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Killer Black Cat Pavilion

Killer Black Cat Pavilion


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 109581

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Chapter 1 main characters

Killer Black Cat Pavilion 绫辻行人 336Words 2018-03-15
Manager of Ayuta Fuyuma Black Nekokan (60 years old) Yuki Kazama is the son of the current owner of the Black Cat House, a student at M University, and a guitarist in the rock band "Siren". (22 years old) Hikawa Hayato Kazama Hiroki's cousin, a graduate student at the university, and a pianist in the "Siren" rock band. (23 years old) Kinouchi Shinkazama's friend and drummer of the "Siren" rock band. (22 years old) Bassist of Kenjiro Aso "Siren" rock band (21 years old) Tsubaki Reina Traveler (25 years old) (The exact ages of the above persons in August 1989 are in parentheses)

Tian Yuchen was also the original owner of the Black Cat House, an associate professor at H University, and his life and death are unknown. Risako Tianyuchenya's adopted daughter, her life and death are unknown. Kamito Shunnosuke, a friend of Tatsuya Tenyu, was originally a professor at T University. (70 years old) Tachibana Teruko Ameyu Tatsuya's former colleague, a professor at H University. (63 years old) Editor of Jiangnan Xiaoming Xitan Society (25 years old) Deer Valley Menshi Reasoning Writer (41 years old) (The exact ages of the above persons in June 1990 are in brackets)

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