Home Categories detective reasoning Theory of the Bride

Chapter 11 chapter Ten

Theory of the Bride 京极夏彦 55822Words 2018-03-15
There is an illusion of continuous whale screens. White and black walls, black trees outside the window frame. On the other side was the extraordinarily radiant sea—or was it the sky? The gigantic sun is amazingly bright.Although no matter how it shines, it is no match for the sun, but it still shines brightly.However, even the sun's disk cannot brew this quiet and white world, so this strange hazy light is indeed brought by the magic power of the moon. The whale screen swayed. It was Ye Sakura who was making the commotion. If the night wind is too strong... —The bud is blown away before it blooms.

Just now, Zhizuobi died. It is said that the left eye was smashed through by the beholder. ——How could there be such a way of death? Did that man with flesh-eating eyes drive the chisel that cut Isama's ring finger into the round, dark eyes of that doll-like girl? that man... Thinking of this, the wound on Izuma's finger felt a dull pain, and he couldn't continue to lie down. It's not that he's sad, his relationship with Bea isn't that deep. But that scene is vivid. —Then I'm leaving, sister. —Bi, be careful on the road. This is life and death. Looking back now, Akane's lonely look when she saw her off made Isama feel even more unbearable.

I heard that Enokizu, Kiba, Imagawa, and Chuzenji were all there.Isama thought a little reproachfully: Why couldn't the tragedy be prevented even though there were so many people present?But Isama didn't understand the situation and couldn't have any definite feelings. --no. Isama thought, on the contrary, because of their presence, Bi must die today. According to legend, the family was cursed. Isama didn't quite understand, but he felt that the curse at home might be like a pickle stone unknowingly pressed on his head, and had nothing to do with personal free will.No matter how heavy a stone is, people don't resist or criticize it because they don't know it's there.

Then, unable to bear its weight, it gradually twisted and deformed. The structure is slowly twisting and deforming, and will gradually disintegrate from the weak parts in a short time.The damage that is pressed out, even if it is insignificant, cannot be filled.The more the cracks created by the structure to maintain its own structure are filled, the more excess pressure will be placed on other parts.It was obvious that before long the fabric itself would collapse, only sooner or later.So even if today's tragedy didn't happen, he will definitely visit in the near future. However, it happened today because...

—The stone was removed. Because Chuzenji broke the curse. Most people will feel relieved when the stones on their heads are removed.But sometimes that's not the case. The so-called distortion is probably produced in order to resist biased pressure and maintain balance.In other words, if there is a sharp correction, or if the pressure is eliminated in one go, even the unstable balance may be destroyed. If you don't want to destroy the huge distortion accumulated over a long period of time and correct it to its original shape, you still have to spend time and slowly guide it along the way.

Therefore, although Chuzenji knew so much, it was still reluctant to act. So it is Isama's responsibility that Ao will die today. Through Imagawa, it was Isama himself who invited the unwilling Chuzenji.He couldn't stand idly by in the face of creaking twists. Isama has been in this distortion for several days. Isama's finger was injured, and he was immediately treated at the clinic in the village, but he still had a fever, so he came back to the spider's web mansion.In fact, Isama has countless other options, and although his home is far away, it is not a distance that cannot be returned, but...

——I want to see the ending. Isama thought so.Isama is born to be a non-attached person, no matter how deep his feelings are, he will not stick to it forever.However…… ——Am I cursed by the goddess? I can only think so.During these few days, Isama's prejudice against women weavers also disappeared. Qian is very diligent and takes care of Izuma in every possible way, which even makes him feel sorry. Although Ajie is careless, he has a cheerful and straightforward personality, which makes people not annoying.Although Masako gave people the impression that she was difficult to get close to, it was because she was wise and prudent, she would not get tired of being around others all day long, but went straight to her, which made Isama feel comfortable.

Speaking of wiseness, Aoi is also too wise, impeccable.It would be too upright to be picky.Usually, a person's doctrines and opinions do not completely match his appearance, words and deeds, but Aoi is almost consistent from the outside to the inside, that's all.Isama thinks that people who hate Aoi are because of unnecessary attachments and prejudices.As for the fact that she is a woman, so I can't understand her intelligence, this kind of prejudice is not worth mentioning at all. No difficulties at all. Everyone is actually very ordinary, but... In this home it's twisted.They are not anti-modern elements imprisoned by ancient bad habits, but once they become a family, they disintegrate.The magic power of the family, the magnetism of the land, the curse power of the blood—Isama doesn’t believe in these meaningless powers expressed in rhetoric, let alone supernatural powers. Even so, he still deeply feels an irresistible pressure , and the distortion caused by the pressure.It was too much for him.

The police came several times a day. Just in time for Isama's sloppy beholder attack - the Strangler shows up at Bea's school.A student was killed and arrested.The academy came to report to Masako one step earlier than the police, but the information seemed to be a bit confusing, and there were many contradictions with the police statement.Fragments of information made it impossible to grasp the whole picture of the incident, and Bi seemed to be in no danger, but at that time, Bi's position seemed very delicate. The attitude of the police has become tougher, and the confrontation between Aoi and the law enforcement officers has become more and more intense.However, there is too much difference in the level of their footing, and they are said to be in opposition, but the focus of the debate is completely inconsistent.Aoi criticized the police's attitude towards the common people and their dissatisfaction with the crime itself. The police countered Aoi's lack of cooperation, and regarded her overbearing attitude as concealing some ulterior secrets, and continued to attack.

Not long after, the police made a request to take Bi away as an important person. I heard that the college refused to cooperate with the search and refused to hand over Bi, but this kind of lawless behavior was impossible in the first place. The police asked the writer to persuade the college as a guardian.To the police's request, Aoi replied that they would not interfere with the school's policy, but the target was underage girls, so this issue must be handled carefully, and the police should show clear evidence that Aoi was listed as a related person.In this regard, the police explained as follows: On the day Liang was killed...

