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Chapter 33 Chapter VII

blue hacker 杰夫里·迪弗 7168Words 2018-03-15
Uncomfortable and annoyed, Department of Defense Special Agent Arthur Becker dragged his chair sideways to get a better view of Wyatt Gillette's computer. The agent's chair rattled on the cheap imitation linoleum floor, and the hacker looked down, then returned to the screen and continued typing, fingers flying up and down the keyboard. The two of them were left alone in the computer crime investigation team's office.Thinking that his wife might be the murderer's next target, Bishop rushed to the hospital immediately.Everyone else followed, except for Gillette, who had to stay here and decipher the mail from a man with such a strange name as Triple-X.Gillette suggested that it might be more useful for Becker to go to the hospital, but the agent just gave the enigmatic half-smile he knew would irritate a suspect, and pulled up a chair to sit down. Gillette's side.

The hacker's callused, blunt fingertips were flying across the keyboard, and Becker couldn't keep up with his speed. Oddly enough, the agent happened to be someone who appreciates advanced computer input techniques.On the one hand, his boss, the Department of Defense, was one of the first federal agencies to venture into the computing world (and one of the founders of the Internet, for which the Department of Defense's Public Affairs Office is fondly remembered); He has participated in various computer crime prevention training courses jointly held by the FBI, Department of Justice and Department of Defense.Have spent hours watching videotapes of hackers working.

Gillette reminded him of a recent training session he had attended in the Washington area.CID agents sat at cheap fiberboard tables in a Pentagon conference room, listening attentively to the lectures of two young men.These two people look very different from the instructors in charge of continuing education that you usually see in the army.One had shoulder-length hair, lace sandals, shorts and a crumpled T-shirt.The other was dressed conservatively, but had holes pierced on his face and body for hanging ornaments, and his crew cut was dyed green.Both men were part of "Tiger Team" — the name people call a gang of formerly bad-ass teenage hackers who came out of it (mostly after learning from old acquaintances that protection companies and government agencies were After so much money, I decided to start a new life).

Becker was skeptical of the two punks at first, but soon became convinced by them.They are talented and good at explaining in simple terms, explaining the esoteric topics of encryption and hacking strategies in simple language.In the six years since he joined the Criminal Investigation Division of the Ministry of Defense, those lectures were the most understandable of all the lectures he had ever heard. Becker knew he wasn't an expert, but because of those courses, he could basically understand what Gillette's mother was doing at the moment.It doesn't look like it has anything to do with the Department of Defense's Standard 12 encryption system.But the green-haired gentleman once explained how to disguise software.For example, the Standard 12 could be shelled to make it appear to be other software—perhaps even a game or a word processor.That's why he leaned forward now, breathing heavily to convey his annoyance.

Gillette's shoulders tightened again.He stopped tapping, looked at the agent and said, "I really need to concentrate on doing this. And you keep blowing on the side of my neck, which distracts me a little bit." "What program are you running again?" "There is no 'again'. I never told you what software it was." Another half-smile expression. "So tell me, will you? I'm curious." "It's an encryption/** that I downloaded and modified from the HackerMart site. It's freeware, so I don't think there's any copyright infringement. But that's not your remit anyway. Hey, wondering what it is algorithm?"

Becker didn't answer, but just stared at the screen hard, trying to keep the disgusted expression on his face that was half a smile. Gillette said, "Listen, Becker, I have to work. Can you go out in the kitchen in the porch and have a cup of coffee and get some bagels or something and let me do the work by myself?" Then he He happily added: "After I'm done, you can take a good look at it, and then arrest me with other fucking charges, it's up to you." "Geez, aren't you a little oversensitive?" Becker said, rattling the legs of the chair he was sitting on. "I'm only here for work."

"I am also for work." The hacker returned to the computer. Becker shrugged.The hacker's attitude did little to assuage his exasperation, but he agreed with the bagel proposal.He stood up, stretched his legs, and walked along the corridor following the aroma of coffee. Frank Bishop drove his Crown Victoria into the parking lot of Stanford-Park Medical Center, didn't turn off the engine, forgot to close the door, jumped out of the car and rushed forward. When he was halfway away from the hospital gate, he remembered, stopped abruptly, turned and ran back.Then he heard a woman's voice: "Go easy, boss. Leave it to me." It turned out to be Linda Sanchez.She followed Bishop in the unmarked police car with Bob Sheldon and Tony Mott - he was too eager to get to his wife as quickly as he could to wait for other things. people.Patricia Nolan and Stephen Miller were in the third car.

He continued to run towards the entrance out of breath. In the reception hall, there were more than a dozen patients waiting, and he ran past them to the registration desk, where he saw three nurses gathered around the receptionist, staring at the computer screen.No one looked up at him immediately, there must be something wrong, they all frowned and took turns fiddling on the keyboard. "I'm sorry, I'm the police, here on the case," he said, flashing his badge. "I want to know which ward Jenny Bishop is in." One of the nurses looked up. "Sorry, officer. There is a system malfunction. Can't figure out why, but can't look up any patient information."

