Home Categories detective reasoning sprite box

Chapter 4 third chapter

sprite box 京极夏彦 28712Words 2018-03-15
That's right, that's it. Kusumoto Laiko gradually thought so. What had been feeling wrong since that night finally started to make sense. Since Jia Caizi became like that, Lai Zi lived a life that was close to seclusion every day. I was not imprisoned or under house arrest, but I didn't want to go out, so the result is the same.Across a layer of paper doors, in the living room there is a disgusting mother who sits slumped for 24 hours. Just thinking of her being there will make her shiver, not to mention that if she wants to leave her room and go out, she will definitely run into her.

Lai Zi thought. If Kanako dies like this... die?Will Jia Caizi die? unimaginable. Jia Caizi was her own afterlife, but she ended up in such a miserable end.No, it shouldn't be like this. Wouldn't that be tantamount to suicide? suicide?No, that's not the case. By the way, it's not necessarily dead, maybe Jia Caizi is still alive now, still alive?If still alive... No, it won't work out that way. Lai Zi's thinking fell into contradictions. Misfortune and happiness, the strong and the weak, the positive and the negative, these opposing elements, should not be balanced in the way of this life, the next life or the past and present?Those who are unfortunate in this life should be happy in the next life.Then, Laizi, who is definitely not happy now, should be happy in the next life—that is, the life of Kanako.Why?

Why are you crying? incomprehensible. What does that pimple represent? That is the five declines, and the five declines are coming.So, so Jia Caizi must die? so…… By the way, maybe Jia Caizi has given up her life and become a celestial being, right? In my vague memory, there is a Chinese legend that people can be reincarnated as immortals after death.It seems to be called something, corpse solution fairy or something. Decline and death are common sense, and Kanako hates this... So for this little reason, Jia Caizi broke the cage of reincarnation and ascended to heaven... This might be a good explanation.

No, no, this is not okay.Because in this way, in this way, wouldn't Jia Nanako's next life be herself... Has Kusumoto Lai Zi? No, not right.It shouldn't be. Think of a good explanation. very good explanation. However, if Kanako continues to live as a human being——it still won't end well. Everything is wrong, no, what happened to Jia Caizi? Lai Zi was restless, tossing and turning in unsolvable thinking. My mind is in chaos, I want to confirm the life and death of Jia Caizi first, this is the most important thing. Let's think about it after confirming. The hands and feet were twisted, and a lot of blood was lost, like Kanako who broke the doll.

What happened to Kanako after that?So disturbing.So worried.very scary. That evening…… Not long after Kanako's beautiful older sister, Yoko, appeared, Laizi's mother also rushed to the hospital.The mother appeared in a dirty blouse and dusty skirt, with unkempt hair and dirty sandals.She looked very ugly without makeup as usual.The difference with Yoko who also rushed to the scene in a hurry is extremely obvious. The mother ran in front of Lai Zi in the corridor with an ugly appearance, shaking her shoulders and gasping for breath, and said in a sharp and harsh deaf voice: "Xiao Lai! What good deed have you done!"

Lai Zi felt that his mother was stupid and didn't want to answer.He just stared at Yangzi without looking back.Yoko seemed a little surprised.After a pause, the mother shouted again: "Laizi!" At the same time, he raised his hand, probably to reward Lai Zi with a slap.If you want to fight, just fight.But Yang Qi's hand was caught by the thick arm of a burly detective... who seemed to be called Muba... What a pleasure. "Are you the girl's mother?" "Who are you? Let go, let me go!" "I'm a criminal policeman. I just came here now, and I wanted to hit someone as soon as I came. What are you thinking? Can't you listen to your daughter first? In short, put your hands down first. It's ugly in the public!"

It's ugly - the criminal policeman also said so, and it was exactly as Lai Zi thought. The mother's appearance and mother's behavior are really ugly to the extreme, but the obscene men surrounding the mother are seduced by the mother's tasteless winks and don't notice it.Lai Zi never thought of relying on men, but the tough detective who scolded her mother seemed a little different. ——If you have a father, you probably feel like this. Lai Zi seemed to have nothing to do with him. "Let go, let me go. Outsiders can't control what the mother wants to do to the child! This child, this child, she..."

"Is a guy who goes out late at night and can't even contact him qualified to be called a mother? Do you have the right to scold a child who goes out in the middle of the night?" Interpol said. Mother was silent and put her hands down. "I have no interest in meddling in other people's housework, but since you are a mother, you should listen to what your child says first. If your child does something bad, you should reflect on your lack of supervision before scolding the child. This The child's important friend was seriously injured right in front of her, and now her mind is in turmoil, don't you even understand this little thing?"

Mother looked like she was about to cry, she deserved it.But when his face wrinkled, his ugly face became even more filthy.It's a shame to think of such an ugly mother being exposed to everyone's eyes. It would be great if the mother didn't come to greet her. Lai Zi thought. Behind the pillar far behind my mother, I saw Sasakawa's figure.What an annoying man to follow even this kind of place. "Anyway, your daughter is the only witness. The police will come to the door for questioning tomorrow. Don't run around before that. Tell me your name by the way." "Kumoto Kimie."

mother answered. Lai Zi was ashamed as if he was about to breathe fire on his face. Before Jia Caizi's operation was over, Lai Zi was forcibly taken home by her mother.Although Jia Caizi's safety is very worrying, Lai Zi doesn't want to resist for some reason, and obediently follows her mother back.Sure enough, Sasakawa was already waiting in the dark corridor first, and after saying a few words to his mother, he looked up and down Laizi with a gaze that seemed to be pitying, lacking in emotion and disgusting. The three squeezed together and got on Sasakawa's truck to go home.The sweaty skin was in close contact with each other, the wet and sticky touch and the sour smell made Laizi want to vomit many times.