Shiliang has been hanging around the bar in Katsuura Town since the day before yesterday, returning home at ten o'clock in the morning.At that time, Isama and Imagawa were appraising items in the antique room.When Shiliang came home, he was already drunk, but he still didn't seem to have had enough, and drank whiskey in the hall again. Aoi hated this unworthy brother-in-law very much, and locked him in her room as soon as she saw him.Qian and Ajie are in the kitchen. Bee seemed to be in the lobby with Se-liang. There are two problems here: when Yuunosuke was alive, Shi Ryo never entered the study room once.Also, who told Shiliang that an antique dealer came to appraise it? Ajie and Qian in the kitchen heard Shiliang shouting loudly: "That damn old woman has made her own claims!" Qian heard the sound and left the kitchen.Ajie also confirmed this statement. As soon as Aoi saw Shiliang coming home, she locked herself in her room immediately.Then the only one who can tell the truth is Bi.Bi usually hardly talked to her brother-in-law, why did she report to him on this day? ... At that time, was Pi trying to arrange for Liang to go to the study?Did she hide the strangler in the study and lure Shiliang to go there? ... Police appear to have made up such a theory.Of course, the police didn't make it clear.It was all asked by Aoi.Bi admitted from the beginning that she was staying in the hall, as if the extermination of foreign affairs needed to be brought up again, but at the beginning the police were only concerned with the alibi at the time of the murder, and they didn't take it seriously at all. But the real intentions of the police lie elsewhere. The police suspect that Bi is actually a murder suspect. This news was not reported by the police, but by the academy—it should be the head of the Shibata Group. According to him, Bi may have something to do with the murders of teachers, students and the collective prostitution of students in the college. The police believe that the culprit who killed the students was Bi.Hearing this, even Masako, Aoi and Akane were surprised. After deliberation, the weaving writer gave up the fourth daughter Bi. give up... ——Both my mother and sister-in-law wanted to leave Bi behind. That night, Akane cried and said this to Isama. The so-called separation does not simply mean that the weaving writer agrees to hand over Bi as an important relationship person. It's a matter of affection. ——If Bi really committed a crime, she should be allowed to atone. ——Even if it is a family, if it protects her, it is logically unreasonable. ——But even if she is a criminal, a daughter is still a daughter, and a sister is still a sister, isn't it? Masako concluded: Bi is such a child. Aoi gave up and said: The aftermath must be dealt with quickly and appropriately. Qian said she could not understand such a mother and sister.My father passed away and my husband also passed away. At this time, I depend on the support of my family the most, but the family is so torn apart—— Qian said, tears streaming down her face. The crack that started from Bi exposed the distortion of the family. Because the incident didn't happen around me, Izama didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but the daughter was involved in the murder, but the mother and sister didn't visit. Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed a very strange thing.Speaking of which, they probably don't have time to take care of Isama.When encountering such a situation, no matter if it is Masako, Akane or Aoi, they should rush to take care of it immediately. I heard that both Masako and Aoi were busy dealing with a lot of business problems caused by the passing of Yunosuke and Yoshiaki. ——I am too incompetent. Sis also said so. Qian does not know how to account, nor does she know how to operate.She doesn't understand stocks and market conditions, and she has very little employment experience. She only worked as the president's secretary for two months in a company that was destroyed by Shiliang, and she couldn't contribute much to housework.However, I heard that my mother and sister told Akane forcefully, "Even so, you won't be of much help if you go to the academy, so you don't need to go, unless your situation will improve if you go." Isama thinks so too.Even if this person who can only cry and apologize goes to school, it won't change anything. But…… Even so, generally speaking, let her go.Isama couldn't describe it exactly, and if this matter was not worth mentioning, it was indeed not worth mentioning, but he felt very unbearable and very sad.This is a rare thing, so Isama asked Imagawa to find that person.And here he is... This morning, Masako headed to the academy.It seems that it is not to save Bi, but to tell Bi to give up struggling. Then, Bea died. Sakura swaying at night. A phone call brings Bee's death. Kui lost her voice, Qian fell into