Home Categories detective reasoning fading black buttons

Chapter 8 Chapter Eight Fumbling in Danger

fading black buttons 蓝玛 3762Words 2018-03-15
Night, so quiet.The whole city fell asleep. The policeman Xiaoguan didn't sleep.It's not that he doesn't want to sleep, it's because his brain has entered an active state at the moment, and he can't fall asleep even if he wants to.He stood on the balcony on the second floor of the Public Security Bureau, rubbing his temples while staring at the lights near and far in a daze. He is a policeman, and he wants to protect the peace and tranquility of these lights, so he has to work harder. Companion Xiao Wu has already collapsed on the sofa in the room and fell into a deep sleep, but his brain refuses to sleep.

All kinds of pictures, transcripts, and technical reports came out, and they were all placed on the desk in the room.The autopsy confirmed that Huang Kexin's death was indeed caused by the blow of a steel drill!The reason is clear. This result made him feel very heavy, because the perpetrator was still a minor, and the motive for committing the crime was to find his abducted sister.Poor boy, your fate corresponds to those four words: making things worse! Xiaoguan knows that sympathy cannot replace law enforcement.He had to find the boy, it wasn't hard.All the traffic gates out of the city have feedback information, the boy has not left the city, he is still in the city.

Yes, it is not difficult to find him.But how should I put it...Xiao Guan has experienced Huber's mentality more and more now!I really want to help him! Huber described the child's situation as if he was squeezing toothpaste, and a few things caught Xiao Guan's attention. One was that the boy named Shovel had a companion. In Huber's words, he was a standard social scum.Another point is the kindness and resentment between Jia Yifu and the deceased Huang Kexin.Huber described in detail the fight between Jia Yifu and Huang Liuzhi that morning, but he spoke very simply to the shovel and the wild boy.Xiaoguan didn't want to point out his little tricks.

The resentment between Jia Yifu and Huang Liuzhi naturally comes from the crazy woman Xuegu, and things may be complicated to say.In short, there is no doubt that Jia Yifu hates Huang Liuzhi.What Xiaoguan couldn't understand was that Jia Yifu, who was wilted and petty, would "desperately" clean up Huang Liuzhi - that's how Huber described it. Xiao Guan's gloomy face appeared in front of Xiao Guan's eyes, as well as his condescending expression towards himself. Wow, how many faces does a person have! Huber related after the fight was over, that he called the shovel home and had a talk, and that the wild boy broke the door of his shop with a brick.

According to Huber, the two children did nothing else that day.Because the shovel didn't go until after supper—he still wouldn't stay! "Do you know at all where the boy lives, Huber?" "Don't ask, I really don't know!" Huber said. Xiao Guan has been a public security officer for many years, and even with his eyes closed, he knows that Huber is lying.But he didn't want to expose him. Withdrawing his thoughts, Xiao Guan did a few chest-expanding movements, and then went back to the room to wake Xiao Wu up. "Hey, wake up, the two of us will go to see Huang Liuzhi's house again. Hey, if you don't get up again, I'll do it!"

Xiao Wu muttered: "I'm so sleepy, why bother! Is it all over after catching that boy?" "No!" Xiao Guan said, "I must find out whether Huang Liuzhi is a human trafficker. This idea must not stay overnight! Hey, do you hear me? This is very important!" "Oh, you forgot that what we want to solve is a murder case!" Xiao Wu stood up. "Not looking for children!" Xiao Guan said: "I said brother, what if your sister is kidnapped, huh? Would you still put such bullshit!" At the same moment, the shovel heard a rustling sound.The ends of his hair were almost standing on end.As he retreated into the darkness, the rustling stopped.This certainly proves that it was the stalker and not the wind.

