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Chapter 16 Chapter VII

blue hacker 杰夫里·迪弗 6123Words 2018-03-15
Frank Bishop parked his unmarked navy-blue Ford in front of a modest mock-Colonial house.The house sits on newly cleared land—he estimates it’s only an eighth of an acre, or just over five hundred square meters—but it’s in the heart of Silicon Valley, and it’s definitely worth at least a million dollars. Bishop noticed a new light-colored Lexus parked in the driveway. The two walked into the yard and knocked on the door.An impatient woman came out and answered the door.She was in her mid-forties, wearing jeans and a faded floral blouse.The smell of roasted onions filled the room.It was 6 p.m.—the normal dinner time at Bishop's house—and a sudden pang of hunger struck him, and he realized he hadn't eaten anything since morning.

"What's the matter?" the woman asked. "Are you Mrs Cargill?" "Yes. What's the matter?" The tone became cautious. "Is your husband home?" Bishop asked, showing his badge. "um, I……" "Kath, what's the matter?" A stout man in silky yellow chinos and a pink suit shirt came out of the room.With a glass of wine in his hand.When he saw the badges presented by the two, he quickly put the wine on a table by the aisle. Bishop said, "Sir, can I speak to you for a few minutes?" "How is this going?" "What's the matter, Jim?"

He glanced at her impatiently. "I don't know. I wouldn't ask now if I knew, would I?" She stepped back with a straight face. "It won't take long," Bishop said. He and Sheldon walked a few steps along the path, stopping to wait. Cargill followed them.When they were out of the house's hearing, Bishop said, "You work for Internet Marketing Strategies in Cupertino, right?" "I'm the Regional Sales Executive there. This is..." "We are investigating a car in connection with a homicide. We have reason to believe you have seen it. It was parked in the parking lot behind the Vesta restaurant at about 7 o'clock last night, just in front of you. Opposite the company. We think you should have seen it."

He shook his head. "The head of human resources at the company asked me about it. I told her I didn't see anything. Didn't she tell you guys?" "She did, sir," said Bishop evenly, "but I have reason to believe you did not tell her the truth." "Hey, I said..." "You were in your Lexus in the parking lot behind the company, and you had sex with Sally Jacobs from the company's labor department." The man's expression changed from astonishment to panic, and that extremely ridiculous expression told Bishop that what he said was exactly right.But Cargill is still quibbling. "What nonsense. Whoever told you that was lying. I've been married seventeen years. Besides, Sally Jacobs . . . if you ever met her, you'd understand What a stupid idea. She's the ugliest girl on the sixteenth floor."

Time flies, and Bishop is acutely aware of it.He thought of Wyatt Gillette's description of the game "Enter"-killing a lot in a week, killing enough to kill.Fetter may be close to his next target.Bishop said bluntly, "Sir, I'm not interested in your personal life. My concern is that you saw a car parked in the parking lot behind the Vesta restaurant yesterday. That car belonged to the suspect, and I need to know what that means." What kind of car is it?" "I'm not there," said Cargill stubbornly, looking at the house.His wife watched them from behind the lace curtains.

Bishop said quietly, "Yes, sir, you were there. I know you saw the murderer's car." "No, I didn't." The man retorted angrily. "You did. Let me give my reasons." The man laughed coldly. Bishop said: "Yesterday afternoon, around the time the victim was robbed from the Vesta, a new light-colored sedan - like your Lexus - was parked in the rear parking lot of the Internet marketing company. I have read that the president of your company encourages employees to park in the parking lot in front of the building in order to deceive customers into noticing that the company is less than half the size of its original staff. Therefore, park in the back parking lot, The only logical reason is to do something that is outlawed and shameful, out of the eyes of my colleagues in the building and the people on the street. There are only two possibilities: taking illegal drugs, or engaging in sexual acts.”

