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Chapter 9 Chapter 9: Mysterious and Unpredictable Rainy Night

ghost bay 蓝玛 2574Words 2018-03-15
"Bahrain." Dr. Laughter's expression showed a rare seriousness, "I don't want to say more. That orangutan is the treasure of our base, we must try to get it back, and the fur is not damaged! Whoever It hurt a hair on it..." "Don't worry, don't worry, I fully understand your feelings." Uncle Balin comforted Dr. Xiao, "The key is, we have to figure out how it escaped." "Then there's no need to ask? It must have slipped through the exit at the back!" Oh, it turns out there are other exits here! Doctor Xiao sighed and walked forward along the passage, and soon came to a not-so-wide exit. The door was ajar, and the doctor opened it with a light push.

"Look, look! He obviously ran away from here. I really don't understand why our people are becoming less and less responsible? Such things are unforgivable!" "Yes, Doctor. Unforgivable!" "You are responsible for finding it out!" Doctor Laughter opened the door and went out. It was raining hard, and the figure of the old doctor staggered in the rain.Uncle Balin ran after him and gave him a hand.Yang Tian and Fang Jie also followed.With the faint skylight, they recognized this familiar environment. That's right, it's that strange rock cluster. At this moment, all four of them were drowned.Dr. Xiao struggled up the slope at a loss, and Uncle Balin was in a panic.

"Doctor, please, Doctor. Don't go! You must wait until dawn anyway!" "No! It must have escaped from here. Let me look for it!" Dr. Laughter staggered down. The rest had no choice but to move on. Yang Tian caught up with Uncle Balin, and shouted into his ear: "This place looks very familiar, we seem to have been here before!" Uncle Bahrain asked Fang Jie to chase Dr. Laughter, and then asked Yang Tian loudly, "What did you say? You look familiar?" Yang Tian wiped the rain all over his face: "Yes, it seems to be the savage... No, it seems to be the place where the gorilla escaped."

"Don't point at random, where exactly is it?" "I can't tell, I probably have to go a little further! May I lead the way?" Yang Tian thought of the stone in the shape of a crouching cow. At this moment, all that flashed in his mind was the thin face surnamed An.He didn't know whether he should tell Uncle Barrin what he knew, maybe, maybe... no, there was no "maybe", it should have been said. "Uncle, does that person surnamed An like to take pictures?" "What did you say?" Uncle Balin didn't hear clearly. "I said, does that old An love to take pictures?"

"What did you ask him for?" "We caught him secretly taking pictures of that gorilla?" Uncle Bahrain stopped suddenly: "Damn it! Damn it! You said he took pictures of the gorilla?" "Yes, we saw it with our own eyes!" "My God! Why didn't you say so sooner?" Yang Tian noticed that Uncle Bahrain's voice was a little abnormal, and he suddenly became nervous: "I, I... I don't want to doubt people randomly." "You should have told me earlier." Uncle Balin dragged him up a stone sill, "Of course, it's not too late now. Come on, let's tell the doctor about this situation. Do you still remember the location where the photo was taken?"

Looking at the dark stone slope, Yang Tian lacked confidence: "Maybe we can do it during the day, but now..." "Forget it, you can identify it as much as you can, and there is nothing you can do if you can't identify it." They soon caught up with Dr. Laughter and Fang Jie, who were stumbling along the rocks, and stopped when they heard their cries. Panting, Uncle Bahrain rushed to the doctor and whispered something into the doctor's ear. The doctor was obviously taken aback, but he wasn't as nervous as Uncle Balin: "This old Ann, why didn't he say anything?"