Thinking about adding vegetables. What happened to Jia Caizi? Arrived home around 5:30 in the morning. Sasakawa sent Laiko and the others back home without saying a word.After Sasakawa left, the distance between mother and Laizi. .The Buddha was enlarged again, and the words between the two seemed to be dead.The mother spread the sleeping mat silently. Can't sleep. The police arrived before noon the next day. I didn't want to think about anything at all, so I didn't say anything. Contrary to yesterday's low profile, my mother bowed and bowed all the time, which made people feel angry when they saw it.While the mother apologized for Lai Zi's silence, she turned around and scolded Lai Zi. What to say "This child is not a bad girl, but she has no father since she was a child. I'm really sorry, please forgive her!" What does this have to do with not having a father?Besides, no father is not my mother... Is it your responsibility?If you want to apologize, you should apologize to me... Laizi thought about these things angrily, but finally decided to keep silent. It's troublesome to even speak. It was not the patrolman from yesterday.The conscientious but stupid police officer seemed to have a headache, and it was pity for him to continue the stalemate, so Lai Zi cried.Seeing Laizi crying, the police palace said: "Ah. It must have been a big blow, how pitiful." She nodded and said to her mother: "Madam, don't blame your daughter too much. There is nothing you can do if you can't figure it out. At present, the higher-ups seem to think that it should be suicide. Just wait for her to come up with something before reporting to the nearby police station." When the mother heard the words, she bowed her head and apologized again. He also grabbed Lai Zi and forced her to bow her head and apologize. Laizi forgot to ask about Jia Caizi's condition. Is Canako still alive? "Mother." Lai Zi called this name again after a few months. Then he said in an inaudible whisper: "Mom is stupid." "Mother is dead." I don't know why I would say such a thing. The mother with sharp ears heard it, and an extremely sad and incredible expression appeared on her face. The mother became obviously strange from the next day, she couldn't calm down, and looked around the room as if she was afraid of something.Been fidgeting all the time. Lai Zi was not interested in what her mother wanted to do so she didn't care, but sometimes she saw her eyes before going out...they were not mother's eyes. It is cloudy, but with a bright sharpness.His eyes were slack, but he kept his eyes on one spot.The whites of the eyes were bloodshot and bright red. "Laizi, you really are a sprite." "what?" "It's all your fault, it's me..." "What!" "Get out! Sprites!" The mother suddenly rushed forward, just as suddenly as the lid of the toy containing the wind-up doll—yes, the scare box—was opened, and her ugly face covered with dark spots and wrinkles became very clear to Laizi.Rather than being scared, Lai Zi felt more disgusted, so he dodged reflexively, and at the same time pushed his mother.The mother, who lost her target and took a counterattack, fell forward and fell to the ground.Then maintain this position without moving. Laizi crushed the heads of several Hina dolls and samurai dolls while running away. Mother couldn't move for a while. Soon, she began to whimper and sob.Lai Zi felt that his mother was a little pitiful.But at the same time, she was even more disappointed with her dirty and ugly appearance. What are you doing.this woman. Canako—what's the matter now? On the afternoon of the third day after that incident, the man came. Whether it was Sasakawa or his mother who brought the man, Lai Zi didn't know, maybe the two came together. The man is wearing a white god robe and a hat that looks like Yamabushi-it seems to be called a hood? The strangest thing is the box on his back - that seems to be called Ji? Lai Zi wanted to see the appearance of the sudden visitor, so he hid behind the crack of the paper door and watched his every move. The mother kept bowing her head and saluted. And Sasakawa also had a gentle expression. The man walked into the living room quickly, and looked around the room with the sharp eyes of a tax officer.Every time the mother saw a man turn his head, she was as timid as a frightened bird. "What's wrong with this house?" Sasakawa asked. "not good." The man answered briefly. The mother groaned softly. "When did it start?" "Hey, Kimie—you said you've been living here since you came back from wartime refuge?" Sasakawa answered instead of his mother, who nodded and said in a voice that was too small to be heard: "It's been six years—seven years." "Long enough." "Is there really—?" "Have." "Spirits, sprites." Mother uttered a short cry as if in convulsions. The man looked at everything in the room again with his sharp eyes looking for revenge, and yelled at his mother: "A room is also a kind of box! A box is a kind of container. No matter how strong it is made, it is useless to be empty inside. The key is how to enrich the content. The same is true for people. No matter how beautiful the