Home Categories detective reasoning Threshold of the Iron Rat

Chapter 3 Prologue

Threshold of the Iron Rat 京极夏彦 3692Words 2018-03-15
The old thief is bewitched, and the world is in trouble—— 【Iron Rat】 Lai Hao's spirit turned into a mouse, which is known to the world. ——Painting Hundred Ghosts at Night·Part 1·Yang 【Enjoji Temple Precepts】 (previously omitted) After many years, Lai Hao, a monk in Mitsui Temple, was the elder brother of Jiang Shuai Kuang Fang. He was summoned by the imperial court to pray for the prince to come to the world.Lai Hao was ordered, and prayed with all his heart and soul, and his yin and virtue suddenly appeared, and he undertook the birth of the prince on December 16 of the first year.The emperor was very grateful and issued an edict: "The reward of prayer should be according to one's wishes." Lai Hao's long-cherished wish was not to ask for official salary, but to allow Yuancheng Temple to set up a Samaya precept altar.Hearing this, the Shanmen appealed for the palace ban, citing the precedent, and requesting that it be abolished.Emperor Ran said: "Your word is spoken but not contradicted." No promise.The three pagodas are making noise, the monks’ houses are closed, the door of the monastery is closed, and the prayers for protecting the country are stopped. The imperial court can hardly ignore it.

Lai Hao was furious, asked for a hundred days not to shave his hair and mend his nails, bathe in the smoke of the furnace altar, burn his bones with the fire of anger, and thought about evil: "I wish that I will become a great demon in my body, annoy my jade body, and destroy the Buddhist teachings of the mountain gate." He died on the altar on the 21st.His resentful spirit turned into evil poison, and the prince who came into the world because of Lai Hao's prayer, died on the lap of his mother before he left his mother. The emperor is very sad.The entrance of the mountain gate, the effect of the garden city, its gains and losses are vivid.For the shame of the Xueshan Gate, he wanted to preserve his successor, so he summoned the head of Yanli Temple, the monk Liangxin, to pray for the birth of the prince.The question of practicing the Dharma gave birth to all kinds of miracles, and on July 9th of the third year of Chengli, the prince was born.The protection of the mountain gate has no gaps to take advantage of, and Lai Hao's grievances are not close. The jade body of this palace is intact, so Jian Zuo ascended the throne.After the abdication, there was a courtyard name, which was Horikawa Court, that is, the prince of the Second Palace.

Later, Lai Hao's undead turned into 84,000 rats with iron teeth and stone bodies, climbed Mount Hiei, and devoured the scriptures of Buddha statues.The bald warehouse of rats is also true. Later, the grievances of Mijing Temple deepened, and they frequently asked for the establishment of an altar of precepts;In this way, from the middle of Chengli year to the first year of Wenbao, Yuancheng Temple was blessed seven times because of the altar.Perhaps because of this, the matter of neutrality has not been mentioned in recent years, and the prosperity of the temple gate can also preserve the protection of the Three Jewels.But now the general presumptuously welcomes the disciples, disregarding the wrath of the mountain gate, and rashly ordered him to do so.When the market heard this, they all wondered: "The real karma of heavenly demons is the root of the extinction of Buddhism."

——"Taiping Ji" Volume 15 "It was killed by the poor monk." The voice was loud and elegant, without the slightest timidity, and at the same time the tone was very ordinary, so Ojima Yuhei thought that the other party was probably joking, and slowly turned to the direction from which the voice came. "what did you say?" "So, it was the poor monk who killed him." "You said kill... mean?" "Here, it's the corpse that fell at the benefactor's feet." "Corpse, corpse? This?" With a wave of both hands, Ojima threw away the T-shaped crutch in his hand, and jumped away from it.It was a completely startling move.Because if it was really a corpse, as the person who said it said, then Ojima had done something extremely blasphemous before.

