Home Categories detective reasoning eyes behind the gun

Chapter 54 Chapter Seventeen

eyes behind the gun 蓝玛 2197Words 2018-03-15
The police dog is a tan guy, much like a dirt dog, but the feeling of running and searching is indeed different.The dog handler sat in the seat pocket next to the knight, bragging about the great achievements of the police dog all the way.Sitting behind the chivalrous man, the little taro, who is like a bird, said that the dog trainer does not pay taxes for bragging. The dog handlers would make nasty jokes about them, and it was a shame. The dog in front ran fast and slow, looking extremely sophisticated.The fog had almost dispersed, and the scenery on both sides of the road emerged quite clearly.The verdant villages are distributed at the foot of the distant hills, and some small fork roads extend irregularly.The dog hesitated at several intersections, but quickly adjusted its direction.

Ahead is Xingcheng City. There was also a police car ahead of them clearing the way, directing the passing vehicles along the way. It seems that there is a big commotion.However, such a case cannot be covered. The death of the dignified chairman of the large group company in the provincial capital is news in itself. Little Taro carelessly hugged the knight's waist, and called him senior brother: "Brother senior, why do you think the deceased drove on the road in the middle of the night? Wasn't that looking for trouble? Is he crazy?" The knight said: "I can't say for sure whether he is crazy or not. I am most concerned with Lao Guan's speculation now. Lao Guan said that it is safer to attack in the wild than in the city. Then, the time when the murderer and the deceased drove on the road may not necessarily be in the middle of the night. .”

"What do you want to say. Do you mean..." Little Taro half understood. The knight said: "I want to say, what if they stopped somewhere on the road? Think about it... Should the time of that stop be taken into consideration." "I still don't quite understand." Little Taro said. The knight is annoyed: "You trash, for example, the murderer and the deceased left the city at ten o'clock in the evening instead of three o'clock in the middle of the night, and then they stayed somewhere on the way for a period of time. Wouldn't the whole reasoning be valid if the injection was given to the dead?"

The dog trainer said: "Understood, according to your theory, if they stayed at a certain place on the road for 24 hours, they must have left the city the night before." The knight said: "Yes, that's the case in theory. If you have stayed somewhere in Xingcheng, the length of time will be very meaningful." Little Taro shouted: "Understood!" Just as he was talking, a row of police cars came from behind with their sirens sounding. Undoubtedly, Da Chun'er and others packed up the scene and went back to Xingcheng. A big Mercedes was dragged behind the corpse truck, which was a rare sight anyway.Da Chun'er, who was at the end, asked the knight to stop for a while, then ordered Xiao Yutou to get on the police car and go back to the city, and sat in Xiao Yutou's seat by himself.

The little taro boss is not happy. A group of people rushed to Xingcheng, Da Chun'er said: "Xiaxia, I think of a place, that is the factory where we had a nest!" "Calcium carbide factory." Chaser was very unhappy to drive away the little taro, with emotion in his tone, "I said Chun'er, I can't move my car once you come up. You are too heavy." Da Chun'er ignored him and continued: "I'm referring to the pine forest a little south of the calcium carbide factory—if you talk about staying, that's a place." The matter was really hit by her words, the police dog ran to the pine forest, saw that it became alert, sniffed desperately, and ran towards the pine forest excitedly.

It is 6 kilometers away from Xingcheng. The pine forest is not far from the road. It has a certain area, but it is not very dense.The motorcycle stopped, but the three of them were not in a hurry to run up.They observed the environment and confirmed that it would not be too difficult for the car to drive into the pine forest. The knight asked: "Chun'er, why did you think of this place?" Da Chun'er laughed, and punched the knight: "There are pine needles in the tire tread of the big Mercedes. And there are only pine trees here on our way. Aha, it's not complicated, but you guys always ignore it! No way!" Rescue."

With such a light word, the knight fell silent.This is equivalent to stating a very possible fact, that is, the inference I just made has been established. The "somewhere" that I called "staying somewhere" is probably here. "Chun'er, I'm convinced." The knight shrugged, "Women are indeed more sensitive to certain things than men. Let's look for the ruts first." The three of them dispersed. Daben's rut ​​is not difficult to find, it's just a little bit inward from the edge of the pine forest.Surprisingly, the police dogs found the syringe.This harvest should be said to be huge.Da Chun'er admired the forensic doctor Lao Guan's ability, but also understood that there was an element of luck in it.For example, this line is full of pine forests, things may not be so easy.

There were some messy footprints around Daben, and Dachun'er shouted: "Hero, come here, see if these footprints are from that guy!" The knight bent down on the road, and responded without raising his head when she heard her shout: "Absolutely, I have already found that guy's rut ​​on the road. Look, the car is parked here!" Da Chun'er looked in that direction, and saw the far end of the pine forest, about a hundred meters away.She came over and squatted next to Xia Ke, inspecting the ruts on the road, and said, "Xia Ke, according to the general logic, if you drive here with this person, the people in the car in front should be able to spot someone following you."

"Well, yes." Xia Ke nodded in agreement, "And this car followed for a full 6 kilometers. So, Chun'er..." "Call again!" Da Chun'er threatened by raising her hand. "I'm talking about work, that's right. I discussed this issue with Xiaoyu on the road just now. I think that if there is such a place to stop, we have reason to think that the car may not leave the city in the middle of the night, and it may be earlier. .” Da Chun'er said: "It turns out there really is such a place." "Yes, there really is such a place." The knight looked at the pine forest in front of him, "Then, the inference of leaving the city in the middle of the night will be shaken. And if the car really does not leave the city at that time, I mean, if it was earlier , Chun’er, that’s different—there must be constant traffic on the road at that time. Do you understand?”

Da Chun'er punched the knight again: "Understood, you are showing off. Yes, the traffic on the road will make the chairman in the car in the pine forest ignore someone following him. Now look, come on, in the pine forest There are quite a few footprints, see if it belongs to the person following behind. Come!" The knight walked over to her and said, "This is definitely that guy's footprints. Look, isn't this the direction he slipped in. Look at the toes—" "That is to say... he followed, stopped at the place on the road. Then he touched the big Mercedes-Benz in the pine forest, and then attacked--no Xiaxia, if that's the case, why didn't he kill the chairman here, Why use drug injections!"

The knight was speechless immediately, he found that there was indeed an illogical point in the matter here, Da Chun'er asked the right question, if he wanted to kill someone, why not start here!Oh, and so many footprints also seem anomalous. "Chun'er..." Da Chun'er also looked at him, apparently their thoughts entered the same track.Against logic, indeed against logic! "Looks like we've hit a challenge, little brother!"
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