Home Categories detective reasoning Theory of the Bride
Theory of the Bride

Theory of the Bride


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 470570

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Chapter 1 Prologue

Theory of the Bride 京极夏彦 5498Words 2018-03-15
The Black Madonna with the spider in the noble girls' school listened to the wish of cursed killing on the night of the full moon; Wealthy families lived in the spider web mansion for generations, and the heirs of the family died one after another; In the "Serial Murder Incident of the Eye-Blood Demon" that caused a sensation on the streets, The girl spider is busy quietly by the bed... In the fabric of causality laid out infinitely, strangling all prey, endlessly. After all, who is the spider? Detective Enoki Tsu is also caught in the net of heaven and earth, Can Jingjitang detect the mystery? !

My heart is like a turbulent flow, although it is blocked by rocks, my husband is the one I like... A man lives in the mountains, the sun is quiet at dusk, and the moon is rising at the beginning of the month. The man goes out to relax and sees a giant chestnut. A woman is about sixty years old, her teeth are painted with iron paste, and her hair is sparse and unkempt. When she sees the man, she smiles evilly. The man was shocked and wanted to fall asleep after returning home, but the woman he saw just now was vivid in his eyes, as if it were real, upset and tossing and turning.Under the moonlight, a figure suddenly appeared, it was the figure of the woman Xiang Wan had seen, with shaggy hair and appearance, the man was horrified.Then he drew his sword, intending to wait for him to enter and kill him.At that time, the paper door was wide open, and the woman came in. The man drew his knife and slashed at the woman's waist.

After being cut, the monster seemed to be weakened, but the man swung his knife and almost fainted.The family members were shocked when they heard the sound and saw the man fainted on the ground.As time goes by, it gradually recovers and returns to normal.Although there are no monsters around, I saw a giant spider with its limbs scattered all over the place.This kind of thing, the star shifts and the thing changes, will be transformed into weirdness. ——The Tale of Zeng Luli, Volume 2 (Previously omitted) In the dead of night, around four o'clock, a woman suddenly arrived, about nineteen or twenty years old, with a child in her arms.There are few people here, and there is no reason for my wife to walk in the starry night. It is undoubtedly a monster. The man is uneasy and waits in fear.The woman smiled and said to the child in her arms: "Your father is here, go and hug him." Push it away.The child came all the way, the man held a big knife and glared at each other, the child returned and followed his mother.The woman pushed it back and said, "Don't be afraid, go." The man stared at the tiger, and the child returned.Repeating this four or five times is very tiresome.The woman said: "The servant will go by himself." Suddenly approaching, the man drew his knife and chopped it, the woman exclaimed, and climbed up the wall to the ceiling. I saw a dead spider in the middle, the claws and feet were about two feet long, from the head to the back, the knife marks were still fresh.There are also other corpses, too many to count, and I don't know who they are.Also, what looked like a child last night was actually a Gutian five-wheel pagoda.Even if the face of the monster is seen through, if it kills a child, even if it is Mo Xie's famous sword, it will inevitably be damaged when it encounters a hard five-wheel pagoda. (later omitted)

——Volume 2 of "Suzhicao" (Previously omitted) The breeze is blowing, warm and sleepy, half of the old women, wearing colorful clothes, come from nowhere, and come to Sun Liu.Sun Liu was surprised and asked who it was, and the old woman said: "I am also a native of this place. The young master often visits, sings the four seasons, and is romantic and elegant. You Xiaonv heard the song just sung and longed for it. If the young master misses the old man's feeling of licking the calf, please come here. Let me go, and meet my little girl." Although Sun Liu was suspicious, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and followed the old woman to the gate of a large building. (omitted in the middle) I saw a beautiful woman, sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing brocade and five-color silk, with knee-length hair, walking gracefully.When Sun Liu saw the woman, he was dazzled.The woman walked up to Sun Liu, smiled shyly, and expressed her admiration, saying: "I have admired you for a long time, and today my wish has come true, and I am very happy to meet him in person. I wish to be married with you for a hundred years. "Sun Liu said: "I am favored by you, but my status is low. Why do I want to marry? And I have a family and a wife. It is unexpected that what you said is true." "The concubine will never leave the king." The entanglement was endless, Sun Liu had no idea, and left in despair.The house in Russia disappears suddenly, only the bamboo clumps are seen earlier.Sun Liu was at a loss, suspected it was a dream, but he didn't feel awakened. If it was reality, he looked around without a trace, and saw a girl spider crawling on the ground.Looking up suddenly, countless spiders nested under the eaves.Sun Liu pondered carefully, this is the Yin spider that was expelled with a pipe at dusk yesterday.This spider appeared in a false sleep, turned into a woman, and wanted to play tricks on people.Sun Liu was terrified and terrified, so he ordered his servants to wipe out all the spider nests and leave them in the wilderness far away, and nothing happened afterwards.