Before someone came to tell him, Ojima poked it with the tip of his cane, and even fiddled with it with his toes, trying to find out what the foreign object was blocking the way. "Don't be surprised..." said the voice, "When life ends, a human being is nothing more than a piece of flesh. Even if touched, death is not contagious like a disease. Whether it is trampled or kicked, it will not be harmed by it." Bad retribution. There is no need to be so taboo." "People? Did you just say people? So this—the one I stepped on just now, is it a human corpse, a human corpse?"

"That's right..." Speaking of this, the voice became a little awkward, but it returned to its original tone after a while. "Is the donor's eyes inconvenient? Then please allow the poor monk to explain again. The thing that the donor moved with his feet just now is a human corpse. Even so, there is no need to be so afraid. Moreover, it has already become a Buddha." The voice said narrate. "Just, even if you say so, stepping, stepping on the dead will result in retribution. I, I..." "Why do you need to be so afraid? This is not a deceased person, but a corpse. No, even if it is a deceased person, if it has truly become a Buddha, it is just stepped on by feet, and it will not be angry."

"What kind of thunderbolt are you talking about?" "Don't the benefactor believe what the poor monk said?" "Who are you who said that?" "As the benefactor can see, he is just a beggar monk... Oh, I forgot that the benefactor cannot see the poor monk. Although the poor monk is like this, he is also a monk of Yunshui." "You, are you a monk?" "That's right." "Then, come and save this dead man..." "So, it was killed by the poor monk." "Master means, did the monk kill someone?" "Killed someone."

"Why are you so cruel... No, this, you..." For some reason, Ojima relaxed his shoulders as if waking up, raised his head slightly and said above the monk's face, "Are you joking?" The monks responded uncomfortably: "Why does the benefactor think so?" "You say you are a monk, so you have already converted to Buddhism." "It's true, the poor monk is a disciple of Buddhism." "Then killing should be a big precept. If you want to scare me because I can't see it, this joke is too much. Even if you are a monk, please don't make fun of people like this."

"The poor monk is not joking. It is the last thing a Buddhist disciple should do to tease a blind donor. In such a dangerous snowy field, the donor's footsteps are so steady, so the poor monk did not notice it. If it was at the beginning Just noticed, absolutely nothing.” "But……" "If the poor monk's words offend the benefactor, please forgive me. The poor monk has no intention of mocking the benefactor's inconvenient eyes. Offended." The sound became muffled, and the monk lowered his head. "But, but..." "May I ask the benefactor to forgive me?"

"Uh, no, that's not the case. It doesn't matter. Only, it's just that monks kill people. I couldn't believe it for a while." "As the almsgiver said, not to kill is the teaching of the Buddha. No, when it comes to killing, it is not only monks, but following this precept is also a common ethic of human beings." "Then why..." "There are indeed human corpses. However, what the poor monk killed was not human." "What?" "The poor monk said that the poor monk did not kill anyone." After the monk finished speaking, he was silent for a moment. "Master, does this mean that this is not a human? Those who died here are not human. In other words, Master, you have punished the heinous villain?"