confusion, and Gengshang was at a loss. A Jie hugged his head and gave up all his work. Just like that, time in this museum stopped.The twisted home maintains the final balance. --almost. Isama went to the entrance. It was Kiba who notified that Masako was coming back. Isama slowly figured out the structure of the spider web mansion. There are several openings in the house, and there are as many lines as there are entrances and exits.It has nothing to do with the size of the room, and it has nothing to do with the floor. The corridors and stairs are not counted. These places are just long connection points connecting the outside and inside of the door.A room with two doors is just a passage, and only one of the two doors leading to the outside room is the starting point of that line. And these strings of rooms—the lines—are concentrated in one place. There is where the line ends.Isama didn't know how many threads there were in total, but there seemed to be a room where all the threads would go.There is the heart of this home.The number of doors there should be as many as the number of openings—the number of lines.Isama thought at first that the hall was the central point, but it was wrong.The lobby has only three entrances on the first floor and one entrance on the second floor in the stairwell.In other words, the lobby is just an intersection where one line crosses another.Rooms with four doors are all intersections, and horizontal lines that intersect with straight lines are closed.From the horizontal room, you can only move to the straight line through the intersection room and then go out. Spreading these out on a flat surface will certainly form a radial pattern, or maybe it will become a spider's web shape. ——Three-dimensional and radiating. He finally understood what Imakawa said. Isama went from room to room and followed the line to the entrance. Go out of the porch, pass the cherry blossom garden, and come to the gate. Misty cherry blossom trees cover the entire courtyard on both sides, and behind it stands a dark mansion that seems to be glued to hold the night.On the other side of the solid door, low brown trees are sparsely scattered, and a road with no forks runs through the center. Those who walk this path are all drawn, entangled, and immobilized by this spider mansion.Even if you want to leave this mansion, the spider silk that entangles your hands and feet is full of stickiness and can never be untied. As a fly, Isama is imprisoned in this mansion with a spider web structure, like a painting, until it There is no escape until it is completely dry. He is so fanciful. Akane stood in the courtyard. As a result, the women of this family have been wearing mourning clothes.The color is the same as that of the mansion, and it is integrated into it from the beginning to the end.The second daughter stared blankly in the direction of the door. Isama quietly came to her side. Qian looked through the door and looked at the other side. "She... died..." "Ok……" "She is so low and cute, she likes to fantasize, and she always has a smile on her face... But she has always been lonely. My mother is very indifferent to her, and I am too old to her, so I don't know how to get along with her. I feel... as if I've been treating her like a doll." "She's never coming back," said Cie. The door opened. — Kiba. Kiba stared at Isama with an expression that couldn't tell whether it was anger or displeasure, and said, "How is the injury?" Before Isama could answer, the door opened wide and Masako entered. Masako snuggled up to a strange young man.Qian walked over and wanted to help, but was blocked.Although Masako was haggard, her momentum remained the same. "Mother……" "Dead...she...she's dead. Where's Aoi? Get Aoi right away..." "I'm here..." A metallic voice came from behind. Looking back, there stood a mannequin as usual. "...It is necessary to take countermeasures immediately. Considering the current situation, the academy should be closed immediately. I have already contacted the relevant people, and it is best to formulate policies immediately and decide what kind of attitude we should adopt in the future. It just so happened that Shibata's representative also came, and we immediately..." "Wait a moment!" Isama was taken aback. Because Akane spoke loudly. "Kui, Bi... Bi is dead!" "So I'm dealing with the aftermath like this, there's no time to wait." "Your sister was killed!" "Yes, and he was not simply killed, but died after causing a shocking scandal. So it is more difficult to clean up the aftermath, don't you understand? This kind of trivial matter that has nothing to do with the company sometimes affects The company caused a huge impact. It is too stupid to cause damage to the company due to personal misconduct." Aoi finished speaking as if reading a speech, and took Masako's hand. Akane took her mother's hand. "Mother, and Aoi... are you people with