surface is, the content is full of emptiness and ugliness. Useless. Listen up!" The man uttered a series of singing lines, while slowly approaching the mother.The mother was completely in a state of panic, and her expression changed drastically.Sasakawa's eyes rolled around, and he kept wiping away his sweat, his whole body was covered with dirty sweat. "No matter how the filth is sealed, it can't be sealed. If it continues like this, if it stays here—" "You mean we're going to move? That's too cruel, isn't it Junzhi." Sasakawa questioned both the man and the mother at the same time. "You don't look good, you don't have good karma, it's because you've earned ill-gotten gains." Mother stiffened. "I think it's mostly soul filth—men's money. Gambling it—" My mother clutched at a mess of uncombed hair, her fingertips trembling. "It was—it was my second husband's house—he was a rascal. He gambled and got into trouble—in the divorce—and left me this house." "That man's nature is extremely corrupt. Did he leave because of a dispute? In short, there are quite bad karma hidden in this house." "Can the master see it?" Sasakawa asked.The man yelled and closed his eyes. "He has a scar on his right cheek. His eyebrows are slender, his nose is straight, his front teeth are missing two teeth, and his left little finger must not have been lost in the war. This house—was cheated from a lonely old man by gambling. ——His name is Hagi..., no, Naoyama—” Mother was about to faint. Sasakawa hurriedly asked: "Isn't that right? Juneda, wasn't your former husband called Ogiwara or something?" "Yes—I found out when I went to register. It was a pseudonym—a pseudonym. My real name is—Naoyama Riichi. Everything the master said just now—is the truth." Mother was trembling and could not hear her words clearly. Lai Zi still remembered that man - Zhi Shan, and he also remembered being beaten up by him several times.He was a very nasty person who reeked of alcohol.But Lai Zi didn't know that her mother had a brief marriage with that man. Does that kind of person count as a father? "Please, please tell me what to do! My lord!" Mother looked even more flustered.The man stared sharply at the paper door - Lai Zi's room.Lai Zi thought the man saw her and jumped up in fright, but he didn't seem to notice. "The best way is to let go of the unclean wealth. Sell this house and donate the money as a net wealth. One day it will be restored." "This is too..." "If I can't do it, I can't do it." "My lord!" "So!" The man shouted again. "There is no other way but to enclose the sprites and ghosts hiding in the house one by one into the deep and mysterious God of God." "Please, no matter how much it costs, how much it costs -" "Bluntness! This is not a problem that can be solved with money!" The man made a rougher deaf sound.Mother was so frightened that her legs went limp, and she staggered, and when she was about to fall, Sasakawa helped her up. "Junzhi, you can't say these impolite words in front of the lord leader. The lord Lord didn't help people seal monsters to make money. When you say that, it means that he is making money—too nasty. You have heard it many times before. Have you received the instruction from the leader of the sect?" "Ahh." "Hidden good - sprites don't live in clear and transparent places, but appear in stagnant and turbid places. If there is a barrier in the heart, nothingness will be born, and evil things will hide in the void. Sprites are life In the void of the mind-" "The - barrier of the mind." "The wall of the heart is evil thoughts and material desires, so sprites are fond of wealth. Therefore, you must give up your dirty property, break through the barrier, and let your mind flow. I just temporarily help you keep your dirty property and wash it away." The man walked towards the toilet. "The same is true for buildings. Where there is poor ventilation, evil things will grow, and sprites will emerge." Then he knocked on the toilet door and shouted: "The unclean place in the direction of the ghost gate!" Turn back to face the mother and the others. "Ominous things flow in, and there is a porch in Kunjiao! Evil flows in here from the street, and there is nowhere to go and circle around here, so ghosts are born." "Yeah." Mother screamed. "it is good!" The man made an exaggerated movement and stomped on the floor. "The imperial ancestor of the god of heaven has an edict saying: If there is a sore spot, let the deep secret imperial pen of the empty ear of the reed be said to be one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eighty, and ninety, and Bu Ru, the department, Yuliang, Yuliang, and Bu Ru ,department." If you haven't heard it before, is it a foreign language? Lai Zi's heart was beating nervously.Maybe it was a nasty premonition of what was going to happen, or maybe it was because the man was talking too loudly. The man chanted a foreign language, and stepped on the floor several times with wonderful movements. Then open the cover of the back pad. "Quickly invite the imperial shackles to come to this place, and repel the sprites here!" The man took advantage of the