Then he turned his gaze to the two children: "Did you really see it?" Yang Tian and Fang Jie swore to the sky that they saw it. "Can you still find that place?" The doctor asked the same question. "Maybe." Yang Tian whispered. "Then give it a try." The doctor sniffed and sneezed loudly. Naturally, they searched like headless chickens. They didn't find the Wo Niu Stone, but found the cave instead.The four of them got into the cave, dripping wet and lost their minds.The rain outside was a little lighter than before, and the sparseness was about to stop.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow." Dr. Xiao gave up the idea of ​​searching. "Tomorrow, call a few more people and search this area carefully. I guess it won't go far." "That might be." Uncle Balin looked back at the cave where he couldn't see anything. "It's an orangutan after all." Dr. Xiao didn't say anything, and everyone fell silent. The two children didn't want to interrupt casually, so they could only watch the rain outside in silence. Not long after, Uncle Balin said, "Lao An..." He didn't say anything, but it could be heard that he had doubts about this person.Yang Tian secretly touched Fang Jie, and Fang Jie also touched him.Yes, that person is indeed suspicious, just looking at that gloomy face should put a big question mark.

Dr. Laughter didn't say a word until the rain stopped.No one knew what was going on in his mind. A group of people went down the hillside silently.It was late at this time.The doctor told the two children to go back to sleep, and then said to Bahrain: "Come over to my place, we can discuss some things." The night after the rain was surprisingly quiet. Uncle Balin arranged sleeping places for the two children and hurried out.Yang Tian told Fang Jie that what they discussed must have something to do with the surname An.Indeed, Savage Mystery no longer exists.The most suspicious one is of course the sneaky person.

What I have seen and heard all day is tense and exciting, and I can't sleep.At this time, the topic of the rabbit killing the scalper is no longer interesting, and the real thing worth pondering should be people, not animals. "How about we chat with Bob?" Yang Tian pointed to the computer in the corner, "It happens that Uncle Bahrain is not here." "Don't be mad at me!" Fang Jie smiled, "The passage is closed, how do you get in?" "It's okay if you don't call!" "Can you be more honest? Are you not tired?" Yang Tian scratched his feet: "I'm a little tired, but I really can't sleep."

"Lie down if you can't fall asleep, or look for a book." Fang Jie got up and walked inside, "I'll go to sleep first. See you tomorrow!" Yang Tian was the only one left in the living room, he was so bored.I tossed and turned on the sofa for a long time, my mind was full of the day's affairs, and the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't fall asleep.After turning off the light, he stretched his limbs and lay flat, and that sinister thin face jumped out of his eyes again. What kind of person is he... Time slipped away minute by minute, and drowsiness gradually spread.About when he was half asleep, a strange noise came from the window. Click, click, click... Yang Tian sat up suddenly, he didn't dare to move, he listened carefully with his ears up.Sure enough, the sound was outside the window.He first thought of Uncle Balin, but no, why did Uncle Balin dig the window, he should go straight into the house. No, not Uncle Baring! Could it be Lao An?His heart beat wildly.Yes, very possible.I discovered his whereabouts, maybe he came to... Yang Tian thought of a scary word. He slipped off the sofa quietly, and then tiptoed to the window.Because of the curtains, I couldn't see the outside scene.But the sound is real. Click, click, click..., close at hand. The boys are completely out of ideas.He didn't know how to deal with the situation.But there is one thing he understands, that is, no noise can be made.If you disturb the other party a little, that guy will run away immediately. Try to catch him! Thinking of this, he bent down and stepped back little by little.He recalled what was in Uncle Balin's room that could be used for self-defense or even attack?Not to mention, the folding stool next to the coffee table is probably in a row. He approached the coffee table and accurately grasped the folding stool.Slowly folded the stool, carried it in his hands and slipped to the window for the second time. The sound of knocking on the window paused for a moment, then started again.Yang Tian wanted to lift the curtain to have a look, but just stretched out his hand and retracted it. No, it's easy to be noticed by the other party.Yes, he should rush out of the door suddenly and catch him off guard! The blood in the boy's whole body was excited, like a soldier who was about to attack.He touched the door knob with his hand, and gently turned the upper lock...
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