lonely figure of Michio Osakabe stood in the dark mountains before his eyes. Erdu felt that he had understood the real reason why Osakabe Michio was determined not to retreat.If it is really because of this resoluteness, it will be a bit difficult to deal with.Under such circumstances, it would be too unreasonable to force Michio Osakabe to retreat——Nidu continued to climb the stairs while thinking this way.
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