"I must find her, immediately." The nurse noticed the pained look on his face and walked up to him. "Is it a hospital patient?" "what?" "Does she live here at night?" "No. She's just here for some tests. An hour or two. She's Dr. Williston's patient." "Oh, it's an outpatient of the oncology department." The nurse understood. "On the third floor, West End. That direction." She pointed with her finger and said something, but Bishop had already rushed there.A cloud of white rose up beside him, and he looked down, and it turned out that the shirt had completely run out.He kept running without stopping, tucking his shirt into his slacks.

He ran up the stairs, through what seemed to be a mile-long corridor, and finally came to the West End. At the end of the corridor, a nurse told him the location of the ward.The blond female nurse looked stunned. As for whether it was because she knew something about Jenny or was frightened by the overly concerned expression on his face, Bishop didn't know. He ran down the hallway and into the ward, narrowly missing a well-dressed young security guard sitting by the bed.The security guard quickly stood up and drew his gun. "Honey!" cried Jenny. "It's okay," Bishop told the security guard, "I'm her husband."

Jenny began to cry softly.He rushed over immediately and held her in his arms. "A nurse gave me a shot," she whispered, "but the doctor didn't order it. I don't know what it was. What's the matter, Frank?" He looked over to the security guard, whose name tag read "R Heilman."He replied, "Before I arrived, sir. They're looking for the nurse." In any case, Bishop is very grateful to have security here.In order to contact the hospital security department and ask them to send someone to Jenny's room, it was really hard work.Fetter hacked the hospital's telephone switching system, and the signal on the intercom was so unclear that he couldn't even hear what the person on the other end was saying.It now appears clear that they received the information accurately.Seeing that the security guard was also armed with a sidearm—unlike the other security guards at the hospital—Bishop was even happier. "What's the matter, Frank?" Jenny pressed. "Remember that guy we were chasing? He found you in the hospital. We figured he might be somewhere here." Linda Sanchez trotted into the hospital room.The security guard looked at the police ID card hanging on her chest and motioned her to come in.The two women knew each other, but Jenny was in such a bad mood that she didn't even have the mood to say hello. "Frank, what about the baby?" she sobbed. "What if the medicine he injects me hurts the baby?" "what did the doctor say?" "He doesn't know either!" "It's going to be all right, honey. You'll be fine." Bishop told Linda Sanchez what had happened.After listening, the pudgy female police officer sat down by the bed, grabbed Jenny's hand, approached her, and said in a friendly but firm voice: "Look at me, baby. Look at me..." Jenny complied, and Sanchez said, "We're in the hospital, aren't we?" Jenny nodded. "Therefore, even if someone does something wrong to you, the doctor can cure you immediately." The female police officer's dark, stubby fingers rubbed vigorously on Jenny's arm, as if she had just been outside There was an icy downpour. "There are more doctors per square inch here than anywhere else in Silicon Valley. Right? Look at me, am I right?" Jenny wiped her eyes and nodded.She doesn't seem so nervous anymore. Bishop also breathed a sigh of relief, glad to share in the comfort.At the same time, another thought kept running through his mind: If there was any harm to his wife or the fetus, neither Sean nor Fett would live. Tony Mott trotted into the ward, still full of energy, unlike Bob Sheldon, who leaned against the doorframe and gasped for breath as soon as he staggered in.Bishop said: "Fett may have tampered with something in Jenny's medicine. The doctor is looking into it." "God," Sheldon cursed under his breath.This time Bishop was delighted that Tony Mott was in the lead, with the big chrome Cotter behind him.Now it seems that to deal with criminals like Feite and Sean, you don't need too many assistants, and you don't need too many weapons. Sanchez continued to hold Jenny's hand and comforted her in a low voice, babbling meaningless nonsense, telling her that she looked better, and that the food in the hospital must be terrible, and that the well-dressed man in the corridor outside was not so good. handsome.Bishop can't help but wonder how lucky Sanchez's daughter is to have a mother who will be by the bedside when she finally delivers the baby she's been too lazy to deliver. . Mott had the foresight to bring a photocopy of Holloway's registration photo from a previous arrest in Massachusetts.He said that the photocopies had been distributed downstairs to some security guards, who would forward them to the hospital's personnel department.But so far, no one has seen the killer. Then Mott said to Bishop: "Patricia Nolan and Miller are in the computer department of the hospital right now and want to see how much damage the hacker attack has done." Bishop nodded and said to Sheldon and Mott, "I want you..." Suddenly, the important vital function detector on the wall made a loud noise.An EKG showed that Jenny's heart rate was going up and down violently. Then, a line of red words popped up on the screen: WARNING: Fibrous Fluctuation Jenny gasped, raised her head, stared at the screen and screamed. "God!" Bishop yelled, grabbing the call button and pressing it down desperately.Bob Sheldon rushed