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Chapter 143 Chapter 142

sugar and spices 萨菲娜·德福奇 1918Words 2018-03-15
Reynolds paused deliberately, took a sip of his tea, and enjoyed the eager gazes of the social workers. "Earlier this year, we were approached by a 31-year-old white male, Greg Allen Randall, who presented us with an extremely challenging case of a multifaceted sexual disorder, including at one point Taking an erotic interest in little girls." "Miss Reynolds, I know there is a connection..." "Officer, please be quiet!" It was Kaiji, his face full of resentment after being contradicted. "Of course I don't know how guests are treated in your police station, but here we consider it polite to let the speaker finish without being interrupted."

"but I……" "When Ruth finishes speaking, you will have a chance to ask her questions." Kaiji's eyes were filled with anger, and he dared not challenge her authority again. "Thank you, Vera," Ruth said, looking at Pittman. "Well, Randall came to us in July of this year, just a few weeks after that tragic event, when the little girl was kidnapped from the area." "Rebecca Meadows," said Pittman. Cage seemed to approve of this brief but useful interjection. "Rebecca, yes. What a wonderful child. My sympathies go out to her parents. It was nothing less than a terrible ordeal for them."

"It's terrible." These good people whispered in unison. "Of course, it's fairly common for an institution like ours to get more publicity following a high-profile sexual assault case." The social workers headed by Keji nod their heads like donkeys.Pittman nicknamed Cage in his mind: Senior Nod Worker. "Long story short, I conducted the initial interviews with Randall on behalf of Dr. Quinlan, who presented the characteristics of a pedophile with a clear and growing sexual interest in prepubertal women. Randall Married, father of twins. Two six-year-old girls."

When the good people connected the ins and outs, there was another gasp in the scene.Reynolds endorsed their line of thinking. “True. However, Randall was able to convince us at first that his pedophile tendencies would not extend to his own daughters. He admits that the time when he finds girls most attractive is when they are eight or nine years old , Because of this, he was afraid that something might happen to him in the future. In addition, after Uncle Tom's incident was made public, he was stimulated and asked us for help." She paused, took a sip of her tea, and was pleased to see Pittman taking notes. "To complete our evaluation, we informed Randall that, out of concern that he might pose a future threat to his own or someone else's children, some form of preventive treatment needed to be initiated early. to judge what was revealed to us. At this stage, there is no way for us to realize that Randall is using our institution for his own dirty work."

Cage clasped his hands as if praying and shook his head in disbelief.And the other good people, after realizing where Reynolds' words were pointing, they all let out a suppressed exclamation.Pittman listened intently, not reacting to the moral dilemma Reynolds posited, eager for more details. "Dr. Quinlan and I started a course of aversion therapy on Randall, believing in our hearts that we could help the poor man in some way. As you probably know, the first task of aversion therapy is to get the patient to watch To stimulate his images, so as to prevent his deformed sexual desire in the later stage. In this case, it is his pedophilia. For this reason, we obtained some materials such as child pornography through the Ministry of the Interior. This kind of Something that, I'm sure, would turn the stomach of every man and woman in the room." She paused, scanning around her audience, to see if anyone dared not feel sick.

"The Ministry of the Interior handed over child pornography to you to show patients?" Pittman looked skeptical.Did he hear wrong? Reynolds smiled triumphantly. "The Quinlan Institute is one of the few agencies in the country authorized by the Department of the Interior to participate in sexual offender treatment programs. We treat offenders who have committed persistent sexual violence, and we use data from the National Pedophile Squad and It was part of the vast amount of child pornography seized each year by its predecessor, the Obscenity Squad." "Let me be clear. Are you showing child pornography to pedophiles?"

"Very accurate, Inspector. May I proceed, then?" Pittman sighed deeply.At least, she referred to him by his correct rank. "Of course, in hindsight, we realized that Randall was actually using our facility to fulfill his own sadistic sexual fantasies, which we now realize led him to kill again." "You mean..." Cage was very surprised. "You mean, Randall is... Uncle Tom?" The other social workers were stunned. Reynolds had a look of complete sincerity on his face. "That's true, Vera, and that's why I want you to invite the police here today."

The donkeys were nodding again.Pittman realized that he was also nodding, so he quickly put his hand on his chin. "Dr. Quinlan arranged for Randall to see an independent analyst last month to get other opinions when our treatments didn't seem to be having a noticeable effect. We don't have many people in the facility. Pride and belief that you can solve everything. Sometimes a fresh perspective can be very beneficial in treating cases like this." "And how does that connect Randall to Uncle Tom?" "I'd stop there, Inspector, if I had the chance. Dr. Quinlan arranged for Randall to go to a private practice to meet one of our colleagues in South London. Things got mixed up. Randall arrived at the clinic, but was turned away."

Pittman shrugged. "and then?" "The clinic we're talking about is in Woolwich, and a girl was murdered that morning..."
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