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Chapter 30 Chapter Thirteen

Shan Tao has basically understood Guo's situation since he had a long talk with Deputy Mayor Guo in other places.Then the brother-in-law You Sixi was interrogated, and You Sixi revealed Danya.When he asked in depth, You Sixi swore that he could only talk so far, and if he went deeper, he would only have to ask Lu Daming. Shan Tao roared: "You fucking bastard! Lu Daming is about to become a vegetable, and I'm asking you." Unexpectedly, You Sixi actually cried.Said that he really can't understand anymore, and Danya is the only one who understands. It is not easy for Shan Tao to find Danya in the limelight, especially if she asks her friends to find her.He felt a little bit of difficulty.That day, Deputy Mayor Guo was entertaining the Dutch in Chaojiang. He asked Guo if he knew Danya, and Guo said he did.He wanted to ask more questions, but Guo said that he didn't have time, and that the Dutch wanted to build a large-scale commercial area here, with a construction cost of more than 1 billion yuan, which had just been signed after three years of negotiation.After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Later, he asked Deputy Mayor Guo about Danya on the phone, but Guo couldn't tell much, only that she was a singer, and so on.Shan Tao somehow felt that Deputy Mayor Guo was flickering.I'm afraid there are unspeakable secrets. Danya absolutely had to see, had to talk. It was about 11 o'clock that night, and You Sixi called outside from Mattia Nightclub and said, "Brother-in-law, she's finished drinking, and most of the time she has to drink a cup of coffee in the background before coming out." Shan Tao told him on the phone that you only need to know my car. After speaking, he turned off the phone.

At about the same time, Xiao Kefan was also calling Ou Guangci who was squatting outside: "Captain, she still didn't sing well tonight, and she didn't feel right. Besides, that fourth master You is here again." Ou Guangci's throat was uncomfortable, so he asked Da Ma to talk to Xiao Xiao.Da Ma said: "Xiao Xiao, don't come out first, pay attention to the surname You, just pay attention to him. Danya will leave it to me." Xiao Xiao joked: "I'd rather Danya belong to me." After the voice of hey hey giggled, Da Ma heard a whiny female voice: "Little handsome guy, can I accompany you?"

Da Ma told Ou Guangci: "Boss, Xiao Xiao is entangled by the 'chicken'." Ou Guangci said: "God can't help this matter, let's see if he can handle it." Xiao Kefan was indeed entangled by a woman for a while, but fortunately, in the end because of "not open to face", the woman let out a pooh and left.Xiao Xiao sat in the corner, watching You Sixi's every move. Today You Sixi came alone, sitting in the corner like him, and Xiao Xiao would occasionally jump up and down a few times, You Sixi just sat there smoking and drinking, and he suddenly regained his energy when Danya came on stage.It seems that all the judgments are reasonable. These two people have contacts with Lu Daming, but they may not have contacts with each other.Xiao Xiao wondered, since he has a relationship with Andersen, why don't they communicate with each other?Perhaps as the captain said, Danya did not clarify her identity in Andersen, it was the kind of mutual tacit relationship.Maybe You Sixi didn't know that Danya was from Andersen earlier, but of course she knows now.As for Danya, I believe she knew about You Sixi from the very beginning, and Chairman Yu in Shanghai would definitely tell her.

Xiao Kefan stared at these days, and gradually understood what kind of animal a woman is. If he didn't get involved in the case, to be honest, he even admired Danya.This woman is beautiful and has a good temperament... He was thinking wildly while paying attention to You Sixi's actions.Danya still bowed after singing just now and took the curtain call.You Sixi usually leaves at this time, but not today, he was still sitting there and just made a phone call. After about 10 minutes, he saw You Sixi standing up.At that time, there was a fierce song playing wildly, and You Sixi walked out dodgingly among the flickering figures.

Xiao Xiao hurriedly got up and followed. Going around a few bends, You Sixi walked out of the modified fire escape. Strangely, Xiao Xiao found that he didn't go out, but pushed open a door on the left and went in.Xiao Xiao followed quickly.Just when he was about to push the door, he was startled. It turned out that You Sixi didn't go deep, but was just inside the door.Just when I didn't know why, a woman coughed.Xiao Xiao hurriedly flashed into the dark. The door flashed.You Sixi backed out, and it was indeed Danya who came out immediately. Danya, who had removed her make-up, looked very tired. She walked quickly, as if she wanted to get rid of You Sixi who was following her: "I told you, I don't know you."

You Sixi followed quickly, with a low voice: "You are not telling the truth, miss, I am Andersen..." Danya stopped her steps suddenly, staring at You Sixi: "I have nothing to do with Andersen !" The two went out, and Xiao Xiao reported in a low voice: "Da Ma, they went out together." Da Ma said: "OK, OK, your task is completed!" Xiao Xiao was so angry that he was dying.Quickly follow Mattia.He saw Danya being pushed and invited by You Sixi into a dark green Honda car, quickly drove off the half-moon ring road of the hotel, and drove into the night.The whole thing feels like a gang kidnapping.