He clings to the remnant wall outside the park, daring not to move like a sculpture.It was dark, and while others couldn't see him clearly, he couldn't see others clearly either.What was even worse was that the other party was staring at him, but he didn't know where the other party was. In the distance, a train whizzed to and fro.The shovel flashed to another corner by the vibration of the train.He also didn't know what the point of doing this was, but being able to use the sound of trains to hide his movement showed that Shovel's intelligence was not low. rustle... The voice appeared again.The shovel followed the sound, and saw some curled leaves on the ground blown by the wind like little voles.He breathed a sigh of relief.

So that's the case, I thought someone was following me.He took a sip and walked quickly towards the city. The first day was unsuccessful, and he had planned to make an appointment with the goats that night.In fact, Huber told Xiaoguan that the shovel must leave if he refused to stay. The very important point is because he still wants to work at night. He must date the goat.He knew he was nowhere near as good as a goat at this. But that night the goat was taken out by Liuhe and others, and they didn't come back until midnight.The goat quietly told the shovel that Liuhe and the others had sold a probably new bicycle they had obtained in their hands—they needed money to go to Zhengzhou.

So on the first night, I couldn't move. When he fell asleep, he asked the goat in a low voice how to act effectively, or how to find the shrimp. The goat said: "I have no experience. I'm afraid I need to find clues. I have to go to Huang Liuzhi's kennel." That's why the two of them went straight to Huang Liuzhi's house the next night. Since the two of them attracted no one's special attention (except Huber), their actions were bolder.In addition, it was night, and they traveled very smoothly.When he flashed into that alley, no one really noticed. At the far end of the alley, there was a street lamp with a very low wattage, which was faintly yellow.

The crooked neck tree is crooked beside the old house like a prop, giving people a very special feeling.The shovel was pressed against the back of the goat, and his nerves were high.After all, he didn't do it. "Hey, shovel." The goat pointed forward, "Look at that little cloth man on the crooked neck tree, does he look like a hanged ghost?" The little gray cloth man was swinging gently on the tree. The voice of the shovel was trembling, and the legs were trembling: "Goat, don't scare me. The first time I..." "Stupid, come with me." The goat hooked his hands lightly like a scout, "Look at that window is dark, which proves that Huang Liuzhi is not at home."