opportunity to put one knee on the ground in front of the toilet, and again chanted the mantra loudly in a foreign language he could not understand. Then he shouted again and closed the lid of the ji. Lai Zi didn't want to continue reading, and gently closed the paper door and got into bed. is a liar.That man must be a liar.Mother probably went to that lunatic's house because she was tricked by Sasakawa.How can doing these weird things every week, every Friday night, help?Mother was too stupid to want to rely on that liar. Totally stupid. Lai Zi didn't want to see anything, didn't want to hear anything, so she covered her tightly with the quilt.At the same time——she could also imagine what the stupid mother and the others would say next.Maybe that crazy man will open the paper door and come in, no matter what he is, I really hope that man will go back soon. Will the gap in the heart give birth to a monster?I remember what he said just now.My mother said that Kanako is a rogue.So that man will also put Laizi's canned seeds in the small box on his back? Can't let him take it away. Anyway, these weirdos can't deal with Jia Caizi. but-- Add Nanako to her. Canako, is she alive? Unwanted voices came into my ears.It was my mother's voice. "My daughter, please subdue my daughter's monsters." "Junzhi, calm down!" "My daughter, my daughter is also a monster. That girl—" "Don't worry, it's important to quiet this house first. Now the sprites and ghosts in this house have been subdued and sealed by the God of God. Another day, come to visit after you change your life." "Yes, but." What did they say?Laizi is also a sprite?What exactly is a pyo? ——What won't grow old, what nonsense are you talking about!It's not human beings who don't grow old! ——It’s either a ghost or a sprite. Sprites don't grow old.If it is true as what mother said, maybe Lai Zi and Jia Caizi are really monsters. If Kanako and I didn't go to see the lake at that time, I don't know what will happen now?And will the man with the suitcase come into the room later? The result was different from the guess, no one entered Lai Zi's room.Lai Zi thought about these things and fell asleep unconsciously. The next day, the entrance was firmly sealed.Not only is it very inconvenient in life, but it also makes Lai Zi feel very ashamed, as if the family escaped overnight, or as if they were seized. There is also a huge stove and a strange box in the toilet.And now, on the back door of the only entrance and exit, it is clearly not the New Year, but there is a string for welcoming the note. Mother said it would make her happy--on the contrary, she looked more disturbed than ever, more emaciated than ever, and her ugliness was at its peak.Mother hardly ever works. In addition to preparing three meals, the time of sitting still is getting more and more every day.As long as you hear any disturbance, you will immediately look around in fright.Scary, ghostly doll heads piled in the corner of the room. Seeing the mother who was always afraid, Lai Zi's disgust also reached its peak. Terrible. It doesn't matter if you are scolded or encouraged by her, crying or yelling.No, even being beaten is much better than the current situation.Mother should just die, dirty and stupid, ugly as hell. Lai Zi didn't want to see such a mother, so he didn't leave the room anymore.I wanted to talk about going out for a walk, but I couldn't think of where to go.During the day, there is summer heat outside.At night, my mother strictly prohibited me from going out, and I couldn't escape even if I wanted to. This kind of near house arrest passed like this for a few more days. Lai Zi decided to go to the coffee shop for a sit down. I want to listen to that foreign music again. I want to read literary magazines. When Lai Zi decided to do this, it happened to be half a month after the incident, the last day of summer vacation - August 31st. Entering the empty living room, I saw my mother sitting alone in the middle of the room as usual.As usual, he looked at Lai Zi with bloodshot cloudy eyes. "School starts tomorrow." Lai Zi tried her best to speak in a flat tone without emotion. "Really." The mother replied in a tone of indifference. This must be a mother-daughter conversation that cannot communicate. "I want to buy a notebook and a pencil, give me the money." Lai Zi said.After a silence that was short but too long, the mother replied: "Yeah, that's right, just wait." In addition, without saying a word, he got up unsteadily and went out through the back door. What, this woman. For about 30 minutes, Lai Zi waited in the empty house in the squatting position of his mother just now.At this time, Mao discovered that the house was so spacious.Not lonely, but unsettling.The sight of the doll was as painful as a needle prick, so Lai Zi picked up a cloth towel and covered the head of the disgusting doll that seemed to have been covered in dust in a pile near the corner. I don't know where it came from, but my mother came back with some money.It may be from a pawn shop, or it may be from an advance payment. In short, there is no cash in this family that the