Home Categories detective reasoning gaze into the night

Chapter 11 Chapter 10: Unresolved Life

gaze into the night 蓝玛 15823Words 2018-03-15
"What do you want to know?" Li Wei retracted her eyes. "Murderer, who killed Lu Xiaobei!" Yu Shoushui stared at her face. Li Wei raised her eyebrows: "You think I know?" "Could it be that you don't know?" "I have no idea." Yu Shoushui moved the corner of his mouth and flashed a sneer: "I thought you were more frank than me, but you are not." Li Wei did not flinch: "I am indeed frank, that's why I said so." "really do not know?" "real!" Yu Shoushui finally lit the cigarette: "You always wonder who it might be?"

"I thought about it, but I didn't come up with the result. Same as you police." "I'm afraid you know about a note?" Yu Shoushui changed the subject quickly, old habits die hard. Li Wei imitated his previous appearance and sneered: "You should have asked this from the beginning. Yes, I know that note. But apart from knowing that it is very important, I can't talk about anything else." "Do you think I believe it?" "I want you to believe that." Yu Shoushui swallowed, and flicked his cigarette to the far side of the road: "You and Pan Yili went to Qixian Villa just for that piece of paper."

Li Wei nodded: "Yes, yes." "You and Lu Xiaobei are dating for the same purpose." "Yes, it is." "You two don't have that little... love?" "It's no fun to ask. But I can tell you that there are very few, if any, loves at all." "If it's not for love, what is it for?" "You've already asked about this." Li Wei said in an annoyed tone. Yu Shoushui breathed a sigh of relief: "Is it still Pan Yili's idea?" "yes." "Where was he after that?" "Let me go over the phone. So I don't know where he was before or after." Li Wei seemed to feel that Yu Shoushui asked a naive question.

Yu Shoushui paused for a moment, and then said softly, "Did you find that thing?" Li Wei's eyes closed unconsciously, and her breathing suddenly became rapid. Yu Shoushui knew that he was asking the key point at this moment. It was an incredible moment.The scene at that moment repeatedly appeared in Li Wei's dreams for many days to come, scaring her into a cold sweat. It was impossible for her to forget that the sexual desires of the two were being irresistibly mobilized at that time, and the excitement without love seemed to be a metaphor.She remembered that Lu Xiaobei asked, "Why did you ask me to come?" At that time, she was telling the truth - I miss you!

It's true. Through the misty eyes, she felt that Lu Xiaobei was not looking at her face but at his neck.This is nothing, but immediately felt that the gaze was not the same as before.Yes, the pair of eyes that used to be timid and somewhat shy seemed to gradually become sharp and cold.That very powerful face gradually lost the sexual frenzy, revealing the momentary profundity. Li Wei opened her narrowed eyes involuntarily, she wanted to see his expression more clearly.Lu Xiaobei buried his head and kissed her, avoiding her close gaze.Lu Xiaobei's lips slid towards her neck, kissing her neck for a long time.

She entered a semi-dizzy state, forgetting about things and me. I felt something was wrong again, I don't know how long it will be, probably not too long.At that time, Lu Xiaobei's breathing was heavy and short, and he buried his whole head into her neck with all his strength.She swayed her body and felt that her breathing was somewhat obstructed.Such a situation is not new, so she didn't pay attention to it at first.But with the appearance of Lu Xiaobei's two hands, something seemed wrong.The strong suffocation made her react completely subconsciously. The hands that were pushed away seemed to feel a little cold.

Their eyes met, Lu Xiaobei swallowed, and muttered in a low voice: "What's wrong with you?" Li Wei remembered that she also swallowed her saliva and shook her head: "No..." Lu Xiaobei's lips approached his neck again, and she subconsciously supported his chest: "Don't..." "You..." Lu Xiaobei quickened his movements, gently stroking her body with one hand, "Do you really miss me?" Li Wei couldn't speak, her body straightened up excitedly, and she moved her chin to say "yes". Lu Xiaobei held her face in both hands, stroked it, and whispered into her ear very touchingly.Li Wei once again entered a state of intoxication.

The two hands slid down the cheeks and stopped on the neck again. Li Wei opened her eyes reflexively, waiting for the feeling of being out of breath to reappear.To be honest, she never understood what happened in that moment.Obviously, she longed for that feeling to come. Lu Xiaobei buried his face tightly next to her ear, chattering.The hands really began to exert force and force... Li Wei clamped her legs tightly, and her excitement rose unprecedentedly. "Tell me, you really came here because you missed me?" Lu Xiaobei's voice seemed to come from far away. Li Wei nodded her head more and more truthfully, she felt that she was dying.

"Really?" Nodding, the eyes became more and more hazy, and the light turned into a vast white. "Really?" The same three words were repeated. Li Wei's feeling suddenly changed, and she regained her breath with an ahh: "Oh, Xiaobei...you are going to strangle me to death!" "Oh, no no..." Lu Xiaobei's expression was indeed extremely nervous. In many moments later, Li Wei could easily recall Lu Xiaobei's expression at that time.She believed she was right. "Xiao Bei, what did you ask me just now?" "No...no." "I think you seem to ask something."

Lu Xiaobei wrapped his arms around her, and suddenly became violently excited.This time it was undoubtedly true, he was sweating profusely, panting like a tiger, until he "forced" Li Wei into a state like death... The so-called "that piece of paper" became like a dandelion and flew away. "Do you really think he's choking you?" Yu Shoushui looked at the snowflakes flying in the street lamps, "You must know that I have a history of marriage. I mean...at a certain time, sexual behavior is often expressed very……" Li Wei waved her fingers confidently: "Stop talking, I trust my intuition, it's not weird sex, definitely not! All his feelings are like trying to strangle me. But what I don't understand is that he Why didn't you do that in the end?"

