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Chapter 33 chapter eight

pray for rest 杰夫里·迪弗 4789Words 2018-03-15
Owen lowered his voice and said, "You think I don't know anything?" Liz stepped back onto a rose bush and felt a thorn go into the back of her thigh.She didn't feel much pain, and she didn't pay attention to the sound of the wind crackling on the glass roof. "You guys are so romantic, Liz. So romantic. Trysts in hotels, walks on the beach..." He shook his head. "Don't act surprised. Of course I knew, almost from the beginning." Liz was so nervous that her throat was dry and her eyes were astringent. "Is that why you're doing this to me? Because I'm in love with someone else? My God, you yourself—"

"Bitch!" He jumped up and slapped her across the face.She fell to the ground. "You are my wife, my wife!" "But you're seeing other women, too." "So you can have an affair with a big swagger? There is no such law in the world." The thunder and lightning flashed again, but it was already in the east.The center of the storm has moved eastward. "I'm in love with him," Liz cried. "I didn't plan to go to him. Besides, didn't you and I plan to divorce in those few months?" "Oh, of course," he said sarcastically, "what an excuse you have."

"Robert loves me, you don't." "Robert loves women." "wrong!" "He's slept with half the women in Lingshang Town. I'm afraid he's slept with a few men too!" "You lied! I love him, and you are not allowed to..." However, while arguing, Liz remembered another thing.She calculated the time.She thought of the time Owen had reconciled with her after that extramarital affair—the time when Mrs. Laubershey was diagnosed as terminally ill.She stopped crying, and looked at him coldly: "You are for other reasons, aren't you? Not just because I and Robert are good."

For real estate, of course.And the millions of dollars she inherited. "You and Robert talked about getting married," Owen said. "You said you were going to divorce me, cut off my financial resources, and make me a pauper." "You sound like you earned that fortune. It's my father's. I've been generous enough to you. I... wait a minute, how do you know Robert and I talked about getting married? " "we know." This blow was even worse than Owen's slap just now.We know—Liz gets it: "You mean Dorothy?" What Owen loved was not a female lawyer at all, but Dorothy.Dorothy was, and still is, Owen's lover.This Dorothy who was obedient to her husband.She and Owen had long planned to kill Liz.Not only to maintain the dignity of Owen's stupid masculinity, but also to win the inheritance.The kind and careless Robert may have left some evidence of their love in his own home, or he may have spoken freely and said a secret that should be kept.

"Do you know who called me to go to the office on the Indian Sacrificial Cliff outing? It wasn't my secretary. Humph, Liz, you're blind." "You were in the national park. I thought I saw you." "I went to the office and told them to transfer all calls to me to the Acura's in-car phone. I arrived at the park fifteen minutes before you and followed you all the way to Stony Point Beach." He just waits there. Dorothy deliberately left Liz's "Hamlet" in the car, thinking that Liz would run back to get the book alone.Owen was there waiting for her.

However, it was not Liz who ran to fetch the book, but Robert—he wanted to take the opportunity to meet Portia.Robert must have been attacked on the way by Owen, who was hiding at the mouth of the cave.Wounded and bleeding, he ran into the cave, and Owen chased after him.Keryl heard Robert calling for help, so she went to look for it. The knife that Liz dropped next to Robert must have been picked up by Owen. "You cut his penis, you villain!" "He deserves to be punished for whatever crime he committed." "Hrubek never hurt Robert?" "Hurt? That guy's trying to save him! He's yelling, 'I'll wipe the blood off your head, don't worry, don't worry.' It's that kind of crap."

"You've been waiting for an opportunity like this..." Liz laughed.Look around. "You didn't go out to kill him, but to lure him home! You want him... Let him help you complete tonight's mission!" "At first I thought he was trying to get revenge on you when he escaped from the hospital. Then I got to Crofton. He—" "That woman... Owen..." "He didn't hurt the woman, he just tied her up so that she couldn't reach the phone. He told the woman that he was going to Ridge Town to rescue a person named Liz, otherwise Adam would kill her."

"What did you do?" she asked softly. "You killed her?" "I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to! I made it look like he did it. Throwed the woman's motorcycle into the river. The police thought he went to Boriston, but I knew he Running here." Of course he does.It had always been clear to him that Mike Hurubek's motive for coming to Ridge--to find the woman who had falsely accused him in court. "You were the one who shot Triton Heck, and you were the one who killed the policeman outside!" Surprisingly, Owen calmed down at this moment. "It's overdone. It's easy at first, and then it goes away."