blood and tears? Bi is only thirteen years old! My sister passed away, my father passed away, and my family members passed away one by one. Don't you feel lonely? No Do you feel sad?" "Sister, can you please stop in moderation?" Aoi's words were hard and sharp. "Do you understand how much influence the weaving writer and the Shibata family have on society? Even when we are arguing here, we are losing credibility in society every second!" "This..." Qian shook off her mother's hand and stared at her younger sister, "...Is this based on your idea of ​​expanding women's rights? If that's the case, then..." Aoi had a displeased look on her brows. "Please don't say stupid things. I am speaking as a social person and a business person. How can there be any gender in this kind of thing? This is just a simple business transaction." "Don't treat my sister's death as a matter of business!" Qian said tremblingly, holding back her weeping. "Big sister," Aoi made a troubled voice, "If screaming sentimentally could solve the problem, anyone would cry. But whether you cry or cry, the war is not over, isn't it? No matter what the woman does Moved with emotion, pleading for the child and husband to come back, society ignores it. It's the same. Do you think the world will forgive everything as long as you cry and say that your sister is dead? If I give up my job now and cry all day long ...It will only be criticized that women are really useless." "It doesn't matter what other people say! If you don't even have the tenderness to cry for a day or an hour for your family, then you are an amazing woman...then I would rather continue to be a useless woman!" "Yes, my sister is a useless woman. Since it is useless, you should hide aside and continue to cry!" "Aoi, you've gone too far." The young man—it should be Shibata Yuji—said, "Akane, I understand how you feel. But at yesterday's cadre meeting, Aoi was officially appointed as the successor of your father. She is now Is the president of Weaving and Textile Machinery. In addition, although it is only tentative, Mr. Yunosuke has also decided to succeed many positions in the Shibata Group. Regardless of gender, considering her age, This is also an incredible promotion. She is the youngest cadre, so... please show some sympathy for her position." ——The position of Aoi. Sissy bowed her head. Under the leadership of Aoi, Shibata helped the silent Masako and disappeared into the mansion.Akane kept her head down, Isama didn't know what to say, and stood beside her. "Hey, fishing..." I forgot that Kiba was next to me. Isama looked over and saw not only Kiba, but also the Kamon detective from the Yotsuya Bureau and two young men.He remembered that one of them was Kiba's subordinate. "Kiba Xiu." "Kyogoku has something to tell you, that guy will be here in an hour." "Chuzenji, he..." Kiba noticed that Isama's words had no meaning, so he turned to Akane and said, "Hey, your sister was killed by the police. Even if I apologize, I shouldn't be able to make up for you, but... I'm sorry." Kiba apologizes to Akane. "Bi she..." "Now she is undergoing a forensic autopsy, and she was almost saved. And although she cannot be exonerated from the crime of instigating the murder, she doesn't seem to have killed anyone or prostituted herself. So..." When Kiba said this, he suddenly turned his back to Akane and yelled at Jiamen: "Hey, uncle, how long are you going to stay there in a daze? Hurry up and force Hirano to confess! Ask that guy to recruit all of them out. You have been investigating the case of the Beholder since May last year, right? If you don’t go to investigate, who will you call?” "But Kiba-san, don't you yourself..." "Leave me alone, and I have long been excluded. This incident was arrested as an active criminal. The important thing is whether the previous four murders can be prosecuted. These are all Yotsuya and Chiba cases. We help mission is over." Kiba pushed Jiamen out, looked at his subordinates and said, "Aoki, you go too." "I'll stay here, senior and Brother Jiamen go together. Senior to that guy..." Kiba had just finished saying to Isama and others, "Only Takahashi Shimako, I must save her", Shimako was brutally killed.Isama was deeply impressed by Kiba's appearance at that time. Kiba was angry from the bottom of his heart. The subordinate named Aoki must be concerned about the anger in Kiba's heart, because the beholder has committed another crime in front of Kiba's eyes again. However, Kiba scolded Aoki fiercely: "You bastard, don't talk like you understand it! What do you know, you little brat! Listen, the police just need to catch the criminal and send it to the inspection agency It's over. How can the police complain to criminals because they are unwilling? Whether it's sad or sad, it's over when they catch criminals. Without this awareness, how can they become public servants? Hirano was arrested. Not