There is no need to explain this question. Yu Shoushui knows that the criminal psychology is actually extremely subtle.Lu Xiaobei's act of killing his mother cannot be explained clearly in a few words. And my own hand reaching out to "money". "What's next? You seem to be looking for that note?" Yu Shoushui returned to the subject and stared at the other party, "Let's not avoid this." Li Wei smiled lightly: "Believe it or not, I don't want to do it anymore. I mean Pan Yili's entrustment. I won't do it even if it's in front of me. I'm so bored!" "This statement can get rid of all doubts, oh... don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I believe what you said, absolutely believe it! But Miss Li, let us now return to the key issue. Think about it, Lu Xiaobei that night Regardless of whether there was an attempt to kill you, he was the one who was killed in the end. Miss Li, who is most likely to be related to his death?" "Captain Yu, I think any speculation is meaningless. I know who you are alluding to, but I don't want to guess." Yu Shoushui pondered for a moment: "Have you ever had a premonition?" "Yes!" Li Wei said with certainty, "I have a premonition from Qixian Villa, really. That feeling is very disturbing. It was especially strong that day. After leaving Luofeng Community, I have been in a strange mood, very, very uneasy. .I called him later, but he didn't answer." "Understood." "Okay," Li Wei stretched out her hand to test the snowflakes, "That's all about that night. As for the fact that I went to see Pan Yili later, it was actually to observe Pan Yili's reaction." "Oh, is there any gain?" Li Wei shook her head: "I can't tell, that person is very sophisticated. I've said everything I need to say." "thanks." "No thanks." Li Wei looked at Yu Shoushui, "About you, about Lu Xiaobei, about Lu Xiaobei's mother. I'm going to put an end here. Captain Yu, you understand what I mean." "certainly." The two raised their heads at the same time, looking into each other's eyes.Then Li Wei smiled beautifully, flicked her hair, and walked leisurely along the road. Yu Shoushui asked loudly, "Has your brother gone abroad?" Li Wei's answer came from the snow and fog: "Yes, everything I do is for him, he needs money!" Not knowing if he was choked by the wind, Yu Shoushui suddenly covered his mouth with his fist and coughed, then turned around and walked away empty-handed in another direction. Zhang Han held onto the door frame and moved out... She didn't know that she was already in tears, and she was almost unconscious.She stared at the figure of her elder brother walking away, letting the cold and hard wind blow against her almost frozen face. Some tinnitus. Except that the murderer is getting more and more obscure, the rest is almost clear.But in Zhang Han's feeling, she really hoped that everything would be blurred forever, forever and ever... Big brother—there are only these last two words left in her head. His legs were a little weak, and he really wanted to squat down and cry happily.But instead of squatting down, she suddenly started to run, flapping her nose and chasing after Yu Shoushui.She guessed that she was crying, crying fiercely, her chest was sore and sore.Yu Shoushui clenched his dirty windbreaker with his hands and staggered forward. The muddy water splashed by the wheels of the car might have turned his side into a terracotta warrior, but he didn't realize it. Except for Zhang Han, probably no one can understand what is going on with this person. The distance between the two gradually approached, and Yu Shoushui seemed to stop, but he didn't look back.Zhang Han staggered a few steps and almost fell, and then grabbed the elder brother's arm.They just supported each other and walked forward, and no one said where the goal was. The street lamps stretch forward endlessly like a scene in a movie, with snowflakes flying around. Yu Shoushui took out one of his sleeved hands, and roughly wiped the tears from Zhang Han's face.Zhang Han felt that the palm was thicker than sandpaper.She couldn't control it anymore, and pressed her head against his chest. The two stopped on the side of the road. Yu Shoushui opened his clothes and wrapped the girl in his arms, looking up at the empty sky.The deep sense of guilt completely overwhelmed him at this moment, causing his unhealed heart to be torn apart again. If I didn't reach out to the bag of money, everything that happened later would not happen.It's that simple! The hand he reached out to the girl Zhang Han stopped in the air, he wanted to stroke her hair. —that piece of paper, that dreadful note! "Brother, why are you walking alone in the snow?" Zhang Han said. The girl's face was still buried in his arms, and her words were clumsy.Yu Shoushui finally put his arms around her head, his feelings almost collapsed.He wanted to say: Silly girl, stop pretending.Your tears haven't dried yet!Look at the paint mark on your left