Cargill stopped smiling. Bishop continued: "Because it's a restricted-access lot, it's bound to be company employees, not visitors. I've asked the HR director which employee with a light-colored car has a drug problem or something. Sex affair. She said you were dating Sally Jacobs. By the way, everyone in the company knew about it." Cargill grunted, so low that Bishop could only hear it when he was very close: "Damn office rumours—those are all rumours." Bishop, who had been a cop for twenty-two years, was as good as a live polygraph.He went on: "If a man takes his mistress..."

"She's not my mistress!" "...parking the car in the lot, he must have looked carefully at every car around to make sure they were not the wife's or the neighbour's. So, sir, you must have seen the suspect's car. What was it?" "I didn't see anything." The businessman began to feel overwhelmed. It was Bob Sheldon's turn to strike. "Cargill, we don't have time to continue arguing with you." He turned to Bishop. "Go, find Sally, and bring her here. Maybe the two of them can remember more things together." The two had spoken to Sally Jacobs—who was by no means the ugliest girl on the sixteenth floor or any other floor of the company—who had confirmed the relationship with Cargill.But because she was single and she had an inexplicable love for this weird man, she was much calmer than him, so she didn't pay attention to the surrounding vehicles.She thought there was a car there, but couldn't remember what kind of car it was.Bishop took her word for it.

"Bringing her here?" Cargill asked slowly. "Sally?" Bishop motioned to Sheldon, and the two turned around.Bishop tilted his head and said, "We'll be back soon." "No, don't go," Cargill begged. The two stopped. Cargill looked angry.The more ghostly people are, the more likely they are to act like victims. This is the truth that street police detective Bishop has long understood. "A convertible Jaguar. Latest model. Silver or gray. Black roof." "number plate?" "California license plate. I didn't see the number."

"Have you seen this car there in the past?" "No." "See anyone in or near the car?" "No, I didn't see it." Bishop believed he was telling the truth. At this moment, a secretive smile appeared on Cargill's face.He shrugged and nodded towards his house. "I said, officer, we're all men, you know what's going on...just keep it a secret between us, okay?" Bishop's expression remained polite when he spoke: "No problem, sir." "Thank you very much." The businessman was relieved immediately. "Except for the final statement," Bishop added. "It will refer to your association with Ms. Jacobs."

