Home Categories detective reasoning half fall

Chapter 33 Section VI

half fall 横山秀夫 1382Words 2018-03-15
The next day, strong winds mixed with rain blew violently. Uemura finished his chores at work in the morning and left the office at ten o'clock in the morning.Last night, I called the Toyobo branch office.Before meeting Ichiro Kaji, he wanted to talk to the reporter who wrote the scoop. He put away his umbrella and pushed open the door of the coffee shop, and saw a person dressed like a reporter waiting for someone on the seat by the window. "Are you Mr. Nakao from Toyo Shimbun?" Hearing the greeting, the man nodded back in confusion.Perhaps the words "of "Toyobo" are superfluous.

The two sides quickly exchanged business cards. It says "Nakao Yohei, Toyo Shimbun W branch reporter". "Sorry for taking time in your busy schedule." Writing such an explosive scoop should be a high-spirited one.But Nakao in front of him has a gloomy expression, his eyes are floating, and he even looks a little timid. There is only one thing that Nakao can think of with such an appearance, and that is the reaction of the newspapers published this morning.I browsed in the office, but I didn't see a newspaper publishing a sequel to the Kaji Satoshiro incident.I don’t know when, I heard from a reporter I know well that “the so-called big news only becomes big news when other newspapers chase after it and write related reports”.According to this, then the report of Nakao, which was ignored by other newspapers, should not have become a big news.

It seems that this is the only way to start a conversation. "Other newspapers didn't write about it." Nakao stared at Uemura. "Because other newspapers couldn't get the material behind it. Sometimes things like this happen when the news is big." Uemura nodded deeply, understandingly. I'm afraid this is indeed true.Reporters from other newspapers probably asked W County Police and W District Prosecutor whether the report of "Toyo Shimbun" was true.However, the county police and local prosecutors firmly denied it in unison.The reporters then went along with the denial and decided to give him a "silent kill".If the "Toyobo" report is allowed to hang in the air as a false report, I can also shirk my responsibility.Even in that sense, Nakao's scoop is too big.But--

It is certainly true that Nakao is in trouble. "I can say with confidence that the reports are absolutely true. Eventually I will prove it to everyone." He was even filled with a sense of pathos.Shocking the national news with a big and big report, only to have to prove it again, shows the deep hole Nakao has fallen into. It doesn't matter.There is nothing wrong with your reporting.Uemura even wanted to say this to Nakao. Although Satoshi Kaji has been to Shinjuku... Yasuko Shimamura inadvertently said this sentence, which proves that Kaji Satoshiro went to Tokyo. The county police and local prosecutors will never admit to fabricating transcripts and behind-the-scenes transactions.If Kaji Congichiro overthrows, everything will collapse.This is the only way to prove the veracity of the Toyobo report.

This is what Uemura is aiming at.As the defender, let Kaji Satoshiro tell the truth, and then expose the unprecedented lies of the W county police and the local prosecutors colluding to deceive the society. Kaji Satoshiro must have been willing to admit the false record for the sake of the W County Police who used to work. W county police rest easy on Kaji Congichiro's loyalty, believing that he will not overturn the confession and don't care.However, Uemura has some intelligence that the search authorities and the media are not aware of, and there is no shortage of tactics-he has experience in the Roppongi era full of money and desire, and he is more familiar with the tricks of attacking people's weaknesses.

The outcome is evenly divided.Uemura estimates this way. "All in all, if the Kaji police department does not tell the truth, nothing can be discussed." Hearing Uemura's words, Nakao nodded several times. "It's really frustrating that no matter how much we wanted to meet, we were refused on the grounds that we could not meet the suspects in the detention center." In the euphemistic routine, there is an unnatural sense of attachment to Uemura. "Are you coming to the afternoon press conference too?" "Of course. I think all the newspaper offices will go. Everyone should be trembling inside."

"Then see you then." Uemura stood up with the bill to pay. "No, here I come..." Nakao's act of snatching the bill from Uemura was even a little rough. Uemura said involuntarily: "In tomorrow's morning newspaper, every newspaper will surely publish the same report as what you wrote." Nakao bowed deeply without blinking.
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