"Owen, please listen to me." Liz felt that she was speaking in a half-pleading, half-instructive tone, just like when she was talking to Hurubek half an hour ago. "If you want money, I can give it to you." However, Liz could tell from the expression on his face that what he wanted now was not money.Liz remembered her conversation with Dick Kohler.Mike was indeed insane, but there was at least an unshakable sense of justice in his mad world. But her husband is a psychopath with no mercy. Liz realized that Owen had been planning to kill her from the very beginning tonight—Owen had made up his mind from the moment he heard the news of Hurubek's escape.The clamor and clamor for the Superintendent to send the police to the house as guards; the insistence that Liz hide in the hotel-these are just to give the illusion of innocence.After Owen killed Hurubek, he would call Liz in the hotel and tell her to come back.It's all right, dear.go home.But he'll be here waiting for her, and...

"Oh my God," she whispered. And Portia. Liz thought that Owen must be planning to kill her together. "No!" Her angry howl resounded through the conservatory. She came out of her hiding place in the basement to do something.She prayed to God to give her strength to do this, she never believed that she would have the courage-but now, she turned, picked up the kitchen knife from the table behind her, and stabbed him as hard as she could. She aimed for Owen's neck and stabbed him in the face.Under the impact of the steel knife, his head was thrown back, and the gun flew out of his hand.He blinked in surprise.