"Statement?" Cargill asked uneasily. "The Evidence Section will mail it to you then." "Mail? Home?" "It's a law in California," Sheldon said, "that we have to give every witness a copy of their final statement." "You can't do that." Bishop, who was originally unsmiling, looked even more serious in this situation. "Sir, we have to do this out of necessity. As my partner just said, it's a state law." "I'll drive to your office to get it myself." "Mail only - the Evidence Section is not here, it's in Sacramento. You'll receive it in the next few months." "A few months? Can't you tell me the exact time?" "We don't know ourselves, sir. It could be next week, or it could be July or August. Good night, sir, and thanks for your cooperation." They trotted back to their navy-blue Crown Victoria, leaving the mortified businessman, who must have been wracking his brains, trying to figure out how to capture the next two to three months. This email, keep the wife from seeing that report. "Evidence?" Sheldon asked, raising his eyebrows. "I think it sounds good." Bishop shrugged.The two laughed. Bishop then called central dispatch and requested an emergency vehicle investigation of Fetter's car.This action will centralize all Vehicle Control Section records related to the new silver or gray Jaguar Convertible.Bishop knew that if Fetter had used the car at the crime scene, it could have been either stolen or registered under a false name and address.This means that the reports of the Vehicle Management Section may be useless.But the action also includes notifying every state, county and local police in northern California to be on high alert and to report any similar-looking vehicles. He motioned for Sheldon to drive.Sheldon was more aggressive than the two—and the car was faster. "Go back to the investigation team," he said. Sheldon said thoughtfully, "So he's driving a Jaguar. Dude, this guy's not your average hacker." Well, Bishop thought, we already knew that. On the computer of Wyatt Gillette of the Computer Crime Investigation Unit, a message finally popped up. Trinity: Sorry, little guy.Here are some bad questions I had about how to decipher screen saver passwords.A crappy user①. In the minutes that followed, Gillette, posing as a teenager from faraway Texas, began telling Trinity X how he had cracked the Windows screensaver password, while asking the veteran hacker if there was anything better way.Gillette was digitally respectful in front of the master.At this moment, the door of the investigation team opened, and he looked up, and it turned out that Frank Bishop and Bob Sheldon had returned. Patricia Nolan reported excitedly: "We'll find Trinity X soon. He's in an Internet cafe in a shopping mall nearby. He said he knew Fett." Gillette said loudly to Bishop: "But he didn't talk about the specific situation about Fetter. He knew the inside story, but he didn't dare to talk about it." "Pacific Bell and Bay Area Online say they'll have him in five minutes," Tony Mott said, listening to the headset. "They've narrowed down the telephone exchange. Looks like he's in Atherton, Cities like Menlo Park or Redwood City.” "How many malls can there be? Send a few seasoned police officers in there and check it out," Bishop said. Bob Sheldon made a phone call and said, "They're off. They'll be there in five minutes." "Hurry up, hurry up." Mott yelled at the monitor while stroking the square stock of the silver pistol. Bishop glanced at the screen and said, "Bring the conversation back to Fetter. See if you can get any specific details." Rebel 334: Dude, what the hell am I supposed to do about this guy named Fett I mean what can I do to stop him.I want to mess with him. Trinity X: Listen, little one.Don't try to mess with Feite.He was the one who messed with you. Rebel 334: What do you think? Trinity X: Little guy, Feite is as scary as death.The same goes for his friend Sean.Do not approach them.If Fett is after you through the "secret door", destroy the hard drive and buy a new one.At the same time change the network name. Rebel 334: Do you think he can find me, even in Texas?where is he? "Very good." Bishop praised. But Trinity X didn't answer right away.After a while, the following message appears on the screen: Trinity: I don't think he can go to Austin.But I gotta tell you, little guy... Rebel 334: What's the matter? Trinity X: Don't even think about being safe at all.Now you're in Northern California, you bloody bastard! ! ! ! "Oops, he found us!" Gillette said angrily. Rebel 334: Hey man I'm in Texas. Trinity X: Don't say "cough dude".No, you are not in Texas.Check the number of replies on your anonymous software. ESAD! Trinity X got off the net. "Damn it," Nolan said. "Let him go," Gillette told Bishop, slapping the workstation computer angrily. Bishop stared at the last message on the screen.nodded towards it. "What did he mean by the number of replies?" Gillette didn't answer right away.He tapped some commands to check out the anonymous software Miller had written. "Damn it." He cursed under his breath as he watched.He explained to everyone that Trinity X had been tracking the computer of the Computer Crime Investigation Unit, and he was using the same microelectronic spy device that Gillette was using to track him.Anonymous software did tell Trinity X that the Rebels were in Austin, but while typing in the BRB, the hacker must have run another detection software that showed the round-trip time from the electronic spy to the Rebels computer It takes much less time to get to Texas and back. This error was serious - it was an easy problem to fix, just build a short delay function into the anonymous software, add a few milliseconds, and it would give the illusion that the traitor was thousands of miles away.Gillette couldn't understand why Miller hadn't considered