Home Categories detective reasoning half moon

Chapter 4 third chapter

half moon 蓝玛 5191Words 2018-03-15
A dark blue Honda Accord approached slowly and stopped beside Feng Yansheng.Both Feng Yansheng and the doorman of the Tobacco Building stopped smoking.Feng Yansheng couldn't believe that he was here to pick him up, because he didn't see Wang Luning coming down, and every time Wang Luning came to see him, he would get out of the car and say hello to him quickly, without the airs of the chairman. The automatic window was lowered, and there was no Wang Luning in the car.The young driver who drove the car asked calmly, "Is that Mr. Feng?" Feng Yansheng was suddenly a little nervous.Just like on the night of the 28th, facing those two strange, vague-faced guys-the bad luck started from that moment.That day they went ashore without talking, and the other walked away, and the man named "Xiaoshan" handed him a stack of money and left.Come and go in a hurry, like a dream.Now the driver Wang Luning sent was another stranger.

"You... pick me up?" "The chairman asked me to pick up Mr. Feng at the gate of Tobacco Building." "I am Feng Yansheng. Why doesn't he come?" "The chairman is waiting for you at Tianwaitian Restaurant—get in the car, Mr. Feng." Feng Yansheng carefully looked at the driver's face, and stopped asking.Put your mess in the trunk of the car, and then arch into the passenger seat.The driver let off the brakes and the Honda slid onto the rain-shrouded street.Feng Yansheng took out half a pack of cigarettes, and the driver hurriedly loaded a pack of good cigarettes.This is a very sensible kind of driver who drives the car seriously without any nonsense.

"Does your group company have someone called 'Xiaoshan'?" He didn't know why he asked such a question, so he slipped out. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just came here not long ago. Mr. Feng, sit down." The car made a sharp turn at a small angle, and drove onto the streets of the night city that were full of confusion and temptation.I don't know if the driver really "has just arrived not long ago", or he deliberately avoided it.Feng Yansheng decided to talk to Wang Luning if he had anything to say.On both sides of the street, more and more people are used to nightlife.Either insolently, or ambiguously appear in bright and dark places.Feng Yansheng smelled something familiar to him.During his depressed days, he spent most of his nights in bars.It was Wang Luning who told him not to do that, not to ruin himself.

But... He touched the "Metropolis Evening News" in his pocket-what happened to throwing a large living person into the lake to drown?This is a capital offense!Thinking of this, Feng Yansheng couldn't help shivering. Wang Luning arranged for a young lady wearing a cheongsam with high slits to wait outside the lobby of Tianwaitian. When she saw the bearded man getting out of the car, she warmly greeted her.Feng Yansheng arched his shoulders and followed her, and he had no idea how he was ushered into the private room called Zuixian Pavilion.Wang Luning was sitting in the private room, smoking silently.Li Dongna did not follow.The lady closed the door and retreated silently, Wang Luning stood up and shook hands with Feng Yansheng.

"The clothes inside are not wet, no, let's talk in another place." "No need, it's not cold." Feng Yansheng put his travel bag in the corner and sat down on the sofa very tiredly.He was really tired, half travel-weary, half frightened. Wang Luning told him: "When you got out of the car, I didn't order too much. I ordered tremella soup and small snacks. You can just eat what you can." "Thanks, I'm not hungry. I ate at the station." Wang Luning dimmed the lights a bit, and sat in the shadow of the lamp opposite Feng Yansheng: "Yansheng, tell me now, I feel you are impulsive on the phone, what's the matter?"

Feng Yansheng raised his face and looked seriously at the other party's sincere eyes.The feeling in my heart became inexplicably complicated.Wang Luning was really nice to him and a good friend.But in the end he took out the evening paper. "Luning, look at this—" He stared at Wang Luning's eyes.Wang Luning picked up the newspaper, glanced at it, and then put it down, with a feeling of sadness on his slightly delicate face: "I knew this news a long time ago, it's a pity that Shu Kefeng died, he was the construction supervisor of the investor of Haitian Building , I am the decision maker of construction, we see each other almost every day. But Yan Sheng, you are an artist, why do you care about these things?"