interested anymore." "But... senpai, senpai don't want to hear the truth from Hirano..." "The truth is decided by the court. I'm not interested in that stuff. I..." Kiba looked up at the mansion and murmured, "...just want to know about spiders." "Spider?" Qian asked back. "Hmm. Some people say that your sister and others were all manipulated by spiders." Kiba turned his head slightly and replied displeased. Xi said with a distressed expression: "Manipulated by the spider? Does it mean... is there a mastermind behind Bi? Is there... someone else manipulating her? That is—the spider?" Kiba turned back and said, "Yeah, really sad. It's all a lie from the beginning to the end, and it forced such a young child to that point... Have you heard about her getting the key from someone else? ?” "key?" "The key to the locked room in the academy." "Can't open...the confession room..." "do you know?" "Aoi and I are both graduates of that school." Akane only said this in a low voice, and left in a daze. "She seems to be losing her strength," Kiba said. As a result, Garmen left, and the two young men stayed behind. Standing still is not an option, Isama led the detectives to the guest room where he was staying.Aoi, Masako, and Shibata should be discussing things in the lobby, but they didn't see Ajie and Gengsang, so Isama had to lead the way.Everyone passed the corridor where white and black alternated across the field of vision. The young man—I heard his name is Masuda—said: "Mr. Kiba, what do you think?" "What are you thinking?" "If spiders are in this house..." "It must be there." "Then it's one of the three people just now." "probably." "Mother, and two sisters. Do they have a reason to frame my sister?" "It's not obvious yet." "I suppose it's possible that spiders don't really exist?" "Doesn't exist?" Kiba stopped in his tracks. "Yes. The structure of this incident is indeed as Mr. Chuzenji said. Only on the basis of the principle of the real murderer can all the events be safely distributed. However, its center is a hollow, where there is no There are no living people..." "What's there?" "Thoughts or concepts, this kind of incorporeal..." "Ha! That kind of thing is not even good for filling the stomach." "For example, the deceased's... last will." "Can ghosts make phone calls? At least Kiichi Kawashima was instructed directly by the spider." "This... What if it was Bi who passed away just now who instructed Xishi?" "what?" "That girl calls herself a spider, and she is manipulating Sugiura. Will she use the fabricated information of her mother's grudge to manipulate Kiichi in the same way? This is a disguise of the main story. And Hirano also..." "Idiot, that girl was killed by Hirano." "But, Bi has the key to that room, right? Then, could it be Bi herself who hid Hirano in that room?" "But, then why did she..." "Isn't Sugiura also trying to kill Ao? Maybe Hirano, like Sugiura, is tired of it." "Tired of Hirano?" "That's right. Orisou Bi is the puppet god in all events, and the one who manipulates Bi is - Orisou Ihei..." "The others are dead, have they died a long time ago?" "Look at that Jewish building. The source of magic is Ihei, isn't it? By some chance, Ao got the key, and was manipulated by Ihei's will without knowing it..." "What about the incestuous lie?" "That's a prophecy. There might be something blasphemous or something like that, and then Bea slipped herself into it." Kiba showed a convincing yet unconvincing expression. Isama had no idea what they were talking about. Isama left the room leading to his living room and went around to A Jie's room.He wanted to ask Ah Jie to bring him some tea, so he knocked on the door, and when he looked inside, Ah Jie was actually packing his luggage. "Section..." "I quit, sorry." She seems to have cried. No wonder.In just half a month, three members of the owner's family died strangely.Even if it wasn't a homicide—but Izuma felt that if it wasn't a homicide, it would be more terrifying—it was still creepy, so I can't blame A Jie for it. But now there is no way to bother her to bring tea. "This house is cursed. Guest, let me give you a piece of advice, you'd better run away as soon as possible." A Jie said with a serious face. "Ok……" Ajie seemed to see Kiba's ghostly face behind Isama, and said, "You are Mr. Criminal Police, right? I can't forget that face even if I want to", and walked out of the room quickly. "I have something to tell the police. To be honest, if I just quit my job like this, it would be a bit uncomfortable. Excuse me, would you like to listen to me? Would you like some tea?" "There's no need for tea." "Well, then I won't prepare. This, you look at this. Not just look, you just take it." A yellowed envelope was placed on the furniture that looked like a tea cabinet, A Jie picked it up and handed it to Kiba. "what is this?" "Before Mr. Criminal Police—five or six days ago, or four days