mother can use freely. It's all handed over to that wonderful man with the box on his back. "Laizi, take these—)" Lai Zi snatched the money from his mother and hurried away through the back door.There seemed to be a sad cry of protest from the mother from behind, but Lai Zi had long been indifferent to her mother's mood.Where the money came from is not important at all. The sky is clear outside, the weather is very hot, and the long-lost sunshine is very dazzling.Jia Caizi said that all things will die faster when they are exposed to sunlight. She should be right. When I came to the bookstore, which magazine does Jia Caizi often read?In short, I first bought two magazines with "on sale today" and "on sale with good reviews" promotional notes. Pretending to be an adult, he entered the coffee shop and ordered black tea as usual. The music that is played in the store is the one I am used to. Lai Zi casually flips through magazines while drinking black tea.After half a month, I finally felt like a human being again.Only at such moments is Lai Zi considered a human being.It doesn't matter what he is. Ah, what a nostalgia. I used to do these things a lot in my previous life. Or is this a premonition of doing these things in the next life? The lacking parts are filled one by one, how fulfilling and satisfying. But the mood suddenly reversed. Behind the happiness is full of restlessness, anxiety, and hopelessness. Unable to calm down. It won't work like this, anyway, I have to go see Kanako first.It is necessary to confirm her life and death. But, don't know. The line of sight is only running after the typeface, and the foreign music comes to the ears. Only the surface is the same as before. Only then did I finally understand. ——That’s right, that’s how it is. Kusumoto Laiko gradually thought so. At that time Kanako she——'s back. do your best— "She was pushed from behind." "Could you please say it again?" Unbelievable, wondering if my ears heard it wrong. "Jia Caizi was pushed down by someone, by that man!" "man?" "It's a man. As hard as he can, rudely." "is this real?" "Push it down with a bang. It's too much, it's really too much." "Uh-huh." Patrolman Fukumoto was confused. The girl in front of her eyes began to cry. It would be very embarrassing if people misunderstood that you were the one who made you cry.So I took Lai Zi to an angle that is difficult for pedestrians to see, that is, to the corner of the police station.Leaving aside the content of the testimony, the girl in front of her suddenly uttered a series of words, but she burst into tears because of her own words.Fukumoto, who has little experience in life, does not know how to deal with the current situation. "Little Sister Lai Zi. Is it correct? Is everything you just said true? When did you remember?" "I-I didn't lie!" "I didn't say you were lying. But it's been half a month, why are you just now..." "But, but it's true! Kanako was really raped by a man..." "What kind of man is he?" "It's too dark to see the face. Wearing black clothes, moving very quickly." "Uh-huh." Fukumoto covered his mouth. That would be great if it were true. He has only been a policeman for a year, and Fukumoto has never encountered a decent incident.But if you believe the testimony of this girl.It was unmistakably a homicide-attempt. It's just that the victim is now— The victim now appears to be involved in other incidents.I heard that the jurisdiction of the incident is the Kanagawa Headquarters of the National Police. It was late at night, or should I say early in the morning.After sending her to that wonderful hospital—or should I say the research institute—in short, that weird building, Fukumoto never heard about the condition of Yuka Nako.What kind of incident did that girl get involved in? It was no longer within Fukumoto's authority to interfere. It was past noon when I returned to the police station that day. After that, Fukumoto was severely reprimanded by his superiors. I remember it happened on the 16th of this month, half a month ago. On the one hand, half a month has passed unknowingly, and at the same time, I am surprised that only half a month has passed.It seems like it happened just yesterday, and it feels like it happened a long time ago.Probably because this experience was too surreal. The 16th is Saturday, Fukumoto's holiday.Not only did I stay up all night and I gave up my vacation money to help.I thought I would be rewarded, but I never dreamed that what I got in exchange was a reprimand.Just being scolded, Fukumoto was punched twice by the senior.The reason for being beaten was probably meddling in something unrelated or running around without contact, Fukumoto thought.So Fukumoto still doesn't know the real reason for being beaten up to now.In fact, not being able to understand the situation was the reason for his beating, and Fukumoto still didn't understand this. Fukumoto recalled. That day—— The girl standing in front of her was dragged back by her family. The dim lights in the operating room turned dark, and the teak cannako wrapped like a mummy came out of the operating room—— Minami Kanako and