Just as Feng Yansheng was about to speak, the lady came to send the night call.As soon as the young lady went out, Feng Yansheng couldn't restrain himself: "Wang Luning, let me not talk around the corners. Since you have seen this, you should understand that I am not referring to what you said." A brief moment of sullenness flashed across Wang Luning's face, but his mood was still calm: "Yansheng, we have never blushed before. I was dumbfounded when you lost your temper at me on the phone. I have offended you somewhere. Think about it." You just came back from a long distance, and I agreed to your request to talk. But where did your mindless anger come from! You know, I am more tired than you after a day. "

Feng Yansheng leaned forward with a dark face, and tapped the evening newspaper on the table with his knuckles: "Lu Ning, you are only 37 years old, less than 8 years older than me. You can't be so forgetful—— on the 28th, didn't you let me I don't want to leave Que Ling Lake right away? Did you say you have two boxes of things to be transported to the other side of Que Ling Lake, saying that they are two boxes of prohibited things—is there such a thing?" Wang Luning thought about it, his eyes suddenly widened: "Oh, fuck it! You thought..." I saw him grab the evening paper and read it quickly.In the end, the evening newspaper fell to the ground, and the person fell into the sofa as if his bones were cramped: "Ah, that is to say... Yansheng, that is to say, where were you that night..."

Feng Yansheng's voice trembled: "Damn it, I waited for you that night until almost 10 o'clock at night." "It's over, it's over, I understand!" Wang Luning lit a cigarette with trembling hands, "That is to say, you have been waiting there obediently, and then helped someone transport a nylon woven bag." Newspaper, "Is that so?" Feng Yansheng's hands and feet were cold, and his heart was also cold: "It would be fine if I just helped them transport it. In fact, I also helped them throw that nylon bag into the lake. At that time..."

The memory of touching the nylon bag made him afraid to speak.Yes, the contents of the nylon bag are still moving. There was a long silence in the private room. "Lu Ning, do you want to tell me that you didn't send anyone there that night?" Feng Yansheng finally spoke. Wang Luning looked at the carpet in front of his feet, as if his spirit had been greatly impacted: "Unlucky Yansheng, I was the one who killed you. As you said, I didn't deliver the two boxes of things in the end. I prepared all the things. Well, I changed my mind when things came to a close. I was worried that the two boxes of things would fall into the water and cause pollution. If I did, I would be guilty. So I decided not to be lucky. But, how could it be such a coincidence..."