arm, isn't it from the door frame of the optional shopping mall!Come on come on silly girl, don't be soft-hearted, take out the handcuffs! Although the murderer has not been found yet, Zhang Han's handcuffs can come in handy.Yu Xin is not reconciled, Yu Shoushui!He didn't know if he was willing to extend his hand to his sweetheart, because it was too much like acting! Life is like a play, as if someone said it. The old lady Zhu Kexin died, and the old lady's son Lu Xiaobei died. Now Yu Shoushui can also "leave"-but the play is not over yet! And the murderer!The most damned murderer - he remembered Gu Liang's suggestion... "Brother." Zhang Han raised his head, his cheeks looked weak and poignant under the dim street lights.The place soaked by tears makes people want to kiss.Yu Shoushui turned his head away. At this moment, he didn't want to think about why Zhang Han hid in the door and "eavesdropped". He didn't even have the heart to think about everything that would appear.If his brain can be taken out for analysis, there are probably only the last few words left in the grooves of the brain: Who is the murderer! "Brother, I'm hungry." Zhang Han said. Both drank a little, and both felt their feet flutter as they emerged amidst the glares of restaurant staff waiting to close. They walked on the squeaky snow, pretending to be very happy.Maybe both parties know that the other party is putting on airs, but they don't want to tell the truth.They talked about unimportant things, avoiding all topics that might have bad associations.Only when the handcuffs on Zhang Han's waist hit accidentally, there was a small pause, and then Zhang Han laughed exaggeratedly to cover it up. Finally, with a soft click, Yu Shoushui's tobacco-smelling door was pushed open.Everything is so natural, like a couple coming home from a hike. Walking from the dim and snowy street back to the bright interior, it feels like the lights are turned on after the movie, and people return to reality from the dream world.The two of them didn't dare to look at each other.They silently made those trivial inquiries, and then got under the covers. Zhang Han was very beautiful at that moment, and of course his appearance was extremely forgetful.She knew her heart was crying, but she had to have a smile on her face.Let big brother see enough, tonight is his.Maybe... no, not maybe, in fact she, Zhang Han, has only two ways to go: one is to accompany the guilty elder brother to betray their career and escape.The second is to arrest the eldest brother. The first one is definitely a hypothesis, if I am willing, my brother will not be willing.Then there is only another possibility. Zhang Han hugged the hapless elder brother tightly, and pressed his hot cheek to his chest.She could hear his rapid heartbeat.She doesn't want to ask anything, although there are some key questions such as "what made you not arrest Lu Xiaobei" that she really wants to know, but now she just wants to lean on him like this, ask nothing, and then put Give him completely. Just want that. Is there anything unclear about the case?Yes, but the main part is already clear in the eyes of the clever Zhang Han.As long as the eldest brother opened his mouth about the case of the Seven Sages Villa, the case of the Luofeng community was also basically clarified. Who to arrest - this is probably the only question mark. But everything is not important anymore, what matters is now.Of course she understood that her elder brother was watching out for her. When she put the pants on the pillow, her elder brother glanced at the handcuffs on his belt.But when he hugged himself, the eldest brother had clearly thought everything through.She didn't feel the need to use those handcuffs at all. I wish time stopped. "Xiaohan, under the lighter—" "what?" "A little over the pillow, under the lighter." Zhang Han turned his head and saw the exquisite lighter next to the pillow, which he gave to his elder brother.She reached into the mattress under the lighter.Softly, she touched two pieces of "rubber products". A gust of heat immediately made her go limp all over, losing all strength. "Turn off the light, Xiaohan." Yu Shoushui kissed her passionately. Zhang Han didn't move the tank.Yu Shoushui must have thought she hadn't heard clearly, and leaned forward to reach for the light switch.But Zhang Han bit his forearm. She felt that the eldest brother should understand that the lights cannot be turned off. Sure enough, it was the eldest brother, he withdrew his hand. This actually softened Zhang Han's heart. She gritted her teeth and turned off the light.Anyway, the handcuffs are within reach. Then, everything that was supposed to happen happened with a surge... When the lights came back on, the elder brother lay on the bed drenched in sweat, staring straight at the ceiling in a daze.Zhang Han stroked his chest, and put his face on it sadly.The big brother's rough hands moved up slowly along her