——Volume 4 of "Taiping Hundred Stories" "You...are you a spider?" The voice was low and calm. As far as the eye can see, there are cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The violent sea breeze came across the sea in spring and rushed up the cliff, blowing away the splendor of illusory reality in an instant.The sky, the sea, and the earth merged into one, as if they wanted to dye the world a cherry red. Among the cherry red clouds, there is a particularly eye-catching figure. A half-decayed tombstone, and a man in black. Confronting him was a woman dyed sakura.

It feels like the man in black is trying to pretend to be expressionless.But, is that just to deal with the scene on the surface, or does it show the man's inner heart that is truly emotionless?Women don't understand either. The man went on to say: "Spider webs are surrounded in all directions, and you are actually sitting in the center. Under the broken wings of the butterfly caught in the net, there are actually eight long legs that are venomous and poisonous..." "What are you talking about now? The matter has been resolved," the woman said. "Even if the matter is resolved, your trap is not over yet." The man said, "...Use those who get in the way to control those who get in the way. Those who restrain you are all excluded from your side. But then they will be restrained again. In other words, Your plans aren't over yet, are you?"

"Really?" The woman turned her face away. "As long as you get rid of the people who will restrain you next, you can truly occupy the center of this country. Next...is there any more?" Several petals fell on the woman's face and hair, and bloomed. "Could it be... do you want to perform an exorcism on me?" "That's not the case. I won't do that without anyone asking. You don't have any possessed monsters on you, and there is no need to expel them." "Yeah, I got rid of the possessed monster with my own hands, just like you did."

"Is that so?" The man didn't even blink his eyes, "In other words, you planned this plan in order to liberate yourself from the shackles of all systems, implement yourself, and get your destination...isn't it?" "Yes, I want a home," the woman said, "I...I don't have a place to stand...so, I want a place to live." "Since you want it, you want the best place... right?" "Anyone would think that way as long as they are human. It's only natural." The woman said bravely.The man stared at her grimly. "That's right... Regarding this point, the method you used is indeed outstanding. This trick is truly brilliant, and I really can't bear to let it be lost in the distant past like this."

"Thanks for the compliment, I'm ashamed to take it." The woman said, smiling slightly.However, the flurry of countless sakura-colored fragments blurred the woman's expression, and she seemed to be crying too. In fact, the woman was indeed crying. Sad, heartbroken, it's all real. Even so - the woman still had to laugh. The man said, "A year ago...you were poisoned." "Is there such a thing?" "Two months ago, and a week ago." "So what?" "You've gone too far." "The three of them are dying. As you said just now, I'm just arranging my own home. If I keep silent, no one will give me a place to live."

The man turned back to the woman and said, "Even so, you have gone too far. Even if it is to obtain a destination, how many corpses do you have to leave on the road you walked before you are satisfied?" The woman had awakened a long time ago, and said, "Why are you suddenly full of benevolence and morality? You are not like you at all. Or...is this your limit? But I don't think so. I know, you still use your method, Give several people to..." "I... didn't do it for my own doctrine or self-interest." "It's really cunning. Indeed, most of you are forced to act after being begged repeatedly. Yes, I would think of asking you to take action, partly because I read the investigation report of the Sagamiko incident, but rather..."