Wang Luning's words tightened Feng Yansheng's heart like a steel wire, making him feel out of breath for a moment—yes, what a coincidence! "Yansheng, do you still remember the kind of person who delivered the things? Yansheng, let me ask you!" Feng Yansheng slapped the ice cream: "Oh...they are two men." "Face, what face?" It was Wang Luning's turn to worry, "Can you still remember?" "I can't remember, I just remember one of them called 'Xiao Shan', with a scar on his cheek." Feng Yansheng's eyes stopped on Wang Luning's face again, "Lu Ning, is it really such a coincidence? I always thought It's you……" "If you really think so, I'll be finished." Wang Luning almost collapsed on the sofa, "Even if I grow a hundred mouths, I can't speak clearly. I called you, and I agreed on the matter... Oh, Yansheng. We seem to have an agreement between 8:30 and 9 o'clock—I think it was." Feng Yansheng nodded mechanically: "Yes, it was from 8:30 to 9:00. And those two people didn't come until nearly 10:00." Wang Luning became more anxious: "And what I want to transport are two boxes, not a nylon bag!" Feng Yansheng choked, and then his eyes dimmed: "Too bad, I'm afraid I've been tricked. I don't know if the Public Security Bureau has already taken action. Have you heard anything?" "It's not just what I heard, I've already been questioned. Because Shu Kefeng is the construction supervisor of our Haitian Building after all. Yansheng, do you think I should tell the police about your situation? This situation is terrible!" "Lu Ning, do you think I'm one of the murderers...?" Feng Yansheng finally asked the question he was most worried about. Wang Luning smoked one puff after another, and it took a while before he opened his mouth: "I don't know much about the criminal law. As far as this matter is concerned... I'm afraid it doesn't matter! But Yansheng, don't worry, I won't say anything. For you, I will keep silent forever." !" The conversation did not continue here. "Donna, come out right away, I'm in the parking lot of Tianwaitian Restaurant." While Wang Luning was talking, Feng Yansheng had already got into a taxi and drove away.The earth-gray figure that got into the car door made his heart feel chills one after another.He saw that one of the taillights of the taxi was broken, and the left corner of the trunk was a bit deflated. "... Oh, Donna, is your hair really that important? Come and drive my car back. This car is too conspicuous. I have something to do right away." Li Dongna's voice was soft and jealous: "What are you doing, why are you going so late? Why are you afraid that people will notice your car? What are you afraid of?" Wang Luning swallowed hard: "Listen to me, Dongna, I don't have time to talk to you now. Wipe your hair, come and drive my car back, I'm going to find Du Xiaoshan!" Li Dongna fell silent all of a sudden.When he spoke again, his voice was somewhat trembling: "What's wrong with Du Xiaoshan, did he fall into the hands of the police?" "No, no, it's scarier than you think—it's Feng Yansheng who's back!" Wang Luning's brow was cold with sweat, "Dongna, you may never have imagined that Feng Yansheng actually knew about Du Xiaoshan, I... ..." Li Dongna immediately understood why he couldn't continue, because the situation was really terrible.How could it be possible, all the moves were planned by Wang Luning and Li Fuhai, and every move was carefully arranged.They said "two cardboard boxes" and "8:30 to 9:00 p.m.", all to give Feng Yansheng an illusion... what went wrong? After analysis, Feng Yansheng doesn't know Du Xiaoshan! "Lu Ning, don't worry! You have vertigo. This is very dangerous. Why don't you come back first? Let's analyze it. Or call Du Xiaoshan to ask?" "No, now Du Xiaoshan must not show up at our place. The people in the property know him. You better come, I will leave the car in Tianwaitian, and you can drive it back. I will walk two alleys from here to Du Xiaoshan's house gone." "Don't you need a car? Du Xiaoshan's house is more than two alleys away from Tianwaitian." "No, I think you'd better be careful." "Then... well, I'll go right away." Li Dongna put down the phone. Wang Luning turned off his mobile phone, and leaned on the comfortable leather chair of "Mercedes-Benz 600" to stabilize his frightened mood for a while.During nearly an hour of talking with Feng Yansheng, he tasted what it means to be frightened.Fortunately, he can be regarded as a person who has experienced wind and rain, and he has carried it.It was hard for Feng Yansheng to say, would his spirit be able to bear the face of a human life?If Feng Yansheng collapsed, the whole thing would collapse like dominoes in an instant.Look at the watch, it's almost 12 o'clock.He put the keys on the leather chair, got out of the car in a hurry and left Tianwaitian. The light rain outside seemed to have stopped, and the air was filled with damp moisture.Wang Luning walked less than a hundred meters, but finally took a taxi, and the car drove quickly towards the old city in the southeast corner of Tianwaitian.He was too anxious, because Du Xiaoshan's mistake was almost devastating, it was like leaving a fatal clue for the police.The bloody bastard!The car walked for 5 minutes and arrived. He got out of the car and watched the taxi turn around and drive away, and then he took out his mobile phone: "Xiaoshan...it's me, I'm Wang Luning. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'm waiting for you at the alley of your house, you come out immediately Don’t ask anything, come out and talk.” He heard Du Xiaoshan's great uneasiness, the kind of uneasiness that came from the heart.Yes, when did the dignified chairman of Shengda Group come to such a rough street, but on this wet night, he came.Just as he was thinking, Du Xiaoshan's figure had already appeared in the depths of the alley, and he was running in a hurry.As soon as he spoke, he came to the front: "Chairman..." Wang Luning raised his hand and quickly looked around: "Don't talk, come here!" He led Du Xiaoshan to a secluded corner.Turning around quickly, eyes like torches: "I really want to kill you! If I had a pistol, I would kill you immediately. Damn it!" Du Xiaoshan was dumbfounded, he didn't dare to move, the scar on his cheek was itchy.In his impression, it is impossible for the chairman to make such a move, he is a refined and refined person. "Xiaoshan, tell me, tell me right away—have you ever appeared in front of Feng Yansheng? Didn't you step on the road at noon that day, and he didn't see you, did you?" "Absolutely not, Chairman! I swear to God." "Then...has he seen you in the past? Think about it!" Du Xiaoshan understood why Wang Luning came to him: "Feng Yansheng is back?" "Now I'm asking you!" "Haven't I asked many times? This..." "Tell me, have you ever been in contact?" "Let me think, let me think..." Du Xiaoshan also trembled, and after thinking for a moment, he shook his head with certainty, "No, absolutely not. The two of us have never met face to face. I will accompany you to the art exhibition However, I wanted to get to know the painter. But he just wasn't there that day." "But," Wang Luning forced a step forward: "But how would he know you?" "Impossible!" Du Xiaoshan called out subconsciously, then lowered his voice in shock, "Impossible! Chairman." Wang Luning looked up at the sky and sighed softly: "But Feng Yansheng clearly remembered that you went on the night of the 28th - I just sent him away. He made it very clear that one of the people who did that was a man named 'Xiaoshan' , there is a scar on my face. Otherwise, why would I come to you in such a hurry! " Du Xiaoshan stood there in a daze, then opened his mouth wide: "Oh, I remembered. Li Fuhai called my name before, yes, yes, once!" "Oh, hell!" Wang Luning closed his eyes and understood everything at once: "Damn it, just this sentence can kill you. Xiaoshan, listen, I don't have time to talk to you now, Feng Yansheng has already seen the report and is full of suspicions. Go out and hide immediately. Once Feng Yansheng suspects me, he will first start looking for you!" Du Xiaoshan's angular face was as gray as a dead man's. Although he was not well-educated, he understood that the situation in front of him was no small matter.In any case, Wang Luning came here in person, indicating that things really went wrong. "Li Fuhai didn't reveal his secrets, did he?" Wang Luning asked again. "No, no, he definitely didn't. It was so dark that night, Feng Yansheng couldn't see us clearly. Chairman, Li Fuhai only called me once, so it wouldn't be..." Wang Luning looked at his watch and looked around again: "It doesn't matter if you call 1 or 10, the key is that he remembers—get it, he remembers! Don't talk nonsense, you have to go out and hide, no It must have been hiding for a long time." "Okay, I'll go. But chairman, I think..." Du Xiaoshan lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head again: "Chairman, I think there is a more thorough way." "What way..." Wang Luning's voice trembled, he understood. "If you don't do anything else, why don't you kill Feng Yansheng too!" Du Xiaoshan lowered his face and made a gesture, "Put it on his head, he will always be a thunderbolt!" Wang Luning felt that he didn't have the strength to scold him: "Xiaoshan, listen. You saved my life, and I will always remember it in my heart. If that wooden square fell on my head back then, I would be finished. So I treat you as a I treat it with the most caring person. But you messed up Shu Kefeng's matter, and the leak is not a big one! Look at the troubles now, Shu Kefeng could have handled it differently, it was you who messed up the matter It's out of control... Now you're going to kill again!" "I……" "Don't say anything, leave as soon as possible, the sooner the better. Go out and hide for a few days, and you will come back after the news passes. I will send someone to take care of your home, so don't worry—that's it!" "Director!" Wang Luning didn't let him say anything else, he waved his hand vigorously, and walked away quickly without looking back.He heard Du Xiaoshan yell, "Chairman, I'll drive you..." He sighed, didn't look back, and just walked on like that. As soon as he walked onto the main road, he saw his Mercedes-Benz 600 under the shadow of lights in the distance.His mood eased a little.At the same time, I sighed in my heart: Li Dongna, Li Dongna, you are so right!The so-called "foolproof" good idea has tilted like the "Titanic" at the moment.I think I should have listened to you back then—it’s too late!
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