smooth back, stroking her hair.Zhang Han's tears burst out uncontrollably. "what happened to you?" "Brother, I'm happy." "Really?" "real." "me too." Can't tell who's lying, or both or neither.They hugged each other for a long time without saying anything.Zhang Han felt that he had entered a dream state, and his thoughts were foggy.She thought she should bring some of her pants over, or tuck the handcuffs under the pillow while her elder brother was half asleep.But those were vague sensations, and she fell asleep just like that, in a horrible dream.She seemed to release her elder brother anxiously, but for some reason, her own wrists were handcuffed to his elder brother's wrists.They were running up a hillside, and the person chasing them was Du Bohai or Xiao Shunzi.The elder brother eagerly urged her and pulled her, his wrist was so painful... she woke up. She found her wrists were handcuffed to the iron rod at the head of the bed.Fortunately, she immediately saw the keys on the other side of the bedside table. Naturally, Yu Shoushui disappeared. At that moment, the sky had not yet brightened. The wheels still slipped a little bit on the road in the city. Once out of the city and up the hill, there would be no problem.The mountain wind wiped away the snow powder that fell on the road last night, and the car drove briskly. The sunrise after the snow is very beautiful. Looking out from the side window of the car, Yu Shoushui really saw the scenery called morning glow.It reflected the thin snow on the hillside, and it was really nice, very nice. Gu Liang is not very good at driving, and occasionally he will be very nervous to meet a car head-on.Fortunately, there were very few cars on the mountain road, and his words gradually increased.He said that his proposal was actually just a casual remark, and he got angry for a while.Unexpectedly, Captain Yu really accepted it. He also asked "Captain Yu, why don't you bring a gun". Yu Shoushui felt that he was able to raise this question, which in itself proved that he was extremely uneasy.Then let him be uneasy. Yu Shoushui was in a daze right now and didn't want to say anything. No matter what Gu Liang thinks, as an old policeman who has been in the police force for many years, it is really helpless for him to use this trick.It's not that he is helpless because of the uncertainty of the case, but because he really doesn't have much time left for him. Isn't it! If Zhang Han hadn't heard the conversation last night, he didn't need to worry too much about himself, so he could continue the investigation as calmly as possible until the case was solved.In any case, this case was solved for himself, for his own conscience. But unfortunately, Zhang Han heard everything. So, he finally adopted Gu Liang's idea and speeded up the case.This is an imminent matter, and if I drag it on, I may regret it for the rest of my life.Pushing suspects into corners - can be an effective tactic for certain types of cases! Regrettably, I was forced into a "desperate situation" by my sweetheart. Life is really like a play. It's not that friends don't get together, everything about Zhang Han is flashing in his mind.Why did she hear it? Could it be the so-called providence!Yu Shoushui couldn't explain what happened.After all, it happened, so there is a reason for it to happen.At least it shows that Zhang Han is also aware of the significance of Li Wei. It must be so. Of course, Yu Shoushui thought about letting Zhang Han know what he had done sometime in the future in a less hurtful way.But what if the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes!It is estimated that when Zhang Han suddenly heard the truth, his heart must be broken. Yu Shoushui will never forget her face full of tears... It seemed like a natural process for the two of them to meet each other on such a night, and everyone knew that it might be their last time.After all, Zhang Han is young and cannot hide his inner feelings.But this feeling that cannot be concealed just shows that she is a good police officer, and she will not let herself go because of personal affairs. Dear little sister, I love you. Yu Shoushui felt like crying, so he turned his gaze away from the window. Gu Liang hurriedly asked: "Do you keep driving, Captain Yu? Where is the front?" Yu Shoushui coughed a few times and didn't want to answer him.In fact, Gu Liang came as soon as he received his call, and the two of them agreed to go on the road immediately.At this moment, it seemed that Gu Liang was indeed getting scared. When the car turned around a mountain pass, Yu Shoushui uttered two words: "Speed ​​up!" The speed increased, and it was daylight. Yu Shoushui moved his body, recalling all the wonderful things of last night.That wasn't intentional, really.Passionate because of love to the depths.At that time, Yu Shoushui had no question of "should this be the case" at all, and his thoughts were as unrestrained as a trendy young