into the hallway shouting, "A doctor is needed here! Here! Come here!" Then the line on the screen suddenly turned into a straight line, the warning sound just now turned into a piercing scream, and a new line of words appeared on the monitor: WARNING: Heart attack "Honey," Jenny cried.Bishop hugged his wife tightly, completely bewildered.She was trembling all over, and beads of sweat kept rolling down her face, but she was still very conscious.Linda Sanchez rushed out the door yelling, "Damn it, send a doctor!" A moment later, Dr. Williston ran into the ward.He looked at the screen, then at the patient, and reached out to turn off the monitor. "Help her!" Bishop yelled. Dr. Williston listened to her heart and took her blood pressure before leaving the bed and saying, "She's fine." "Are you okay?" Mort asked. Sanchez had the look on his face as if he was about to grab the doctor by the clothes and drag him back to the patient. "Check again!" "She's fine," the doctor told the female police officer. "The monitor..." Bishop stammered. "Fault," said the doctor. "There is a problem with the mainframe computer system. The same content is displayed on all the monitors on this floor." Jenny closed her eyes and laid her head back on the pillow heavily.Bishop hugged her tightly. "As for that shot," the doctor went on, "I've looked into it, and somehow the central pharmacy got an order to give you vitamins. That's the way it is." "Vitamins?" Bishop was so relieved that he couldn't help shaking, trying not to let the tears fall. "It won't do you or the fetus any harm," said the doctor, shaking his head. "That's weird - orders are issued in my name, and whoever does it needs my password to approve it. I keep the password hidden in a private file on my computer. Can't think of anyone who can get it. " "Can't think of it," said Tony Mott, casting a mocking glance at Bishop. A man in his fifties with a military demeanor walked into the ward.Wearing a traditional suit, he introduced himself as Les Allen, the head of the hospital's security department.Heilman, the security guard in the room, nodded at him, but he ignored him and asked Bishop, "What's going on here, Inspector?" Bishop told him about his wife and the apparatus. "So it looks like he got into our mainframe ... I'm going to bring that up with the security committee today. But what can we do right now? Do you think this guy is somewhere here?" Allen said. "Yes, he must be here." Bishop waved at the black screen above Jenny's head. "He's just using it as a cover to divert our attention to Jenny and this ward. It means he's targeting another patient." "Or some other patient," Bob Sheldon said. Mott added: "Or the medical staff." "This suspect likes a challenge," Bishop said. "What's the hardest part of the hospital to get into?" Dr. Williston and Les Allen thought about it. "How about it, doctor? Could it be an operating room? Their doors are all restricted." "I think so." "Where are those operating rooms?" "In the other building—you can go through the passage from here." "Most doctors, nurses are wearing masks and surgical gowns, right?" Linda Sanchez asked. "right." In other words, Feite can freely walk through his killing fields.Bishop asked again, "Is there any patient being operated on right now?" Dr. Williston laughed. "Which patient? I'd say maybe twenty surgeries are going on at the same time." He turned to Jenny. "I'll be back in ten minutes. You can go home after these tests." With that, he left the room. "Start searching now," Bishop ordered Mott, Sanchez, and Sheldon.He hugged Jenny again.After he was out, the young security guard moved the chair closer to the bed.When everyone was out in the hallway, the security guard closed the door, and Bishop heard the lock click. They walked swiftly down the corridor, Mott keeping his hand on his automatic, his eyes cast about, as if ready to draw his gun at any moment, and shoot at anyone who looked even remotely like Fett. They were about to walk into the elevator, when Bishop suddenly remembered something, and looked back towards Jenny's tightly closed ward with a panicked expression.He didn't go into detail about Fett's skills in playing the pseudo-social role, but said to Allen: "This suspect has a characteristic, that is, no one can imagine what he will look like in the next moment. I didn't pay much attention in my wife's room. The security guard. He was about the same age and build as the criminal. Are you sure he works in your department?" "Who, you mean Dick Hellman over there?" Allen replied, nodding slowly. "I'm sure he's my son-in-law, I've known him for eight years. As for 'work' - if a four-hour shift in an eight-hour shift is work, then, my answer Yes, that's right." In the CCU's tiny kitchen, Agent Arthur Becker rummages in the refrigerator for milk or cream, to no avail.Becker hasn't had another brand of coffee since Starbucks arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area.He knew that this kind of thickly brewed coffee with a burnt smell would be hard to swallow if he didn't add something to neutralize it.In disgust, he poured a large dollop of coffee mate into his mug.The coffee immediately turned off-white. He took a bagel from the plate and bit into it, only to find it was made of rubber.Hell... he threw the fake bagel behind him, thinking that Gillette must be playing a fucking prank with him by sending him here.He secretly thought, after the hacker returns to prison, he must... What is the sound? He hurried towards the door. But when he recognized the sound as galloping footsteps, the