"Is it because of the... incident of the Kuonji family?" "Yes, that woman's place of refuge was taken away by you. Indeed, even if you don't act, maybe the result will not change... No, maybe what awaits her will be a more tragic ending. So you saved her ...She was rescued from the darkness, but she lost her shelter and died. Perhaps, you want to say that you are involuntary?" "You seem to have misunderstood me. Your explanation doesn't understand my sincerity at all." "I understand. You are a humanitarian, unlike me. So, you can't do anything to me. Can you?" "That's not the case." The man smiled, "Actually, I lied just now." The woman narrowed her almond eyes.The silhouette of the man became clear. "Kawashima Kiichi—I've found it." "So what?" The woman turned her eyes from the man to the shadow of the tombstone. The man turned his back to the woman and looked up at the cherry tree. "Indeed, you didn't commit any illegal acts, so it didn't hurt. In fact, instead of exposing you, he even thanked you from the bottom of his heart." "It's... so delightful." "Are you okay?" "It doesn't matter." "Listen. My current position can be like you before, no, I can manipulate him more directly. He is in my hands. I can construct a virtual image that will bring you to justice, or make you You can’t be socialized, and I can go back and create that environment — I mean that.” "I'm not worried." "why?" "I just said it. Humanistic you, you would never use your technique in that form, would you?" "Oh?" The man showed an unexpected expression for the first time. "...Even if you hide it, I know it. Your weakness——is your involuntary humanitarianism." "Humanitarian...?" "Or modernism. Your sophistry—the mantra you weave does work. But, sometimes, you deliberately let it break." The woman's eyes looked sharply at the man. "Speaking of which, you are an anti-modern onmyoji, like me, a descendant of medieval darkness, aren't you? Yet you are also a modernist, which is incomprehensible. Talk about ancient darkness, create darkness, and expel darkness Why do you want to weave into the mantra such gentle words as "be disciplined, be healthy, and be a modern person"? Are you trying to compromise with society? If so, isn't that important? fool?" For a moment, the wind stopped, and the petals floated down gently. The pitch-black man emerged like a god of death. The man said, "Something is wrong. It is my job to pray to exorcise demons. It doesn't matter if you don't want to, even if you violate my doctrine, or even contradict yourself. I just choose the most effective mantra to recite at the moment. That’s it. Modern, anti-modern, human, inhuman—I didn’t have that distinction from the start.” The woman retorted: "This is sophistry. Although you show the posture of a border crosser, it is not crossing the border, but confusion, right? The humanitarianism you rarely show can only be expressed in the unproductive aspects of modernism. , reflecting the darkness rooted in ancient principles. Ghosts, snakes, gods and Buddhas have lost their shelter, and can only sit and wait for death. Your confusion destroys people. You...are killing people, just like me." "Unfortunately, that's not right either." The man remained immobile (the original text is the text), "I don't look at history in terms of modern or pre-modern. For me, whether it's modern or ancient, the past is the past .. except the future, the past including the present is all equal. Whether it is modernism or anti-modernism, all speech cannot escape the confines of the spell. If my words sound like humanitarian, it is because listen People have been corrupted by the poison of humanitarianism. I don’t have that kind of doctrine or proposition. If there is a flaw in my words, it is also in the calculation.” "But you... drove her to death!" The woman was rarely excited. "That's not what you meant, is it?" she heckled the man.For some reason, she believed that such words could shake men. The man replied, "That was indeed not my intention, and the result was unpleasant. But, it was foreordained then. Because of my intervention. Destruction would indeed visit—that was known from the beginning. So, I always Fantasizing about some accident that would invalidate my actions. But . . . that never happened.” "Already... doomed?" "You should also understand this." The man challenged the woman quietly. The woman was a little confused, and stroked the cold tombstone.Then she spoke: "Your intervention messed up the thread. Although you insist on being a bystander, you also understand that the act of observation itself contains uncertainty, right? Then...prediction is simply..." A whirlwind lifts the petals that cover the ground. The man's words became garrulous in a vortex: "Indeed, if the observer is not conscious, he cannot get rid of the theorem of uncertainty. But as long as the observer is aware of such limitations and puts