man.He felt that the emotions between the two of them at that time were like sprouts emerging from the mud, so pure that there was no impurity. Passion is to people like life is to people, beautiful and stingy. Maybe both of them understand the value of it, because after all, they have to return to the dirty real world, which cannot be avoided.What Yu Shoushui really admired was that during the process of all being together, Zhang Han actually tenaciously grasped his emotions-this is actually very difficult! It was at that moment that Yu Shoushui made a decision: go to Wuniushan Forest Farm!If you don't leave before dawn, don't even think about leaving. Like Zhang Han, he doesn't want the dawn to come, but he must complete several things before dawn, such as notifying the suspects.In this way, he had to handcuff Zhang Han to the bed, and when he finally kissed her forehead, the sweat on Zhang Han's forehead made him uneasy.How helpless, I have to delay Zhang Han's time as much as possible, such as putting the keys in a place where she can reach but requires some effort, or taking away her mobile phone. When leaving that warm room, the strong former captain of the criminal police burst into tears with sadness. He knew that the last scene of the story began from this moment... "Captain Yu," Gu Liang asked loudly, "How far is it? Do you think we can succeed? What if they don't come?" "Who said they won't come." Yu Shoushui lit a cigarette confidently, "Look ahead——, see, that Cherokee!" "Oh!" Gu Liang raised his eyes suddenly, and he saw a car running in the distance, a dark green jeep, "Captain Yu, you mean..." "You should remember that it is Guo Changping's car! Get it, this is called can't wait!" Yu Shoushui's voice revealed the first euphoria on the road, "Look at the rearview mirror again, Mr. Gu, look at the back— —” Gu Liang said "oh" again, because in the rearview mirror there was a small car following behind, purple in color. "Great, is that Pan Yili?" Yu Shoushui laughed: "It's definitely him, it's definitely him!" Gu Liang was amazed: "I convinced Captain Yu! The thing I was most unsure about this move was whether they would come or not, but they did come. Captain Yu, how did you notify them?" "It's very easy to just say a word." "But, but this...Captain Yu, can you tell me." "I hired an old lady who sweeps the road for money, and asked her to make a few calls for me. The old lady even held her mobile phone backwards at first, which was very ridiculous." "What did you ask her to say?" "I asked her to tell Guo Changping, 'Boss Guo, you start now. Wait at the 339 kilometers of Wuniu Mountain. This morning, Mr. Gu from the Northern Group will give you money, and then you will be there'—that's it." Gu Liang was annoyed but said helplessly: "How do you treat me... Alas! What did you say to Pan Yili?" "It's not me, it's the old lady." Yu Shoushui was playing with the exquisite lighter, "I asked the old lady to say, 'Director Pan, you can get the thing you want the most today. Get on the road, just follow the car of Mr. Gu of the Northern Group’—that’s it.” "You...you used me as a bait." Gu Liang cried out dumbfoundingly, "No wonder you made me stop at the cross street roundabout for 10 minutes, so it turned out that I was waiting for Pan Yili." "Yes, that's right. If Lu Xiaobei doesn't die, he's the bait. There's no way around it, Mr. Gu." "But...but what if they don't listen to you?" "It's impossible not to listen, it's impossible." Yu Shoushui's voice was extremely confident, "You know, the old lady's voice itself is very mysterious! This will definitely have a strong psychological impact on them. But this is not the most important thing , the most important thing is - if they don't come, will they strengthen their suspicion of murder? What do you think?" "Well, it makes sense, it makes sense. But Captain Yu, you seem to have forgotten someone, so what—" "He Bin, how can I forget. But I'm not sure if he can come, he doesn't have a car. Ah, pay attention, let's take this opportunity to overtake that guy surnamed Guo!" The car roared past the Cherokee. Zhang Han cleaned himself up very seriously, and carefully picked up the glass that Yu Shoushui drank from last night. Of course, this is not an ordinary glass, it is evidence of a crime! The fingerprints left on the windows of the Seven Sages Villa should be there, she thought. Then she left here peacefully.It was a little past seven o'clock in the morning, and it took nearly half an hour to get the key to the handcuffs! Fuck Yu Shoushui! When Zhang Han got the key, he had roughly deduced Yu Shoushui's next step. This was not only based on her understanding of him, but also based on the overall outline of the case. After a quarter of an hour, he returned to the criminal police team, and quickly summoned people to investigate by phone. As expected, the most important suspects all went out before dawn. Wuniu Mountain! "This bastard