attacker had already gained the upper hand.He struck the diminutive agent hard on the back, throwing him against the wall, and then punched him in the chest until he was out of breath. The attackers then snapped off the lights, and the windowless house was immediately plunged into total darkness.He picked up Becker by the collar and threw him face down on the ground, his head hitting the concrete with a dull thud. The agent fumbled for his pistol while panting. But another person's hand has already pulled the gun away first. what do you want to be Fetter walked slowly down the main hallway of the State Police's Computer Crime Unit building.He wore a hard hat and a stained old Pacific Bell Gas and Electric uniform.Hidden under his coat were a kabbar and a large-caliber automatic pistol—an Austrian Glock with three shuttles.He also has another weapon: a large screw wrench, although most people wouldn't consider it a weapon, especially when it's in the hands of a mechanic. what do you want to be Someone the police here can trust, someone who walks among them without making them suspicious.That's what he wanted to be. Fett looked around, surprised that the computer crime investigation team had chosen a dinosaur circle computer room as its headquarters.Is it a coincidence?Or was it the deliberate arrangement of the dead Andy Anderson?He paused, checked his position, and then continued to walk slowly—gently—to a dark cubicle on the edge of the central control area of ​​the computer room.From there he could hear the violent clatter of keyboards. He was also surprised that the investigation team building was so empty.I thought there were at least three or four people here—hence the big pistol and the extra bullets, and now it looks like the entire police force has gone to the hospital.Mrs. Frank Bishop was probably suffering some degree of trauma, as he had ordered that morning to inject her with the rich B vitamins. Fate had considered killing the woman outright—it would have been easy for him to order Central Pharmacy to send her a massive dose of insulin—but it wasn't the best way to play this part of the game .As a diversionary character, it's more useful to keep her alive and screaming in terror.If she was dead, the police would think she was the target and immediately return to headquarters.The police must be scouring the hospital at this moment to find the real victim. In fact, the victim was elsewhere.It's just that this person is neither a patient nor a doctor at Stanford Park Medical Center.He's right here, in the Computer Crime Unit. His name was Wyatt Gillette. At this moment he was in the dark compartment six or seven meters in front of Feite. Fett listened to the rhythmic, fast, powerful tapping of the Dalemen.The sound went on and on, as if his brilliant ideas would go to waste if they didn't hit the computer's central processing unit immediately. Feite clenched the heavy wrench in his hand and slowly approached the compartment. When the two young men formed the Long Drive Straight Knights, Gillette used to say that a hacker had to be adept at contingency. Feite has already mastered this skill, and today, he demonstrated it well. He considered that since Gillette had entered his computer, he would definitely discover his attack plan on the hospital, and it would be too dangerous to go there rashly.So he slightly modified the plan, instead of sneaking into the hospital operating room and killing a few patients as planned, he went straight to the computer crime investigation team. Of course, it is also possible that Gillette will go to the hospital with other police officers. To prevent this, he pretended to be Trinity X and sent an encrypted garbled email to keep him here to crack the password. In his opinion, this round of the game is simply flawless.For Fetter, joining the Computer Crimes Unit not only meant a real challenge—it was worth a solid twenty-five points in the "get in" game—but, if you got it right, it could be a real challenge. Let him finally destroy the enemy he has been looking for for many years. He looked around again, listening.There was no one in the hall but traitor valley people.Moreover, the precautionary measures here are not as strict as he imagined.But he didn't regret his painstaking preparations—the Pacific Bell Gas and Electric uniforms, the fake worksheets for checking circuit boxes, the plastic ID badges he'd crafted with the badge machine, and There is a time-consuming lockpicking process.You can never be too cautious when playing Into Man with a real master, especially if the opponent happens to be hidden in the police station's own dungeon. At this moment, he is only a few steps away from his opponent.The scene of that person's tragic death had already been played with in his mind for countless hours by imagination. This time, though, Fett doesn't want to play the game and rip out the victim's heart.He had other plans for Gillette. Eye for an Eye…… Hit him on the head with a wrench to knock him unconscious, then grab the valley man's head and work with the kaba.The inspiration for this came from Jamie Turner, Little Hidden Gate at St. Francis Secondary School.The young man once wrote in an email to his brother: Jamie Turner: Dude, as a hacker, can you imagine anything scarier than being blind? No, Jamie, I absolutely can't imagine that.Fett answered silently. He paused outside the cubicle, squatting down, listening to the constant rattling sound inside.Then he took a deep breath, rushed in quickly, and swung the wrench heavily.
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