Xiao Xiao hurried a few steps, jumped into the car from Malaysia, and followed the night. Perhaps because Danya is a battle-tested person, she is not afraid of the situation at this moment.Of course, the more important reason was because she knew about You Sixi - it was impossible for her not to know.However, after all, she and You Sixi are not on the same side, it doesn't matter if they don't know each other.Andersen is Dajian's property, not hers. The car drives very well, neither fast nor slow.You Sixi sat next to Danya at the back, and Shan Tao was driving in front.Shan Tao has never had any contact with Danya, so she probably doesn't know him.It doesn't matter, even if you hear about it, don't be afraid, he doesn't want to do anything to her.

Danya yelled again: "What are you doing?" This shout actually frightened You Sixi into a panic.He cursed a damn, and then claimed: "I've been in prison for three years, I'm afraid you know it!" Shan Tao thought: It is indeed a pig. What does it mean to be fierce and soft-hearted-this is it.He understands that Danya's attitude itself is an attitude that is not afraid of intimidation, and when talking to this kind of person, one must hold the deadly point.What's more damning now is that You Sixi is evasive and dare not talk deeply, as if he is terribly afraid of himself.Shan Tao’s analysis: It can’t be a deep reason, it can only be a matter of business—I started a Andersen company, but I didn’t make a penny, but I lost a lot of money, and the name may be here.It can even be imagined that this stupid pig lost money without knowing why, and was in a state of random analysis and at a loss.As for why he wanted to talk to Danya, Shan Tao felt that Danya might be the main target of his brother-in-law You Sixi's random analysis. If Hu Keming didn't die and Lu Daming didn't fall into a coma, it would be fine if he didn't see Danya.

Shan Tao felt that he must be right in his analysis. "Miss Danya, don't be afraid, we won't do anything to you!" Shan Tao said without looking back, he could see Danya's hazy face in the rearview mirror, "Sixi rolled down the car window a little Son, don't hold your breath." Such words immediately alerted Danya. Shan Tao saw her face raised quickly from the rearview mirror, and thought: This woman is really beautiful. "Who are you?" Danya's tone was vigilant, but also faintly timid.She seemed to feel that the driver was more important than You Sixi beside her.