is going to die!" Of course Xiao Shunzi knew about the natural forest farm, he had gone to catch the fugitive, "That old forest... Oh, and it just snowed!" "The point is, that piece of natural forest covers hundreds of square kilometers!" Du Bohai was also so anxious that his eyes turned red. Zhang Han quickly walked out the door without saying a word. The snow, the snow here is still crystal white, shining with a poignant sanctity where they can reside.Maybe they'll melt before long, but certainly not right away.The temperature here is at least 5 degrees lower than in the city.After entering the mountain, everyone understands that there are fewer clothes to wear. It's fucking cold! Those cars turned into a fork in the 339th kilometer, and soon stopped at the end of the fork.The group followed Yu Shoushui into the mountains in a sensible manner.They didn't dare to say anything at first, and they walked with their own ghosts in their hearts.Gu Liang bit Yu Shoushui's back like a shadow, peeping at Guo Changping and Pan Yili with trepidation - because after all, the call was in his name. Those two people tried their best to be as calm and reserved as possible.Yu Shoushui knew that they no longer regarded Gu Liang as anyone, and they were afraid of themselves. It must be so! Yu Shoushui even imagined, would these three people attack him together?If you do it, you can kill yourself without much effort.But he knew better that these three people had three hearts. He Bin is still missing—who is the real murderer? Somehow, he thought again of Agatha Christie, of a very famous book by the old English lady——.The outcome of that story is shocking, it turned out that a group of people killed the same subject.And facing these people in front of you, you will inevitably not have similar associations. According to the logic he might have imagined, he weaved the "plan" for these people to murder Lu Xiaobei together, and even he himself felt that it was extremely nonsense in the end.Life is not made up after all. So he sneezed a bunch of times. Go, go as far as you can into the mountains!They must be led into a desperate situation!Don't care too much about the appearance of these people, when they are on the verge of life and death, they will tell the truth if you don't ask them. In other words, at this moment, Yu Shoushui was really not sure about the so-called answer. The first one to shout was Guo Changping, and the time was 10:30 in the morning.Yu Shoushui made the calculations based on his own experience, and then looked at the sky. He knew that his plan was almost completed.Because he is not walking the road after all. "What are you shouting, you are not afraid to lure the wolf out!" He gestured to the wild forest, "We must find a suitable place to talk!" "Anyway, I'm not leaving, so what the hell is going on. Gu Liang, did you bring any fucking money?" Yu Shoushui glanced at Pan Yili quickly, and saw that he was also trying to press Gu Liang. "There's nothing about Gu Liang here, it's all arranged by me." Yu Shoushui looked at their miserable appearance, "It's indeed me!" "What do you want to do, I will never leave!" "If you don't go, go back." Yu Shoushui pointed on the way back and forth, "Turn around and take a look." All the people looked back, and the old forest behind them was the same as in front of them.There is absolutely no path underfoot.They were particularly surprised to find that the place where Yu Shoushui led them was precisely the woodland without falling snow, which dashed the last hope of finding their way back. "Follow me honestly, I am familiar with the old forest." Yu Shoushui turned and walked away, "If you act alone, wait to feed the wolves!" Several people followed in resentment but helplessly. Yu Shoushui added: "Don't think about making phone calls, the blocking here is very strong, and your single-frequency phone can't make calls at all. If you don't believe me, try it." The result of the test is naturally that it cannot be played. The implication is that this guy who they hate so much is also their only hope of survival. "Captain Yu," it was Pan Yili who spoke this time, "you can ask whatever you want, why should we do this!" Yu Shoushui turned around and smiled: "It's so inconvenient to talk here, we have to find a place to be warm, right?" "It doesn't matter, just ask me." Pan Yili shouted hoarsely, and it was obvious that he was the one who didn't want to go on. Yu Shoushui still walked forward, not in a hurry: "Actually, you all know what I want to ask. You must understand everything!" A few frightened birds fluttered over their heads, and snow powder fell.There was a loud shotgun sound from far away. Guo Changping hurriedly caught up with Yu Shoushui, and roared in a rough voice: "Yu, you are not a fucking policeman anymore, what right do you have to interrogate us!" Yu Shoushui stopped, stared at Guo Changping's distraught face, and then spat out: "You