Amamiya—he should be the rumored attendant of Kanako—Fukumoto, who is familiar with the news of the entertainment industry, thinks so—hugging Kanako tightly.The nurse discouraged him.The mantis-like nurse who was originally on the first floor appeared at some point, and ran towards the bald old doctor on the top, discussing something in a low voice.Mostly it was about transferring to another hospital, but unfortunately I couldn't hear clearly, maybe it was because I was too tired at that time.Then Masuoka joined the conversation.Fukumoto only heard some words and phrases. "Dangerous—unreasonable—humane—bone—blood transfusion—kidney—spleen—" It seems that the opinions have not been agreed yet, and the stretcher truck with Caizi lying on it has already made a rattling sound, and the nose and mouth are still connected to the middle of the nose and mouth. Detective Kiba followed.Fukumoto thought, he is really admirable.According to other people, Kiba just happened to happen to happen.It stands to reason that there is no need to bear any responsibility for this case.Even if he went back halfway, no, even if he refused to help from the beginning, no one would be in a position to blame him.Fukumoto thought, this is what he was born to be a police officer.Fukumoto is now dizzy with excitement just because Minami Kenko is the person involved in the incident, but this rough colleague remains completely unmoved.Maybe it's because she's not interested, or maybe she doesn't know Minami Kanko at all.The so-called criminal police, the so-called police should follow his example. Thinking of this, Fukumoto also decided to follow Kiba. Under the contact of the nurse, the ambulance was already waiting outside.Canako, who was wrapped in bandages all over her body, was carried into the car under the swift movements of the nurses and ambulance team.There is only one person who can go with the ambulance, and Amamiya will go with Kanako no matter what she says, and refuses to back down, Kanako seems to be very troubled.So Fukumoto volunteered and offered to take the silk to the transfer office.That's what being a police officer is all about, he thought. "Then Kiba-san—what are you going to do?" "Of course I will. I don't want to go back at this juncture. Please take me to Musashi Koganei on the way back." After hearing these words, Fukumoto had a better impression of this unkind and ferocious detective. Fukumoto himself didn't know why this happened. Masuoka asked the nurse for the address of the transfer office, and the nurse seemed to want him to ask Kanko, so Masuoka walked towards Kanko with a loud rattling sound and asked the same question. "Each yard of board into the belt and clothes to learn how to speak." Fukumoto really couldn't hear what Jianzi said. Silk sat in the front seat.I don't know if it's perfume or powder, but the faint fragrance stimulates Fukumoto's nasal cavity. Kiba sat on the rear seat. "I'm really sorry to trouble you, that one—the Research Institute of Clothing Studies—is located near National Highway No. 16." I still don't understand what the name is.But the current situation is urgent, so I always start the car first.The only one who knew the location seemed to be Kazuko, so Fukumoto's car led the way ahead, and the ambulance followed behind. In the rearview mirror, the faces of the doctors, nurses, and Masuoka silently seeing him off were reflected distortedly. "Is your job okay?" Kiba asked. "I'm not on duty today." "—So that's how it is. I'm so sorry." "Life is at stake, and I think that's my job." Fukumoto's mood became a little happier, although it was very rude to the victim's family, anyway, no one would know if he didn't tell.Although he was still in a tense situation, the square pan in Fukumoto's hand turned very easily. Passing through Wild Monkey Street should be Line 16. Next, just walk straight along the line before Juanzi gives new instructions.The driveway is empty in the morning, and the cool breeze flowing in from the window is refreshing. Both Kanko and Fukumoto were silent, but Fukumoto had gradually gotten used to this silence, after all, it had been like this since last night. I don't know how long I walked. The private houses gradually disappeared, replaced by lonely landscapes such as woods and forests. "Almost there, ah, please turn right into that road—" Kaneko spoke in the voice heard in the movie. It was a trail, an unpaved trail. After continuing to move forward for a while, the field of vision suddenly widened, and Fukumoto couldn't close his mouth in surprise at the sight in front of him. A truck was parked in the square, and at the same time, there was a huge box in front of him. "That's right here, this is the Institute of Modern Medical Sciences." Silk said.Fukumoto showed a slightly embarrassed expression, and the drowsiness that had been suppressed under the embarrassment finally emerged, and he accidentally relaxed the steering wheel, and the car skidded a lot and then stopped in an emergency. "Oops." There was a loud bang. Keeping an eye on the box, I accidentally bumped into the cargo bed at the back of the