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Chapter 105 Chapter 104

sugar and spices 萨菲娜·德福奇 535Words 2018-03-15
"There are rumors that one of the main suspects was questioned about what brand of cigarettes he was smoking." McIntyre shrugged. "So what?" "That's a new angle that justifies the investigation." "Stop wasting my time with such fragments, Matt. I've got a paper to edit. Tell me when you've got all the facts spelled out, and I'll come and enjoy it. Until then , I suggest you take a break and report on something else. Don't forget, that's what we paid you to do. Hurry up before that idiot Kellerman gets a head start on us again Some background digging. Matt, Proctor put me through hell all week because of you. Seriously, he was in a bad mood. Our own reporter was involved and Kellerman was robbing To the head of the story. I know it's been a tough time for you and Claire, but Proctor has a point. It's the biggest crime story since Corpse Ripper, and it's happening right on our doorstep, but we But they are frying the cold rice of other newspapers."

Matt looked sullen. He knew Harvey Proctor was putting pressure on McIntyre. A newspaper boss wants to bully his editors. And the editor had to bully his reporters. "I've been in this business for fifteen years, Mark, and I've never seen anything like it. So many kids killed, yes, but this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Kellerman is doing whatever it takes to get it done Nasty bastard. He doesn't care who gets hurt in this. But I do." "I'm running a newspaper, Matt, not a fucking consulting service." Matt slammed the door behind him. "asshole!"

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