are right, I am not a policeman, so I will use today's move. Maybe you don't know yet Well, not only am I not a policeman anymore, but I’m also a criminal who accepts bribes! Aha, there’s no need to be so nervous, it’s unexpected, isn’t it, is it unexpected? In fact, the matter is very simple. Qixian Villa let Lu Xiaobei live. Do you understand, that old lady was actually killed by her son, understand!" It was like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, and there was a terrible silence in the woodland. Yu Shoushui let out a sullen breath and scanned everyone in front of him.After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked in a low voice: "But everyone... who killed Lu Xiaobei?" You can hear the leaves falling. The rustling footsteps sounded again, and Yu Shoushui walked down with his back arched.He knew very well in his heart that letting them understand that he was a criminal at the moment was undoubtedly more terrifying than that of a policeman. Indeed, the air condenses rapidly within minutes.Only the sound of footsteps and the sense of terror permeating the surroundings remained.This is a chilling sense of horror, a group of people with ghosts and ghosts walking. Very good, the effect is very good! At about 11 o'clock, Yu Shoushui led these pale-faced guys to a wooden house in the forest.He reckoned that Zhang Han had reached the 339 kilometers by then, but it would take at least an hour for them to find the empty cars, and it might not be possible for them to find their own path, maybe even a day. There is enough time. So he pushed open the door of the cabin and let those guys in.After a while, a very warm fire pond appeared.Those few people were tense and cautious for a while, and naturally gathered by the fire pond and started to warm up. The wooden house was quite big, and a hole more than half a foot deep was dug in the middle of the hole. There were some stones piled up around the hole, and the fire burned there.There are a few iron racks thrown in the corner, which can be used for baking at any time.Yu Shoushui expertly took out a plastic bag containing tobacco leaves from the crack of the eaves, then bent down to pick up a blunt ax that was almost useless thrown on the ground. "Whoever chops some firewood, don't just enjoy yourself and don't work." Yu Shoushui threw the ax in front of those people. All he did was to let them know: only I am familiar with this place, you will never survive without me. That lightning "blow" on the road was obviously very effective for everyone including Gu Liang.The three people are still breathless until now: the son killed the mother, and the police let the murderer go-absolutely, absolutely super exciting!Facing this sinister and hopeless old forest, their spiritual limit should have been reached. Yu Shoushui coughed lightly. All eyes were focused on his face. "Everyone, let's start now." Yu Shoushui looked at each face in turn, "I know, now you are like me, your mouth is dry and you want to drink saliva, and you will feel hungry soon. But there is no way, Forest Farm Those bastard workers don't have these things for us. They sometimes don't come here for months, and we die and stink and no one will know. Really, this is not to scare people. So, I want to save as much time as possible, no Make any detours. Tell me now—who killed Lu Xiaobei!" The air freezes. In the pupils of every opponent, Yu Shoushui saw something that he was very familiar with, something that a criminal police captain often saw.Not just fear, really.If you have to say it, it can be said that you can see the majesty of yourself—the captain of the criminal police—in those pupils. "Who took that damn note?" He flashed the second question. Guo Changping's expression caught him, and it could be seen that the guy clearly didn't know the meaning of the word "note". But Pan Yili's expression was just the opposite, he knew it too well! No one spoke, as if whoever opened his mouth was the murderer.Yu Shoushui knew that there was no need to rush these two cannonballs, so he watched. Pan Yili hugged his knees blankly, his eyes lowered.Finally, he said, "I'm sorry Captain Yu, it's obvious that you have nowhere to go when you treat us like this?" “是。”虞守水毫不回避。 “可你这么作分明是有违常理的!” “走投无路的人必须给自己找路,这正是常理。”虞守水凝视着他,“因此我采纳了古良的这个笨主意,请各位来这儿!” 郭长平抓起一块木柴想砍古良,被虞守水喝住了。古良朝旁边让了让,悄悄地也抓了块木柴在手里。 虞守水再次盯住潘一黎:“潘处长,不管是不是走投无路,那只是个说法而已。现在的关键是,咱们大家坐在了这里……噢,应该还有一个何斌。这是我认为最有犯罪嫌疑的一群角色!但凶手我认为只可能是其中之一,是谁!” 空气再度凝固。 “为了某种利害,一个无辜的小业主投水自杀了。”虞守水仰起脖子用力咽了一口唾沫,“另一个小业主何斌的行为,活生生地发生在你们的眼前,也是因为某种利害。鲁小北杀害了他的母亲,我由一个警察变成了罪犯。但是……” 虞守水的声音突然提高:“你们听着,我所以向你们坦言了一切,并不是想说明什么深奥的道理,根本不是,我只想让你们知道,我已经豁出去了!你们现在心里有多害怕我完全猜得出来,现在不害怕的只有我!懂吗,只有我!” 他的双眼一瞬间又红了,红得可怕。 嘶叫之后的沉默是更恐怖,木板房被老林的风吹出一阵阵格外古怪的声响,时断时续。虞守水揉着塑料口袋里的烟叶,不久便卷了一支粗大的“炮”。 “噢,好极了!三位好象都有话想说。”虞守水把炮扔回口袋,“谁先说?” 古良摁着地面站起来,问虞守水能不能出去说。虞守水迟疑了一下点头说可以。 刚一出门古良就冲虞守水压低了嗓门儿:“虞队长,我……我真不敢相信,老太太真是鲁总杀的吗?还是你为了制造紧张空气故意那么说?” “听着古良,一切都是真的。我已经没有必要编造任何东西了。不过你知道,这不是我今天到这儿来的目的,所以我不想多解释。