truck. "Hey, what are you doing!" Kiba roared. "There is an ambulance behind, and there are patients in the car! What should I do if I run into it!" "Yes, I'm sorry, please, is there any injury..." "I am baptizing, please continue." "Uh-huh." Thankfully the ambulance was unharmed and was about to stop in front of the box entrance.The box—no, it should be said that the entrance of the building that looked like a box opened, and a short man in white came out. He was a middle-aged man who was only one size bigger than a child and had fierce eyes.As soon as the ambulance door was opened, the ambulance team and Amamiya rushed out immediately, the situation must be urgent.As for Yugong, rolling out is the most appropriate description for him. Kaniko also ran over quickly, while Kiba stood behind him with a terrifying expression.Fukumoto didn't know what to do, it was worse Forget about being a police officer, and only care about the truck that just hit. The stretcher with the cannako lying on it was carried out, and the man in the work jacket opened the main door of the building to let the wounded in.A large number of people headed towards the entrance as if they were being sucked into a box, and Kiba ran after Fukumoto. Fukumoto secretly checked the cargo bed of the truck.Part of the latch is damaged and slightly dented.When I reached out to touch it, the lock buckle seemed to be loose, and the jeep that was driving was also dented. What to do, I was quite happy when I was driving, but now I am not happy at all. The short man in white closed the front door. When I came back to my senses, I was the only one left outside. The sky has completely turned bright.Perhaps because of the surrounding trees, sparrows and larks—for Fukumoto, who couldn’t tell the difference between bird calls—came from all over the place. Take a closer look - this building is really strange. The front is completely square.From the perspective of height, it should not be only one floor high, there should be three floors, no, more than four floors. The entrance is two double doors, slightly wider than ordinary doors, and the two doors together are about 1.7 meters long.The outer ring is inlaid with a solid metal frame, and the upper half is embedded with frosted glass.There is a canopy about 50 centimeters above it.The peculiar thing is that above the canopy there is a gap about 30 centimeters wide, which extends all the way to the top floor like a ditch.The same frosted glass as the door is inlaid on the slit, which should be inlaid. The main reason why this building looks strange is that, at least in the range that can be seen from the front, there are no window-like openings at all except for this thin slit. Approaching the building, there is a sign to the right of the gate. "The US-Malaysian version of the Institute of Modern Medicine" So that's what Juanzi said. Fukumoto walked to the side, and the side also looked almost square. In other words, the building is a cube. There are no windows at all on the sides.There are only a few exhaust fans arranged at regular intervals. The other side is probably not much different. Go to the back.On the back there is a small square similar to a courtyard, and a large incinerator.The incinerator has an unbelievably huge chimney made of bricks.Of course, there are no openings like windows or back doors on the back, and it seems that the building has only one entrance and exit.It is a perfect cube, like a dice. I didn't notice it when I was on the front, but there was another chimney on the roof. Both have no smoke so far. What is this building, and can this dice really save the girl? Fukumoto wanted to say that there was no point in staying here any longer, so he returned to the front square in a sense of loss. Come to the wrong place.Fukumoto, who was deprived of sleep, was so tired that he couldn't even imagine what was going on inside.Maybe it's time to open the door and go in, but for some reason I don't want to.The gate made of metal and heavy glass seems to be resisting the entry of the young policeman. At the same time, I feel that guarding the entrance like a stupid sentinel seems to be more in line with my identity as a policeman. But no matter how long the guards took, no one came to visit, and no one came out of the box. Fukumoto was worried about the load of the broken truck.保持沉默是犯罪,应该通知车主才对,但也不知道是谁的卡车。看起来像是军方转售民间的设备,相常老旧。若真是如此,搞不好卡榫原本就是坏的? 不,这是不可能的。 福本很确定。 广场两边竖立着原木制成的电线杆,电线杆沿着小径设置了一整排,电线由国道延伸过来。远方的电线描绘出柔软弯曲的曲线,连接到箱子底部。应该是电话线吧。 电话——该向派出所或管区警署报告现在状沉才封。但是别说是建筑物附近,就算出了国道,这一带也没有能发挥电话功能的东西。 就算福本现在的思考能力已经降到谷底,也还是知道这四周的状沉。但心情上又百般不愿去打开那道门。 程面应该有护士吧?或者—— 鸟的啼声停了下来。随著啪啦啪啦的振翅声,森林中的鸟儿一口气全部飞了起来。 视线朝空中一望,烟囱里冒出烟来。 突然听见彷佛地狱的油锅锅盖打开般的巨响。 隆隆隆隆—— What is this sound? 令人非常不愉快。 箱子震动起来了。 box “送进箱子里了。” “箱子?” 赖子听见箱子这个词便想起那个到家里的怪男人。 真不可靠,这个狗脸巡察像个毛头小子一样。 同样是警察,那个巨汉——好像叫做木场吧,木场更值得信赖上好几倍。木场不在吗?如果是那个一脸凶恶的男子,大概就能拯救赖子吧。 go on like this 照这样下去赖子会, “加菜子现在被送进箱子里,巡警先生,你刚刚是这么说的吧?” “啊?呃,嗯,是这样没错。” “加菜子还活着吗?” “你真的不知道吗?家人没跟你说过吗?” 这个警察果然是狗,够愚钝。轻蔑他算了。赖子心想。 “嗯,我想应该还活着吧,没想到手术失败的消息,况且如果已经死了,也就不会有绑架——” “绑架?” “啊,关于这个……” 总之似乎还活着。 太悲惨了,照这样下去,赖子的未来就会变得一团糟了,没有来世还比较好呢。 “我想见她!我想见她!请带我去见加菜子吧!” “咦?