Home Categories foreign novel Worry-Free Grocery Store

Chapter 21 fourth quarter

Worry-Free Grocery Store 东野圭吾 1713Words 2018-03-03
When Takayuki woke up in the small CIVIC, the sky was only dimly lit.He turned on the lights in the car, checked the time, and it was five o'clock in the morning in a few minutes. The car stopped by the park, he straightened the back of the fallen chair, twisted his neck back and forth, left and right, and got out of the car. I went to the toilet in the park and washed my face.This is the park he used to play in when he was a child. After walking out of the toilet, he walked around the park and found that the park was very small. He couldn't help but wonder how he played baseball in such a small park.

Back in the car, started the engine, turned on the headlights, and drove out slowly.It's only a few hundred meters from here to home. The sky is getting brighter.When I came to Naniya's grocery store, I could already read the words on the sign board. Guizhi got out of the car and walked around to the back of the house.The back door was closed and locked.Although he had the key, he decided to knock on the door anyway. After knocking on the door, after waiting for about ten seconds, there was a faint movement inside the door. After the sound of the lock being unlocked, the door opened, and Yuji poked his head out with a calm expression on his face.

"I think it's almost there." Guizhi said, his voice a little hoarse. "Well, come in." Guizhi walked in, closed the back door, and suddenly felt that the air was different from before, as if he was cut off from the outside world. He took off his shoes and entered the house. Although no one lived here for several months, there was almost no damage in the room, and the dust was not as thick as expected. "I didn't expect it to be so clean. For a while—" he swallowed the second part of the sentence "the air doesn't circulate at all".Because he saw the kitchen table.

There were more than a dozen envelopes lined up on the table, all of which were very new, and almost every envelope said "Received by Namiya Grocery Store". "Is this... received last night?" Yuji nodded, sat on the chair, looked up at Takayuki after inspecting the envelopes. "It's exactly as I expected. When I sat here, these letters came in from the delivery port one by one, as if they were waiting for me to go home." Guizhi shook his head. "After you walked into the house, I parked the car in front of the store, but no one approached. It should be said that no one passed by at all."

"Really? But I really received these letters." Xiongzhi spread his hands slightly, "These are answers from the future." Takayuki pulled out the chair and sat down opposite Yuji, "Unbelievable..." "Don't you believe what I'm saying?" "No, that's right." Yuji smiled wryly. "It turns out that you think in your heart that such a thing is impossible, but what do you think when you see this? Or, do you think I prepared these in advance?" "I wouldn't say that, and I know you don't have the time." "It was not an easy task to prepare these envelopes and letter paper, and I will state that there is absolutely no merchandise in our store."

"I know, I've never seen those envelopes before." Guizhi was a little confused, how could there be such a thing like a fantasy?He even suspected that he was deceived by ingenious magic tricks, but there was no reason for others to set such a trap, to deceive a dying old man, what fun was there? A letter from the future—perhaps it would be fair to think that such a miracle happened.If so, it's really amazing.Logically speaking, the situation in front of him should be exciting, but Takayuki is calm.Although a little confused, he didn't expect that he would be so calm.

"Have you seen it all?" Guizhi asked. "Yeah." Xiongzhi picked up a letter, took out the letter paper from it, and handed it to Takayuki, "Look at it." "is it okay?" "should be no problem." Guizhi took the letter paper and spread out the letter.He screamed because it wasn't written by hand.Text is printed on white paper.He mentioned this to Yuji, and Yuji nodded. "More than half of all letters are printed, and it seems that in the future everyone will have a machine that can easily print text." This alone proves that these are letters from the future.Takayuki took a deep breath and read the contents of the letter.

Kiichi raised his head, and Yuji immediately asked him, "How is it?" "Isn't that great?" Guizhi replied, "I remember this question, saying that if you want to know how to get 100 points in the test without reading, I didn't expect that kid at that time would write to you." "I was surprised too, and thanked me. I just answered his slightly mischievous questions in a brainteaser way." "But he never forgot." "It seems to be like this. Moreover, not only did he not forget it, but he also used it in his own life after his own chewing. Although he expressed his gratitude to me, there is actually no need for this, because he relies on his own strength to achieve success."

"But he is very happy. You didn't ignore the question he wrote as a joke, but answered it seriously, so he will always keep it in his heart." "That's not a big deal," Xiongzhi looked at the other envelopes, "Almost all the other letters thanked me for my reply. Although I was very grateful, after reading it, I found that the reason why my reply was helpful to them was that It’s because they themselves have the right mentality. If they don’t have the attitude of wanting to live seriously and work hard, no matter what other people answer, I’m afraid they won’t be able to help them.”

Kiyuki nodded, he also felt the same way. "Wouldn't it be nice to know that? It means there's nothing wrong with what you're doing." "Yes," Xiongzhi scratched his cheek with his fingertips, then picked up a letter, "I want you to read another letter." "Show me? Why?" "You'll know it when you see it." Takayuki took the envelope and took out the letter paper from inside.It was a handwritten letter, neatly written all over the letter paper.
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