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Chapter 38 Chapter Four

blue hacker 杰夫里·迪弗 3258Words 2018-03-15
Mott and Becker drew their pistols and stared in the direction of the door.Sanchez knelt down and fumbled for a pistol in his handbag.Nolan ducked under a table. Frank Bishop bent over the ground and crawled back from the door along the small corridor leading to the computer room. Sanchez yelled at him, "Are you hurt, boss?" "I'm fine!" Bishop stood up unsteadily, using the wall as cover.He drew his pistol and shouted, "It's Fett, he's outside! I was in the hall and he shot me twice. He's still outside!" Baker yelled into the walkie-talkie as he ran past him, telling his partner to come get the criminal.He crouched behind the door, looking at the holes in the wall and the broken glass.Tony Mott followed.

"Where's he?" Becker called, taking a quick look outside, then pulling back quickly. "Behind the white car," Bishop yelled back. "Keep to the left. He must be coming back for Gillette. You two go right, keep an eye on him, and I'll attack from behind. Stay as stealthy as possible. He Good marksmanship, almost killed me just now." The agent and Mott looked at each other and nodded.Then the two rushed out the door together. Bishop watched the two go out, stood up, and put the gun away.Then he tucked the shirt into his trousers, took out the key, uncuffed Gillette, and put the handcuffs in his pocket.

"What are you doing, boss?" Sanchez asked, getting up from the ground. Patricia Nolan understood what was going on at once, and couldn't help laughing: "Prison Break, right?" "good." "But where did those shots come from?" Sanchez asked. "I shot it." "You?" Gillette was surprised. "I went out and fired two rounds at the gate." He grinned. "What kind of pseudo-social role stuff, I think I've begun to understand it." He nodded towards Feite's computer, and said to Gillette: "Don't just stand there, grab his computer and leave here."

Gillette rubbed his wrist. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Bishop replied: "I'm sure Fetter and Miller are on the USC campus at this moment. And I don't want to let anyone die. Let's go." The hacker picked up the computer and followed Bishop out. "Wait," Patricia Nolan yelled at them. "My car is parked in the back. You can go in my car." Bishop hesitated. She added: "Go to my hotel. I can analyze his machine for you." Bishop nodded in agreement, and turned his head to say something to Sanchez, but Sanchez waved his fat hand to tell him not to say, "I only know that Gillette ran away as soon as I turned my head, and you chased after him." .All I know is he's headed for Napa and you're after him. Good luck catching him, boss. Get me a drink. Good luck."

But Bishop's heroics seemed to be in vain. In Patricia Nolan's hotel room—the most luxurious room Wyatt Gillette had ever seen in his life—he quickly deciphered the data in Fett's computer.It turned out that this machine was not the one Gillette attacked earlier.It wasn't really a hot machine, but it was just the operating system, the "secret door," and some downloaded newspaper clippings Sean had sent Fett.Most are about Seattle, the likely location for Fetter's next round of games.But now that the machine is in the hands of the police, he must change the location.

There was no mention of the University of Northern California or any intended victims. Bishop sank into the armchair, folded his hands, and stared at the floor, devastated. "Nothing." "Can I try?" Nolan asked.She sat down beside Gillette and scrolled through the table of contents. "He may have deleted some files. Have you tried Restore8 to recover some content?" "No." Gillette replied. "I think he destroyed all the files." "He shouldn't bother," she said. "He's pretty sure no one is going to get into his computer. Even if they got in, a crypto bomb would keep them out."

She ran the repair software, and moments later, the screen showed what Fetter had deleted over the past few weeks.She skimmed through it and said, "No mention of the school, no mention of the attack. Just some scraps of receipts from him selling computer parts, most of the data is corrupted. But you can take a look at this." Ma%%%ch 27***200 !!!++ 55eerx3^^shipped to: San Jose Com434312 produced uuu234aawe%% 2335 Wencher 4 Special OOu461ke^ San Jose^^4^^^^9^^^$s### To: 97J**seph Magna%%g Bishop and Gillette read from the screen. "It doesn't work," the hacker said. "It's the company that bought his parts. And what we need is Fitter's address, where the parts are shipped from."