可是,这个——” “加菜子是被人推下去的,被黑衣男子推下去!我知道真相,今天以前却一直想不起来。真的,这是真的!如果加菜子还活着,我一定要见她一面,求求你。封了,那个刑警先生。” 如果是木场应该会帮忙吧。 就算加菜子还活着,肯定也已经不在三鹰那家医院了。可是连对加菜子家的地点也不知道的赖子而言,如今只能靠警察帮忙。这只狗没用的话,只有靠木场了。箱子?他说送进箱子是怎么一回事? 听赖子提到木场,福本皱着眉头思考了一下。接着又问了一次赖子,所说之事是否真实之后打起电话来。赖子觉得不该听对话内容,便尽量分心去死牢别的事情。 於是那首外国音乐有如耳鸣般在鼓膜内侧响了起来,赖子眼中的福本的嘴巴像是机器般不停地一张一合。 栏器狗放下话筒,暂时看着天花板,突然又好像发作似地立刻拿起话筒。於是支配了赖子鼓膜的那首音乐的不定型意象逐渐消退,狗的吠声再度恢复成人话。 “但是,就算您这么说。是的,所以说这时属下该怎么办——不,不是的。可是既然有可能是杀人事件,啊不,是被人未遂事件的嫌疑,是的,杀人未遂。如果她的证言属实的话——嗯嗯,所以说,嗯嗯。” “所以说属下该如何处理才好!” “真是的——这些家伙——照这样看来如果直接跟神奈川本部联络,肯定会被惩戒免职吧。” 福本说完放回受话筒,似乎被挂电话了。 福本用瞳孔又黑又大的小眼睛凝视赖子。 此时自己在对方眼里究竟是什磨摸样,赖子多半知道。 就算不那么悲伤,就算不那磨难过,也能让人相信自己是十二万分的悲伤、难过。只要流点眼泪大部分的人都会相信自己。 这招只对同年代的同学没用而已。 是否也能瞒骗过那对狗眼呢? 果然——福本一副对赖子担心的样子。 “小妹,听我税。柚木加菜子还活着,只是现在有坏家伙想伤害加菜子,警方正出动大批警力严密保护她,所以他们似乎没多余心思来管这件事。不过你所说的那个黑衣男子,如果真的是推加菜子下去的犯人,我相信肯定跟目前的事件有关。只是不管是警署还是本庭都没办法帮你,毕竟辖区不同,没办法让你去见她。只是肯定的是加菜子还活着。但由於事故是发生在我们的辖区内,由小金井署的刑警负责搜查。所以说,赖子小妹——应该没错嘛?刚刚说的你懂了?” “见不到加菜子吗?为什么不能见她呢?什么辖区的我不知道,可是、可是。” 哭给他看试试。 “好了好,听我说,赖、赖子小妹。嗯,该怎么办呢……” 太有效了,福本明颗露出很困扰的神情。 “木埸——先生的话——那个人会怎么做呢?” 福本说完,又看了一下赖子,似乎在征求她的意见。年纪老大不小的警察居然还向哭泣的十四小女孩征求意见,赖子觉得很可笑。 福本像是关在动物园里的熊一般,在狭窄的派出所里不安分地来回走动。不久,另一个警察骑脚踏车回来,是到过赖子家的那名警察。 福本看到同僚立刻抓住他不知商量些什么,另一个警察非常惊讶地看了看赖子与福本的脸。 “可是你,这么做的话,” He said: “肯定会被骂咧。不,我说福本啊,这次搞不好会被免职咧,你自己也清楚吧。” “但总不能放着不管吧。你看她哭得好可怜,一心挂念朋友。这是杀人事件啊。” “就算如此,交给我们署的刑警调查不就得了?” “我觉得两者一定有关联,这是很重要的情报。可是神奈川跟我们又有奇妙的地盘意识,等到能好好跟对方说明都不知道是何时了!所以——” “想干就干吧,我不管了。我会装作没听过。” 警察说着,拿起警棒敲敲自己的肩膀。 福本干劲十足地转过头来,说: “我带你去见她吧,赖子小妹。” “我会带你去见加菜子的。加菜子小妹现在跟木场刑警在一起——应该还记得吧?就是你刚刚说的那个刑警先生,那个人现在应该在加菜子身边。木场先生一定能了解我们——” 那个人现在跟加菜子在一起? “我没错,这么做是对的。” 福本带著愉悦的表情,仿佛自我催眠般地说。 木场刑警真的跟加菜子在一起? 那个人正在保护加菜子? “我相信木场先生。” 福本好像正说着什么。 但他的话已经无法传达到赖子耳里。 “木场先生一定能了解我们的。” 木场—— 木场刑警—— “木场!木场修太郎!” 又在叫了。 木场厌烦地抬起脸。 这次又是什么事了?本厅来传唤了?如果是的话—— 可能就是最后通牒了。 木场无视上头命令单独行动已快一个星期,自己感觉到,这几天来的任性妄为已即将进入尾声。取缔红线或保护要人并非自己的工作,自己既非公安也非防范课,杀人案件才是自己的专门范畴——之前老是用这些话来说服自己,但听说最近发生了杀人分尸案,这么一来这些借口就再也说不通了。只不过分尸案发生地点是神奈川,自然是神奈川县本部的负责区域,轮不到隶属于东京警视厅的自己出马。 啊,这岂不是自我矛盾? 现在木场所在的位置是神奈川县而非东京都,而且针对绑架预告进行的警备工作——更是轮不到木场出马。 ——青木肯定很生气吧。 实际上生气的应该是上司大岛,性格温厚的青木也不可能真的发脾气。这些事情是早就知道的了,但木场此时先想到的还是青木。 而木场也开始考虑辞去警察工作后自己该何去何从。自己能做什么?自己不适合在组织里工作?所谓的组织又是什么? 有巡警,有巡查部长,还有警部补、警部、警视、警视正、警视长……阶级筒直像军队一样明了,却又让人觉得无法释怀,觉得不合情理。 难道这就是所谓的民主主义?木场会这么想是因为他觉在占领时期结束后,组织的规模好像一口气膨胀松垮了起来。 如果这是军队的话—— 忽视命令任意行动的木场肯定会被关禁闭吧。不,忽视本部的命令,最惨的下场恐怕连命都不保。 但是现在却容许木场大大方方地任意行动,而且目前还未有严重的的惩处下来。虽说不久应该就会有所处分,但顶多也只是惩戒免职,不会有更重的惩罚,送命之类的更是绝对不可能。如果受到的只是减薪训诫等不像样的惩罚,木场就打算干脆辞职。 不过就算辞掉警察的工作,木场也不知该找什么职业。 总之既然会处罚,木场希望干脆快点,警察机构真是个松垮的组织,这种组织不存在还比较好哪。 说归说,木场其实也不怎么了解警察机构的细节。警察机构组织的系统极为复杂且不断变化。木场刚当上警官不久就颁布了新的警察法,去年又经过一番修订,制度每变更一次组织也随之变化。去年修订后除一部分地区外,各地方自治团体的所属警察变成受到国家警察的管辖,组织上经过一番大规模的整合。但是随着合约成立,不久警察法会再有一番波动。 木场不认为这是无意义的行为,但不断变更的法令实在令人无所适从。何必在谁都搞不清楚的部分上面浪费那么多工夫?况且现在名称上是国家地方警察某县本部之类,表面上似乎很了不起,骨子里还不就是市警、镇警、村警的集合体。就算名称改变、上层的管辖改变,组成分子没变就没有用。组织里依旧充满着地盘意识,彼此之同毫无休戚与共之感。想到这些,木场不由得忧郁了起来。 既然那么在意彼此的地盘,就应该更确实地规定出内部的职权划分才对。连一个造反者都无法公正惩处,仅在意着面子问题,能粉饰太平就粉饰太平。 想到此,木场突然注意到一点。 ——啊,这不是和自己一样? 内容空空如也,只有外在很牢靠,就好像空的糖果盒。 不由得觉得可笑。 “木场!既然在就早点回应。我跟你不同,可是忙得很。” 国家地方警察神奈川县本部的某某警部站在焚化炉旁,额头上冒着青筋。木场很清楚他嘴里说很忙,其实也只是一整天在那一带晃来晃去而已。所谓的警备就是这样。 “反正我是个不速之客,所以故意躲起来不去碍到你们的眼。” 木场一脸不情愿地站了起来。 警部则像是见到脏东西般厌恶地说: “你究竟为什么天天往这跑?为了来这睡午觉?东京警视厅可可真是个轻松的职场。可惜我们的管辖没那么闲,我现在恨不得有好几副身体可以用。” “那为何不把这么轻松的的工作交给部下负责,自己赶紧去办要紧事?听说最近不是发生分尸案了,那边还比较缺人手吧。” “杀人案件不是我负责范围。那才是你的专门吧?才刚听上头抱怨说向本厅申请支援,结果来的几个都中看不中用。像这种残酷的杀人案件才应该是你这种硬派刑警负责的吧?” “哈!说东说西,结果还不是眷恋这个轻松工作?就算你有好几副身体,我看也全专挑轻松的做吧!不过这样也好,像你这种软脚虾跑去杀人现场——只会添麻烦而已。” 警部气得额上青筋都快要爆开似地恶狠狠瞪着木场。他身材瘦不拉几的,怎看都像是个坐办公桌的官僚,与木场并列一起时难以相信这两人皆是警官,到了啥人现场多半会贫血晕倒吧。想像着那种状况,木场不禁微笑起来。 “哼、哼!木场,这些放肆的话想讲就趁现在,反正我已经向警视厅作严重抗议,处分很快就会下来了。” “那是当然的,我忽视上级命令,不遵守命令便是违反警察官服务规程。东京警视厅要对我下达什么处分,我都坦然接受。但是我不认为我有添到你们的麻烦,我不是只静静地待在这里而已?没道理被你们抗议吧?” “有你在这就会造成管辖混乱!总之不管出什么状况都是你害的啦!” 警部歇斯底里地以尖锐的嗓音吼叫。 出状况时,为什么就该把责任转嫁给什么也没作的人? 木场无法理解。 “管辖混乱不是因为有我在这,而是你的统率能力太差的缘故吧。这么多警官在这儿,却只能一整天呆呆地站著,就算是傻子也会厌烦吧。况且你说万一出什么状况,像现在这样才真的什么状况也出不来。这么夸张的警备状态,原本会发生的事件也发生不了了。我看神奈川本部才真的闲得不得了吧?为了保护一个小女孩,而且还是全身包满石膏绷带动弹不得的伤患,居然出动一整个中队。在这种随便丢颗石头都会砸到员警的状沉下,还论什么统率,别笑死人了!” 这里的员警人数确实不寻常。当初木场以为只会派两三个警官轮流看守,想说或许人手不够,有点担心才来这里的。结果没想到人数一天比一天多,现在已经有三十个警官配置在建筑物的里里外外,自然也就没有木场帮忙的余地。只是连续来个三天后也不好打退堂鼓,不知不觉间也快一个星期了。 见到木场依然故我的不逊态度,神经质的警部终于发飙。 “木、木场,你一而再、再而三地说这些失礼的话是什么意思。警备没有所谓的完全准备!跟杀人事件不同,我们要保护的是活人,若有个什么万一就来不及了。要防范犯罪于未然,比解决已经发生的犯罪得更细心才行!跟你这种见一个抓一个的野蛮杀人课刑警的工作是不一样的!” 警部的话里已见不到理性,完全是冲动性发言。看到对方越兴奋,木场就变得越冷静。而这种时候,木场总是会不小心说出一两句多余的话。 “那我问你,就算对象是个普通的小女孩也会警备到这种地步?” “普通的——你什么意思!” “我想问的就是,如果柚木加菜子只是个普通的穷人家的女儿的话,你也会这么严密地保护?” 警部一时为之语塞。 没错,因为柚木加菜子并非一般普通的女孩子。所以若是像预告信般加菜子真的被绑架的话——这对警方而言自然是大大的失态。神奈川,不,恐怕全日本警察的脸都丢大了。 得知此事实是在绑架预告信送达的第二天。消息是怎么传进上头耳中的木场并不清楚,但明显地上级肯定承受到很大的压力,警备增加的原因当然也是基于此吧,木场想。 据说加菜子是拥有日本几分之一财富的财经界龙头之直系子孙。说“据说”是因为木场毕竟只是个局外人,县警们并没有向他告知详情。但得到此消息后,木场总算有点了解那天晚上的对话意义。那个叫做增冈的讨人厌家伙大概是律师之辈吧。也就是说,那天晚上他与加菜子的监护人阳子她们在讨论的应该就是财产的分配问题。 ——我的立场重视的是对现实的正确了解,而非带着期待的预测。 ——侮辱我就等于侮辱我的委托人。 ——只要加菜子先死亡的话这件事就不算数了。 先死亡?先死亡究竟是什么意思? 总之既然需要议论,就表示加菜子虽是直系,在立场上也没有正当继承权。或许是小妾的女儿,不然就是因其他理由在户籍上没被登录成嫡子。既然如此,对其他主张自己有正当继承权的人而言肯定很碍眼吧。但奇妙的是姐姐阳子好像没有继承权。阳子与加菜子很相像,血缘上有关系是毫无疑问的,或许是异父姐妹也说不定。 ——你不就——很高兴? 没错,加菜子死亡的话,肯定会有人高兴。 如果阳子的话属实——那个人肯定是增冈的雇主吧。 那么加菜子绑架计划的主谋者应该就是这派人马当中的一员了。 但如果这些都是事实,反而会产生矛盾。这么夸张且愚蠢的警备态势依木场的推论应是那个大人物的要求,不知是对公安、总监还是本部长,总之是直接对上层要求,所以眼前才会有这么森严的警备。 但如果增冈的雇主是那位大人物的话,事情岂不是很矛盾?绑架的主谋却要求加强警备,太不可思议了。 木场这几天的推理老是想到这里便陷入瓶颈。 木场本来就与财产继承之类的事情无缘,所以其实也不清楚实
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