The shovel had already seen this, and he thought that Huang Liuzhi might have fallen asleep.He was beaten just yesterday. The goat said: "You're wrong, it's too early to go to bed now. Besides, you see that one window is open. You have to close the window when you sleep in this season!" Shovel immediately decided that the goat was much more experienced than himself.They touched it quietly.When passing the crooked-neck tree, the goat idly poked the little cloth man around, making goosebumps creep up on the shovel.Like a hangman indeed! Huang Liuzhi is a small courtyard that lives alone, with a dilapidated wooden door facing the street.That door was shut tight.The goat told the shovel that if it was stabbed to death from the inside, it proved that there was someone at home, and if it was locked outside, it proved that the person had gone out. Now there is a dilapidated big brass lock on the dilapidated wooden door. Of course, the wooden door cannot be entered. The goat led the shovel to a recessed place on the side of the door, and let the shovel climb the wall of the crooked neck tree.This section of the wall does not belong to the Huangliuzhi courtyard, it belongs to the neighboring courtyard.But it's dark, so no one will notice. At this moment, the shovel became completely incompetent, and he couldn't climb the tree that was easy to climb.As a last resort, the goat squatted down and supported him with his shoulders, and put the shovel on the wall.After the goat came up like a wild cat, he led the shovel and climbed about three or four meters in the direction of Huang Liuzhi's house, and then jumped into the yard with a thud. The shovel was so nervous that his heart slammed into his chest, and he felt a little nauseous. With a stiff neck, he patrolled the small yard in front of him, and saw a small stone pool with some flowers and plants planted in it, and there was a faucet beside the pool.There are only houses on the west and north sides of the narrow yard, facing the street, that is, the house Huang Liuzhi looked out of the window is the second floor of the west house. The building is naturally very old style, the kind with the stairs outside. Huber had already told Shovel that Huang Liuzhi was an old bachelor, so it was undoubtedly safe at this time. Facing everything in front of them, the two children were at a loss for what to do.How to find it?What are you looking for?It seems that everything is not thought through clearly. "Go upstairs!" Goat pouted upwards, "There are clues hidden in his house. What do you think?" The goat's small flashlight was already in his hand. Shovel could say nothing but nod.He poked the goat: "Hey, it's okay to find clues, but you promise me first, you are not allowed to steal anything! You must promise!" "This kind of scoundrel, if you steal him all, you won't be able to forgive him!" "No, absolutely not!" The shovel's tone was firm and non-negotiable, "If you don't agree, I'll leave right away. I can't let people say that I'm a thief!" The goat was anxious: "You son of a bitch, I'm I came here to help you, and I didn't consider stealing anything at all!" The shovel patted the goat's head apologetically, and climbed up the creaking broken stairs.At that moment, he was a little excited, as if his sister was in the room. Things often don't go the way you want them to, and it's not like there's a lock on the door.The failure of the wish mentioned here is precisely because the goat had just opened the lock, and there was a knock on the door of the courtyard.The goat nimbly put the lock back to its original shape, pulled the shovel and quickly slipped up the stairs to the top.Because once you climb over the wooden railing of the stairs from there, you will be another section of the courtyard wall. It is conceivable that when they left "smoothly", they discovered a major mistake at the same time - they are so stupid, why didn't they use their brains!Someone knocking on the door just means that the person is not Huang Liuzhi. Does Huang Liuzhi need to knock on his own door?In fact, that person is the crazy woman Xuegu. When the two children slipped down the wall, they saw her floating out of the alley like a ghost from a distance! At this time, it was useless to try again, it was getting late, Huang Liuzhi might come back at any time.The second operation thus ended in failure.The goat promised to come back tomorrow.But "tomorrow" fell through because Goat and others went to Zhengzhou in advance. In the next few days, Shovel turned into a lonely person, dealing with Huang Liuzhi alone.Two dire circumstances occurred during these days.He didn't disclose the situation to Huber, for fear that Huber would be worried, and even more afraid that Huber would restrict his freedom. Naturally, it never occurred to him at all about the secret that the buttons might hold, and he would continue to "wonder" if the goat had not returned to point out the possibility! Buttons, will my sister's black buttons really be strung there? A bunch of colorful buttons, large and small, some of which are undoubtedly black. Shovel thought about that all the way down Causeway Street.This is the memory of many days later, all he can remember is "there are many black ones", but he really can't remember if there are sister Xiaoxia. After all, I only looked at it, and looked at it aimlessly.In fact his mind was on the goat's hand at the time, and the goat was picking the lock. When the goat opened the lock, his forehead was bright and he was very excited.The shovel remembered that he was caressing the bunch of buttons on the doorknob, feeling very anxious.A strip of cloth is tied under the bunch of buttons, like tassels... ——The above are all memories. The Crooked Neck Tree was right in front of my eyes, and the little gray cloth figurine hanging from the tree was still swinging gently, and the shovel was hidden in the shadows.Hold your breath and look at that place.For some reason, he suddenly felt less confident in the act itself.Not because of anything else, but because of the bunch of buttons. Indeed, there are more than a hundred at least!Could it be that Huang Liuzhi sold more than a hundred children? No matter how you think about it, it's impossible! Is it necessary to take this risk?You know, I am no longer an ordinary person, I am a fugitive now!The shovel trembled. But he didn't leave, as if there was an irresistible force pulling him forcibly, preventing him from leaving.Black buttons, black buttons... What if there were really black buttons like black jade! He stepped forward. At about the same moment, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out from behind, one held him tightly, and the other covered his mouth. The shovel struggled for a while and stopped moving. He saw Huber's thin face. "Damn you little villain, don't you see someone in that yard!" Huber pouted forward, "Are you going to throw yourself into a trap, you little villain!" Only then did Tie Shovel realize that there was a flashlight flickering on the eaves of the yard. God, what a risk!
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