你是不是没想到会是这样?咳,这都不重要,重要的是今天我必须抓住凶手。” 古良道:“是的是的,这我懂。只是刚才那事情来得太突然了,鲁总怎么能杀害他的母亲呢?这简直……” “古总,如果仅仅是吃惊,那是你的事,我现在要破案懂么?时间很紧迫!” 古良连连点头:“这我懂,当然……我想说,虞队长,我想说……你这么干会有结果么?” 虞守水笑笑,道:“古总,这一类的话你最好别问。咱们之间的关系现在比较……比较微妙,我想你应该明白。” 古良怔了怔,似乎真明白了:“你是说,我也在你的怀疑范围之内,是么?” 虞守水耸耸肩:“至少我的思维中应该有你。” “可是……可是虞队长,这简直违反逻辑呀!是我请你来调查的,是我向你提供了事情的关键内幕,这……这说不通呀是不是!” 虞守水确实明白这说不通,但是他必须如此。原则上说他到现在也没有真的把古良列入凶手范围,可事情自有它自身的发展规律,他在按照经验中那个习惯办事。 “这些东西不是我现在思考的,我现在要破案。哦,门后头有人偷听。”虞守水一脚蹬开门,看见了两张脸。 潘一黎很尴尬,郭长平也很尴尬。 虞守水让那尴尬持续了一会儿,道:“大可不必如此嘛,二位。你们想知道什么呢,还是什么都想知道?事实上古良也没说什么,他就是对鲁小北杀害其母表示震惊,这一点你们都是一样的。但是我今天来这里的目的却不是这个,谁想先谈呢?” 潘、郭二人都有要说的意思,虞守水请古良回去,然后朝郭长平抬抬手:“你先来吧。” 他故意瞟了潘某一眼。 “虞队长。”郭长平看看那关上的木板门,又望望远处的山坡,“虞队长,我想走远点儿谈成不?不怕的,我估计他们不敢逃跑。” “那是,除非谁想死。”虞守水望望前边那座险峻的崖头,又瞟瞟身边的郭长平,心想,把这狗东西逼上崖子,他一定会说实话的。 最终当然没那么作,因为郭长平很快就说实话了。 “虞队长,我实说了吧。”郭长平显然是经过了激烈的思考,“死人那天晚上我去过那里,就他妈是那座倒霉的破楼!” 虞守水绝对心跳了,因为这是迄今为止当事者最主动的一个交代。他凝视着他,沉吟并思索后,问:“你早就知道鲁小北有那个窝?” “早就知道,我曾经琢磨过让他用那套房子抵债。” “于是你就去了。” "right." “去干吗?” “要债。” “是不是带了刀。” “没……没。”郭长平的眼睛马上瞪圆了,可在虞守水更为凌利的逼视下随即暗淡了下来,“是……是带了一把,可带是带了,老子绝对没杀人呀!听说鲁小北是让人勒死的嘛!” 虞守水向他探过脸来,神情诡异:“你他妈的没在2楼停留,直接上了3楼对不对。躲在墙的一个死角,对不对?” 郭长平的眼睛几乎鼓了出来:“你……” “你手里的刀子无意中失手掉在了地上,对不对。” 郭长平差不多喘不上气了,吓的。 "answer me!" “对,对对……” “然后呢?”虞守水很兴奋地望着他,“往下说。” 郭长平不知是由于冷,还是其它,双手不由得抱紧了双肩,而脑门上分明有汗沁了出来:“然后,然后我下到了2楼停在那门前,可我……” “说——” “可我根本没进去,真的!我想告诉你的就是这个,我压根就没进去!人绝对不是我杀的!” 虞守水双手捏住下巴,不错眼珠地盯着眼前这个人。这一刻他相信他没撒谎,的确没撒谎。 “难道你没有想进去的企图么?” “有当然有,可我真的没进去呀,虞队长!有半句假话让雷劈死我!” “如果想进去,你怎么进?” “我敲门他敢不开么?” 是的,显然不是此人。虞守水想。他设想的是“敲门”,那,目的无疑就是他所说的——要债。 持刀逼债。 "what's next?" “接下来我就走了。我突然觉得不对劲,应该换一种方式把钱要回来。我真把他宰了,钱就彻底打在水里了。” “你就走了。” “我就走了。”郭长平舒出一口长气,“就是这些,虞队长。” “别忙,我还有话要问。”虞守水抬抬手,“你怎么知道鲁小北那天晚上要去那里?” “噢,我正想说呢——那天下午我接到一个匿名电话,告诉我鲁小北要去那儿。” “匿名电话,男的女的?” “男的。你是不是想问那是谁?说实话,我过去那些日子一直在念叨那是谁,可怎么也想不出来。现在我可以告诉您了,就是板房里那混蛋,就是他!” “板房里有两个人。” “潘!”是的是的,潘一黎。虞守水想,是他派李薇去约见鲁小北的,他知道一切情况,他要想搞点儿什么名堂是很容易的。但是,他将此告诉给姓郭的出于什么用意呢? “你敢肯定?” “我敢当面对质!” “你想过他为什么给你打那个电话么?” “想过想过,想得头都大了。”郭长平说得很认真,“我觉得……他龟孙子想借我之手干掉鲁小北,否则又何必呢?您说。” 虞守水点点头,心里头画了个大大的问号:“还有别的么?你就那么走了?” “对,就那么走了。回到家我越想越生气,就拨了鲁小北的手机,但是手机通了却没人接。我当时以为他小子睡了,现在看来他那时已经被人杀了。” “那是什么时候?” “10点半过一些……噢,我差点忘了!”郭长平一拍脑门儿,“还有一个情况,还有一个情况。就在我从3楼下到2楼停在那个门前边的时候,我影影绰绰听见屋里有手机的声音响。没错,就是因为印象里有那个声音,回家才想着拨他的手机的!” "And when?" “这……这就不好估计了。” 虞守水没再问,他看看天色,因为他发现刚刚放晴的天又沉了下来。千万别再下雪了,他想。 否则自己可能也活不出去了。 回到板房时,就见古良和潘一黎各踞一隅,相互间非常明显地提防着。古良甚至不安地握着那把钝得没了刃的破砍刀。见他们进来,两束目光同时集中过来。 虞守水谁也不瞧。 他又抓过塑料袋卷那支大炮,最后点上开始吸。他思索着如何对潘一黎发问,这需要技巧。潘不是郭,他是旋涡里的主角,事事都和他有关,加上他背后还立着位靠山。 难道真是他么? 火塘子对面的潘一黎给他的感觉渐渐不对劲儿了,越来越明显,仿佛浑身爬满了蚂蚁。虞守水咳嗽了一声,吓得对方一哆嗦。 他紧张透了,虞守水想。 “潘处长,”他终于轻声开口了,“我想问你一个小小的情况。” “问我?”潘一黎两手的指头不安地绞在一起。 “对,不知你是不是还记得一个小小的情况。估计你不会忘记。请你回忆一下,有一次我们公安局的章警官去找你调查情况,好象是一个上午。看,我就知道你记得——我想问的是,你记不记得章警离开后有一个电话打给你,那是一个没说话的电话。好,我看出你想起来了!” “难道……是你打的?”潘一黎脸色煞白,呼吸急促。 “正是。”虞守水目不转睛地盯着他,“我当时一直注视着你,包括章警官怎么去、怎么走。如果我不脱掉警服,去调查你的很可能是我。但是由于我受人之托,脱了警服也还是要破案的,就像此刻一样……请听我说,我打那个电话目的非常明确,就是想听听阁下的情绪。我的耳朵是很灵的,潘处长。我听出你当时的心情很不对头,信不信由你。我的耳朵极其管用。” 潘一黎嘴巴张得老大,布满血丝的眼睛凶恨地凝视着眼前这个人:“你……你好厉害!” “不,主要是章警官厉害。毕竟,你刚刚和她谈过。” 潘一黎的眼皮垂了下去,但马上又抬了起来:“我想知道,你受谁之托来破这个案子。” 虞守水把熄灭的草烟扔进火塘子里,眼睛望着它烧成了灰:“我要说为了我的良心,你可能觉得没意思。那我不妨告诉你,我是受古良之托来寻找那张纸条的。别怕古良,他不敢怎么样你。” 潘一黎的眼珠子真的快滴出血来了,无疑是因为点中了要害。虞守水自觉这一步棋走得很非常不错。 “用不着回避了,就是那张要命的纸条。潘处长,我现在几乎能背出那张条子的全部内容,你要是想听我就给你背一遍?” “不必!”潘一黎拦住了,“我们出去谈好不好?” “潘处长,我不想说外边已经阴了。我只想问你,那位大权在握的老靠山就真的值得你如此铁心么?嗯,值么!你实际上可以是一个很不错的人,现在你看你是什么,看看吧,鬼都不如呀!” 声声震耳,换来一片喘息声。 “古良,你真聪明!你找对人了!”潘一黎剜了古良一眼,接下来长叹一声,“你问吧虞队长,我可以无保留地说出一切。请问——” “谢谢。”虞守水点上烟猛吸一口,盯住潘一黎,“七贤山庄那一次,你带李薇去的目的就是要回纸条对么?” “我如果没猜错的话,李薇恐怕已被你攻下了。是的,正是为了那个目的。” “但是你用那份有关老太太的历史材料糊弄了我。噢,不必解释,我现在想问的并不是那个——我想知道,你得到鲁小北的行动安排,果真原于一个神秘电话?” “这是千真万确的。” 虞守水突然逼近些:“你有没有把这个消息转告另外的人?比如说……” 潘一黎吓得朝后闪了闪身子:“哦,李薇没说么?” “我现在问的是你!” “是,我干了。当然……你可能已经猜出来了,我让李薇转告了鲁小北的妹妹鲁小西。” 虞守水不由地和古良对视了一眼,意思是说:看,这就对了。 然后他凝视着潘一黎,再一次沉默。不用问,姓潘的这么干无疑是想借鲁小西之手闹出点乱子,乱中达到目的。 “鲁小北被杀那天的下午,你又如此这般对不对?”他突然把话题迅速转移,并向郭长平抬抬下巴,“别否认,你给了他一个匿名电话!” 潘、郭目光交叉,久久。 最后,潘点头了:“是。” "Purpose?" “别问了,这是明摆着的。” “我日你个先人!”郭长平愤怒地抓起木橛子要砸潘一黎,“你他妈想借刀杀人!” 虞守水瞪了郭长平一眼,而后转向潘某:“潘处长,我不明白,你既然派李薇去索要那张纸,干吗又把郭老板往火坑里推呢?” “我不太相信李薇能找到那东西。与其如此,让鲁小北彻底闭嘴,恐怕是上上策了。” “结果郭老板去是去了,却还是没敢下手!”虞守水死死地盯着他。 “别……别这么看着我好不好。”潘一黎被那两束目光看毛了,“当然,我没想到会是这个结果。” 虞守水突然阴阴地笑了:“不不,依你潘处长的智力,绝不可能想不到这个结果。因此,我为什么不能设想……你,潘处长,事实你上取代了郭老板呢,嗯?郭老板退了,你出现了!” “什么,你说我?” “对,于情于理这都是可能的。我可以想象出,李薇离开以后你进去了。你躲在卫生间里给鲁小北的手机拨了个号儿。鲁小北的手机响了,溜到门外的郭老板恰恰听见了!” 潘一黎怔怔地望着虞守水,看不出是惊愕还是不解,但郭长平显然理解了。就听他叫道:“对对,肯定是!” “见鬼,你在说什么鬼话!嘿嘿……”潘一黎古怪地笑起来,“疯话,屁话!” “但是合理。”虞守水注视着他。 “不合理,这里有一个明显的矛盾——郭老板要是退了,他是不可能听见手机响的。而反过来说,郭老板要是没退,我又何必急着上呢。还有就是躲在卫生间里打手机,在那种环境里打手机,除非我有毛病!” 虞守水嘿嘿一笑:“你没毛病,因为你打手机并非想和鲁小北说话。你的目的仅仅是让那手机响一响,试探一下鲁小北是否真的睡着了,想想看,是不是这样?” “啊,狗日的真他妈的聪明!”郭长平指着潘一黎叫了起来。 潘一黎也叫了起来,不但叫了一来,而且跳了起来:“见鬼见鬼,你说了半天指的都是我,可我前边那两条道理又怎么解释呢!最最关键的是,我根本就不可能杀人!你那都是些假设!这我懂。” “你说你不可能杀人?” “是的,不可能!” “请说理由——” “很简单,我那天晚上就在×老(那个大人物)家。他家的司机和保姆都可以证明。整整一个晚上我都在那里!” 一瞬间所有的声音都没有了。谁都知道,潘一黎抛出这步棋无疑是走投无路了,但这步棋一旦抛出,他的杀人之嫌立即就可以抹掉。 虞守水的脑袋嗡嗡直响,他沉默着。沉默中仿佛有一片黑色的云彩从心头飘过去,留下的说不清是失望还是希望。 正沉默间,木板门呼的一声被撞开了,连同寒冷的山风和满脚的雪粉,突兀地扑进一个人来。 竟是何斌! 所有的目光都愣怔而惊恐地望着那个扑倒在地上的人,直到虞守水大喊:“快把他弄过来烤烤火,他冻坏了。” 何斌真的冻得可以,好半天才说出话。他说他搭便车赶到339公里处,没头苍蝇似地在山林里找到现在。 古良把虞守水拉到墙角,压低声音问:“虞队长,是这个人么——您觉得?” 虞守水注视着火塘子边的何斌,又仰望着头顶上木板房那粗糙的檩条,然后抿着嘴朝古良勾了勾手指,低声道:“你来。”
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