that. "Damn it!" Realizing his mistake, the internet detective shook his head and cursed himself. "It's my fault, I'm sorry... Blame my lack of consideration." Well, Gillette thought, you're being too thoughtless. It was already close at hand. Bishop murmured in frustration, "Call the SWAT team." Sheldon took out his cell phone and dialed. Bishop asked: "There is still a sentence written by Trinity X that I don't understand. `ESAD, what does it mean?" "It's just a friendly acronym," Gillette replied tartly. "It means: Eat Shit And Die!" "It's got a bit of a bad temper," Bishop said. The phone rang—it was his cell phone, and he picked it up to listen. "Hello?" Then he briefly asked: "Where is?" He quickly memorized a few words and said, "Send all the nearby police forces there immediately. Also call the San Jose City Police Department. Tell them to leave immediately, I mean hit hard." He hung up the phone and faced everyone. "The opportunity came. The emergency vehicle investigation responded. A San Jose traffic policeman saw a new gray Jaguar half an hour ago. It was parked in an old part of town, where you don't often see high-end cars. He walked to the map and made a cross at the intersection where he found the car. Sheldon said: "I'm a little familiar with the area. There are a lot of apartments, small grocery stores, hotels that sell bottled wine. It's a very low rent area." Bishop then drew a small square on the map."St. Francis Private Secondary School" was written next to it. "Remember that case from a few years ago?" he asked Sheldon. "Remember." "A mental patient broke into the school and killed a student or a teacher. Then the principal added a whole set of security facilities, all of which were genuine high-tech products. At that time, the newspapers were full of reports." He pointed to the whiteboard with his head. "Fett likes a challenge, remember?" "My God," Sheldon gritted his teeth angrily, "now he's doing it to the kids." Bishop grabbed the phone and asked central dispatch for the code to start the attack. At this moment, no one dared to say what was in their hearts: According to the report of the emergency vehicle investigation operation, the car was found thirty minutes ago.That means Fett has had plenty of time to play his grisly death game. That's how it is in real life, Jamie Turner thought. There was no horn, no beep, no reassuring click in the movies, not even a slight click, and the lights on the alarm doors just went off.In the real world, there will be no sound effects to add atmosphere to your actions.Just do what you have to do, and don't expect anyone to cheer you up.Only one lamp went out silently and silently. He stood up and listened carefully.From the dormitories across campus, there was music, shouting, laughter, and shrill arguments surrounding a radio talk show—all of which were about to be left behind as he advanced, replaced by A fantastic evening with my brother. Carefully push the door open. Quietly.No alarm.No shouting of iron boots. The cool air with the fragrance of green grass immediately filled his nostrils.It reminded him of the summer vacation with his parents at home in Mill Valley, how long and lonely it was after dinner every day-brother Mark found a job in Sacramento in order to escape from home.Those long nights that seem to have no end... Mom always coaxes Jamie with all kinds of desserts and snacks to keep him from bothering herself, while Dad likes to tell him: "Go outside and play." Just to be with a bunch of friends While drinking, he told ordinary stories, and these stories often turned into gibberish as he got drunk. go outside and play... As if he was still a silly kid in kindergarten!As a result, Jamie doesn't go outside at all, but is immersed in the computer, desperate to hack other people's computers. The cool spring breeze brought back these painful memories.But at the moment he was indifferent to these memories.He was thrilled that everything was going well and that he was about to spend a good night with his brother. He put transparent tape under the latch of the door, so that he could enter the door smoothly when he returned to school in the middle of the night.Jamie stopped, turned his head, and listened carefully.No footsteps, no iron boots, no ghosts.He took a step towards the door. This is the first step to freedom.awesome!He succeeded!he…… It was at this time that the ghost caught him. Suddenly, someone's hand grabbed his chest sharply, causing him pain, and at the same time, a large hand covered his mouth. Gods gods gods gods... Jamie tried to retreat to the campus, but the attacker in the maintenance uniform was very strong and knocked him to the ground.Then the man took the boy's thick safety glasses off the bridge of his nose. "See what's in here?" he whispered, throwing his glasses to the ground, and stroking the boy's eyelashes with his hands. "Don't, don't!" Jamie cried, trying to raise his arms to protect his eyes. "What do you want to do?" The man took something out of his overalls pocket.It looks like a spray bottle.He brought the bottle up to Jamie's face.He is...? A stream of lotion shot from the nozzle and sprayed into his eyes. The intense pain didn't start until a moment later, and Jamie twitched, crying out in excruciating pain.His worst fears finally happened—he went blind! Jamie Turner shook his head desperately, trying to shake off the pain and fear, but the burning pain grew worse.He screamed: "Don't, don't, don't." But these voices couldn't come out at all under the big hand that was covering his mouth tightly. The man leaned close to Jamie and whispered something in his ear, but Jamie had no idea what he was saying; the pain—and the fear—like fire in dry woods, instantly killed him. swallowed up.
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