The wound immediately began to bleed.Blood rushed to his face, like a bright red veil. For a while they stood still, looking at each other, frozen in mind and body.Neither of them made a sound. Later, Owen roared like he was on a battlefield, and rushed towards Liz.She fell down, the kitchen knife fell out of her hand, and she covered her face with her hands, avoiding his crazy pain.She was punched heavily on the chin, and her eyes turned black for a while.She punched Owen hard on the left shoulder. Owen let out a beast-like howl in pain, and retreated to the side holding the painful shoulder joint. But Owen quickly recovered and swooped back full of anger.Liz's strength and weight were no match for him - despite Owen's face and arm injuries.Soon she was on her back again, her shoulders and neck cut by the gravel.Owen squeezed her throat tightly.Her lungs desperately needed oxygen, but couldn't get any.The dim turquoise lights of the conservatory grew dimmer to her eyes.She stretched out both hands to hit Owen's big bloody face, but her arms fell to the ground in mid-air.Her eyes darkened.Liz said something to Owen, but he didn't hear him, and Liz didn't know what she said. The moment Liz was about to lose consciousness, a small black blob appeared in the distance as far as she could see—her brain tissue was dying, she thought.The small black mass expanded into a large black shadow, hanging in the air like a dark cloud.Just above their heads, the glass roof was smashed into a million tiny shards.The shards of wood and glass were accompanied by falling black shadows, like the bubbles around a diver after entering the water. The huge body fell obliquely, half on Owen's body, and half on an excellent rose tree.The rose thorns traced parallel lines of blood across Hurubek's face and hands, like staves.Jumping from a height of twenty feet, he sobbed in horror—a height that would scare a normal person out of his wits, and it was unspeakable torture for him. A long strip of broken glass cut Liz's neck.She rolled away from the two struggling men, covering her wound with trembling hands. There was a hole in the glass roof, a cloud of mist drifted in, and a few leaves swirled down.After the cold and damp air outside broke in, the bulbs burst, and the conservatory was suddenly immersed in a blue darkness.A sound suddenly sounded, Liz thought it was the whistling of the storm returning at first, but it was not.Liz could hear that it was the roar of someone twisted by crazy wildness.Whether it was Hurubek, or Owen, or herself who made the roar—Liz Aitchison would never know. In the storm-stricken estate, the vigilant and serious police officers under the superintendent spread out to search the residential buildings and yards meticulously. The medical staff were first brought to the pale-faced Trenton Heck, who measured his pulse and blood pressure, and determined that although he lost a lot of blood, it was not life-threatening.The medical staff sewed up the wound on Liz's neck and bandaged it up.The wound looked scary, but it was actually not serious, but after the injury was healed, she thought, the scar would be with her for the rest of her life. Portia threw herself into her sister's arms, Liz hugged her tightly, smelled the smell of shampoo, felt her sister's silver earrings lightly touching her lips, they hugged for a full minute before Liz let go At this time, it was my sister who was crying. A mud-splashed state police patrol car arrives, its roof loudspeaker switched on to receive, blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.A tall, gray-haired man stepped out of the police car.Liz thought he looked like a cowboy. "Are you Mrs. Atcheson?" he asked. Liz looked into his eyes.The man was walking towards her across the muddy yard, but stopped halfway, staring with undisguised surprise and concern at Triton Heck, who lay on the gurney.Heike just woke up.After a few words between the two, the nurse wheeled the lanky pursuer to the ambulance. Sheriff Dawn Haverhill walked up to Liz and asked if she could answer a few questions. "OK." They were talking when a doctor got out of the ambulance and applied a butterfly tape to the wound on Liz's arm.The doctor walked back and said, "I scratched the skin a bit. You can wash it off." "No more sewing?" "No need. That bump on your head will go away in a day or two, don't worry." Liz didn't know there was a bag on her head, and she said she wasn't worried.She turned to Haverhill and talked to him for ten minutes. "Oh, one thing," she added after she had finished talking with Havershan, "can you try to get in touch with Dr. Kohler at Marsden Hospital?" "Kohler?" Sheriff Haverhill squinted. "He's missing. We've been looking for him." "Hey, are you talking about Dick Kohler?" The director of Lingshang Town heard their conversation from the side. "Yes," Liz said. The superintendent said, "We got a guy named Dick Kohler an hour ago, drunk. Beside Clipperman's." "Drunk?" "Lying on the hood of a Lincoln limousine, drunk unconscious. The oddest of all, he had a raincoat over him as a blanket and a wild badger skull on his chest. I may be telling the truth, I have never seen such a weirdo." "Drunk?" Liz asked again. "He's fine. He's in a daze and can't walk. We locked him in a temporary guard room in the bureau. Fortunately, he was lying on the hood of the car. If he was driving, his life would have died long ago." gone." It's not like Dick Kohler.But she wouldn't be surprised what happened tonight. Liz ushered one of the Haver Hill Sheriff's officers into the house, coaxed Mike Hurubeck out of the house with nice words, and accompanied him into the ambulance. "One of his arms and one of his lower legs appears to be broken," said the surprised doctor. "Perhaps a few broken ribs. But he doesn't seem to feel any pain." The policemen stared at the sick man in horror, as if he were the offspring of "Jack the Murderer" who murdered and dismembered his mother, and "Letui the Shrew" who slashed his mother.Liz solemnly assured that the needle was not filled with poison, and Mike Hurubek agreed to inject the sedative.It was also after Liz asked the doctor to wipe antiseptic on her wrist to prove that it was non-toxic, before Mike let others wash his wound.Mike sat in the back of the ambulance, clasped his hands, stared at the floor, saying goodbye to no one.When the car door closed, I seemed to hear him humming alone. Owen - emaciated but sane - was taken away. The limp body of the poor young policeman was also carried away. The ambulance drove away, then the police car.Liz and Portia stood side by side in the kitchen.Finally, only the two sisters were left in the room.Perhaps Portia was frightened, Liz thought, or more likely infected by a virus of curiosity—she asked Liz a series of questions suddenly and uncharacteristically.Although Liz kept her eyes on her, she didn't hear what she said at all. She didn't ask Portia to repeat her question, but she smiled vaguely, pressed her sister's arm, and walked out of the gate alone, facing the pure blue morning light, she left the house and walked towards the lake.The purebred dog caught up and followed her, and walked to the edge of the stone platform, near the sandbag embankment built by the sisters. Liz stopped, and the dog lay on the muddy ground.Liz sat on the embankment, staring at the iron-gray lake water. The front of the cold wave has reached Lingshang Town, and the branches that have just frozen are creaking.Thousands of fallen leaves cover the ground like the scales of a giant beast.When the sun comes out, the fallen leaves will shine, and the precious sun, if it comes out, will shine golden.Liz stared at the broken branches, the smashed windows, and the debris thrown from the house.There was a storm in the sky, that's a fact.But apart from the car being submerged in stagnant water, the other losses were not that great.The storms in this area generally do not bring great damage, but only destroy some electric lights, blow off tree branches, flood lawns, and make good citizens temporarily feel inferior.Take the conservatory: it has weathered several major storms, but has never suffered major damage—until tonight, and even that damage was done by a mad giant. Liz sat for ten minutes, shivering with cold, her exhaled air hanging on her lips like a wisp of thin cloud.Later, she stood up.The dog stood up too, looking at her expectantly, which meant, she supposed, something to eat.She scratched the dog's head and walked across the wet grass toward the house, the dog following her.
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