Nolan stood up, and Gillette sat back to browse the remaining deleted files.Just some digital crap. "Nothing." But Bishop shook her head. "Wait." He pointed at the screen. "Go back up." Gillette scrolled back to the tattered receipt. Bishop pointed to the screen and said, "This company—San Jose Computer Products—must have records of who sold computer parts and where they were shipped from." "Unless they knew the parts were stolen," Patricia Nolan said. "And if they did, they'd deny it and say they knew nothing about Fetter."

"If they knew Fetter was killing innocent people, I guarantee they would cooperate," Gillette said. "Probably even less cooperative," Nolan said skeptically. Bishop added: "Distributing stolen goods is a felony in itself. If you don't want to go to San Quentin, it's a good reason to cooperate." With her hands on her styled hair, Bishop leaned forward and picked up the phone.He hung up at the investigative team's office, hoping it would be someone from the team—not Becker or someone else from the FBI.He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that the other party was Tony Mott.Bishop said, "Tony, this is Frank. Is it okay to talk? ... How's it going there? ... Any clues? ... No, I mean clues about us ... Well, good. Listen, help Do me a favor and look up San Jose Computer Products, 2335 Winchester Avenue, San Jose... No, hang up, I'll wait for you."

After a while, Bishop nodded slowly while tilting his head to listen. "Okay, I see, thanks. We think Fetter is selling computer parts to this company. We're going to talk to someone there. We'll let you know what we find. Listen, to the UNC President and Head of Security Call and tell them the killer is heading to their school. Send some more state troopers over there." He hung up and said to Nolan and Gillette, "That company has no criminal record. It's been around for fifteen years. Never had trouble with the IRS, EPA, or state tax office. Pay all business license bills on time. Even if they bought something from Fetter, it must have been because they didn't know it was a stolen item. Here we go Go to that company and talk to this Magnagle or something."

Gillette walked up to Bishop to follow him, but Nolan said, "You guys go, I'll take another look and find some clues on his computer." Wyatt Gillette stopped at the door, turned his head, and saw that she had sat down in front of the keyboard.She gave him an encouraging smile, but in his opinion, it was a little bit reluctant, and maybe it also contained another meaning at the same time - the fact that there is no possibility of any relationship between them can't be avoided know. But then, Nolan's smile disappeared, and his attention returned to the flickering monitor, and his hands began to tap violently.Gillette himself often did the same.Soon, with an extremely focused expression on her face, she quietly left the real world and entered the blue virtual space. This game is no longer fun. Fetter slouched against the table, sweating, furious, and hopeless.He stared blankly at his computer treasures, knowing that Gillette and the police were on his heels, and it was too late to continue playing the game in this rich and affluent Santa Clara County. possible again. It's painful to admit, because he sees this week—General Automatic Computer Week—as a very special version of the game.It's like the famous MUD game "Crusader", Silicon Valley is the newfound mecca, and he wants to win at every level. But it turned out that the police—and the people of the Valley—were stronger than he had expected. That way he has no choice.Now he wants to change his identity again, leave immediately, and move to a new city with Sean.Seattle had been where he had planned to go, but it's possible that Gillette had deciphered the Standard 12 encryption software and discovered details about the Seattle game and potential targets there. Maybe he could try Silicon Valley Chicago, or 128th Avenue north of Boston. But he couldn't wait to kill, he couldn't wait that long—he just wanted to keep playing.So he stayed at the University of Northern California for a while, leaving a petrol bomb in a dormitory as a farewell gift.One of the dorms was named after a Silicon Valley founder, but, just because it logically made it the obvious target, he decided to call the students across the street dead.The dormitory was named Yeats House, after the famous Irish poet, who no doubt didn't have time to fiddle with computers or what they stood for. The dormitory building is also an old wooden structure, and it is easy to catch fire, especially at this moment, the alarm device and sprinkler system have been locked by the school's computer mainframe and can no longer function. There is one more thing to do.If it was someone else, he wouldn't bother to bother.But at this level of the game, his opponent was Wyatt Gillette, so Fett needed to buy some computer time to give him a chance to plant a bomb before fleeing east.He was so angry and restless that he wished he could take a machine gun and kill a dozen of him while the police were busy. But the machine gun was not the ideal weapon in his mind after all, so he sat down in front of the computer terminal and lightly typed a familiar spell.
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