ago, didn't you come here? Didn't I lead the way at that time? At that time, you said God, right? Someone with the surname Chuandao..." Kiba looked at the envelope carefully, let out a casual "oh", then blew air on the envelope with a "hoo", and opened the seal. "...Miss Qian has been very concerned since then, and for some reason, she just keeps it in her heart, and then asked me to check Miss Zi's belongings again." Akane seems to be troubled by this.Akane's kindness could also have dire consequences. "Oh, didn't she say that Xishi's letter—the relic has been disposed of? Then this is..." Kiba's aura gradually disappeared, and finally fell silent. "What the hell is that?" Masuda looked over, while Aoki pushed him away and poked his head out. "Where did you find this thing?" "Miss Zi's room. Although the relics are disposed of, it doesn't mean that the entire room is destroyed. The bed, desk, chair, and wardrobe are still there. Although there are no clothes, there are still a lot of them. thing." Kiba's expression became ferocious like a ghost. "When did you find it? Where in the room?" "As soon as Mr. Criminal Police came, the lady told me to look for it, so it should be the next day? Not the next day, but the next day after the next day. So is it the day before yesterday? Oh, it's so complicated." "Never mind that much. Then?" "Then, I wanted to hand it over to the police as soon as possible, but the atmosphere was very sinister. The guests also know the atmosphere at that time, right? Can I hand it over? I can't hand it over." "Where did you find it?" Kiba roared. "Desk drawer, top drawer." "The question is...is it true?" "Senior, what exactly is that?" Kiba gave Isama a hard look, then handed the envelope to Aoki. "It's Yunosuke Orisaku's diary, which contains some inside information about Ishida Yoshie's death. I don't know if this thing is true, and even if it is true, it's hard to say whether it's true. And even if it's true... ...what will happen? Is there any point? Why is this thing in the eldest daughter's room?" After Aoki finished reading seriously, he handed it to Masuda. "This... that Xishi..." "Tricked through and through, by a spider." As soon as Kiba finished speaking, Ajie yelled: "I hate it! I'm most afraid of spiders!" "What..." Isama asked Kiba. "Oh, Yuunosuke wrote in the article that Yoshie Ishida's suicide may be caused by himself. There is no mention of the three whores at all. The three whores are all nonsense. This is the same as weaving. Xishi was also manipulated by spiders because of the fabricated past!" Kiba cursed, "Bastard!" and beat his knee with his fist. Four people came to the room. From the window of Isama's room, you can see the main entrance where you stayed just now.Viewed from above, the courtyard resembles a sea.This house is an ark floating on the sea of ​​cherry blossoms, but this ship does not move.If the boat floating on the wave is fixed as a fixed point, then the world will sway with the ups and downs of the waves. Aoki opened his mouth and said: "Masuda, you are so kind. I don't think there will be an ending where all the responsibilities can be shifted to the will of the dead, and everyone will end happily. There must be an evil and living person behind this incident. People. The incident last year was like this, and at the center of that incident, there was someone who had nothing to do with all kinds of things—the evil real culprit.” Masuda said: "I once experienced an incident without a center-although there were criminals, the whole incident was connected with codes that had nothing to do with the crime. But there is no criminal, even if it is resolved, the incident will not end. I remembered that incident." Izama thought. Many irrelevant thoughts, delusions, attachments, and desires can be subtly combined like a painting.It's like the wind pattern in the desert is formed by accident, but it will simulate the geometric design, everything is a cruel coincidence mischief caused by God's will. Judging from their words, in this incident, is there a person sitting on the seat of the god? Kiba said: "Things in the world are messy and seemingly inexplicable, but sometimes they are established according to simple and unreasonable principles. However, although the principles are simple, the phenomena embedded in the principles are not clear, so there are many answers. One. It is arrogance to assume that there is only one reality. What you experience may be just one of many answers. If you are not stupid like me who only see things according to rules of thumb, don't Prediction is superfluous. I only believe what I experience, but depending on the circumstances, I don't even believe my experience. Prediction can be used as an indicator, but it cannot be a conclusion." Isama didn't understand the purpose of his words, but felt that they seemed quite convincing.He believes that there are certain