his own point of view into the object of observation, Not limited to this. I feel that I am a bystander of the event. In other words, I know the boundaries of the observation behavior. So I use language to distinguish my own realm. I even regard the behavior I observe as part of the event and replace it. For language. I am not trying to escape from the established realm, nor am I trying to get out of territorialization." "you……" "That's where my sadness lies. I've been thinking, aren't you sad? But it seems that you just don't realize this..." The man turned to the woman, who trembled, but he did not flinch. The man stared at the woman with fierce eyes outlining a black shadow. "...Now I finally understand." "Understood... what?" "You don't understand at all what kind of principle the plan you launched is based on...?" The woman was surprised, for a moment she forgot about her bluff, and took two or three steps back.This is a humiliation for women.The man seized this flaw and threatened. "So you can't stop." "stop?" stop. Can't stop. The cherry blossoms twirled and danced. "You can stimulate factors that move in disorder, create a new environment, and make the events in it produce a network organization by itself, and continuously generate new events. Although each factor and action will have a negative impact on the plan itself. Many functions, but the operation of the plan - the event - will not respond to the causal action of each individual, but will continue to repeatedly produce events. The plan that you plan and launch in the unconscious, its operation itself has prescribed its system..." "Then... I..." "...in such a case, the epistemology of the binary opposition of subject and object, of activity and passivity, would be invalidated. The unconscious observer would then simply misjudge the situation. The observer would no longer be able to objectively Recognize the facts that the parties have learned and correct the track. The more information the observer knows, the more the observation becomes an act of concealing the facts. The plan that has been launched is endlessly reproducing new events. So in the end... your Wishes come true. But instead, you lose many things." "lose……" Lost, lost.everything is…… "...But, that's not lost...but that I expelled and got rid of it." The woman said. The woman shook her head, and the fragrant flowers fluttered down. "...just like you did, I..." "Then why are you panicking?" the man said sternly, "You...are actually very sad. You killed your relatives and friends, and implicated irrelevant strangers..." "I'm... of course sad." The woman is really sad. Because, although she told countless lies, she always faced her feelings frankly. The man took off his black coat. A few petals fell. He said in a tone that he didn't know whether it was persuasion or resignation: "Even if you get your destination by any means... are you still willing to go? Do you want to continue the same thing in the future? To be honest, whether you are sad or in pain, I don't care. You are strong and smart, and I even want to applaud you, but...in that system, there is no you as an individual. So if things go on like this...you will collapse." The man fell silent. The woman looks at the grave. The woman thought of an excuse: "You mean... the dead who are wallowing in the cemetery want me to make atonement? So, I heard that you once claimed to be the messenger of the dead..." "You are sophistry." The man smiled. The woman also laughed. "Yeah, I'll just... follow your advice." At this time, the movement finally stopped, and the realm disappeared at the same time. "...I will...reject this marriage." Sadness appeared in the man's eyes. "You... don't you regret it?" "No." "Really?" said the man. "But... it's not suitable for you to turn yourself into a stone clerk here and guard the grave all your life." "I wouldn't do that," the woman said. "It's only when you say such considerate words that you will be misunderstood." The woman said so, but the end of her words was blown away by the gust of spring.Although the man didn't hear her, he understood what she meant and nodded. The woman put on a new cherry-colored dress. She said, "Please buy it for me at a high price." The man nodded again, but the woman could no longer see his expression. Under the blooming cherry blossoms and in front of the decaying tombstone, the woman can only see the dancing petals in her eyes. "I will never cry again in my life. If I cry, I will not be able to hold on. Now that this is the end, I will find my destination again. I will not lose, never lose. I will live longer than you, than Anyone who is strong as a descendant of Shi Changbi sells, no matter it is sadness or pain, I must live with a smile. Because..." The woman said quietly and resolutely: "Because... this is the principle of the bride."
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