"No, no. It is not the job of a monk to punish people. Besides, that corpse is not some evil person. Just like what the benefactor said just now, it is a person who became a Buddha in the past." "That's strange." "It's—yes, a cow." "Cow? You mean a cow?" "That's right. And if it's a cow..." "If it's a cow?" "A poor monk is a rat." Rat, said the voice. "mouse?" "The poor monk's ox came out of the sill. When I caught it, it was not a ox but a mouse. No, that's not the case. From the very beginning, nothing came out of the sill at all." "Do you mean the threshold?" "Yes, the threshold. A tightly closed prison. Not seeing, not hearing, not speaking, not thinking, renunciation of self, renunciation of everything, renunciation of everything, all empty, but the prison remains. Nothing escapes from the threshold , and what originally existed in the threshold was the rat." "There are... rats in the sill?" "It's a mouse." "mouse……" "Does the donor understand?" "not understand." "Think about it this way..." The monk's tone became as if he was expressing his feelings. "Thinking about it this way, after the poor monk left his hometown, he traveled a long way, but he couldn't get out of the prison where he was imprisoned. However, the guy easily broke through the threshold - it was easy. Chasing the cow, getting the cow, becoming a cow, Oh, for that guy, there is no so-called prison at all. How immature the poor monk is." "Master, what is Master talking about?" "so……" "That's why you killed him? . . . " "It can be said to be so, and it can be said not to be so." "I don't understand, I don't understand at all. It is impossible for a person like me to understand the great truth that Master said. I am blind, and I don't even have a clue what is lying here. Master said it was a human corpse, and said It was you who killed him. However, Master said that you did not kill anyone, but that you killed a cow. If Master killed a cow, then what is here should be the corpse of a cow; in addition, if this corpse is a human dead body, then Master killed someone. This is the common sense in the world and cannot be distorted. No matter how many words are changed, the facts are the facts. It is impossible for sophistry to distort the truth. What is the thing here? Although it can be seen at a glance , but I can't be sure. It would be no different than being mocked." "It's nothing, what's there is what the benefactor saw." "Another exaggerated joke." "The poor monk didn't joke. Now, hasn't the benefactor already seen it?" "what?" "There is a limit to what a discerning person can see." The cold wind came through the woods, blowing on the back of Ojima's neck. The cold air gradually enveloped Ojima. "The world is as the benefactor sees, and that is the benefactor's world. Then, don't mind the words of the poor monk. The benefactor just accepts what he feels." This…… This is no bull. Of course, this was all too clear from the start. Rustle - the sound sounded. Snow fell from the branches. The monk asked, "Is the benefactor afraid of death?" "This……" "The poor monk is asking, is the donor afraid of death?" "Afraid, afraid." "Why?" "Ok……" Can't feel breath. The person I am talking to now... Is it really human? Even if it is a human- Also... a murderer. rustle. Snow fell. At this moment, Ojima finally grasped objectively the unusual situation he was facing. He moved in the direction of the sound and took a step back.It was a mistake to throw away the crutches.He threw away his crutch in great shock, and now he has no idea where his precious crutch, which is second only to his life, has fallen.To act recklessly and recklessly under such circumstances is simply foolhardy.While backing away, Ojima groped for the crutch with his toes. Couldn't find crutches. Clang—the sound sounded. "The poor monk swung this pewter stick at the man's head just now, and the man died. That's all. Before and after that, was there any change?" "Kill, the murderer..." Clang—the voice sounded again. "Murderer!" Ojima screamed. Then he took two or three steps back. The monk made the sound of stepping on the snow and approached Ojima. Clang, clang—the tin rod made a sound. Ojima's knees...weakened. He tried his best not to sit down and stretched his right hand forward. The left hand fumbles behind the back.But the hand just grabbed the air—there was nothing behind it. Ojima suddenly bent his body, propped his hands on the snow, and bowed his head in the direction where the monk should be. "Excuse me, please spare my life. The little one is just a blind masseuse. I didn't see or hear about it, and I won't say it. Please spare my life." Ojima knelt down and begged for mercy again and again. Cold flakes clung to his forehead. But the direction in which Ojima begged for mercy was subtly staggered from the actual position where the monk was standing at this time. Rustle - the avalanche fell. The monk laughed "hehe". Then he said "this is good, this is good". Ojima's body tightened even more, as if about to bury his face in the snow, he hugged his head. "There's no need to be afraid. The poor monk can't do anything. Here, your body will catch cold. Here, please get up." As the monk said, he walked towards Ojima, walked past him, and pulled out the crutch stuck in the snowdrift that seemed to be grass. "Although it is said that the cultivation certificate is first-class, I have not yet reached it." The monk said weakly. "It is difficult to cultivate and enlighten gradually." he murmured on. Then, the monk stuffed the crutch into the hand of Ojima who was curled up on the ground. "So, I'm not an eminent monk who can be bowed down like this by the benefactor. Well, it doesn't matter if it's the police station or anywhere, let's go." The monk said resolutely. Ojima snatched the crutch from the monk's hand, rolled and crawled—in fact, he fell down several times—covered in snow, and fled without looking back. The monk stood still.
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