realities that can only be accepted by abandoning theory. But as Chuzenji said, such a reality is by no means inconceivable.Since things happen, they should happen according to some simple and clear principles.But complex analysis can sometimes lead to huge errors.Just because the value set at the beginning is so slightly different, the answer obtained becomes very different.That's why people keep saying "this world is incredible". "That's Miss Qian just now, right?" Masuda asked. Looking over, Qian and Gengzuo were talking about something seriously beside the gate. "The one who looks like a foreigner...is Mr. Going Out?" Aoki asked. Kiba replied "yes", and the young detective said, "Mr. He Shiliang doesn't look alike at all, because what I saw was a photo? Or is it too far away?" Only then did Isama realize that their father and son They really don't look alike at all.For some reason, Geng Zuo looked extremely embarrassed, left Akane's side, and went elsewhere. Ye Ying... trembled uncomfortably. --coming. Under the light of the pale moon, on the way to the alien trap with low color temperature... The Onmyoji appeared in a darker attire than Sombra. Behind, follows the detective who can see things that are not of this world. The guide who lures them to the trap is an antique dealer. --coming. Then, Isama finally—— finally felt that the end was coming. It is said that leaning over the monster will affect the prosperity and decline of the family. If the fortune of the family is prosperous, there will be monsters leaning over. So…… If they are driven away, the family will be destroyed. This is the law of the world. This home is about to be destroyed. "Come on, fisherman." Kiba took a deep breath, wrapped the detective's armor tightly, and left the room.Masuda and Aoki glanced at each other and followed.Isama looked behind the pale sky and sea, and behind the whale curtain formed by the black cherry trees, and chased after him. It smells of... a funeral. In front of the door, there are four black shadows.Onmyojis, detectives, antique dealers, and... "Mr. Isama..." Akane turned her head with a face full of tears. The man in black behind Qian was still the same, thin and haggard. The dark shadows under the eyes are extremely ominous. "Isama..." "I'm waiting for you." "... Lying is not a virtue," said Chuzenji. The detective stood beside him imposingly, his expression more sharp than usual. The detective narrowed his eyes. "Sharp-nosed pufferfish...Short-horned single spiny fish...Purple breastfish with broken stripes." Enokizu said.It was the name of the fish that Isama caught these days. The criminal policeman who greeted them had more ferocious eyes than usual. Kiba yelled from behind Isama: "Hey, what are you going to do?" "get rid of." "What happens if you get rid of it?" "I don't know. After all...the styles are different." Chuzenji said. "The Netwives... can't be expelled, and it's not my job to kill monsters. So, please be careful." 茜想要甩开什么似的打开玄关。 今川深深地低下头来。 中禅寺像一阵风似的穿过前面。 榎木津目不转睛地凝视了茜一会儿,跟了上去。 众人走过黑与白的走廊。 伊佐间打开通往大厅的门。 真佐子坐在大厅正面的椅子。 葵则端正地坐在猫脚桌那里。柴田财阀的首脑坐在她旁边。 葵像个机器人般站起来。 玻璃珠般的眼睛倒映出掉进陷阱的男人们。 “多么郑重其事的登场啊……”响亮的金属质嗓音,“……你是……中禅寺先生吗?今天的事,我已从家母以及柴田先生口中听说了。据闻你是个祈祷师。请问,你想对这个家做什么呢?” “你说的没错,我是个祈祷师,因此接下来我想为府上消灾解厄。不好的东西聚集在一起,带来灾祸。蓑出之火为阴中之阳气。否哉,否哉。欲咒他人,须掘二穴……我眼睁睁地将令千金推入了墓穴里,所以……” 阴阳师望向装饰人偶。“让我来除去这里的灾厄吧……袚除祸患。” “真有意思,好吧。我是织作家三女,织作葵。那位是家姐茜,家母真佐子你已经认识了,这就是织作家所有的成员了。其他只剩下佣人出门耕作以及奈美木节。这位……柴田先生可以同席吗?” “当然。不过……五百子刀已经休息了吗?” “曾外祖母年事已高,碍难同席。”茜行礼说。 “无妨。”中禅寺说,来到葵的正对面,催促全员进房。 “这位是私家侦探榎木津礼二郎,这次接到柴田先生的委托,前来调查圣伯纳德学院的连续杀人事件,以及学生卖春的真相。这位是他的助手,益田龙一。其他的你都认识吧?” “好像……有刑警在场?” “噢,这家伙是我的部下,叫青木,不过我和他现在都不是刑警。我们身为关系人,应该有权利知道事件的结局。” “结局?” “如果办得到……就让事件结束吧。已经牺牲太多人了。只是、我不认为这么做就能够阻止真凶的大计……” “真凶?” “也就是事件的首谋……”中禅寺依序望向众人,“在我的认知里……我毋宁说是为了提早实现真凶的计划,才来到这里的。” 织作葵。 茜。 真佐子。 柴田勇治。 ——他的意思是…… 蜘蛛就在这些人当中吗? 葵合上手中的文件,搁到桌上。“我不懂你劈头就在胡说八道些什么,事件……不是已经结束了吗?” “还没有结束。” “方才我已经从柴田先生那里听说,绞杀魔和溃眼魔都已经遭到逮捕了,卖春组织的底细也几乎完全查明了……虽说是亲生妹妹捅出来的娄子,但这些事实在是无从负责起,而且舍妹也已经亡故了……” “葵……”茜的睫毛沾满了泪珠,瞪着妹妹。葵好像没听见,无视于姐姐的存在。 “……我们所能够做的,只有援助因为舍妹而参与卖春的学生们。我们将会关闭学院,但是,不能就这样把学生抛下。我们会设法援助她们改过自新,让她们今后在社会上生活不会碰上任何困难。这么做,是祭悼舍妹唯一的方法……我们刚才就这谈论这件事,就这层面来说,事件的确可以说是尚未结束。” “这些事,希望你们务必能够执行……但我所说的,并非那个意思。” “那么是什么意思?” “我想……你应该明白的。葵小姐,事实上,前几天我拜读了你的论文,敬佩万分……” “多谢指教,我很少得到男性支持。” “所以我想救你。” "what?" “今后的时代需要你这样的人。如果你垮台的话,提升女性地位的运动就会大幅落后。社会要到达你所在的水平,必须花上二十年之久。如今山本纯子小姐已死,我不希望连你也牺牲。我的工作是驱逐俯身妖怪,驱逐附在人身上的妖怪、附在家中的妖怪,都是我的本职所在。以这个意义来说,我要……” 中禅寺笔直地望着葵,然后说了:“……驱逐妖物。” 葵露出不可思议的表情。“为什么我会垮台?而且你说的牺牲是什么意思?” “我还没有看穿这里有着什么样的陷阱。这里难保没有伏兵会变成第二、第三个平野及杉浦,而且或许在意想不到的地方,已经设下了巧妙的机关。” “我无法理解你在说什么。” “你……不化妆呢。” “……什么?我是不化妆,这怎么了吗?” 葵不是基于个人的主义或主张不化妆,而是因为她没有必要化妆。若是在葵的脸上涂抹东西,只会让人觉得多余而且玷污了。 榎木津唐突地开口了:“你为什么……要藏匿那家伙?” "What... what?" “那个女孩是被那家伙给杀掉的呢。” 中禅寺也不阻止榎木津,说道:“葵小姐,我不懂你在想什么,但平野迟早会招供。那么一来,你将彻底垮台。你已经是名副其实的织作家当家,也身兼柴田集团的重职吧?如果自首的话,还有希望……” “我真的不懂。还以为你是在捧我,结果原来是空穴来风的诽谤中伤吗?” “不是的,这是忠告。” “请你适可而止一些!”真佐子严厉地说,“从刚才就听你在说什么消灾解厄、驱魔避邪的,织作家没有那种需要你驱逐的坏东西!是到如今,就算祭拜,碧和是亮也不会回来了啊!葵,你不是总是说,有时间回顾过去,倒不如勇往直前吗?你说的一点都没错。