"My name is Shan Tao, Sixi's sister is my wife." Shan Tao simply revealed the relationship.He heard Danya oh, and knew that she had indeed heard of him. "Hello, Mr. Shan." Danya spoke in a pleasant tone, showing some general friendliness, "So you are this man's brother-in-law." Shan Tao smiled: "Miss, I am a straight person. No, and I don't want to go around the bush. You should clarify, you know this person before—You Sixi, he is the vice president of Shenzhen Andersen Company related to you .” Danya hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "How do you know that I have something to do with Andersen?" "Because my brother-in-law is the vice president of that company, there is also a young man named Hu Keming, and a secretary of the city government named Lu Daming...Miss, many things cannot be kept secret for a long time." Every sentence in this series of words has something to say and every sentence has weight. I believe that the smart Danya will not fail to understand.Before Danya could speak, he added: "I also know that my brother-in-law's partner is Dajian Group in Shanghai." Danya said, "Looks like you've scouted, haven't you?" Shan Tao said: "We have to use this method as a last resort. But we didn't investigate anything, just figured out some relationships. Miss, I hope we can be more open and honest. It will be easier for everyone to talk about this way." At this moment, the car has already opened the highway leading to the suburbs.On the north side of the road is the business district jointly invested and built by the city and the Dutch.There are some marker lights there, indicating the ownership of the land, and the future is looming. Danya let out a long breath and leaned softly on the back of the chair.You Sixi tried his best to keep a distance from her.It's very interesting, it's related to the incident where he lost money and lost his life, but now he looks like an outsider.He had to admire his brother-in-law Shan Tao, the ordinary words came out of his mouth, it felt different. At this time, Danya said: "Mr. Shan, please tell me briefly, what exactly do you want to know?" "I want to know your relationship with Secretary-General Lu." Shan Tao was concise and clear. "Lover relationship." Danya is also concise and clear. "Did Secretary-General Lu meddle in Andersen's affairs?" "You didn't ask the right person, Mr. Shan." "Why do you say that?" Shan Tao accelerated the speed of the car. "Because I don't care about Andersen." "Have you heard that Andersen suffered serious losses?" "This is a normal thing. If there is a profit, there will be a loss. This is the case in business operations." "But my brother-in-law doesn't even know how he lost, no wonder." "No wonder, it can only mean that he is not a person who does great things." You Sixi felt ashamed and wished he could jump off the car and fall to his death. "Happy!" Shan Tao cheered, "Then please tell me, does your lover Lu Daming know about Andersen's loss? He is probably related to this big loss!" Danya said calmly, "I seem to have answered this question just now." The conversation is at an impasse here, with no winners or losers.At this time, You Sixi called softly: "Brother-in-law, there is a car following——behind." Shan Tao said, "I've seen it a long time ago. It's a police car." He noticed that Danya's face quickly lifted up again.The two cars stopped one after another, and Shan Tao believed that Ming people should "not do secret things"-even though he is "doing secret things" now. Alas, when people have to be hypocritical, he pushes the door and gets out of the car. Da Ma came to meet him, and two policemen, one old and one young, stood behind him.For some reason, Da Ma smiled at him. "What's wrong?" Da Ma spoke first. Shan Tao laughed loudly: "I was just about to ask this question, what happened to us? Your police cars have been following. I think I will appear guilty if I don't stop." The older man deliberately imitated his tone and laughed twice: "Actually, we are following you. But we didn't flash the alarm lights, nor sound the siren, and we didn't fire warning shots. What's the matter." Shan Tao thought: This old guy is amazing. "Are you Captain Ou? I've heard people say you're amazing. I'm Shan Tao." The two actually shook hands.Ou Guangci bent over to look into the car, Shan Tao said to the car, "Come out, you guys." Ou Guangci looked up to the sky, and said with a smile, "I've startled the snake." Everyone feels very friendly, unlike some broken TV dramas where swords are on the verge of breaking out and tense to death. Shan Tao said: "Does Captain Ou think we are 'snakes'?" Ou Guangci pointed at Shan Tao: "You have a good tongue, I've heard it before - you're more like a dragon." "You have won the prize." Ou Guangci turned to You Sixi and Danya: "It's hard to talk about them. Especially this one." He raised his chin to You Sixi, "Your man has been dead for many days, and you dare not even stretch your head , is that interesting enough? You know what I mean is Hu Keming, the kid who died at the house of Secretary-General Lu." You Sixi really wasn't Shan Tao, and couldn't keep up with his words: "Hu Keming is not my man, he stopped working with me a long time ago. He is working in Shenzhen." "He works for Shenzhen Andersen Company, and you are the vice president of that company. How can you say that he is not yours?" Ou Guangci slowly turned to Danya, "And the other joint venture partner of Andersen Company is Shanghai Chairman Yu of Dajian Company. As far as I know, that Mr. Yu is your relative." Danya's face paled immediately, but fortunately, her emotions were not disturbed yet.At this time, Ou Guangci's eyes were already on Shan Tao's face.Shan Tao was definitely taken aback—anyone can pretend nothing happened, but Ou Guangci caught the surprise in the blink of an eye.He thought to himself: This singer's background is probably something that the two men in front of him just expected. He deliberately wanted to fight grass, since Shan Tao intervened, he had to use some unconventional means.Because of the investigation so far, it seems that Shan Tao's brother-in-law is still outside the case.Usually, people outside the case are afraid to hide from the bloody case of the dead, but "You Sixi-Shan Tao" is the opposite, giving people the feeling of being crowded in previous cases.Then, the possibility is not difficult to guess, there is definitely a stake.Coupled with his two actions against the key figure Danya, Ou Guangci came to a conclusion with great confidence: they were also investigating something. From this point of view, the real "snake" who made such a shock was not necessarily Shan and You, but her—Danya. Under the eyes of a lot of men, Danya gradually stabilized herself, and finally showed some moderate provocation: "You are all right, but what does this mean? Maybe you are the same as them," he said. Pointing to Shan Tao and You Sixi, "Maybe you made an empirical mistake like them. I am my uncle's niece in Shanghai, that's all! You want to learn about the murder case from me, are you looking for the wrong person?" .” Da Ma thought about whether to throw out the traces left on the scene, but then realized that no clear technical results had been obtained, so he refrained from saying anything, but what Ou Guangci said surprised him. Ou Guangci said, "Ah, maybe we really found the wrong person." The topic related to the case stopped here. Ou Guangci chatted with Shan Tao about topics of common concern with great interest, and let out a series of quite happy laughs from time to time.Then Ou Guangci left with his men.Shan Tao rubbed his hands together, and sighed: "This man is amazing, really fucking amazing. Hey, get in the car, both of you, and go home." You Sixi yelled at Danya in the car: "Ah, so your uncle is the chairman of Dajian! I didn't expect that!" Danya snorted: "You stared at me for so many days, so you don't know anything!" You Sixi shouted: "I guess you are related to someone in Dajian, but I really didn't expect Mr. Yu to be your uncle." "This relationship cannot be hidden. Don't the police already know about it?" You Sixi shouted: "Now I don't want to deal with these policemen, I just want to know about you and Lu Daming..." Shan Tao honked the car horn, and said two words in a low voice: "Shut up!"
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