所以我们家完全不需要祈祷加持之类的东西!” “但是街头巷尾盛传这里……有天女的诅咒。” “无聊!” “没错,无聊至极。但是妇人,无风不起浪……” 真佐子狠狠地盯着阴阳师。 “首先……该从织作伊兵卫先生说起吧,也就是夫人你的父亲……” 这个男子天不怕地不怕。换做是伊佐间的话,肯定会像是被蛇盯住的青蛙般,动弹不得。 “……据说伊兵卫先生出生在京都,入赘之前的旧姓是羽田。” “我……是这么听说的。这怎么了吗?” “据说羽田家是秦氏的旁系。我认为他建造那栋夸张建筑物的理由,就是因为他的出身。虽然疯狂,但这也是他认真钻研后所得到的结果吧。” “你所说的夸张建筑物……指的是圣伯纳德学院吗?”葵问道。 “是的,我指的就是以那座犹太教寺院为中心,聚集仿造品般建立起来的魔法结界。” “你说犹太教?” 葵那张端正的脸庞露出不悦神情。柴田的喉咙作响,说道:“是啊。呃,其实就像他说的。” “难以置信。我也是那所学院毕业的,但我甚至连基督教都没有学到。那是因为我对于基督教根植于男性原理的教义感到抗拒……可是犹太教……这太荒唐了。” “就是啊。”阴阳师同意说。 “你有根据吗?” “不期然地,今天发现了证据。夫人和柴田先生也亲眼看见了……” 柴田露出怪异的表情,他这个人好像很单纯。 葵十分狐疑,脸颊阵阵痉挛。 “……而且,如果那所学院真的是基于基督教的理念而建,一般都应该要求隶属于基督教团体或教会才是,然而那所学院什么靠山也没有。听说你们两位都是那所学院毕业的,难道从来都没有觉得不对劲吗?” “现在虽然不一样,但上一届的校长拥有神父的资格,教师全都是信徒,礼拜和赞美歌、圣经,也和我所知道的一般基督教仪式没有什么不同。虽然强制信教令人不愉快,但我并不觉得有着什么特别不可思议的地方。对吧,姐姐?” 聪颖的妹妹问道,茜毫无生气地回答:“嗯。可是那栋建筑物上有不可思议的文字……” “那只是一种装饰……是一种设计吧?” “那是希伯来文以及卡巴拉的魔法记号。”阴阳师说出不符合阴阳师专业的话来。 葵露出惊讶的表情,看了真佐子一眼,说道:“怎么可能……魔法的记号会那样堂而皇之地刻在上面吗?一点都看不出来想隐瞒的企图,太教人无法相信了。” “因为建造的人本来就不企图隐藏。可能是因为就算有人看得懂,也不会怎么样吧。上面只写了一些无聊的话。所以它原本就不是为了隐藏而建造,而是后来才又动了手脚的。” “但是既然没用宣称是犹太教的话……” “正式隐藏它犹太教的身份,是昭和以后的事吧。调查创立当时的记录,可以发现数据上虽然并未宣称它是犹太教系,却也没有明确是基督教系。作为器皿的建筑物本身就是蛊物,不管要拿来做什么,其实都无所谓。应该是落成后,才想到既然要拿来利用,就当做学校好了。” “你、你说那里原本并不是学校?” “也只能拿来当成学校使用了。因为有礼拜设施,就算要拿来当学校,也只能伪装成传教系学院,结果才不得不标榜是基督教吧。而且就算有人发现它的真面目,在战争时期,犹太教也会惹来麻烦……所以不得不保持沉默。” “为什么……要这么做?” 此时,葵掉进阴阳师京极堂的陷阱了。 只要发生一点兴趣就完了。 “羽田氏的本流秦氏,原本是来自中国的移民。据传他们的祖先是秦始皇,一说认为他们的祖先是以色列的大卫王。” “大……大卫王?” 如此一来,中禅寺的话将如洪水般宣泄不止。 “京都的太秦(uzumaki),是秦氏在平安京成立以前就一直居住的土地。'uzumaki'这个发音会写成'太秦'这两个字,据说就是从这里来的。太秦有一座广隆寺,以藏有国宝第一号称弥勒跏思惟像闻名,而创建这座广隆寺的,就是秦氏一族的秦河胜。” 葵说:“这点常识我知道。” “广隆寺附近有一座木岛坐天照御魂神社,俗称蚕社。神社的境内有一座叫做元轧的池泉,池子中央有一座鸟居,被称为'三角鸟居'或'三面鸟居',是日本惟一一座八角柱三根柱的鸟居。” 中禅寺竖起三根手指。“不晓得各位是否知道?那座鸟居是在三角形的三个顶点各竖立一根八角柱,而相当于三角边的部分,则横放着笠木及岛木,样式非常奇特。针对这座鸟居,明治四十一年,有位东京师范学校的教授发表了一篇极为有趣的论文。他说,这座鸟居是景教的鸟居。” “景教?” “就是七世纪前半叶传入中国的基督教异端——聂斯脱里派。中国似乎已经没有景教的遗迹留存了,但中国以前曾发现原大秦寺的一座'景教流行中国碑'的石碑。大秦寺以前是景教的寺院,所以太秦的三根柱鸟居,就是景教的鸟居——这是那个教授的论点,但是……这是不可能的事。” "impossible?" “依那位教授的说法,散布在全国各地的秦氏族人聚集在太秦,得到了'禹豆麻佐(uzumasa)'这个姓氏,而景教就是在这个时候传来的。秦氏获得禹豆麻佐这个姓氏的事,就记载在《雄略记》里,这是五世纪后半叶的事。但是景教传到中国,是六三八年的事,所以教授的论点是不可能成立的。不过提出这个说法的教授又提到另一件有趣的事……” 中禅寺用双手比出三角形。“……三根柱鸟居从上方俯瞰,呈现三角形,这就是构成所罗门封印的三角形。” “这……太可笑了,是牵强附会。” “我完全同意你的话,但是教授的论述不仅止于此,那篇论文里头也提到了位于广隆寺东边的大酒(oosake)神社。大酒神社的祭神就是刚才提到的秦河胜,或是大酒明神。酒(sake)原本写作'劈'(sakeru)。那么什么叫大辟(oosake)呢?教授的论文认为,'辟'就是'闇'的略字。而所谓大闇(daiheki)——就是大卫的和译名字。” “哦?”伊佐间忍不住佩服起来。 说得还蛮有一回事的。 “……就算这个说法过头了些,《广隆寺来由记》当中也记载着大酒神社原本祭祀的是秦氏的祖先秦始皇,不管怎么样,这座神社里祭祀的神,都绝不像柳田国男所说的,只是单纯的石神。这里的祭神秦河胜,据说也是圣德太子的宠臣,《风姿花传》里记载,秦河胜从钦明天皇一直侍奉到推古天皇,是个化人,乘空舟出西海以至播磨,附于人,生奇瑞——简直把他写成了怪物。当然,播磨也有祭祀秦河胜的神社,这边的神社叫做大辟(oosake)神社。” "Oh……" 真是太煞有介事了。 真佐子一副受不了的样子看着饶舌的祈祷师说:“那种远古的事,与织作家有什么关系?无论家父的老家、本家的祖先是什么,都没有关系吧?这太偏离现实了!” “若说无关,的确是无关。但不管怎么样,可以确定的是,秦氏的祖先绝非寻常人物。而且,事实上秦氏的远祖是犹太人的风闻也被煞有介事地流传着。而盖起这栋建筑物的人,是秦氏的后裔,这也是事实。” “所以到底怎么样?” “所以说,秦氏的祖先究竟是不是犹太人,并不怎么重要。这里必须注意的是,有个人深信自己就是大卫王的后裔,而且他利用自己的财力,学习他认定是祖先的犹太民族所想出来的各种咒术魔法,并且在这千叶的偏远乡间施下了巨大的封印魔法。” “封印魔法?封印什么?” “我记得你曾经说过,是把泉水封印起来……”柴田说道。 Chuzenji nodded. “我想这就是正确答案。我一开始以为黑圣母是天比理乃咩命,所以误认为这场魔法是对抗纤维的战争。但是神像有两尊,我才发现我想错了……” “对抗纤维?什么意思?” “秦(hata)氏就像它的名字,与机(hata)——也就是纺织——并不是无关的。刚才提到的木岛神社境内也祭祀着养蚕神社,养蚕神社的祭神是蚕神,但这些大部分都和秦河胜一样,是随着空舟漂流过来的。另一方面,这里——安房是麻的产地。《古语拾遗》里也可以看到,这里在古代似乎被称为麻之国。传说'总之国'这个称呼,是'麻之国'的发音讹误而来。《古语拾遗》的作者是斋部广成,开拓胜浦这一带的,就是斋部氏的祖先忌部氏。” “这我知道,我在这块土地……住了很久。”真佐子面无感情地说。 “这样啊。统率忌部氏的,就是远见岬神社的祭神——富大明神,正式名称是天富命。传说天富命是忌部氏的祖神天太玉命的后裔,从四国的阿波迁徙到此地,并开拓房总半岛。这两尊神明也被祭祀在安房神社里,而天太玉命的后神就是天比理乃咩命。所以我一开始怀疑这会不会是麻与绢的战争。” “也就是说,生产绢的势力——秦氏的后裔,在来到生产麻的根据地时,为了求吉利,而封印了对手的圣地?” 柴田表示兴趣。伊佐间觉得他那副完全就是经营者的响应方式有点滑稽。 “但是看样子似乎有些不同。” “哪里……不同?” 阴阳师说:“伊兵卫先生是为了贯彻他家庭主义的意识形态,才封印了古老的母系旧习的。” “母系?……什么意思?”葵瞪了上去。 “就是如同字母上所说的母系。”中禅寺说。 “由女子传给女子——这样的母系吗?”柴田纳闷地说,这是他不擅长的领域。 “没错。太古时,人类只靠着狩猎采集维生,不会定居在一处,而是随着粮食迁徙于山谷。后来,出现了农耕这种新的生活形态。农耕与不安定的狩猎生活不同,非常安定。人类便停止移动,定居下来,最后出现了住处——家。保护、管理家的,就是女性。就这样,母系社会逐渐形成。地母神总是母亲,古物神总是女性。所以如果说父权社会似乎狩猎民族性的,母权社会就是农耕民族性的。父母系社会的家是开放的,是共同体中松缓的联系。这也是起因于和土地的连结……” “我了解你的论点……但不明白你的主旨在哪里?” 葵诘问,中禅寺微微地笑了。这也是他的策略之一吧,这与他的目的不太可能无关。迟早……都会牵扯上关系。 “你说的没错,但这并非没有关系。本国在过去似乎也曾经是个母系社会,就算没有母权的时代……也曾经有过母系的社会。” “但是并没有以女性为中心的时代。在我国,女人到现在都还没被当成人看!” “不是还没有,而是现在才不被当成人看吧?” 伊佐间不安起来。 他觉得中禅寺是刻意要在葵的专门领域与她决一胜负,但是就算是阴阳师,也不可能在这类话题上赢得过葵吧? 葵开口了:“没那回事。夫妇、夫妻、男女、父母——并称的时候,总是男性优先。男性总是处于上位,令人不快。顺序在前面,表示阶级在上,对吧?语言就证明了这件事。” “咦?古时候夫妇称为'meoto',也就是'女男',父母是'omochichi',也就是'母父';男女称'imose',这是'妹兄'。在大和语言里,女性的顺位在前面,至少在语言上,女性是优先的。如果你要提语言的话,我只能这么回答你。古来,'亲'字是单独指称母亲的字汇。老妇人的敬称'刀自'(toji),原本是指'户主'(toshi),意思是一家之主。如果借用你的说法,那么语言就等于证明了自古以来,女性就是社会与家庭的中心。” "But……" “嗯,我非常明白你想说什么。天尊地卑、乾坤定矣、乾是男、坤是女。男尊女卑的思想,在很早的时期就随着阴阳五行之说从中国传来,这是事实,所以日本确实没有女权的时代。但是我们还是应该承认,确实有过母系的原理存在。例如说,这件事也呈现在婚姻制度上。” 葵——屈居下风。 原来如此,如果被否定,她会激烈地反弹,但是被肯定,就无从对抗起。 阴阳师继续说道:“古时候,从神话时代一直到奈良、平安时代,本国一直都是招赘婚。也就是男子拜访女性家庭或入赘到女方家的'妻所婚'。男性拜访女性,夜访问妻并求婚。然而室町时代以后,就转变为娶嫁婚了。也就是女性嫁到男方家去,所谓出嫁的'夫所婚'。一直延续到今日的支配性的婚姻关系,就是在这个时期——室町时代形成的。” “没错。随着家长权力扩大,女性地位衰退,男尊女卑的思想之所以蔓延,都是起因于此。”葵总算插嘴了。 中禅寺立刻响应:“你忘了几点,一是被迫与远方地区交流的状况,以及必须以牢固的羁绊团结一族的状况……” “那只是旁枝末节吧?社会情势的变化,不是受到当时的人民思想所左右吗?” “是这样的吗?或许可以这么说,但制度这种东西,并不是只靠思想就能够建立的。提出来的理想并不一定会获得全体支持,就算受到支持,也不一定会变成制度固定下来。但是如果面临不得不如此的紧迫社会状况,即使不愿意,制度也会因应而生。室町时代,是武家逐渐兴起的时代。所谓武人,就是负责战斗的
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